By __asdfghjklisayahh

7.3K 400 66

An unhappily married woman meets a younger woman in Portugal, and the two fall in love despite their commitme... More



1.1K 66 4
By __asdfghjklisayahh

I woke up when I heard my phone ringing.

I saw the caller id and it's Lisa.

"Hello, how are you?" She said.

I stood up from my bed to sit on my sofa.

"Well, I'm getting rest, you?" I asked

"My first guided tour outside the museum. It's nerve racking." She said.

"You can do it." I said to cheer him up.

She told me that sometimes she doesn't know the answer that the guest asking to her so sometimes she's embarrassed when she can't answer.

"You know, if you don't know tell them that you don't know, I'm sure they will understand it." I said.

"Of course, I don't like that. As their tour guide I wanna know everything about the place" She said

"Google it." I said.

"I can't, I ran out of data." she said. "Cam you search it for me?"

"You know my parents are annoying, they stressing me out." She said.

We're in the pool, she's in the water and me I'm jist watching her from the bench.

"Politics, they want me to go in politics. I don't know anything about it. I don't even know what a councilor does" she said.

"They make laws, policies." I said.

"Yeah, I know, but what do I know about it? I have no sight on it. I mean just because I'm winnable and charismatic it doesn't mean that you can put me in a world I know nothing. You know sometimes, my dad, doesn't use his brain. Then mom will just make it even worse. You did your parents do the same thing with you when you were young?" she said.

"I don't wanna talk about dead. Look, if you really hate the idea so much then why not say no?" I said.

"You know they were like that when I was younger. And you know what is irritating about my mom everytime we are in the restaurant she'll ask me 'Lili what do you like? Juice or soda?' So me I will say soda, and she will say 'oh no Lili, soda is bad for you' Damn! No matter what I choose I always have to follow their order, you know it's irritating that they treat me like a baby" She said.

"Hey don't be sexist, one other thing, dry yourself, the floor gets wet." I said and I went back on stalking Yoon-ah.

"I know but put yourself in my situation. I'm a grown up person now! I even hit the puberty. I can make a baby but they still treat me as their baby." She said as she jump on the bed.

She put both of her hands or cheeks and pouted. What a matured person. "Fuck them" She said.

I slightly slap her mouth.

"No, fuck you." I said.

"Fuck all of us" She murmured.

I just stare at her.

And she tickled me.

"Yah stop! HAHAHAHAHAH" I said as I try to fight her.

"Get off me, your hair is still wet! HAHAHAHA" I said

"Aaah! You want it huh" She even wiggle her hair to me.

I stood up and ran away from her and she followed me.

"So where's Suho?" She asked.

"He's looking for a land." I said.

"Why you didn't come with him." She said.

"She didn't want me to come." I said.

"What if he come back?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"How will this work? What will happen to us?" She asked.

I sighed.

"I don't know." I said.

"Is this your first time to cheat on him? I mean before me? Were there others?" She asked.

"What was your response?" Father asked.

"I had no response." I said.

"But what was the answer?" He asked.

"None, there's no other. He's the only one." I said.

"Hmp, the truth?" He asked.

What? I'm telling the truth.

"I comfessed here, father. Shall I not confess the truth? Maybe the reason I didn't tell her that time is because I don't wanna show her that... she is special to me." I said.

"Even though in reality she is?" He said.

"I wasn't sure yet then. Maybe she was just horny" I said.

"When was the last time you saw each other?" He asked.

"A week after that father, when my husband was still out of town. I rented a townhouse close to her." I said.

I am lying on the stairs my FMS is kicking in and I don't have the energy to get back on my bed.

"Irene?" I heard Lisa's voice.

I tried to groan so she can hear me.

"Irene?" I heard she open the door already.

I still tried to make a sound so she can notice me.

"Irene?" I think she already went inside.

I made a loud groan.

"Oh my gosh, Irene! What happened?" She said as she approached me.

"I feel like throwing up. FMS" I said.

"What?" She said.

"FMS" I said.

"Don't you mean PMS?" She asked.

She carried me up to my bed.

"Thank you Lisa." I said as she lay me down and hugged me.

"Did you drink your medicine already?" She asked.

"I already take it it's not kicking yet." I said.

I tried to pull away from her because I still stink.

"Do I stink? Sorry, I've not taken shower yet." I said.

"Hey, don't worry about that. Get some rest." She said.


"I'm gonna smell you" She said amd continue to sniff me.

"Lisaaa, no that hurts. Hahahaha." I said.

"Mmmh, you smell so good." She said and laugh.

"You can leave me here. Use your free day. Besides, I have no fun today, I can't do it." I said.

"What?" She said and looked at me.

"Irene, I came here for you. Not for... Not for anything else." She said and that made my heartbeat fast.

When I was still resting Lisa said she will just go to the market to buy some ingredients she said that she will cook for me.

At first I told her that she should just order a food for us because I don't know if she can cook or not. She might burn the kitchen but she said she knows how to cook.

I think she took hours for buyimg ingredients and cooking.

"I'm sorry if it took long." She said.

"What is that?" I asked.

"You didn't know? You didn't had this in Lisbon?" She asked.

I shakes my head.

"Cozido à portuguesa, stew." She said as she grabbed a spoon and bring it to my mouth.

Wow. It's delicious.

"I'm okay now, I can do this." I said as she guided me in the bathroom.

"Are you sure?" She said.

