Love for you lxlight +18 #Jus...

By whateveralice123

6.5K 168 91

What if Light was never Kira? Feelings left unsaid plagued both L and Light. After the case is over, by chanc... More

I love you I swear Part 1
I love you Light-kun Part 2
The Second Location Part 4
The Cinema part 5
Under The Stars Part 6
Catching Kira Part 7
Love Part 8
Content Part 9

Dinner Part 3

885 25 39
By whateveralice123

Light's Pov

I never expected to see him at that coffee shop. Thank god I went to that "date" earlier I thought. I wonder what brings him to Japan? I'm sure there are all sorts of cases elsewhere so why here?

My hands moved quickly along my shirt unbuttoning, it wouldn't be long till we would meet up. As I removed my remaining clothes, I went to the bath seeking a shower. God, I wish he was mine. I had entertained that thought a number of times but none the less it was practically an impossible request. I love him but how can I tell him? What would I say?

How I would like to have him here right now in the shower all wet and covered in soap I thought. Shaking the thought from my head as I felt a stirring in my stomach, I rinsed myself off before getting dressed. Grabbing my wallet and my keys, I promptly left.

After a while I was in front of the coffee shop, it was only a couple minutes until I saw L walking towards me. "Hello Light-Kun," L exclaimed.

"You know L if you like you can drop the Kun," I mentioned.

"Does Light-Kun want me to drop the Kun?"

"Perhaps, " I said.

"Alright Light, where is it you're taking me?" L asked. Grinning, I looked at him feeling a slight rush.

"Not telling," I exclaimed childishly. "You'll have to see," I continued to tease watching the detectives eyes perk up.

"Alright, I'll bite," L stated before we both headed off.

We had arrived at our destination it was a restaurant that I knew L like me could appreciate. "We're at destination one," I claimed.

"There's more than one destination?" L asked.

"Of course," I said. Bringing him to the entrance we were met by a waiter who asked us for our reservations and took us to our table in the corner. He then gave us menu's before leaving us. The restaurant was amazingly futuristic and held a fancy atmosphere. The tables were polished and a dark brown mahogany, it was accompanied by clear glass chairs which were supported by rich oak legs.

"Hmm everything looks good here," I stated.

"Light how did you book us a table on such short notice?" L asked

"I had already booked one before," I said smiling.

"Oh with Misa Amane," L exclaimed.

"Oh god no. Not to sound like a loner but I originally booked for one person," I said. L smiled at me before looking intensely at the menu. Did he look upset at the thought of me booking it for Misa? I thought wanting to test L's behaviour.

"I wouldn't bring Misa here it's so quiet and peaceful she'd disturb the atmosphere," I said instantly seeing a glow on L's face hmm.
"She still doesn't understand I don't have feelings for her. I trust you won't tell my father when I say this but we actually met in a club, as soon as she saw me she straight away latched on. After learning my name she told me that she loved me and was going to wait until I loved her back, " I said.

L's eyes widened, he had no idea that such a thing had occurred. "Really Light, so she's like a stalker,"

"Pretty much. I really don't know how to deal with her. She has ambition and talent, I don't want her to throw that all away but she even threatened to kill a friend of mine just because she is a female, she's crazy obsessed. And worst of all she somehow tracked me down to find where my house was," I sighed again.

"That's extremely dangerous behaviour Light. I believe the best course of action would be a restraining order. I'm surprised that you haven't mentioned it before. Would you like for me to deal with it?" he offered making me bite my lip out of content. It was a rather helpful offer but I waved my hand.

"It's fine don't worry about it,".

"If you are sure but feel free to contact me anytime if you need any advice,"

"I'll keep that in mind," I exclaim smiling a little. He's so cute when he's concerned.

I then started remembering that dreadful night I was at the gay club with some of my friends of mine that had gotten me a fake id and she came up to me, leaving her model friends claiming don't go near the cute one pointing to me, urgh I shrugged off the thought.

"So Light goes clubbing? You would have needed a id to get in," he smiled "Any particular place around here?" L asked. You always catch on quick L and I love that about you. Should I tell him?

"Yeah I guess occasionally. I go to the one... Two blocks from here," I exclaimed grinning at his evaluation.

L's pov

Two blocks? The only facilities in around a two-block radius of this restaurant is a cinema, two cafés and that gay club!

"And what prey tell led Light in a gay club?" I asked grinning. Seeing Light blush caused a chain reaction and soon I found warmth in my cheeks. I've never seen him go red unless it was in one of those dreams of mine. Where Light was chained to the bed naked and covered in frosting. Hmm

L snap out of it!

