So I'm a Twin-Tail Warrior No...

By TrapMaster20

24.2K 414 303

Y/n was a standard Kuudere until he and a few of his classmates, along with their teacher, were killed due to... More

Prologue - A World Changer... Literally
2 - A Class Reunion
The Reincarnated Bios
3 - First Day with the Black Eagles
4 - A Bizarre Dream

1 - The Inevitable Encounter

3.4K 68 45
By TrapMaster20

No one's POV

We see Y/n getting up and rubbing his eyes.

Y/n: Man, what time is it?

Y/n goes to grab his phone, but then he remembers that phones don't exist in this world.

Y/n: Right. This is a new world. I do wish what day it is.

<<It is the Great Tree Moon, Day 23 of the Imperial Year 1180>>

Y/n: Eh?! Even the year, day, and month, if that's what I can call it are different!??!

Y/n then heads out to look around. He then thinks of what to use, and remembers what happened last night.

Y/n: Wait! Maybe my ribbons have something I could use!!!!!! Maybe I'll even have Riser and Faller Chain!!!!

Y/n then opens his ribbon inventory hoping he'll find something of value in there, or even the Riser and Faller Chain. After an hour of looking through it, he finds nothing.

Y/n: *sigh*

Y/n: Well, at least I tried. I guess I'll have to wait in order to get the Riser Chain and Faller Chain.

Jeralt: You're up early.

Y/n turns around to see Jeralt looking at him.

Y/n: Well, I've always been a form of early bird.

Jeralt: Well, we have a bit of time before we have to head out, so make sure you have everything. You might not come back here.

Y/n: Got it.

Meanwhile, in another area close to where Y/n is residing, a group of students in school uniforms can be seen. While some talk with each other, another one is by a fire, all talking with each other.

???: You Suzan, why did you call us here?

???2: Because she needs to make sure that everyone who was in that weird explosion can be accounted for. I mean, look at me! I'm a freaking girl now! This is really god damn annoying!!!

Susan: She's right you know. And that's Ms. Stewart to you! We may be the same age due to us all being reborn into this crazy fantasy world, but that doesn't mean I'm not your teacher!!

???3: Now that you mention accounting for everyone Ms. Stewart, Y/n is the only one who is not accounted for. What do you think happened to him?

???4: Well, he was right outside the classroom. Maybe he just got lucky and didn't die in whatever killed all of us.

???5: Well, we can't make assumptions just yet. We have to wait and see if he we can find him if any new students join the officer's academy. Any one of them could be Y/n. Hell, maybe Y/n is already at Garreg Mach, it's just that unlike the rest of us, he lost his memories of his past life.

As they continue to talk, Suzan shuts them up.

Suzan: I'm going to do a name call, just be very quiet when I say your name.

Students: Alright.

However, before they can do that, a bunch of bandits ambush them. Some of the people there manage to keep them at bay, Suzan and the other ones she was with included.

???2: Prince Dimitri! Run!

The one known as Dimitri looks at the blond girl.

Dimitri: Esther... Thank you. Hold them off for as long as you can!

Esther: You got it!!!

Dimitri: Edelgard! Let's move while we have the chance!

Edelgard: Right!


Y/n's POV

After I check the room Jeralt let me sleep in and make sure I left nothing, I start to head outside.

Jeralt: You got everything?

Y/n: Yup. Should we wake your daughter up?

Jeralt: Yeah, seems like a good idea.

Y/n: I'll wait here.

Jeralt then goes in and due to the thin walls, I can hear what's happening.

Jeralt: Hey. Time to wake up. Were you having that dream again?

Byleth: I was dreaming about a war...

Jeralt: Massive armies clashing on a vast field, right? There hasn't been a battle like that in over three centuries... In any case, just put that out of your mind for now. The battlefield is no place for idle thoughts. Risking your life is part of the job for mercenaries like us. Letting your mind wander is a sure way to get yourself killed.

Byleth: Right...

Jeralt: OK, time to get moving. Our next job is in the kingdom. I told you before. It's far from here, so we'll need to leave at dawn.

