STRAYED | Kita Shinsuke

By BlissfullyRhea

6.3K 162 153

Atsumu and Osamu were your older cousins, your best of friends, the boys you grew up with Including their gro... More

The Festival
Valentines one shot


687 18 4
By BlissfullyRhea


Atsumu laughed as he drove alongside his brother and Suna. The three of them weaved their cars in and out of each other's way while being followed by two cops.

They were toying with them, the way they loved to. It was the most fun they'd ever get from cops. the ability to play cat and mouse with the ones that were supposed to be the cat.

It was all fun and games until a black challenger pulled out making them break their formation.

The challenger was customized. Its speed matched even Suna's Koenigsegg jesko, it was the second most expensive car in the group.

The cars speed hit well over 150 miles per hours now, the solo black challenger keeping up by a thread but completely on its own without back up.

"Hey Tsumu, remember that car from the airport" Osamu said through the radio he had in his car, glancing at his older brother who nodded and threw up a sign with his hand.

Suna was way ahead of them now as both the twins slowed to either side of the challenger.

Osamu's' car was a little ahead of the front right tire while Atsumu was a little behind the rear left both the boys staying there while the cop in the challenger tried to lose either one of them by slowing or speeding up, but the twins were too quick.

both boys turned their cars at full speed into the challenger causing it to struggle before the cop lost control and the challenger went tumbling off the street and into the side of a wall, the car smashed into itself, laying on its side.

Neither of the twins waited for the car to stop and by the time the cop got out of his now smashed vehicle he growled staring at the empty streets.

The cop put his hand to his radio and squeezed the button.

"This is officer Sawamura, the vehicle was totaled, and the suspects got away. Come pick me up."


09:38 AM

When you woke up it was later than you'd expected it to be. After you showered you had gone down and made some food for yourself then went to bed, you didn't see Kita for the rest of the night.

When you woke up you stretched out, groaning, you wore some grey cotton Nike shorts and an old hoodie that was large and smelt of that fancy cologne Kita was wearing, you assume one of the girls he brought home must've worn it previously which is why it was with all the other girl clothes he supposedly had.

Your face heated up when you remembered watching him walk into his room with that woman. His muscles flexing with each move. Your mind began to wander somewhere you didn't want it to. So, quickly sitting up you brought both hands up and smacked your cheeks.

"That looked like it hurt."

Shinsuke's raspy voice carried from where he stood in the doorway. His hair was damp, and he was in some grey sweats, shirtless, showing off his v line and six pack but as much as those caught your attention your eyes stared widely at his piercings and just how he stood in general.

He was much tanner, he was lean but not skinny, he was pure muscle.

You hoped your face didn't show how hot you were feeling.

He walked over and crawled onto the bed next to you, yawning as he wrapped his arms around a pillow, pulling you down by your jacket so you laid back down on the bed.

Surprised, you look at him and then point to the door "Your naked girlfriend isn't gonna come barging in the nude again, is she? As much as I appreciate the female body, I prefer not to see anything in detail unless I want it, personally." you laid there watching him seeing as he looked at you and he laughed.

"That wasn't my girlfriend, sorry about that. I'd expected her to be gone, otherwise you could've shared the bed with me and watched fast and the furious like old times. I'll make it up to you, later today." he said looking you over and his hands wandered to the string of his hoodie, playing with it.

"You know you shouldn't sleep with your hair up; it causes more damage."

"What are you? A hairstylist now?"

He scoffed. "I could be."

You gave him a weird face "You're basically bald, don't talk to me about hair management."

"That's rude, Y/N, that really hurt my feelings" he pouted some, leaning up on his right elbow so he could look down at you.

"Come. Let's go eat" he said getting off the bed and you blinked watching him stretch. As much of a dissatisfied face you made, it only masked the practical panting you were doing thinking of his body.

His muscles, the way the light hit him perfectly, his smell, they were all so alluring to you that you couldn't help but stare a little.

