Splicing of Changes (Editing)

Galing kay Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 17

121 5 0
Galing kay Growling_moon

My perhaps date with Charlie was most definitely not a date.

Well, I am not even sure why I thought it to be in the first place. I mean Charlie invited me to hang out at the dilapidated building our group of friends like to call it our hangout place. And it's Friday night hence it was expected that everyone would be here. Chilling, talking, joking around. After all this group of friends likes to hang out with each other and their idea of having fun on Friday night is hanging out at the spot. Just because Charlie invited me does not mean it would be just us. At least, I should have expected it as such. I have no idea if Charlie knew or not what I thought about. Well, she did not show surprise when we saw everyone, I mean everyone except the two of us was there.

Liz dropped me off on our side of the park, and I crossed the bridge walking. I would have asked her if I had already told them but since I have not, it did not feel like an ideal situation. Plus, at the back of my mind, the damn parcel and their not so named sender was poking at me. Making me rethink if it was the right decision in the first place to just drop it off in my room and rush out. In one way I do not regret shoving it in my room and walking away but then again it constantly irritated me, especially the fact who could send me that. There was no name and off the top of my head I could not think of anyone. If it was my aunt, well she would write her name and also as far as I know no one knows Tori's address. So, it is weird. But it will be there when I get back and tomorrow and the next day. It's a parcel so it's not flying away anywhere and as much as I want to know about it, something makes me think it will change things for me again. And that makes me forget about it while I enjoy it with my friends.

Charlie was waiting for me in the park, she saw me cross the bridge, raised her eyebrows but did not ask. She looked good, I gave her a once over, the same as she did with me. But neither of us said any words. Silently we traipsed the way to the hangout, climbing underneath the tree which I can never spot unless I am with someone. Then we climbed the stairs. Well, Charlie climbed them like a normal teenager, I died on it. My leg needed rest as soon as I reached the top. There I saw everyone. I was surprised. Charlie just showed no reaction, just waltzed in and went to the back which they like to refer to as a 'room'. It's something with bare minimum walls for privacy. Not really a room but it's where they hide stuff I know that much. Silver was there too, the same girl who was absent from school.

June asked me how I was, talking to me directly for the first time, shocking me. Even though it was just to ask how I was. Apparently, none of them believed the rumors and they thought all of it was made up, so they had no idea what happened. Weird because they did not even text me except Charlie. Silver enquired about my absence too, and when I asked about her she waved me off saying she had some things to do. She did tell me that she might miss more school and for me to be prepared whatever that meant. I suppose she was teasing me, but it did not work because I was confused.

Soon, the party started. By that I mean they took out a joint and started smoking. I was not in the mood to smoke because of my meds, and I told them as much. Still, they asked me to take one hit as otherwise, it was offensive or shit. I do not know what they meant, they did not force me but I did not like that either. I took a hit, knowing that one hit is probably fine. And it was, I did not feel any effect well not from that. My pain meds took over making me groggy and high in their eyes and hence they believed that I got high very fast. Well, Charlie was high that's for sure and Silver too. I never imagined Silver to be high but it seemed like she needed it and was enjoying herself. Someone started playing music from their phone and they started dancing. When they pulled my hand, I declined. Now, I might take one drag from the joint but dancing is not what I can do. Well not anytime soon. And I do not want to destroy my leg any more than it is now.

I remember watching Charlie dancing alone. Silver was dancing with Danny and Jeffrey. Jake joined the cousins and formed a trio of their own. Mark was done after one song and came back to smoke more. He kept smiling looking at them. Charlie was high as a kite and when she slumped beside me after dancing for so long, I knew she was gone. She just stayed by my side the rest of the evening, not doing much. They talked, well, I suppose we all talked, it's just I could not keep up with the conversations. They made no sense. It was funny though, as it seemed like they all got each other. Well except the cousins because I do not think they were high at all. But they seemed happy not to be. Charlie on the other hand liked my hair a lot and played with it, till she sort of fell asleep on my lap. Only thing I remember is that I may or may not have told them that Tori is my sister but I highly doubt they will remember it when they sober up. Also, I invited Charlie to paint my room today.

