Supernatural One Shots

By mylittlelove19

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I don't own any of the characters. I write the story line based off ideas I have had on my own, or imagines/o... More

Ghost Facers
Drunk John
Dean saves you
Dean and Bobby
Nightmares (Sam)
Cass interrupts
Wearing his flannel (Dean)
Texting Pictures
Reuniting (Sam and Dean)
Surprise Actions (Dean)
Drinking with Dean
Hey Sam.
Lonely Video Call (Dean)
Fighting with Dean
Reasons (Sam)
Shadow (Dean)
Trouble Sleeping (Dean)
Sweet Pie (Dean)
Finding Sam and Dean
Your Old T-Shirt
News at a funeral (Dean)
Let me forget (Sam)
Broken Hearted (Dean)
Lies (Dean)
Jo joins Training
Almost Sam
John (Dean)
Hey Jude (Dean)
Fooling myself (Dean)
Before we had a chance.
I hate witches Pt. 1 (Dean)
I hate witches Pt. 2 (Dean)
Can't hide it (Dean)
Bad Fight (Dean)
I hate you, but I love you
I hate you, but I love you Pt. 2
Done with you (Part one)
Done with you (Part Two)
Just a sad song
Jo (Dean)
Team Free Will rescues (Dean)
Note from me.
Journal (Dean)
Scary movie night (Dean)
Just a fool.
Personal Elephant (Dean)
Missing (Dean)
Update from me
Used to be Dean Pt. 1
Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)
Lee Webb's Daughter (Dean Request)
Truth Spell (Dean)
After Hell (Dean)
Before we had a chance Pt. 2
Before we had a chance Pt. 3
A choice (Dean)
A choice pt. 2 (Dean)
Purgatory pt. 1
Purgatory pt. 2

Because (Dean)

602 6 2
By mylittlelove19

You work with Sam and Dean. Jo is always calling for help, trying to be around Dean more and more. You don't care for Jo and things come out after her hunt pisses you off.

Over 4,000 words.

Warnings: Smut: with daddy kink, language, mean girl.

We got to Ellen's bar and like clockwork Jo was next to Dean. "Hey, guys. How was the drive?" She and Ellen called early this morning. She thinks she found a vengeful spirit case.

I rolled my eyes at her flirty ones shooting Dean's way. "It was fine." Dean answered with the million-dollar perfect smile.

Sam cleared his throat, "Show us what you have on the case. The faster we get to it the more people we can save."

I smirked when her face dropped as Dean agreed and moved to sit at the bar.

Of course, she moved to the back side of the bar when Sam sat beside Dean. She grabbed a file, handed it to Dean and leaned onto the bar - pushing her chest out obviously. I scoffed a little too loud, earning weird glances from the brothers.

"Wow, nice work kid." Dean commented as he looked through the papers in the file.

She smiled, "Thanks. It looks like a case, right?" Her focus was on Dean who nodded and slid the file to Sam.

I growled quietly and looked at it with the younger brother. It did seem legit, I'll give her that.

"Yeah, we should get going. It's a few hours to this town." Dean said smoothly.

She giggled, making me once again scoff.

Sam and I agreed. We all three got up to leave, Jo tried to come around the bar but Ellen stepped in her way. "You are not going."

I smiled, and looked away to hide it.

"Mom! I found this case! I'm not a child!"

"They can handle it." Ellen said firmly but without emotion, Jo huffed.

"We will stop by on our way to Bobby's okay? Fill you in, have a few drinks?" Dean offered.

"A phone call would be fine to let her know." I commented with a bit of an attitude.

Sam stifled a laugh. "Or I could go along." Jo tried to argue with Ellen.

But her mom shook her head, "No, not this time."

"Why not!?" Jo yelled.

"I said no. It's dangerous."

"We should go. Another case, okay Jo?" Sam said nicely.

She huffed, "I'm going!"

I got annoyed, this was stupid. "We don't need you, and we don't have time for this. You stay here with your mom and be safe from the scary danger."

Dean's jaw flexed. "Liv, that's enough."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh shove it where the sun don't shine, Dean. I'll be in the car when you shake the kid." I stormed out to the car, shoving the file flat to his chest.

When they came out Sam was trying not to laugh. Dean looked annoyed. They got in the car and we took off.

"That attitude was not necessary, Alivia. What did Jo ever do to you?" Dean said as he focused on the road.

I huffed, "Oh, come on, we need to get to the job. Ellen wasn't letting her come. We were wasting time listening to them argue. I don't have anything against her."

