Supergirl's brother. A cat gr...

By unknown6741

56.8K 1.9K 121

Cat grant x male reader Supercorp Sanvers More

Just the beginning
New boss
First day
Dinner invitation
Sick day
Heroes don't break
Red K Kara
Fight with hope
Meet the family
New beginnings
Love sick
The Ex
A new problem
Secrets don't last 
Trouble in paradise
The return
A cold luthor and a stubborn Danvers.
Come back to me
The invitation
Fallen god
Heartbreak central
Three's a crowd.
Woman down
Disturbed dinner


2.7K 76 4
By unknown6741

"Whoa what's the rush?" Kara throws her hands up like she had been caught in the act and froze up standing behind the kitchen counter with a tub of potstickers. The girl was already in her bright pjs and her glasses had been placed on the counter.

"Cat knows" you shouted dumping your coat into the mess that you call a coat hanger, you tugged your glasses off collapsing them shut and placing them in the bowl beside the door where car keys would go of either of you ever learnt to drive.

"Knows?" She asked letting her hands fall back down to her side and sliding the pot stickers over to your side of the counter as a peace offering although she wasn't so sure why.

"That I'm a super" you explained grimacing at what Kara had offered you before turning your expression back to one of seriousness.

"Oh that's it?" She questioned taking back her container gleefully and digging back into her comfort food with a large smile.

"That's it?! She what?"

"Oh she's known for a long time" Kara shrugs like it was world wide news that Cat Grant knew but hey where's your memo?

"And you didn't think to mention that my boss knows that?" You questioned with a brow raised.

"Didn't even cross my mind to be honest" she shrugged diving back into the potstickers without a care in the universe.

"Kara!" You ripped the potstickers out of sight wanting her full attention on the matter. How could she be so calm? The queen on media knows your secret.

"I'm sorry okay" she smiled weakly leaning her head to the side as she finishes of the potsticker in her mouth.

"Not good enough" you spoke coldly knowing that yet another of Kara friends or acquaintances knew one of your deepest secrets.

"Come on, just talk about what happened" she ushered placing her hands together and leaning against the counter forgetting about her precious container.

"I want pizza" you grinned sliding over her phone, if you had to speak about it, it wouldn't hurt to get a little something.

"Fine I'll order pizza, the date?" She asked looking down to the app on her phone, punching in what would be your fifth meal of the day.

"That's it really" you shrugged unsure what else was left the say. "I met her she said thanks for saving her the other night, we had dinner and I walked her home" you explained your evening, you hadn't really had any chance to compare your evening it wasn't like you were the going out kinda guy.

"You walked her home?" Kara threw her phone to the side in a cheerful fashion fortunately for her it stayed in one piece what was not enough to say to the wall, a small Crater left in the phones war path.

"Kara careful" you lectured knowing how easily excited the girl would get.

"Sorry I'm excited"

"What do you think is happening here?" You raised a brow unsure what all the comments and looks people were giving would even entail of. Cat was your boss and it was her direct order to go to dinner so why were people making such a big deal out of it?

"Nothing" she explains but crunches up the lines of her forehead giving away that the girl was definitely holding something back.

"Kara" you said sternly glaring back at the girl.

"It's just Cat doesn't hate you and trust me that's rare" she explained honestly and it got you thinking, maybe she was right. Cat Grant hadn't been so awful to you and trust yourself when you say that because you had enough evenings of Kara complaining about the woman.

"Good I'm done with haters right now" you frowned slightly taking your time to slip on the sofa. "how it go with you?" You asked turning the conversation from your strange relationship that you had going on with your boss 

"It didn't go so good but we made it" Kara explained leaning over the small coffee table to collect the remote in her hand.

"What happened?" You asked resting your feet up on the table with a small sigh of relief, you had been on edge mostly the entire day.

"Watch for yourself" she ordered softly turning over to the news channel, then crossed her arms across her chest, the remote itself sliding between you both.

Reporter: "Senator, this decision is in light of an alien at your rally. What changed?"

The camera turns back to the senator who's wearing what seems to be a small smile or something but it had been a dramatic change to what she was like when you had first met her. "Supergirl. She apprehended my attacker and saving who knows how many lives. Her efforts to protect me and National City taught me that not all visitors to our world are the enemy. And as a nation, we cannot let fear dictate our future."