I texted Liz to pick me up after our hang-out. I felt bad because it was late but I knew I could not walk back. They all went home and I think Alice told me she would help Charlie to get back to her house. It was weird but I knew Alice was not high so I trusted her. Even though the girl does not seem to like me, I know they were friends before they met me, so I know they care about each other. Liz drove me home without a word. And as soon as I walked in Tori hugged me tight for some reason. I remember that I started laughing at that and after a few seconds, they both joined me in the laughing session. I have no idea what made me laugh but I remember it felt funny to me for some reason. I went back to my room after that and just fell asleep, not before replying to Charlie who texted me. I hearted her first message.

Charlie 😎: Reached home.

Charlie 😎: G'dnite Kris.

Charlie 😎: 🥱🥱

☠️: sleep tight Lee.

I wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start my day. That is until I remember my Physical Therapy today. Dammit. Slowly rising, I check my phone. For some reason the weird text exchange between me and Charlie last night made me smile. I also noticed that Charlie hearted my last message. That made my smile widen and that creeped me out enough to get up and freshen up before my tiring PT this morning. Usually, Physical Therapy makes me tired. Too tired to move but then I remembered I invited Charlie to paint my room today. I am not sure if that is even a good idea anymore. But I will not cancel. First, I need to get over PT then buy some paint and other supplies.

The whole house seems to awake this fine Saturday. Way too early for this jolly union of everyone but I suppose when kids like Alex and James are there you cannot help but feel jolly. I see Tori and Liz sluggishly move around, making me feel less bad. So, only Alex and James are hyped up this morning.

"Morning Kris. How'd you sleep?" Tori asks, kissing my head and coming to me. Surprised, I look at her stunned. "What? Can't I show affection to my little sister?" She asks, confused. I shake my head.

"Not used to it yet. Morning." I tell her as I sit on one of the chairs.

"So what does everyone want for breakfast?" Liz asks, pulling a chair for Tori first then for herself to sit. I smile seeing them like this. Liz seems to be whipped as she keeps on staring at Tori not at all bothered by me seeing her. She moves Tori's hair behind her ear and misses the wide-eye stare Tori gives her. Liz seems to be lost in her own world as she picks up Tori's hand and kisses it.

Giggling kids do not bother her either. "Waffles", "Pancakes." Both Alex and James shout alerting Liz. She just smiles at them sweetly.

"Babe look what you've done. Why'd you ask them what they want for breakfast?" Tori complains, frowning at Liz sweetly. "I don't want to cook now." Liz smiles hearing Tori's whine.

"Who asked you to cook?" Liz asks, kissing Tori softly.

"Are you cooking then?" Tori asks, with a hopeful look, and a shy smile from the affection Liz has been showing her.

"Nah, I am not awake enough to cook now baby. Let's go out for breakfast before taking Kris for PT." Liz replies.

"That's a good idea. And Oh My God! I completely forgot Kris has Physical Therapy this morning." Tori slaps her forehead, sighing and lowering her head.

"Don't worry, I remembered. What will you do without your wife?" Liz asks, teasingly kissing Tori again as soon as she looks up. They seem to be very much lovey-dovey today. They are very cute together and I cannot express how happy it makes me feel seeing my sister happy and loved like this.

"Hope I never have to find out. Now everyone, let's get dressed." Tori says, winking at Liz who just laughs loudly.

After around forty-five minutes we are in the cafe, the place I spotted the first day I walked around after which the cute shops with cute awnings are situated. Today I am inside the cafe and it is safe to say that it is not a cafe at all. Or maybe it is but very different to the ones I have been to before. It has more of a diner vibe than a cafe, but at the same time, it seems very polished and rich in appearance. We settle in with Alex by my side and James in the high chair and Tori and Liz opposite of me. Somehow, I realize I have to take care of the kids while they eat. I sigh and Tori laughs a little at that.