"Do I have something on me?" shinsuke asked, concerned with the look you were giving him. He turned looking on his sweats and then his arms and chest before returning his attention to you seeing your smirk.

"You're just so fuckboy" you said receiving a gasp from him along with a disrespected face.

You were the only one who ever got him like this when you were younger. Talkative and full of emotion. He'd always be so stoic around the boys and everyone else that when you got him like this it always seemed special.

"I'm not feeding you anymore. Nope, go fend for yourself." he flipped you off walking out of the room. You couldn't tell if he was serious or not, so you waited for a moment until he popped his head back in.

"Get up." And finally, it felt like no time had passed at all.


"Onigiri, get your onigiri here." Osamu called out from the back of the little onigiri restaurant near the university of Kobe where you would most likely be going to school if you decided to. It was too early for any real customers so Suna and Tsumu were the only ones getting the special made rice balls.

The shop was named Onigiri palace and was one of the very first things Osamu fell in love with outside of the group and cars. It was a decent size with an antique tea house look to it, the owner was an older man with many years put into the shop since it was passed down to him by an old friend. Somehow, the gentleman and Osamu struck up a deal over some sake and Osamu could own the shop on three conditions.

No gang related activities would be taken part in or around the shop.

Osamu must get himself a business management degree.

Osamu had to buy the shop with clean, hard-earned money.

Once these conditions were fulfilled, Osamu would be given rightful ownership over the shop.

It may not have meant much to anyone else, but to Osamu, this was the best deal he'd ever made in his life. He took the management position a year before and started giving all his paychecks to the owner in payment for the shop. He had also enrolled in college classes and aced all of them with help from Shinsuke.

Once 9AM hit, the shop was officially opened and Suna and Atsumu had to start paying for their food, which they whined about but did anyway.

The first real customer to walk in was Hajime Iwazumi who was accompanied by Toru Oikawa, the head of seijoh brawlers. They had met the twins at a car meet in high school and had kept in touch. Shinsuke and Toru had a pretty good relationship, but they did sometimes run into deep waters.

"Welcome, welcome. Didn't expect to see you here" Samu said wiping his hand with a clean rag and setting out some more rice balls.

Hajime smiled walking up while Toru went over and stole a rice ball from Tsumu who glared up at him.

"Yeah, sorry for not coming sooner, this is a nice place you have." Hajime said looking around and reading over the menu.

"No worries, what can I get for you?" Samu asked also checking out the menu then glancing back to Hajime whilst also peeking over at Atsumu and Oikawa who were in a heated discussion over the theft of Atsumus tuna onigiri.

"I was actually hoping you could get your cousin for me" This made Samu turn his full attention to Hajime, He raised an eyebrow.

"Not like that. I haven't seen her in a while and I was hoping to catch up with her, Ya know? I mean she was the one who brought us all together in the first place. When I saw her last night, I mean, I was in awe. She's changed a lot." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

The chime of the shop's door opening interrupted Osamu's response.


The drive to the shop was supposed to be a long drive but it was going by quick with Shinsuke driving.

You watched him closely, you knew the basics of driving a stick, but you never were able to put them into use, you found it fascinating, the way his hand guided the shifter or his foot on the clutch.

He looked like he belonged in one of the movies.

Shinsuke must have noticed how you were watching him because he reached over grabbing your right hand and put it on the shifter, holding it there.

He sped up and used your hand with his to show you how to shift whether it was speeding up or slowing down, his hand held yours in place while he did this, occasionally letting you try on your own.

He was constantly taking over as soon as he sensed any hesitation from you.

You had arrived at the shop 20 minutes earlier than the GPS on your phone had said but you were sure if shinsuke hadn't let you shift you would've been here much earlier than that.

It was a small tea house shop in the middle of a group of other little shops, a boutique to its left with dry cleaning and a café with a station stamp on the right. It was still really quiet and when you finally walked into the shop you stopped and looked at the five boys staring back at you.