Byleth: Of course.

Jeralt: Hm? Good grief. Everyone except for Y/n is waiting for us outside.

As I start to get up, one of the mercenaries runs into the room.

Mercenary: Jeralt! Sir! Sorry to barge in, but your presence is needed.

Jeralt: What's happened?

Y/n: What is going on?

We then head outside and I see a young girl and two boys.

???: Please forgive our intrusion. We wouldn't bother you were the situation not dire.

Jeralt: What do a bunch of kids like you want at this hour?

???: We're being pursued by a group of bandits. I can only hope that you will be so kind as to lend your support.

Y/n: Wait, Bandits?! There are bandits here?!

???2: It's true. They attacked us while we were at rest in our camp.

???3: We've been separated from our companions, since they're holding them off for right now, and we're completly outnumbered. They're after our lives... not to mention our gold.

Y/n: How are these three staying so calm in a situation like this?!

Jeralt: I'm impressed you're staying so calm considering the situation. I... Wait. That uniform...

Y/n: Does he know something about that uniform?

Mercenary: Bandits spotted just outside the village! Damn... There are a lot of them.

Jeralt: I guess they were able to have some more bandits follow you all the way here. We can't just abandon this village now. Come on you two, let's move. Hope you're both ready.

Y/n: I'm ready!

Byleth: *nods head*


I then summon my blade, which shocks the others. I then rush up to one of the bandits and hit him with my sword, knocking him back into the trees.

Bandit Leader: Damn. Why are there mercenaries in the village? Guess we'll have to deal with them too.

As their leader moves up, I start to go for another one of those bandits. I then hear one behind me, and I turn around and see I'm to late. Right before he hits me, one of the two guys shoots his bow at the bandit.

Y/n: Thanks!

???3: No problem! It's actually because of you guys that I'm not dead right now. Still, I didn't expect to run into mercenaries in some remote village. The gods of fortune must be smiling on me!

I then turn to face the bandit leader and go for an attack.

Bandit Leader: Hey you! With the twin tails! Outta of my way!

He goes in for an attack, but I quickly dodge it and punch him to the ground. As I walk back, I hear him screaming. I turn around and see him rushing me.

Y/n: I can't bring out my blades that fast!!! I'm going to die again!!!!!

Before he hits me, Byleth comes up and draws her sword.

Y/n: Byleth, what are you-?!

Bandit Leader: You'll die!!!

Byleth then swings her sword up and knocks the axe right out of that guy's hand.

Y/n: Thanks for that save.

Byleth: No problem.

???3: Hey--over here!

As I wonder what happened, I hear someone else.

???4: The Knight of Serios are here! We'll cut your down for terrorizing our students. Hey, the thieves are running away! Go after them!!

After that statement, someone walks up to us, and I can assume he's the person who was talking.

???4: the students seem to be unharmed. And... who's this?

Before I can ask who he is, I hear Jeralt speak.

Jeralt: Ugh... Why him?

Y/n: Jeralt, do you... know him?

As soon as I say that, the guy from before starts to speak.

???4: Captain Jeralt?! It is you!! Goodness, it's been ages.

Alois: Don't you recognize me? It's Alois! Your old right-hand man! Well, that's how I always thought of myself anyway. It must have been 20 years ago that you went missing without a trace. I always knew that you were still alive!!!

Jeralt: You haven't changed a bit, Alois. Just as loud as ever. And drop that captain nonsense. I'm not your captain anymore. These days I'm just a wandering mercenary. One who has work to do. Good-bye, old friend.

Alois: Right... Good-bye, Captain.

Y/n: I thought Jeralt said to drop the captain nonsense.

Alois: Wait! This isn't how this ends. I insist that you return to the monastery with me!

Jeralt: Garreg Mach Monastery... I suppose this was inevitable.

Alois then looks at me, which shocks me a bit.

Alois: How about you kid? Are you the captain's child?

Y/n: *GIF Below* Oh no! I'm not his child! He saved me yesterday, so kinda owe him a lot!!!!