You smiled trailing your eyes back up to Kara who's watching with her own proudness. "That's great sis but I'm sure Ms Grant isn't going to be happy that she missed this" you sighed knowing that Cat wanted a front row seat to what had gone down rather than having dinner with her new assistant.

"True but Pizza is here" Kara hoped up and took the door, basically tearing the pizza box from the poor boys hands and slamming the door behind her.

You chuckle seeing the boy frown at her sudden movements but it's caught of by the sound of a Female newscaster: "We interrupt this program for breaking news. Supergirl and Captain super have arrived at the scene of the accident on Route 1."

"How are we there?" You stood up eyeing the two figures on the screen looking exactly like you and your sister. Kara slowly returns back to your side a potsticker plopped in her mouth between her teeth as she cuddles the mountain of pizza in her hands but only for that said potsticker to fall from her O shaped lips in shock.


"I don't understand- wait I'm I real? No that's too dark" you explained rapidly your mind spinning webs of what the hell had happened last night. You held your head in your hand as you mind continued to spiral into some deep thoughts, you were no closer to finding out who those imposters were and it didn't help that you were tired.

The elevator pings and soon enough you both step from its metal comfort. "The DEOs got this for now just relax, go give Cat her coffee" Kara explains sighing, she walks of without another word but you could tell that the girl had been worrying all night by the constant tossing and turning that radiated from her room.

"Oh, my Rao" you whispered to yourself having seen Kara disappear you trailed on her words forgetting a certain something that you had not collected this morning. You see Cat stepping out of her own private elevator with a sway, she smiled taking of her sun glasses as you approached her in worry. "I forgot... Ms. Grant, I'm sorry, if you'll just give me a minute, I'll go get your latte." You explained sincerely you didn't want to get on her bad side after the events of last night.

Cat doesn't let of a frown which makes you wonder down to the cup already placed in her hands. "Oh, I had a little extra time this morning, so I stopped and I got my own. Oh, and I almost forgot, I picked one up for you, too. Plain green tea for a simple guy" she smirked holding the large To go cup out towards you.

"That's actually my go-to." You muttered under you breath taking the cup and staring down to it. The woman brought you tea? Okay you were starting to think maybe you were right; something seriously weird is going on right now.

"Hmm. All right, people, how are we going to frame this? Give me headlines that will grab eyeballs" she clears her throat waiting for the rest of you to come into the room. You placed your tea down quickly on your desk reaching over to take you pen and note pad and head into the room, taking you place near Kara at the front only giving you access to watch Ms Grant. "You, go."

"Superteam Gone Rogue." A reporter suggests making your nose scrunch up at the mention of your weird super doppelgängers. Cat watches you from the corner of your eye but gives the room no indication that she was doing so, it's not like anyone really liked to give the woman eye contact so no one cared.

"Mmm, well, Superteam Gone Wild would be better, Kelly, but it's still not right. What else?" Ms Grant asks sitting down at her desk with a sigh waiting for someone to give her a good headline.


"Are you asking me or are you telling me? Uh... Exactly, that's why it's not a good headline, Derek. What else?" Cat shuts him down quickly and scans the room for more suggestions that left your stomach flipping of nerves, you had already had haters and now the whole world thought of you as a super villain.

What surprises you is the next voice in the room you pick up comes from Kara beside you. "Maybe it's not even them at all." She tries to whisper but the eyes of the room had already snapped to her hanged head. You nudged her giving her a look, one that spoke 'are you serious right now?'

Cat Grant herself seemed to pick up the tension between you both but continued to poke at the topic "Kara. Well, that was, um... Interesting. Say more." She urges leaning over sightly on her desk, everyone else seemed to be interested in such a controversial idea.

"Maybe it's an imposter?" Kara starts unsure where she could go from here but it was already to late to take it back so she pressed on. "Pretending to be Supergirl and the same with Captian super you know?" She smiled weakly waiting for the retaliation from her.

But it didn't come. Cat seemed seriously interested in what Kara had to say. "Hmm, go on."

