KiriKami Story

By KaiTheChill1

14.2K 242 161

This is only my first attempt, so its not too good! And yes I did just post it unfinished uwu It's also a Kir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 3

939 17 18
By KaiTheChill1

"Poor Denki, I hope he doesn't get too scared." Kirishima thought as the movie started. He heard Mina giggle from a couple of rows down before sighing. "I knew she planned this. What is she up to?"

Denki curled into a ball in his seat. "No no no no no- Why?! I hate this one!!" Denki covered his face in the first part of the movie, dreading his decision to join the rest of the squad.

About halfway through the movie the jump scares started, Denki flinching at every single one. "God, why did I trust this? I hate this!" He suddenly felt an arm being set on both his shoulders. "Huh-?"

Kirishima had laid his arm on Denki's shoulders to comfort him as the movie continued.

"What are you doing?" Denki asked, confused.

"You seemed scared, so I thought this would help you," Kirishima said, still watching the movie.

Denki started turning red and covered his face with his hands. "No, no way. Stop it Denki! He's not meaning it like that! Stop thinking he likes you! He's straight!" At this point, Denki had turned a deep shade of red. He kept his face in his hands, trying to hide his blushing.

"What am I doing-? Why did I do that-?" Kirishima thought to himself, slightly blushing. He glanced over at Denki, who was still hiding his face in his hands. "Is he still scared? Wait- No- What kind of question is that-? He hates horror movies, of course he's scared! Idiot!!"

Denki glanced over at Kirishima and looked at the movie screen before jumping at another jump scare and covering his face again. "I'm not gonna sleep tonight- Why why WHY?!" He curled into a smaller ball in his seat, attempting to hide from the movie.

Kirishima looked at Denki who had now curled into as small of a ball as possible, trying to hide. He gently pulled Denki a bit closer to him, trying to comfort him, but also blushing more than before.

Near the end of the movie, Denki had fallen asleep, calmed down with Kirishima's help. Kirishima had been watching the movie, oblivious to the now sleeping Kaminari. Once the movie ended, he glanced over and noticed Denki had fallen asleep.

"Cute.. ... Wait- Why did I think that-?" Kirishima blushed a bit and shook his head before taking a deep breath. "No, he's a friend. He's not gay either. Stop thinking dumb stuff like this!"

Mina glanced over to Kirishima and Denki with a smirk. "Just how I thought it would go!" She glanced at Sero, and he nodded before getting up, Mina following him.

As Kirishima carefully got up, he picked Denki up and made sure not to wake him. He started turning more and more red, getting lost in thought. "He's adorable when he sleeps... But what if we get caught sneaking back in? And what if he doesn't wake up once we get there? He has his dorm key, but I don't wanna seem nosy."

Kirishima sighed quietly as he approached the rest of the BakuSquad. Mina smirked seeing Kirishima carrying Denki.

"So~ What did you do during the movie~?" Mina asked in a sly sort of tone.

"I helped calm him down, given he hates horror movies. And apparently, he fell asleep," Kirishima said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Nothing more."

Mina frowned slightly. "Aw man, this failed then."

"What failed-?", Kirishima asked in a confused tone. Denki shifted a bit, but stayed asleep. "You know what, I'll ask that later. I'm gonna take Denki back to UA."

"Okay, have fun!" Mina said, giggling afterward.

Kirishima rolled his eyes as he left the theater, and started walking back to the UA dorms. "I don't want to wake up his family, so I hope he's okay with being in the dorms." Kirishima thought to himself and started quietly humming.

Denki shifted again in his sleep, mumbling something. Kirishima chuckled lightly and walked through the gates into UA, and headed for the dorms. "Why is he always so cute? Wait- Why do I always think he's cute? Ughh, this is confusing. There's no way I caught feelings for my best friend, no way. He's straight, and I'm straight. He likes Jirou, and I don't like him." Kirishima snapped out of his thoughts and looked up, noticing he walked straight to his own dorm.

"Shit- I was supposed to go to Denki's dorm and wasn't paying attention! What now-?" Kirishima opened his dorm door, and looked around for a second. "You know what, I'll let him have the bed. My legs hurt from walking."

He set Denki down on the bed before covering him with a blanket, and sighing quietly. "How did I ever even begin to think this way about him? He's my best friend, I can't ruin that by somehow having feelings for him!" Kirishima grabbed a blanket and a pillow before making a pallet on the floor and laying down. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, still thinking about Denki.

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