Alois: I see. *to Byleth* Then what about you? Are you the captain's child?

Byleth: That is correct.

Alois: Is that so? Well, physical differences aside, your mannerisms do remind me of the captain. I'd love for you both to see the monastery too. You two will join me, won't you?

Byleth: *nods head*

Y/n: Sure.

Jeralt: ...

Alois: What's troubling you, Captain? You aren't about to run off again, are you?

Jeralt: Even I wouldn't dare run from the Knights of Serios.

Y/n: There they go with these "Knights of Serios." Just who exactly are they?

As they walk off, I notice the other three trying to get my attention. I notice it and walk over to them.

???2: I appreciate your assistance with the bandits. Your skill is beyond question.

Y/n: Thank you, and before you ask, Jeralt is not my father. He saved me last night and so I owe him a lot.

???: I see. Still, your skills and power are incredible.

???2: Do you think you can bring the other one over here?

Y/n: Sure!

I turn my head and call Byleth.

Y/n: Hey, Byleth! These three want to talk with us!

Byleth then comes over and the girl starts to talk again.

???: Thank you for the help. Your skills, like the twin-tailed girl, is beyond question. You're clearly an experienced mercenary. And your father... that would be Jearlt, the Blade Breaker?

Y/n: What?

???2: Former captain of the Knights of Serios. Oft praised as the strongest knight to ever live. Have I missed anything?

Byleth: I didn't know he was a captain.

Y/n: Neither did I.

???2: How curious. I understand the girl in red, but I'd wage the explanation for his daughter is fascinating indeed.

???3: Hey! You two are coming with us to the monastery, right? Of course you are. I'd love to bend your ear as we travel. Oh, I should mention that the three of us are students of the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery.

Y/n: If you're students, then why were you out here in the middle of a forest?

???3: Well we were doing some training exercises when those bandits attacked. I definitely got the worst of it.

???2: That would be because you ran off.

Y/n: *sweat drop* Is she serious on that?

???3: She is! I was the first to make a strategic retreat. Everything would've worked out if these two hadn't followed me and ruined everything. Because of them, every single one of those bandits chased after us. Utterly ridiculous.

???: Ah, so that's what you were thinking, Claude. And here I thought you were acting as a decoy for the sake of us all.

Y/n: So this guy's name is Claude. That's good to know.

???2: His intentions were as clear as day. You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person's words.

???: Hm. You will prove to be a lacking ruler yourself if you look for deceit behind every wood and fail to trust those whom you rely on.

Y/n: What do they mean by that?

Claude: Oh, joy. A royal debate between Their Highnesses. I wonder how being completely predictable affects one's ability to wield power. Personally, as the embodiment of distrust, I'd say your little exchange smacks of naiveté.

???2: Me? Naïve? Tell me, are you actually incapable of keeping quiet, or is your lack of self-awareness a condition of some sort?

???: In any case, forgive our digression. I must speak with both of you, you two could spare a moment. The way you two held your ground against the bandits and their leader was captivating! You two never lost control of the situation. It showed me I still have much to learn.

???2: Both of your skills is precisely why I must ask you to consider lending your services to the Empire.

Y/n: Huh?

???2: I might as well tell you now. I am no mere student, I am also the Adrestian Empire's-

???2: Halt, Edelgard. Please allow me to finish my own proposition.

Y/n: So she's Edelgard. Good information to know.

???: The Holy Kingdom of Fareghus is in dire need of exceptional individuals like yourself. Please, I would like both of you to consider returning to the Kingdom with me.

Y/n: Huh?!

Claude: Whoa, there! You two sure are hasty. Trying to recruit someone you just met. Tactless, really.

Y/n: Thank you, Claude!!!

Claude: I was personally planning to develop a deep bond and lasting friendship on our journey back to the monastery before begging for favors.

Y/n: Well, at least he has a bit of common sense.

Claude: But it seems there's no time for niceties in this world. So, capable strangers, let's get right to it. Where does your allegiance lie?

Y/n: HUH?!?!?!