Kara shrugs and turns to you quickly before darting her attention back to the boss "I don't know, uh, maybe it's someone trying to discredit them both." She suggests with great confidence.

She seems to think about it for a moment and you give the floor your full attention, you hated been roped into complex situations. "Oh, I like that angle. It gives our girl and guy the benefit of the doubt. It shows that we're choosing not to believe the worst in people. Yes. Yes, I can see the headline clearly now. The word Superteam, with a question mark. As in, "Superteam?" Hmm, that's good, that's good. All right, everybody get out." She explains clearly liking her own ideas, it wasn't sure why she need these people around, she was obviously her own inspiration, it was something that you could admire about her, somewhat like yourself you stuck to your own guts.

It doesn't take long for the room to become empty- well just you and Cat who's pretending to not notice your lingering presence, her eyes settling on her screen probably writing her piece that would free you and Kara from blame.

"Ms. Grant, um, can I ask you a question?" You ask after waiting for the room to be free of any eavesdroppers.

She looks up with faux shock like she's surprised that you had even addressed her. "Oh! Oh. Yes, my door is always open." She explains smiling, taking her glasses from her face.

"You brought me tea" you stated standing awkwardly in front of her desk.

"Sorry I'm still waiting for the question"

You shook you head lightly. "I mean why? Why did you buy me tea?" You asked, curious to why the woman was being nice to you, maybe because you were a superhero? But then again it didn't explain her attitude towards Kara.

Cat takes a minute thinking over her response but lets out a dramatic sigh. "I was feeling generous, now anything else I can help you with or are you going to answer my questions" she turns the tables quickly burying her good deeds before you pressed on.

"Oh before you do, it wasn't me or Kara" you informed her of your doppelgängers that had been flying over the city making you look bad. 

"I had a feeling it wasn't" she explained softly, she takes another slip of her latte and leans back holding on to that good mood she had blessed the office with this morning. The woman had seriously lost that tension about her and had took a page out of Karas book- relax.

"Well thanks I should probably go" you excused yourself quickly, taking a beeline towards Winns desk where of course they both waited.

"It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Winn explains as he notices you returning from Ms Grants office with a raised brow, curious to what the two were whispering about. Kara let's out  a small chuckle sitting down at the corner of Winns desk and Winn sits comfortably on his chair melting into its comfort collecting his hands together in his lap.

"That thing in Ms. Grant's office looks like Ms. Grant. She sounds like Ms. Grant, but... But she's being nice to everyone in a way Ms. Grant never would." He continues making you roll your eyes at his observation of her mood shift, it definitely did turn the dynamic of the office, everyone was less on edge.

"Well, just enjoy it while it lasts." Kara suggested looking over your shoulder to watch cat calmly talk to another reporter without any indication of anger or annoyance.

"She's not that bad" you whispered under your breath but it wasn't enough to stop your alien sister from picking it up only making her grin at you for taking your bosses side. You cleared your throat quickly. "I mean I'd try but it's hard to enjoy anything when there's a body-double of me flying around the city, making me look bad." You shrugged only mentioning it for the millionth time today and it wasn't even 10 yet.

"Oh yeah that"

Winn pulled himself towards his computer diving into his investigation"We're on it. What do you need?"

Kara leans in as you take the opportunity to scan the room to make sure no one was listening in. "Maxwell Lord had a woman in his lab, she could be tied to this. Can you check local hospitals to see if any comatose patients have gone missing recently? My age, my height, my weight and then try the same with y/n." She explained, a evil supergirl made sense but the guy had took his time to bring you both down, if he had access the hospitals it didn't look like he would be easily brought down.

"Yeah, yeah, I know all those." He waved his hand dismissively making you look at him in concern. "What, I measured her for her suit but you I'm going to need them" he explained, you hadn't had a suit created by Winn but rather left it in the hands of the DEO who had given you a similar costume to both supergirl and superman, although on occasion you would bring a bow staff on missions, it made more sense to thugs that carried weapons and of course it was cool as well.

"Anyway you need to take her out more" Kara explained after a brief silence, the only noise being the tapping on the keyboard.

"Excuse me?" You asked snapping towards your sister who's now staring back at Cat calmly looking through a collection of papers at her desk, a small pencil tucked between her teeth as if she was in deep thought.