"She wants to be a hunter. You don't have to be mean to her." He grumbled at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay. Whatever, Dean."

The next time she called, she got herself caught up in a werewolf hunt. Of course she needed help. When we go there she hit the water-works and clung onto Dean.

I got close to her face, turning her to look at me instead of Dean. "Focus! Stop being so damn emotional. Where is the guy? Is he alone?" I snapped.

Here she supposedly wants to be a hunter, but can't handle a werewolf without breaking down, and cries over a couple tiny scratches.

Sam's jaw fell open at my firmness with her.

Dean glared, "Liv! Relax! She's scared." He defended her.

"Then maybe she shouldn't try to hunt monsters!" I yelled.

"Take a walk!" He tried to order me.

I laughed, he is such a jackass. "Screw you, Dean. I'll go after the big scary werewolf for her and kill it, then it'll all be fine." So then I took off, following footprints and claw marks.

I was off on my own for a little while, following the trail of footsteps that lead from where Jo saw him. I found a house. I crept up to it and saw the guy inside was still turned. I slowly approached and cocked my gun before kicking in the door.

He swatted my arm, cutting me before I could get lined up. I growled at the pain, and then pulled the trigger twice; hitting him in the chest both times. He dropped.

As I was cleaning up the bit of my blood from the floor my phone rang. It was Sam. "Hey Sam." I answered, realizing I was done and could go find something to bandage myself with.

"Hey, where are you?"

"I found him, and it's handled. Tell the princess the big scary monster is dead."

He chuckled, but then sighed. "Liv, come on, play nice. Just tell me where you are. I can come get you now."

I gave him the address and then put the gauze I found onto my arm.

The scratches weren't too deep as to need stitches, but would take a while to heal. As I was double checking that I was cleared out of the house I heard Sam pull up.

He met me on the porch, eyeing my arm. I held up my other hand, "It's fine, Sam.

He looked sad and concerned but nodded. "Alright, if you say so. Uh, Dean wants us to grab food on our way back. So, let's get going."

"Wouldn't want to interrupt his time with the princess." I grumbled quietly as we got in the car.

"Alright, Liv, what is it? Why are you so mean about Jo?" Sam asked as we started driving.

I sighed, "I can't handle her little princess act, the poor scared girl 'who wants to be a hunter'. She just... rubs me the wrong way is all."

He cleared his throat and nodded slightly, "Right. She does that, as you call it, princess act around Dean. Has since we met her." He said calmly.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Well, it irritates me, and it messes with our lives and our hunts."

Once we got back Dean went from excited about his burger to dropping it on the table when he saw my arm. He grabbed it gently, "What happened, sweetheart?"

I pulled it away, "It's nothing. I'm fine, let's eat so we can get the hell out of here."

"Hey, don't shut me out, Liv. You're hurt and I'm worried." He argued.

"Well don't be. I can handle it myself." And I moved away to eat my food away from him.

We did things like that for her about a dozen different times before today.

We got a call earlier from Ellen saying it was real bad; demons took Jo, beat her and then let her go with a message. The message was to keep herself out of demon business.

Naturally, Dean went into protective mode, telling us to pack up quickly so we could see what we could do to help.

As soon as we walked in she went to Dean. "Jo, what the hell did you fall into?" He asked, tilting her face up to look at it.

She had a black eye, split lip, and some other cuts and bruises. "Some black-eyed bitch. I uh, don't know anything else really."

Her story didn't make sense to me. A demon wouldn't do all this to a hunter and then simply just let them go.

When we started working the case from our outside angle we realized it was a group of eight demons. This made it all add up to make even less sense with her story. But I kept it to myself, since Dean and Sam like her and would just tell me to me nice.

The three of us loaded up and went to take down some demons. Jo offered to go, but I quickly declined as politely as I could.

Inside the house of demons we were outnumbered almost three to one. They easily threw us around the room. My head slammed into a glass decoration.

I got up twirling the angel blade, shaking off the ringing in my ears and way the room was a little hazy. I got toe-to-toe with two of them, quickly stabbing one of them before the other one punched me a few times. I managed to stab him too.

Again, I went flying across the room - but into a table this time. It hurt like a bitch. Sam ganked the last one as I caught my breath and fumbled to get up.

Dean rushed over to my side, "Easy, Liv."

I pulled away roughly, "I'm fine, Dean. Let's go."

I was a little uneven, so Sam walked next to me in casebI needed him. It sucked.