"As long as you don't tell I'll say," Light said.

"You have my word," I said.

"Urgh I go to that gay club because I am interested in men," Light stated. He's gay! Like me.

"Really Light? What would your father say," I asked twiddling with the fork on the table. No wonder Light really dislikes Misa any other straight man would like that perky blond.

"That's why he isn't going to find out. Coincidently I was informed that my second name screams I'm gay in English. So technically it isn't really a secret," Light mentioned with that look in his eyes. They were wise and sharp but also gorgeously kind.

"Yes I see Light imagay Yagami," I grin a little at his childish conment. Seeing Light lower his head a little.

"I'm sorry for teasing but if it makes you feel less embarrassed," I stated realising how his eyes looked a little uncertain. "I'm also in the same boat," I said making Light's eyes perk up.

"The Great L Is gay," Light said a little too loud.

"Young man show some respect to the man who caught that dreadful serial killer," a woman said as she was paying her cheque to leave.

"Yes Light-Kun show some respect," I said making Light red.

"Gomenasai," Light said and after the lady left I burst out laughing.

"Shut up it's not funny," Light said stifling a smile.

"Can I take your order?" a lady asked giving a generic smile.

"Yes I'll have this salad here with some garlic bread and my friend will have these two deserts," Light said giving our menu's back and looked back to me.

"How did Light know what I wanted?" I asked giving an impressed look.

"I was close to you for a while, you get to learn another person's requirements,".

Close he said, not chained, not shackled? Why does he say it with no hatred? As they sat a while, neither of us spoke. It wasn't unpleasant it felt right. We did not need to speak or interact. It was then Light broke the silence.

"You know L with all the stress we endured, I enjoyed working with you even when I was physically attached to you with chains, is that strange?" Huh.

Swallowing my fears I looked him in the eye. "No I don't believe it is. I actually feel the exact same, I must admit I've wanted to call you for a while but I was worried you wouldn't want to associate with me," I explained.

"Why?" Light asked confused.

"I thought you disliked me maybe even hated me for accusing you of being Kira. I felt bad," I answered.

"No of course not... L," Light said placing his hand over mine. Bringing a shiver down my back and a warmness in my stomach.

"Here's your food," a lady said. "Hope you enjoy call me if you need something,"

Light removed his hand and cleared his throat slightly.

"Arigato," Light said nervously looking back at me. "This looks good," Light said I nodded in agreement wanting him to continue. Did he really place his hand on mine? Why? I asked myself. Was it on accident? Was it only to express himself?

"So Light, I heard you're solving cases congratulations on your last case I heard about it in the newspaper, no evidence at the crime scene yet you still got the killer. I expect no less from you," I said taking the glasses from the waitress who returned "Arigato gozaimasu," I said to the lady.

"You're too kind it was nothing really, so you solved a case I remember you mentioning earlier," Light said no longer wanting to speak of such a boring topic in ok himself.

"Yeah some idiot was killing women no evidence at the crime scene but he was known for having a grudge, he was making videos filming the murders on his phone and was putting it online and never knew what he thought was a private server was actually a public forum," I said seeing Light facepalm.

"Oh wow that's the worst one I've ever heard," Light exclaimed. I started laughing.

"Yes it was pretty bad he never showed his face but he was very vocal it didn't take long to find the culprit and find proof of their crimes and without questioning him. The police were having quite a bit of difficulty figuring who it was though," I said.

"Oh God, it got even worst," Light started laughing "That's ridiculous! I was hearing rumours a little about a case like that but I had my hands full on my own cases,"

"I'm sure you could have figured it out," I said seeing him smile sweetly.

I took a bite of the strawberry tart in bliss. It was perfect. It was by far the best tart I have ever had, though sweet like regular ones it was moist and the topping was fresh and had a sharp taste, no muddy flavours or dry or soggy crust! "This pastry is heavenly! Thank you for taking me here, " I exclaim taking a large piece onto my fork and allowing my taste buds to savour it completely.

"You're welcome L," Light exclaimed picking up his glass to drink it noticing there was nothing in it. I chuckled lightly, "There are some refillable machines shall I get us something?" I asked

"No let me get it," Light said smiling sweetly. How can he be so cute and charming? He also looks really good in those tight jeans and that silk black dress-shirt. I watched as Light filled up both of our glasses with ice and what looked like coke in one and sprite in the other.

Coming back to the table he placed the Sprite in front of me.

