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By EroticAmour

410K 3.5K 801

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By EroticAmour

𝐓he man turned around as if expecting someone, his blue eyes sending a wave of electricity through my body. I looked at him up and down and noticed some scars on his face. Besides that, he's like a Greek God.

His muscular body was visible through his black suit, his hair slightly messy, and I'd say he has the perfect height. 

He impatiently looked at his watch and rolled his eyes. After waiting for a few more seconds, he turned around and headed for the door, followed by a woman.

Who is he?

"Hey," I said. "Do you know the man who was standing there?"

"The one with the blue eyes?"


"Uhh..." She hesitated for a moment. "He's no one. Very little is known about him, and I think it should stay that way." 

She knows something.


"He's no one, okay? Just let it go."

I frowned. When I want to know something, I don't give up until I get my answers.

"You know something, don't you?"

Ignoring my question, she sighed and drove away. After we got on the road, she said-

"I'll say this," she stopped at the red light, adding a dramatic effect to the scene. "Curiosity killed the cat."

𝐀fter taking a shower, I decided to watch a movie to take my mind off things. It took a while to look for a movie, but I found a movie that looked interesting-

Fly High.

{A/N: sorry for the interruption, but please note that this isn't a real movie; I made it up.}

I read the short movie introduction on Wikipedia and watched the three-minute trailer. The trailer was decent at first, but I was taken back by surprise after hearing the line, "Soon...soon"  by the blue-eyed character, Leon Mars.

I've heard that somewhere. And that's not all-

He looks like the man from earlier but younger.

Pausing the video, I opened a new tab and searched Leon Mars actor. With shaky hands, I hit the enter key.

Leon Mars (Fly High) / Actor

Elias Roman

"Elias Roman...?"

I clicked on the bold text to search him up and decided to do some research. I look through his pictures throughout the years, and he's dazzling.

However, his picture collection was discontinued after his twenty-year-old picture. Disappointed, I went onto another website to learn more about him. 

I soon learned that he rose to fame at the age of thirteen, gained worldwide popularity after the release of Fly High, and he was the top model for STYLE Magazines.

As I read the last paragraph, another wave of disappointment washed over me. 

...unfortunately, Roman had "quit his career to focus on his life... and more important things." After he released the announcement everywhere, he disappeared. 

Shaking my head, I closed the tab and continued with the movie. Although I was close to falling asleep at some point, I made sure to pay attention to the important scenes. After I finished, I wanted to do some more research on Elias Roman before I went to bed-

And that's what I did.

I didn't find any intriguing articles until I came across this- 

"Where is Elias Roman, and what is he doing now?"

Raising an eyebrow, I clicked on the article and started reading. 

Mentioning the "retirement" of Elias Roman is a huge "no" for his loyal fans. However, they still can't help but wonder, "What is he doing now?" and "Where is he?"

The short answer is- no one knows. Loyal fans know that he's a secretive man and prefers to remain silent about his personal life, and we should respect that.

However, people can't seem to let go of him and give him the freedom he deserves-

Bullshit. Jump to the point, will you? 

Skipping the useless, boring paragraphs, I started on the first paragraph that got to the point.

Just a while ago, eagle-eyed police Kaeden Lewis spotted a shocking similarity between Roman and-

I gulped and read the next sentence.

-the Italian Mafia RLM's leader- Elijah Romano.

"I have been investigating and working on the case of RLM's crimes," said Lewis. "It isn't until now that I realized the uncanny similarity between Romano and Roman... and it's not just the looks but the names as well."

A picture comparing the two was attached. The resemblance is unbelievable- everything looked almost the same, except for the tattoos.

Now, you decide: coincidence, or not?

Shaking my head, I told myself that Elias is just a look-alike of Elijah or vice versa and went to bed. 

𝐖hen I woke up, the first thing I did was check the calendar on the wall. 

November 30.

December 2 is circled in red marker, indicating that I have to pay my mom's medical bills. Running a hand through my hair, I shook my head and went into the small bathroom to get ready for the day.

After fixing my messy hair, I opened my laptop and looked for jobs.

You know, the strip club option is always available.

Rolling my eyes and telling that annoying voice to shut the fuck up, I searched for easy, decent-paying jobs. 

Oh, and one with a non-perverted boss.

After thirty minutes, I had no luck. 

And that's when I received a notification from fucking Skype.

God, I forgot that thing existed.

Opening Skype, I waited for its slow ass to update so I could see what the notification was. It turns out that Madi had sent a message. 

Madi: Can't believe I'm using this shit, but you broke your phone.

Madi: Anyways, I don't know if you'll see this. But if you do, could you please do me a favor?

Madi: It's urgent, sorry.

Me: I was surprised when I got a notification from Skype. Turns out it was you.

Me: Anyways, what do you need?

I stayed online and went through old chats from years ago until she replied.

Madi: I think I might've left an important file at yours. Would you mind bringing it over? (I'm at work)

That's random. I'll bet she probably did it on purpose.

Me: How? I have no phone to call an Uber.

Madi: I'll call one for you?

Me: Alright, then.

Madi: Thank you so much. You have no idea how much it means to me.

I closed my laptop and got up to get changed- I settled with a simple, white dress. After ten minutes, I grabbed the file on the table and walked downstairs, where the Uber was.

"Morning, Miss. Where are we going today?" The driver asked.

"Uh... Dream Nightclub, please," I replied, my face probably red with embarrassment. 

Not daring to look at the driver after that, I looked out as he started driving.

The drive was peaceful and quiet. The classical music radio was on throughout the whole ride. When we arrived, I paid the driver with the last bit of money I had on me and left after thanking him for the ride. 

I walked in slowly, not wanting to catch too much attention. It was quiet considering how it was still light out, but people were already there, setting up everything. 

"Over here!" Madi called from across the room, drawing unwanted attention to me. I awkwardly smiled at everyone and covered the side of my face with the papers as I made my way to her. 

"Here you go," I said quietly. "I'll get going now. Have fun." 

"Don't you wanna stay?"

"I'd rather not," I said, laughing awkwardly as I backed up, walking backward. But I guess I wasn't exactly looking at where I was going because I bumped into something. 

A pole, I'm guessing? This shit feels hard as fuck.

I looked at Madi, who had a face as if she had seen a ghost- and at the same time, with a little bit of surprise. It took a moment to register what the fuck was going on, but when I turned around, everything made sense. 

A pair of blue eyes looking down at me.

"You should watch where you're going at all times, darling."


May 8, 2022


I'm back, or at least kind of?

I'm aware that this chapter is completely random and useless, so don't point it out please 🙏 The next few chapters will start to get better, I promise.

I'm so sorry for not updating for literally 2 months and 1 day, but finals are assholes, and there's nothing I can do about that yk?

 Anyways, I watched Batman with my friends some time ago, and the ending was disappointing as fuck, but the movie itself was decent/good? 

We even waited for the post-credit scene, and it was a waste of time. So don't wait for that & make the same mistake we did.

I'll try to update more often because it's almost the end of the year, but no promises :)

Thank you all for supporting & being patient with me. Your support is my motivation <3

I love you 🤍

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