At the bar I wanted to tear into Jo. None of this made sense and we got our asses handed to us because she got into some shit and didn't tell us the truth. But I didn't say anything. I sat at the counter alone.

Sam was playing darts with Ash while Dean sat at a tall table with Jo. She had gushed over him having a few cuts and bruises, calling him her hero.

I took a drink of my whiskey. Jo traced over Dean's bloody knuckles as she whispered something, then she giggled. He was eating it up. He chuckled and shook his head.

Before I could control myself I was storming toward the door. I punched out a mirror as I walked out, grabbing everyone's attention.

Sam's P.O.V.
Something was definitely up with this case, but Dean wouldn't question Jo about it. Then Liv acted so different; even more angry than she usually gets being here. She broke that mirror as she stomped out of the bar in a huff.

I sighed as Dean looked at the empty doorway then me. "I got it." I told him, knowing this was probably about her feelings. Dean would probably just yell at her, which would only make it worse. So I went out after her to try to fix this.

Outside she was leaning against the car, holding her bleeding knuckles above her heart. I sighed and grabbed out first aid kit from the trunk.

"Why do you hide it?" I asked, grabbing her hand. It was bleeding quite a bit.

She scoffed, "What are you talking about?" She fired back.

I sighed and paused to pull a piece of glass out of her knuckle, she didn't even flinch. "Come on... we both know why you punched that mirror out."

Yeah... our hunt went shitty because of Jo, so I was mad. I hate when we walk into shit like that." She snapped, which I knew wasn't a complete lie. Just a small one.

"Don't lie, Liv. You should tell him how you feel."

Alivia's P.O.V.
Sam got my hand wrapped as I thought of what to say. I sighed as he let go of my hand, and watched him put the kit away. "Sam, it's only because the hunt didn't make sense. You know I'm right... it's not about.."

Dean came outside, interrupting us.

He walked over, and held out his hand to silently demand my hand.

Sam cleared his throat, "I'll be inside." Then he was gone.

I sighed and let Dean see my hand.

He huffed back at me, "Did you not get the shit beat out of you enough today? You had to punch a damn mirror?" He was honestly concerned.

"I was frustrated." I said and pulled my hand away.

"What gets into you when we're here?" He growled, sounding annoyed.

"What are you talking about? I'm just pissed the demons gave us that much shit."

"No. Cut the shit. Every time we come here you get all aggressive and angry. So tell me what your deal is when we come here." He demanded.

"It's because our hunts here are always a shit show! You're so focused on Jo and the flirting you don't see it. I'm tired of it getting my ass caught up in crappy situations." I snapped.

He shook his head. "I don't flirt with Jo. And even if I did, what does it matter to you?" He challenged.

"It doesn't, until your sex life puts me in sketchy situations where I get my ass kicked!" I screamed.

"I'm not having sex with Jo! God! What is your issue with her?!" He questioned me.

"I don't know! She gets us in stupid situations! And you eat up all of her flirting! She gets to me!" I admitted in anger.

He laughed, "Why? What does her flirting with me matter?"

Something snapped in me. "Because!" I screamed.

"Because why, Alivia? Tell what the problem is!" He yelled back at me.

"Because I love you!" Shit. It was out there now. And he wasn't even reacting.

He seemed frozen in place. So, I huffed in a panic, "God, never mind!" I took off back inside to the bar, fighting back tears.

I sat with Sam. "What's wrong, Livy?" He asked, taking note of my face.

I shook my head and glanced outside. Dean was pacing by the car, then kicked the dirt. "I told him."

Sam gasped quietly. "Really? What happened?" He sounded hopeful.

"Nothing. He didn't even respond to me. So I walked away." I explained, making Sam's face drop.

Dean came back in, Jo ran over to him. "What's wrong?" She asked.

I felt his eyes on me, but I kept my eyes focused out the window awkwardly. "Nothing. Uh, we should probably go. We should head back to Bobby's."

That was news to me.

"Oh. Are you sure?" She pouted at him.

"Yeah, we got the job done. Time to go find another one." He told her flatly.

Sam cleared his throat, grabbing my attention. "Guess we're leaving."

I have ignored Dean for three days now. But Bobby was off doing a hunt and Sam went on a supply run. So I was alone in the house with Dean. I was trying not to look at him still as we were both in the office.

He tried to talk to me.

When I didn't respond he got upset. "Dammit! Look at me! Please?! You can't tell me you love me then ignore me for days!"

finally looked at him, feeling awkward as hell. His eyes were huge and he looked crazy. "You are the one who said nothing. So I get it. Just forget I ever said anything, okay?" I was getting emotional.