"Well thinking about it now, you took her out last night" Winn added on to Karas thought turning his attention away from the research.

"Yes no new news there Sherlock" you muttered sarcastically being defensive of whatever they were excusing you of.

"Don't you see the connection? You go with her to dinner and the next day she's well THAT!" Winn dramatically gestures to the woman seen through clear glass.

You take a quick peak and surely enough they were right. Cat had been acting differently but you were sure that it had nothing to do with her good mood, it all had to be a coincidence right? "Eugh you two are the worst, I got work to do" you rolled your eyes in annoyance heading back to your desk nearby but your eyes could fall away from Cat.

"Sure you do! I've seen you play connect four by yourself on that very laptop" Kara added crossing her arms as she pushes herself from her lean on Winns desk.

"And I still lose" you exclaimed falling back into your desk chair clearly your mind was too occupied by the thoughts of Cat Grant to realise the response.

"That really isn't proving your point" Kara grins at Winns comment and turns to leave, you caught the figure of Lena heading the same way to, holding what seemed to be a bag of donuts.

"Shut it Winn" you scold turning on your laptop and reaching over to take your tea, pressing the cup against your lips and letting the heat burst from the cap, the smell hitting your nose, oh Rao that's good! You thought slipping more of the green elixir.


You continue to work on bits and bobs of the paperwork stacking up on your desk. You made priority over Cats orders and completed them quickly to ensure that the woman stayed put in her happy place.

Your ears perk up at the sounds of the hung tv in the office. "Now to a story we are covering live. The National Island Tramway is dangling, leaving passengers stranded and in peril. NCPD and emergency rescue workers are en route but eyewitness accounts suggest they may not get there in time." You dart your eyes over to Kara who retreats into the room and stomps over to you quickly avoiding any suspicion she carry's a wad of paperwork.

"Hey I've got this" she whispers placing the fake documents on your pile but the act wasn't need, people were too interested in the news. It wasn't long until people gathered in small groups chatting away about the unraveling story.

"I can come with" you argued getting up anyway, you were sure this would attract the attention of your new found friends.

"No no I've got this" she waved her hand dismissively heading back to a empty room and changing quickly flying to the scene before anyone else could notice her disappearance.

You sighed pushing the glass door of Cats office, earning the attention of the woman at the desk. She looks up as you shuffle closer into the room "Just thought you should know that Karas just, you know" you did a small super flying pose to confirm your statement.

"Bizarro." She stated simply, taking her glasses from her face and placing them in front of her.

You threaded your brows together. "It's not that weird she does it a lot you just never noticed." You explained honestly, you couldn't all be in two places at once.

"No, I named them Bizarro" she explains more clearly looking back at her display of monitors which are all littered with news articles of the clone like Supergirl and yourself.

You trailed up to where she was looking. Clearer photos had been received and it was weird how naturally the man looked just like yourself. "Isn't that a bit complex if their both named Bizarro?" You asked clearly confused why they had the same name.

"Well you can be Bizarro one and Ka-rah can be two" she added spinning back round to meet your gaze. Your about to argue about the names but the door flys open and Winn burst in before you could.

"Sorry I don't mean to interrupt...whatever this is but y/n I got that information you needed" he explains with urgency obviously revering to the topic at hand.

You glance back a Cat who's wearing a smile and placing her reading glasses back on the top of her nose. "Well go along then" she puts her hands out to shoo you both from the room.

Once the door falls shut Winn pulls you over to a clear corner dropping his volume as he speaks.
"John smith matching your height, weight and coloring... He was taken in National City General about three months ago after a car pileup accident and like supergirls twin they've been in a coma ever since."

"Where are they now?" You asked crossing your arms to the new found information. You had to track them before they could do anymore damage to your reputation.

"Good question." Winn looks back down to the tablet in his hand and strolls down reading the information aloud "Both of them were transferred to a private facility, a Prometheus Genetics. Three guesses who owns it." He teases.

"Max Lord." You spit thought gritted teeth.

"Bingo." He snaps his fingers sarcastically before glancing back down to his tablet.

"Make sure Kara knows were going after that son of a bitch" you exhale finally releasing some pent up anger, you were ready to make him pay.

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