Y/n: They're putting me on the dot, just like that?! I don't even know anything about this world?!

Byleth: I would say the Adrestian Empire.

Edelgard: *giggles a bit* A wise choice. Thought the Empire has fallen from its former glory, the other regions are merely offshoots that pale in comparison. *to Y/n* So what about you?

Y/n: *sweating a bit* Uh....

Y/n: I need to make an excuse, now!!! Wait, I got it!!!

Y/n: I honestly can't remember much. All I can remember is waking up in a cave, and then Jeralt saving me after I pass out from hunger.

Edelgard: I see. I deeply apologize for putting you on the spot like that.

Alos: All right, that's enough small talk. It's time to head back to the monastery!

Claude: Looks like we'll have to pick this up another time.

As they walk off, I think about something.

Y/n: This world... It's a rather confusing one, I can say as a fact. However, what did Claude mean by their highnesses?


No one's POV

As Jeralt walks ahead and talks with Alois, Y/n and Byleth are seen behind them talking with the three students of Garreg Mach.

Y/n: Status Open.


Name: Y/n Mecta

Title: Twin-tail Mercenary

Race: Human

Gender: Trap

Level 7

HP: 48
Str: 34
Mag: 9
Dex: 36
Spd: 40
Lck: 33
Def: 30
Res: 7
Cha: 15

Sword: A-
Lance: E+
Axe: D
Bow: E+
Brawl: C
Reason: D+
Faith: D
Authority: C
Hvy Armor: C
Riding: E+
Flying: E+


Y/n: So my level went up, along with my Sword, whatever that is. Well, it's a good thing I'm learning this now.

As Y/n keeps thinking to himself, ??? taps him on the shoulders.

Y/n: Ah?! Y-Yeah?!

???: Oh, I'm sorry!

Y/n: No, it's fine! I just got lost in thought.

???: Well, I wondering if this will be your first time at the monastery.

Y/n: Yeah, it will.

???: Well then, I'd be happy to show you around.

Y/n: Thanks!

Claude: Well, Garreg Mach is really Fódlan in a nutshell.

Y/n: Really?

Claude: Yeah. Both the good and the bad.

Edelgard: Like it or not, we'll be there soon enough.

Y/n looks at Edelgard and notices something.

Y/n: Her composure... why does it seem like... she upset about it?

After they get out of the woods, Y/n is able to see their destination.

Edelgard: There it is...

Y/n: Wait! So that's...

Edelgard: It is. That is Garreg Mach Monastery.

Y/n: Woah! I was not expecting that!!!

As they enter, Y/n looks around in pure shock of what the inside of the monastery looks like. He then notices Jeralt stopping, and looks at him.

Y/n: Is something wrong, Jeralt?

Jeralt: Rhea's here...

Y/n looks up to where Jeralt is and notices who he can assume is Rhea.

Y/n can't really understand what this feeling is, but his gamer instincts are telling him that Rhea is hiding something. Something very important from people.

Y/n: What is she hiding...?

As Y/n thinks this, Rhea looks down at both Byleth and Y/n.

Rhea: I wonder... Did the flow of time bring you two here?

To Be Continued...

No one's POV

We see a different school all in the gymnasium, with some talking about what's going on. The principal  of Y/n's school then walks up and begins to talk.

Principal: I know that many are confused about why our school is here today. You see, yesterday an unknown attack destroyed the entire school, taking ten students and one teacher's lives along with it.

As everyone starts to gasp and whisper among themselves, the principal then starts to speak again.

Principal: The students are teacher that were killed are as follows. Rhoda Wright, Amy Turner, Paul Butler, Dennis Wood, Kieron Lucero, Cora Rowland, Kyla Ferrell, Ahmad Johns, Scarlet Lane, Ms. Stewart, and Y/n L/n.

The people the gasp, as some of those were their friends. After a bit of time for the students to talk amongst themselves, the Principal speaks up.

Principal: Let us offer a moment of silence for the students and the teacher as they rest in peace.

They then be quiet, and they all hope that the souls find peace.

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