"No, Liv... God, listen, please? You caught me off guard. I have known I love you for about a year now. I remember the minute I realized it. But I didn't know you felt the same. So, I'm sorry for how I reacted."

"Yeah, I have... for almost two years. But I was scared to say anything to you. Then we'd go there to save poor helpless Jo, and I'd have to watch her fall all over you."

"I was never into Jo, sweetheart. She's nice. But she's young, lost, and not ready to be a hunter. My eyes were always set on you." He said sweetly. He moved in slowly, so I copied him until we kissed.


He started out slowly, then started heating things up. His hands held me firmly in place as his mouth claimed dominance over mine. I slid my hands up his chest to his neck, pulling at his hair. After a moan escaped his lips he pulled back to look at me. "Liv, I can't keep hiding it. I'm in love with you. You're mine, and I'm yours okay?"

I bit my lip, but nodded. "If you mean it, yes. I'm ready to be yours."

He growled, "Finally. Oh the things I've thought about doing with you..."

"Let's do them. Let's make it real." I said boldly. He growled again, and attached his lips to mine once more. This time it was very feverish and eager.

He pulled me against him, one hand holding my jaw and the other at my waist. "Baby... if you want to stop at any time you let me know."

"Okay. But you don't stop unless you change your mind, or I tell you too." I said with a grin.

"Oh, aren't you a naughty little thing."

I giggled, "Maybe, that's for you to explore and find out."

"Don't have to tell me twice." He scooped me up, putting me on the kitchen counter. His fingers started exploring my body. His lips found my sweet spot on my neck.

"Oh, Dean..." I moaned.

He smirked against my skin. His hand found it's way to my breasts. "Baby... you are so damn perfect. So smart, strong, independent... sexy... beautiful.... frustrating. I love you."

I pulled him into a passionate kiss. He took control easily. He picked me up and carried me upstairs to the guest room we sleep in.

"Dean... Oh my God. You're amazing. So gorgeous, and strong, protective, and sweet. And holy hell are you sexy. I love you, too. Please... I need more." I moaned as we got to the bed.

He groaned into my collar bone as he kissed it. Clothes were all off in about a minute. He was so big I got a little nervous.

He planted kisses all over my body. He triggered something in me.

I didn't know if I could tell him yet. He paused, looking at me. "What is it, baby? What's going on in your head? You have to talk to me, beautiful."

I smiled, "It's nothing bad. Um, I.."

He smirked at me. "You want something from me, don't you? Don't be shy, baby." He said and kissed me shoulder softly.

"Just... you made something pop into my head. I want..." I suddenly felt really stupid, and started blushing.

He leaned down and kissed me deeply and slowly. "Does my baby need a daddy?"

I bit my lip and nodded, "Yeah." I admitted in a small squeak.

He smirked, "Then you're daddy's princess."

He kissed me eagerly once again. His fingers traced their way down between my legs. I gasped as he lightly rubbed into my already wet core. "Mmm, princess... so ready for me."

"Yes, daddy. I want you so much."

He pushed one finger in, then a second as he started pumping them quickly as he found my spot. I squeaked out a moan of his new nickname.

He licked one of my nipples as his fingers worked more magic. As I squirmed under him he chuckled, "Let me hear you, princess. I love the sounds you're making. Don't hold back."

"Oh, daddy! Yes, right there!"

I came off my high, shaking and he smiled before kissing me deeply.

"That was absolutely beautiful, princess. Are you ready for more, baby?"

I pulled him to me, my hand trailing down to his erection. He growled like an animal. "Daddy, I'm so ready for all of you." He kissed my collar bone, up my neck, to my jaw, and finally my lips.

He lined up at my entrance after rolling on a condom. He pushed in the tip. My back started arching already. "Oh, baby, you're so damn wet." He moaned as he pushed into me more.

He was by far the biggest I've ever had. "Holy shit, daddy. You feel amazing." I breathed when he was fully in, his hips pressed firmly against mine.

He pulled out and pushed back in, "Oh baby." He got a good rhythm going, both of us moaning like crazy. He flipped me over as he got on his knees. My face was buried in the blanket with my ass up in the air.

He slipped back into me from behind, kissing my neck sloppily. Then he nibbled my ear, "Such a good girl for daddy."

"Yes, oh God." He started thrusting a bit rougher. He brought me to my second orgasm.

"Oh, my sweet princess... you feel so good squeezing on daddy's cock. So beautiful, too."

"Let me ride you, please." I whispered.