"Bun Bun! You're alive" Atsumu smiled casually smacking Oikawa's hand when he grabs another onigiri off his plate, but he immediately gets smacked by Oikawa on the back of his head.

Your hands covered your mouth to muffle the loud, ungodly laugh that erupted once the smack connected. Atsumu cursing out both you and Oikawa while moving his food to the side and rubbing the back of his head.


A low whistle caught your attention, and you turned your head to the counter to see both Iwazumi and Samu.

Iwa smiled looking at you and Samu held up a platter of several onigiri "Food for my favorite girl."

Shinsuke smiled at you as you made your way to the counter and made himself comfortable at the table across from Oikawa, hands in his jacket pockets, sitting quietly.

Oikawa nodded to him and watched you and the other two boys carefully.

When you got the platter from Samu you smiled big at him and held up the platter to look at all the different rice balls, you'd texted Samu about these and he promised he'd give you all the best ones once you got out here, surely these were going to be delicious.

"Oooh these look delicious, Miya." Iwa reached out a hand to pick one up, but you swatted it away rather hard making Hajime grab his hand and hold it to his chest in feign hurt and surprise.

"Let me have one" he said and went to reach again, receiving the same smack from you, He laughed, playfully glaring.

"No. These are mine, buy your own" you shoo him with your hand, and he rolled his eyes.

"Give me a damn rice ball, Y/N" he says trying to look serious.

Shinsuke looked through a mirror that hung, crooked, on the wall next to the front door. He could see the counter perfectly and he watched the two of you closely.

Unfortunately, his eyes seemed to linger a little too long and it caught the unwanted attention of Toru who gave a knowing smirk.

While you and Iwa stood there going back and forth, Toru made his way over wrapping his arms around your waist while leaning his head over your left shoulder and giving a big smile.

"Bunny-Bun how are you?" his right hand sneaking a tuna onigiri off the plate while his eyes stayed on yours. The fingers of his left hand played with the tie of your sweats and from what he could tell both Hajime and Shinsuke were giving off a very strong energy, now.

"I've been fine, how about you?" you asked letting him take the rice ball since you knew it'd piss Iwa off.

when Toru took a bite, he then moved the food near your mouth for you to take a bite as well. You felt as though this was a little set up on Toru's part but went along with it, anyway, taking a bite and humming contently.

These were good, you were going to have to have Samu teach you.

Toru smiled and took another bite after you and smiled to himself. He loved pissing people off. "You know, Y/N, we're having a party tonight-"


The determined voices of the five other boys filled the room at once surprising you and you looked over to the table, all the boys were staring at you with serious faces, even Suna who was previously on his phone was now more attentive.

Pouting to yourself you looked at Hajime and then Samu, both giving the same face and you rolled your eyes.

"I am a grown woman; I know damn well you all aren't keeping me from a party. I could be the DD, the wing woman... though from what I've seen already, you don't need one." you trailed off remembering Shinsuke and that naked girl.

Your face flushed from the thought, and you cleared your throat.

"Maybe I want to have fun after almost dying yesterday and not seeing you guys for eight years. Plus, there's five of you, I'm sure you can watch after me and Toru."

Oikawa's eyes widened some as he looks at you.

"ME? Oh no no, we'll dance and then when you or I find someone who we'd like to do a little more with then we will part, unless you just want to get rid of the beating around and we can confess right here?" he teased.

You stared up at him and smirked some, earning hard glares from around the room.

"If you get me drunk enough, I might pretty boy, I just got here... and I mean as eventful as yesterday was I want to do something normal for people our age and I want all of you to be there." you shrugged and made your way out of Toru's arms towards the table, setting down the platter.

All the boys looked at you and Tsumu sighed.

"I'm not watching her, I'm drinking" he shrugged putting his hands up, eliminating himself from babysitting duties immediately.

Rintaro looked up and looked from Tsumu to you.

"Yeah, I need to get laid" He smiled nervously, permitting a laugh from you.