"Yes, I'll just pee." I said.

"Just don't lock the door. And remember I'm just here." She said.

"You're OA hahaha" I said.

We're just laying down on my bed. Her arm is hugging me while I use it as my pillow.

My eyes are closed but I can hear her reading the description of FMS. Cute.

"Fibromyalgia Syndrome, AKA FMS, is a long term condition that causes pain all over the body. People with FMS may also have increased sensitivity to pain. You have that?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

"Fatigue or extreme tiredness?" She asked.

"Mmh mmh" I said.

"Muscle stiffness, headache and stomach pain?" She asked.

"Mmh mmh" I said.

"Problems with mental process? Hey! You have mental illness?! HAHAHAHAHA" She said and laughed.

And I also laughed at her.

I pinched her.

"Ouch ouch!" She said.

I'm still sitting on my bed while watching her cleaning my room.

She's holding the vacuum.

"Do I look hot?" She asked me while she's vacuuming the floor.

"You look like a good girl" I said.

She place the vacuum stick on her body and grind on it. "What about this?" She asked.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You're so silly!" I said.

We're on the bathtub I'm sitting between her legs and I leaning my head in her chest while she massaged my head with shampoo.

It really helps a lot it making me feel better.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"Shhh" I said.

"She's been asking, 'where is the best place to surf here'? I think I told her thrice tjat there's no place to surf here." She said as she take a bite of her food.

"Maybe she just want your attention." I said.

"I don't know. Well then, she succeeded. Not only getting my attention but also pissing me off."

I laughed.

Her phone rang and it's her alarm.

"Fuck, I need to go." She said as she clean our dishes.

"You have work tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Yes, but I might escaped after lunch time." She said.

"No one's picking you up?" I asked.

"Yep, maybe they already trust me or they already found something importnant than me." She said.

"Would you like me to bring you up so you can get rest?" She asked.

"Lisa, can we just see each other after I get well? I don't want this feeling like you're my caregiver. I'm like a worthless old woman." I said to her.

She bent down on me and caressed my arms.

"You're not really old... granny." She said and chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Who will take care of you?" She asked.

I looked at her I didn't answer I just kissed her passionately.

"That's when I knew she really cared, father. That he wasn't only after sex" I said.

"What do you want aside from that?" He asked.

"Me? Myself." I said.

"Can I ask you something? If you told your close friends about your FMS attack that particular week you were staying in that townhouse, don't you think they'd come to support you?" He asked.

"I didn't want to bother them." I said.

"What about your husband? Don't you think he'd help you?" He asked.

"Maybe out of duty or out of pity, yes. But not because he loves me" I said.

"Is it not because you wanted to test something that you only asked the lover girl to come?" He said.

"I didn't force Li-!" I pursed my lips when I realized I almost spill her name. "I didn't force her to come and take care of me. It was jist a coincidence that I was in that situation. It was her choice, Father."

I'm doing my yoga when Lisa came in with bag of ingredients on her hand.

"Are you okay now?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you for taking care of me, and for your daily massages. You seems like have a healing power." I said.

She didn't answer she just slighty smile.

"Why it seems like a bad news for you?" I asked her.

"You don't need me anymore" She said.

I stood up and went to her.

"If you still want to cook and vacuum for me, you're still welcome." I said.

"Wait, if your FMS faded today that means you're not sensitive to pain." She said.

"mmh, mmh" I said.

"Which means..." She hopped beside me. "We can do it again?"


"We can now." She said as she wiggle her eyebrows to me.

"What?" I asked playing innocently

She didn't answer she just attacked my neck and carried me to my bedroom. You already know what will happen.

We are still under the bed, we're still both naked.

"Irene, I have something to tell you but I hope you won't be upset." She said

I smiled "What? Your parents want you to go home?"

"No, not that. Not that." She said.

"Mina came back here, yesterday." She said.

"Mina? Who's m--ah okay. That mina" I said.

I removed her hands around me.

"She will stay here starting tomorrow for her thesis." She said.

"How long?" I asked.

"One month. So I can't see you, Irene." She said.

I didn't answer.

"Are you upset? I dont want them to-" I didn't let her finish her sentence.

"I understand! I understand." I said.

"I can't call you frequently." She said.

"Yeah, I get it." I said.

I removed her hands and I move away from her. I grab a stick of my cig and lit it up.

She stood up and wear her clothes.

"Are you not really upset?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You promise?" She asked.

"My FMS calmed on time so you have time for her. So it's your first time to see each other again." I said.

"Yeah." She said.

"What did you get her?" I asked.

"Nothing?" she said.

I sarcastically laughed.

"What kind of girlfriend are you?" I asked.

We are now in the the bookstore looking for something that she can gave for her girlfriend.

"This one? She loves interior design. What how much is this?" She said as she tried to scan the book but her smile fade away.

"Why? How much is it?" I asked.

"Expensive. Wait, I'll look for another" She said.

"No get it, I'll pay." I said.

"Really?! I'll pay you the next time we see each other. Promise." She said happily.

I smiled when I saw her how happy she is. "Okay let's go."

I'm watching her from afar. I saw her and her girlfriend kissing passionately when she gave her the book we bought last night.

I saw how she snake her hands around her girlfriend's waist while they're walking. I saw how her parents love and accepted her girlfriend. I saw how they happily smile when they take a family picture with girlfriend.

I saw how happy she is.

I sighed and I drove away.

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