He thrusted a few firm and rough times then paused and kissed me before he said, "Please do, princess." He pulled out and kissed me before sitting on the edge of the bed.

I crawled to him and played with his hair as I straddled his lap. He kissed me as I slowly slid down on his cock. "Oh, holy shit, baby." He hissed in air between his teeth. I bit my lip.

I bounced up and down on him, he pulled at my hair and sucked on my boobs. And after a few minutes I was shaking, calling out his name.

He moved so I was on my back and put one of my legs on his shoulder. This angle filled me even deeper. "You are absolutely beautiful, baby. I love you." He kissed on my chest and neck.

"I love you too, Dean. I want you to cum for me."

"Are you ready for that, princess?"

I nodded, "Yes, daddy."

"You get one more, then it'll be my turn." He promised.

Afterwards he laid next to me, kissing my skin and stroking my hair. "Oh, Liv. You are so damn amazing."

"So are you, Dean. That was... great."

He chuckled and kissed my head, "It was so sexy to hear you calling me daddy."

I blushed, "I don't know what came over me. You brought that out in me."

He kissed my lips quickly. "I'm glad I did. I like it... a lot. And I meant what I said before, you're mine... okay? I want you, and only you, baby."

"That's what I want too."

Sam got back so we got dressed quickly. Dean grabbed my face and kissed me deeply for a few seconds. "Come on, baby. Let's go tell Sammy our good news."

"Right behind you." I followed him downstairs.

Sam eyed us, as if knowing what we just did. I blushed, and he smirked.

Dean cleared his throat. "Sammy, Liv and I want you know... we finally worked things out. And we are together. All the anger and arguing was from hiding our feelings."

Sam looked at me and smirked, "Finally! I'm happy for you two!" They hugged, then Sam hugged me too with a big smile.

A few weeks later Ellen called wanting to see Sam and Dean. It was important enough that she wanted to talk about it in person. So once again we loaded up to head to Ellen's bar.

We got out of the car and Dean grabbed my hand. It was still a new feeling, and I loved it. He smirked at me, kissed my head, and lead the way inside. Sam caught my eye and smiled, making me grin back at him. The last time we were here things were so different.

As soon as Dean walked in behind me, since he held open the door for me and Sam, Jo started to walk to him. Until Dean's arm went around me.

Her face fell and she stopped coming toward him, looking sad and surprised. Dean smiled her way, probably not noticing her face change to upset.

"Hey, guys." Sam said happily.

llen came out with a big smile, "Hey, glad you guys could make it. Come, sit and have a drink."

We all did as she said. I felt Jo watching me and Dean very closely as he put a hand on my thigh. "So, what's up, Ellen? It sounded serious." Dean asked sweetly.

"Well, we have angel problems. They paid us a visit, telling us all sorts of demands."

Sam and Dean shared a look, "Who was it? Did you get names?" Sam asked.

"Should I go call for Cass?" I offered. He would be our best lead.

Sam nodded, "Yeah, thanks Livy."

I stood up and Dean stopped me. He kissed me quickly, "Don't go far, okay? These dicks aren't all like Cass, baby."

I giggled, "I know. I'll be right back."

I got Cass to us, and he came in to help us.

Dean pulled me to his lap and cuddled into me, burying his face into my hair, making me giggle.

"So, I see you two finally got together. It's about time! I love it.... owe Sam here fifty bucks, though." Ash commented.

I laughed, and Sam cracked up loudly.

"You thought I wouldn't make my move?" Dean asked with a chuckle.

"No, I didn't think she would ever finally admit her feelings." He responded playfully.

I blushed, of course I would be the stubborn one to them. "Wait.. you knew too?"

He and Sam exchanged a glance and laughed, "Liv... I'm pretty sure Dean is the only one who didn't notice." Ash said with a laugh.

Dean shook his head, "I can't believe you bet against me landing my girl."

"Me either, though I'm glad you were wrong." I told him.

He nodded, "Yeah, me too. You guys both look really happy." Dean smiled proudly, "We are." And he kissed my head.

Part of me wanted to talk to Jo. But with our past I didn't think it would be a good idea. But I felt bad she was upset about me and Dean.

"Her reaction isn't your issue, Livy." Sam said in my ear subtly. He must've realized where I was looking and what it made me think.

"Yeah, you're right. I just know what that feels like and it sucks."

"You can't help that she had a crush on him. And he never played into it, so it's not his fault she caught feelings. She will get over it in no time."

I huffed, "Okay, you're right. I would only make a problem anyway."

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