"I'll do it"

"I don't mind keeping her company"

two voices collided making everyone's head turn in both Shinsuke and Hajime's direction, the two boys stared at each other, also seeming surprised the other spoke.

Their eyes held a steady gaze, it was uncomfortable and heavy. Neither one of them looked away at first and an eerie silence took over the shop.

Samu looked between the two as he came to sit down, and he scooted next to you

"I think, she'll be fine. She's responsible and no one would let her get hurt so we should all just go and enjoy ourselves" he wrapped an arm around you and began eating.

The tension was still high, but everyone mumbled out in agreement.

Shinsuke stared at Hajime for a while longer then looked across at Oikawa. "We need to talk."

He stood up and began walking out but was sure to gently knock his knuckles against your head before walking out.

Hajime watched Shinsuke and Toru's backs as they left, and he sighed looking over at you.

"Later this week, come by the shop. I want to show you this engine I'm working on, I think you'll like it" he smiled and grabbed up a rice ball.

"That sounds fun, sure. Here, give me your number." you say pulling out your phone and opening a new contact so he could add himself in.

His fingers quickly padded across the screen and he took a picture of himself cheesin for the profile picture.

You both said your goodbyes and he left. Shinsuke and Toru never returning either.

You waited with Osamu, Suna and Tsumu for Samu's release to come and as soon as they did you all walked out getting ready to head back to the twins shared house.

They never told you much about it but that they lived there and shared it with a few people. You were only going to stay there for a month before your apartment became available, so you'd be able to see how the boys lived and you didn't have to bother them too much.

When you walked out of the shop you didn't see the car Samu had at the airport but instead three all black Lexus RC F GT3's lined up next to each other.

You watched Suna and Atsumu walk up to their cars, But Osamu stood and stared at you, waiting to see if you were going to ride with him, though it didn't matter since you were all going to the same place.

You ended up riding with Tsumu which you made sure to make a mental note to never do again as he was all over the place and for the first time in your life you felt motion sickness.

"It wasn't even that bad!" He'd yelled when you got to a red light, and you just stared at him with an annoyed glare.

"You drive like you're in Mario kart and got hit by a red shell." you replied, and he gasped.

"That is the most disrespectful thing you could ever say to a man, Y/N.. You really broke me."

To your surprise, tears started to well in his eyes making your own go wide and you began to vigorously wave your hands

"No! No! Tsumu Tsumu I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that" you rambled on trying to figure out what you needed to do to stop him from crying.

You didn't think you were being that mean.

"Forgive me, please? I'll do whatever you want. Don't cry though, it's weird seeing you cry".

Atsumu looked at you and wiped his eyes.

A grown man in a car group was crying because his cousin said he drove like he was in a video game and got hit by a shell.

You've hit a new comedic achievement, that's for sure. "Anything? You promise?" he asked looking at you with lightly reddened eyes.

You nodded and gave a small supportive smile. "Anything, I promise."

He thought about it for a second and sighed "Make your moms Nikujaga" he said, and you nodded "I'll need to ask her for the recipe but sure."

His face completely changed, and he smiled big.

"Sucker!" he laughed continuing to drive and you stared with your mouth agape. His laugh only growing more from your reaction.

"You literally could've just asked, dumbass. You didn't have to fake cry!" you yelled smacking his arm and shaking your head.

"I swear, two days and I'm already getting annoyed by you."




Upon arriving at the shared home of your cousins you had expected something...smaller... A lot smaller, a lot less luxurious.

You drove up to a two-story building and supposedly the entire fifth floor belonged to your cousins and their friends. The windows were similar to those at shinsukes actual house, floor to ceiling.

When you walked in you looked wildly at the space this place had, the first thing was the kitchen with two large fridges and a wine cellar that connected the kitchen and dining rooms. The large living room had a large pit sectional and 80" television, the décor in the home was very minimal but also chaotic at the same time, random pictures were thrown up in two separate spots, nothing matched but it worked.

