Death From Below: Season 1: K...

By Flase_King

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[Tirpitz x Male Reader] The Leviathan, a creature of the deep resembling a sea serpent with a dragon's head a... More

Bio: Y/N "Leviathan" Krüger
Prologue/Chapter 1: Leviathan's Demise and The Leviathan Lives On
Chapter 2: "Old" Man In Ironblood
Chapter 3: Time With The Queen and A Sadist?
Chapter 4: Ironblood's Marksman Meets The Kitsunes
Chapter 5 (Part 1): Attack & Awakening
Chapter 6 (Part 2): Re-encounter and New Family Member
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Chapter 8: True Intentions & Pain
Chapter 9: War & The Sacrifice
In-game Bio: KMS Krüger
Chapter 10: End of War & Used for War
New Book
Chapter 11: Old Rivalry & Azur Lane [Finale]
Epilogue: Future & Vows
Future: Poll
SS2 is Out!

Chapter 7: Azur Lane's New Goal and Break

2.7K 38 75
By Flase_King

Explain it to me: ↑ I can't tell if it's a bug or a feature, but I want you guys to give me info about the cover photo of this chapter.

A/N: The fight on the island will make a heavy impact on Azur Lane and the plot, but mostly Enterprise because of her defeat.

Azur Lane

3rd POV

Medical Ward

In the infirmary, there lies Enterprise, Belfast, Prince of Wales and a few more, due to the battle at the island many got injured by the enemy, mostly because of Levi, the new power-house of ironblood and their new ally, Gregory.

Enterprise just lied down there, motionless as she was in deep thoughts about her new found goal, to prove herself to Gregory, the noble swordsman who defeated her.

Enty: "I may be ruthless, but fighting someone who is weaker than I am is dishonorable...." I lost to him.... I lost my chance to prove myself.... Why did he let me live..? Was it to make myself stronger..? Was it to redeem myself..? Or was it because he see something in me... It doesn't matter, as long as I live, I'll keep trying to prove them wrong!

After many years of victory, she had finally found an enemy that should would look up to, surpass and possibly conquer on the near future (totally not foreshadowing).

As for the Royal Navy ships that fought against Levi, they had decided to get stronger and get their revenge on him for hurting their fleet, mostly Hood, her defeat damaged not only herself but also her pride, being the pride of the Royal Navy made her think of herself as a role model for the future generations of said faction, due to her defeat, she had had dedicated herself to redeem herself and defeat Levi and the sirens once and for all.

Vestal worked herself to her limits, being the repair ship of Azur Lane made her surpass her current limts and break them, she had patched them up, but it'll take weeks to full recover from the battle both physically and mentally. Ever since the battle on the island, almost everyone that returned had found a new purpose or goal in life and that is to conquer the two new power-houses of Crimson Axis.

One Week Timeskip brought to you by:

A week later, Enterprise started training herself more then usual, doing double of her usual routine and just eating rations took a lot of toll on her body, during those times, Enterprise became more stronger, smarter and more matured, most noticeably, her personality changed a little, her stoic personality is still intact but she became more noble of some sort, she would partly imitate Gregory, doing noble acts such as: helping out with the lifting, joining patrols, teaching young ships on how to be a better ship and some what being more..... Human.

Enterprise's change of plans had not go unnoticed by many including her sister, her change of personality made Hornet worried, but she was happy some-what because she is more social than usual and hadn't seen her frown since then. Hood also did the same training like Enterprise but maintained her "lady-like" traits, after a week, their body grew stronger and more durable, having a new goal, the two were more determined than ever to reach it.

At Ironblood

The two lovers decided to postpone their date since things got more busy in Ironblood, with Levi's permission to use his rigging for technological advances, this made Levi and Tirpitz more separate during the day, but at night they would probably be mistaken for a married couple due to their sweetness which Admiral Harper, Prinz Eugen's sister, respond with bitterness. Currently Levi is on break and was eating his homemade lunch that he and Tirpitz made this morning.


Levi POV

I just woke and saw Tirpitz clinging onto me like she's in danger, but I'm used to to her clingy-ness, carefully tucking Tirpitz back to bed, I made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast, ever since her confession, she secretly asked her sister to let her move in with me so she can be closer to me which really surprised me because of her boldness. I decided to make a basic but famous breakfast ever, eggs and bacons, I started cooking our meal as I heard our bedroom door open, Tirpitz clung onto me from behind unconsciously pressing her blossom on my back which I'm not completely used to, she was only wearing her under garments and a black oversized hoodie of mine.

(Like that)

Levi: Guten Morgen, mein liebe

Tirpitz: Guten Morgen *long yawn* what are you cooking..?

Levi: Just some eggs and bacon

Tirpitz: I see....

Levi: Go sit on the table it'll be ready any second now...

Tirpitz: Alright...

She quickly pecked my cheek and sat on the table, I finished cooking and set it down on the table for us to eat, while we we're eating, Tirpitz remembered something from the book that she was given by Eugen and decided to tell Levi.

Tirpitz: Leibling..? (Darling..?)

Levi: Ja..?

Tirpitz: Should we make lunch for each other...?

Levi: I don't mind, but why all of a sudden..?

Tirpitz: Well, I read it from the book Eugen gave me and since we're a couple now, I think it's only fair..

Levi: I see, alright I'll make your's , you'll make mine!

We both smiled and continued to eat their breakfast.

End of Flashback

Opening my lunch box, I saw a sandwich that had a pig's head inprinted on it, some potato chips, some oranges and strawberries and two kiwis.