"Light is on a role today now I know I've never drunk sprite in front of you how do you do it?" I asked, Light just shrugged giving me a cheeky grin.

"Who knows, "

He's so handsome today, it's like he's trying to lure me with his good looks. No, I frowned he's not hitting on me.

"You know you look cute when you frown L," Light said with a amused smile before pursing his lips a little as though shrugging the comment as soon as it escaped his lips. I think he's hitting on me.

"I look cute?" I asked grinning at Light's comment.

"... Yeah you are... I mean when you pull that look it looks ador... cute," I smiled wider lifting my thumb to my lips. Ahh, Light looks sweet when his words get muddled.

"Hmm," I hummed to myself, moving on from the tart to the cheesecake I felt my eyes widen, "Mmm,"

Light burst out laughing.

"Oh I'm sorry do I look cute," I chuckled. Seeing Light's face redden as he continued to laugh "It's better than the other one," I said. "Here try," I exclaimed stabbing my fork into the cake, he went to take the fork out of my hand but looked slightly shocked when I placed it right next to his lips. He opened his mouth moving closer and bit down on the fork and pulled the creamy topping into his mouth with his teeth and was it me or was it almost seductively? I shivered slightly. It was then his tongue run along the fork and if I weren't slightly aroused before I was now. The look in his eyes was too much and I had to look away.

Light's pov

L moved his fork to my mouth I awkwardly bit down on the fork not wanting to get the flavour of what I ate onto the fork when I saw L's eyes widen. Hmm, he almost looks... Excited. Is that possible? No of course not. Is he? Fuck it I thought closing my mouth around the fork and sucking on the fork. He shivered at the motion staring at me in total awe he looked almost fascinated. No impossible. I took one step further and licked the fork clean. He exhaled abruptly his eyes widening. I grinned

"What," I said in an attempt of embarrassing him as payback from when he was teasing me earlier.

"Nothing Light, I was thinking of something," Yeah like what? Me sucking something else? Now that I look back on everything I think we both had crushes on each other.

"Has L taken a liking to anyone?" I asked, L just took a long sip of his sprite frowning when it was all gone.

"Whose Light's crush?" L asked attempting to bring the attention back to me.

"I asked first " I mentioned L sighed.

"Yes Light I do," refusing to look at me

"Who is it?" I asked

"I asked first Light," L said smiling.

"Not telling," I grinned.

"Well then I'm not saying mine," L stated urgh.

"Do I know them?" I asked.

Sighing, "Yes Light," L exclaimed. "Do I know yours?" L asked. To this, I nodded,

"It's not Matsuda is it?" I said holding in my laughter. L's eyes softened and a chuckle comes out.

"No, it's not, you?" He asks.

"God no," I say taking a sip of my drink before laughing with him.

"Light is too embarrassed to tell me and I'm not telling mine unless you say yours first," L explained.

"How about if you don't approve with who I'm talking about?" I asked feeling a hint of worry emerge in my stomach.

"Light, I wouldn't mind who you date its none of my business who you date," L exclaimed.

"L if I tell you and you disprove I want you to forget that I told you it and we'll avoid it like the plague you have to promise me that," I said feeling nervous.

"Yes alright, I swear," L stated, equally as nervous he showed a slight sadness he wanted to know but he also didn't want to know. Does L like me? Or am I reading him wrong? Will he be happy when I tell him that I love him? Or is it he's nervous about saying his own?
"L my crush is... " I started

"Hi, are you finished with your food? I'll take it if you're finished. Did you enjoy your meal?" she asked.

"Yes very much thank you," I said. She gave me the receipt and a pen. Grabbing my cheque I hear L shuffle.

"Light let me," L started.

"No it's fine I got it," I said at him and giving it to the women.

"You have a charming boyfriend," the lady said winking at L before leaving. L's eyes were wide perhaps even as wide as mine.

"L," I called. L looked up at me a little red faced. God, I hope you'll be mine I thought leaning forward and bringing my lips to L's, gently kissing them. His lips were so soft and flavoured like strawberry and sweet syrup, after a second I noticed I was still kissing him and he wasn't kissing back. Fearful I moved back when suddenly I felt his lips press into mine. It was so soft yet so sensual I thought loving the gently touch. Hesitant I pull back.

"L my crush is you," I said.

"You may be my crush," L exclaimed. I placed my fingers underneath his chin and lifted his head and brought our lips together again for a more certain kiss, it was sweet and all so warm. I pulled away beaming as I took L's hand and we walked out of the restaurant.

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