Making your way down one hall you saw three bedrooms, one had the door opened and the room didn't look like anyone stayed there. You walked in and saw your bags sitting in a walk-in closet, a bathroom to the right of it and a skylight in the ceiling, the room was huge, probably the size of your apartment.

"Ah. You found your room. Good." Suna walked in and jumped on your bed, his hair covering his eyes.

"It's the smallest one but I think it'll fit you, you never really had much in your rooms from what I remember." he looks around.

"My room is down the other hall with the twins, the room next to yours belongs to a guy named Kiyoomi, he's never really around but he's sorts of a clean freak and the kitchen and living room are a big thing for him so, be aware of that." he pointed out and rubbed his tongue along the inside of his cheek as he thought.

"Oh yeah! we have a horror movie night and scream a lot so also be aware of that, we have a lot of people over...including girls so just maybe invest in some headphones if you don't already have any." he smiled.

"It can get kind of loud when three of us have a girl over."

They were all whores. Every single one of them. You rolled your eyes "Don't worry, I think I'll be fine."

The day went by relatively slow; you were able to set your stuff up so it would be easy to pack up when it came time to move to your own little apartment. You took a shower and started getting ready for the party.

You finished straightening out your makeup, which was light and fixed it up a bit before grabbing your black Louis Vuitton heeled boots and walked to the living room.

"WOAH WOAH" You hear instantly when you walk out, and you look up confused to see six pairs of eyes on you. It seems your cousins' friends had come over to pregame. All the boys were dressed up.

Atsumu wore a half-buttoned silk dress shirt that was silver and had sewn in Japanese cherry blossoms in black. Tight black jeans with rips in the knees and a pair of Chelsea boots to finish off the look. He was staring at you like you did something wrong.

"Don't mind him... Y/N, what are you wearing?" Osamu piped up and smiled looking at your outfit like that couldn't possibly be the answer. He was in a similar pair of jeans without the boots and instead all-black Jordan's in their place, he was also wearing a basic plain white Tee.

You rolled your eyes and looked down at your outfit. You wore a front-tied long sleeve that showed off your stomach and cleavage and some black pants that matched the black boots in your hand. This one was much less revealing than your original pick, so you didn't understand why you were getting crazy looks.

"You look sexy, Y/N," a familiar voice said making you turn to them. You were met with a beaming Shoyo who waved a loose hand at you. His fingers were covered in rings and his black satin shirt matched Atsumus showing off his chest.

He was in blue jeans and heeled Chelsea boots that added some height, though he was still shorter than you.

"Ah- fuck off little shrimp boy. This is Y/N" Suna said walking up in a plain shirt and the matching jacket all the boys had, his black jeans also having rips in them and a little chain dangling from his pocket, connected to a belt loop. He had some basic white AF1's on and a cigarette from between his teeth.

His eyes looked you up and down "Oh hell yeah, you look hot."

You laughed confiscating his cigarette to throw away and looked at them all once more.

"Thank you?"

you saw another male walk out with food in his hands, he was in blue ripped jeans and a black button-up looking at you with a piece of bread in his mouth, he looked surprised when he seen you and quickly dusted off his hands to shake yours.

"MNife to meet ou" his words came out loudly muffled and somewhat incoherent, but you understood.

"Nice to meet you." you shook his hand smiling some. He was tall and goofy, his hair standing straight up in a mix of black and white and he was strongly built, towering over you at your normal height, his eyes were a beautiful shade of milky golden that could entrance anyone.

"My name is Bokuto, you can call me Ace. That's my street name," he said clearly now, having swallowed the food.

He didn't comment on your appearance like the other boys, which you appreciated, and he was very professional with how he held himself.

"Okay introductions are done, Bun bun, go change," Atsumu said hastily trying to push you back to your room.

You swatted his hands away and flicked his forehead.

"It was either this or a skirt that shows my ass, you pick" you crossed your arms giving him his ultimatum.

"Put your damn shoes on."

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