I silently chuckled at the childish lunch, but I was happy that I can experience something humans called "childhood" (remember Leviathans are always hunting for food so he haven't experienced normal childhood). I began eating my lunch and made some comments in my head.

Levi: She really needs some slight improvement, but if it's from her, I am very grateful for it.

Meanwhile with Tirpitz

Tirpitz was sitting in the cafeteria, beside her was Bismarck, Graf Zeppelin, Friedrich der Grosse and Prinz Eugen, opening her lunch box made by Levi, she saw five small versions of pizza without toppings, some shredded cheese, a small bowl of tomato sauce, and some extra toppings.

(The middle one)

Tirpitz smiled to herself and started preparing her food, Eugen saw her lunch and was quite surprised at this, she usually takes her food from the cafeteria, but today was different.

Eugen: Hey Tirpitz, did you make that..?

Tirpitz: Nein, Levi and I decided to made lunch for each other..

Eugen: How sweet of him~ I might take him~

Tirpitz sent a death glare at Eugen, but she only giggled and told her that she was just teasing, realizing that she showed her protectiveness of Levi, she blushed in embarrassment and just eat her food in silence.

Zeppelin: I am very confused about this, what had happened these past few days..?

Eugen: Nothing much, 2 battles just happened, Levi having his rigging upgraded to look more Ironblood like, Levi's old friend appeared and his name is Gregory, and lastly Tirpitz just confessed her feelings for Levi~

Zeppelin: What kind of feelings..?

Eugen: Romantically~

Graf Zeppelin looked at Tirpitz, very confused, the stoic queen of the north having feelings for a new comrade, in her case, love is very confusing for her.

Friedrich: Fufufu~ I see my child had grown into a fine young woman~

The group giggled expect for Bismarck, Zeppelin and Tirpitz, for Tirpitz she was embarrassed, for Zeppelin she was confused and for Bismarck she was.... Jealous..? Never in her life had she fallen in love or someone had fallen for her, maybe because of her strict personality? Maybe because she wasn't good enough? Or any other reason.... The group continued to eat their food until they were finished.

At The Sakura Empire

Currently, the ships of S.E are taking a break from the recent battle and was doing their usual routine, in one part of the base, Takao can be seen training her swordsmanship, she continued to train until the sound of footsteps ring in her ear, by instinct, she tried to slash the stranger but the sound of metal hitting metal rung, looking at the stranger, she saw Gregory in a casual black kimono with red patterns on the ends of the sleeves and a white haori with the same red patterns on the sleeve over his shoulders, with his katana's sheath on his left hip and has his katana blocking her's.

(Like that)

Gregory: No need to be hostile, young lady...

Takao: ごめなさい (sorry)

Gregory: If you're asking for forgiveness, then it is quite alright, it just proves how good your reflexes and instincts are....

Takao: I see....

Gregory: Though, I suggest you train your senses first....

Takao: What do you mean by that..?

Gregory: I am saying that you need to train your senses, like your hearing, tracking by smell and etc. Try to recognize specific smells and such, Like how I can smell your sister that is behind that bush over there....

As he said that, Atago came to very with a smile while Takao's eyes widen, she wasn't been able to spot her sister in such a distance and he spots her easily.

Gregory: A clear mind mind will help you enhance your senses, always keep your cool and don't let your enemy's words get to you...

He said as he headed to a sakura tree near the cliff-edge and sat there overlooking the ocean, Takao looked at Gregory in amazement while Atago smiled, Takao walked towards him and decided on something.

Takao: *bows* Please, teach me your ways,せんせい.... (sensei/teacher/master)

Gregory: .....No need to be formal, Takao.... Alright, I will teach you my ways, but be warned it is a long journey, are you up for it..?

Takao: はい (yes)

Gregory: Good, we'll start tommorow...

Takao: Eh..? Why not start now, we're currently on break..

Gregory: A warrior must be patient, one must be observant for opening before delivering a devastating strike....

Takao: I-I see....

Gregory: *smiles* Do not worry, people makes mistakes, even a trained warrior but one must let the past repeat....

Takao: はい せんせい (yes sensei)

Gregory: Now carry one, pupil.... Rest up and practice your senses...

And with that he left, Takao as another swordsman or swordswoman in her case, understood each word, she learnt her lesson and did as she was told, Atago on the other hand was proud of her sister and was grateful for Gregory. Back to Gregory, he walked along the path towards the main sakura tree near the estate of Nagato, climbing the tree and sitting one of the top branch, he observed the whole base from that height, finding shipgirls all over, some are playing, some are talking with another, a perfect representation of the 'false reality' that is peace. Looking around some more, his eyes landed on Yamato, who is talking to a black-haired woman who is named Musashi, Gregory's tail unconsciously started to wag, he wanted to approach her but he was he usually gets too nervous and started stuttering, all he could is just stare from the distance, a man who doesn't fear death, has fear to approach a girl, how ironic.... 

<===E. O. C==>

And that is the end of this chapter! I know it's longer than usual and I've decided yesterday (Mar. 18, 2021) that I'll make it 2000+ words per chapter, but without this part this chapter only reaches 1900+ words! Anyways, if you haven't already consider following it's free and you can always unfollow only a small portion of you guys are following so consider following, it'll help me out allot, as always if you guys want more chapters then be sure to vote for the current chapter and I'll try to make a new one ASAP!!!

With that being said!!!

<=+=Sayonāra Min'nā=+=>

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