"So any plans for today Kris?" Liz asks, not realizing the short exchange us sisters had.

"Umm... I kind of invited my friend, Charlie, to help me paint my room today." Both Liz and Tori look at me with raised eyebrows. I shrug folding a napkin more.

"Kris, first of all, I am glad you finally decided to paint the room. But are you sure it's alright to do it today? I mean you might be tired after P.T." Tori asks. I lift one shoulder up and drop it.

"I don't like to cancel on people. I keep my word." I say, not meaning to jab at Tori but I end up doing so.

"Ouch!" Tori exclaims. "Guess I deserve that. It's not related to this but I want to ask Kris, why did you not tell me about your accident?" Tori asks, in a soft whisper.

A waitress comes to take our order right then, cutting the tension emitting from us. We all order and I order Waffles on a whim making Alex do a happy dance beside me. That wipes away all tension that surrounds us. But as soon as the waitress walks away, it returns and I notice Tori is not even looking up anymore. Liz is holding her hand and is looking at her and at me alternatively.

"I did tell you, Tori. I emailed you so many things over the years. You never replied. And then I thought you forgot about me, you didn't want... I don't know." I shrug.

Tori looks at me weirdly. "Kris, I knowingly kept my email the same, the one I gave you. I knew when you grew up a little you would figure out a way to contact me. But you never did."

"So you never got any of the emails I sent you?" I ask, confused. "I sent so many of them. I remember asking a teacher at school to help me email you a drawing in the first email I sent you. Then over the years, I sent so many, including after my accident, begging you to come visit me. But you never replied and I thought you didn't want me in your life anymore." Tori takes my hand in her.

"How could you ever think that? I love you, Kris. You are my little sister, my munchkin. You have no idea what it did to me, leaving you that day with them. But I knew I was not grown up to take care of you and I promised to go back after I became an adult. And I did but...well that's another thing. I would rather not say now." I frown.

"What do you mean Tori? I don't know about any of this. How is it possible that you never got my emails? How is it possible that I don't know you came back for me?"

"Two words Kris, Mom and Dad. I will tell you later one of these days when we have the talk. I have a suspicion that they are behind me not getting the emails either. They seriously did not want us to reunite." Tori scoffs. "Guess what's the first thing their death did? It brought you to me." Tori smiles, her eyes are glistening with angry tears.

"Yeah that it did. But... it's so weird. Why would they do this though."

"Kris, there is so much you don't know. I will tell you one day." I nod. "I need a little time to tell you everything," Tori whispers.

"Babe you do realize that you have to talk to Kris soon, right? You cannot keep putting it off. I know you need time, and I will support your decision whenever you decide to talk but I hope you do it sooner than later." Liz tells Tori, kissing the side of her head.

"You guys are too cute together. Gah! Too sweet for this early in the morning." I say, making both of them smile.

"I am so glad you are okay with this Kris," Tori tells me again. I frown but give her a tight smile. There might be more things for me to learn about our parents than I realized. I have a feeling Tori's reasoning for this is also tied to them. I cannot fathom why our parents would purposely keep us two sisters separated. They seemed like they were hell bent on us never meeting and never actually pictured us reuniting like this. I guess, their death opened the otherwise closed road. Weird! Very weird, indeed.

"Wait, I completely forgot to ask, who is Charlie? Is he just your friend? Or...?" Tori trails off. I laugh realizing that it is completely true.

"She is just my friend," I reply, smiling. Tori nods as Liz winks at me.

Our food arrives and we devour it, I take out my phone to text Charlie.

☠️: Good morning Lee.

Charlie 😎: Too early Kris. Go back to sleep!

Charlie 😎: 🥱🥱

I laugh at her replies and I realize she got up just to text me back before going back to sleep. Why would she do that? Weird. This morning seems to have too many weird things for now. Maybe I should leave things be and just eat my syrup-drenched waffles and slurp the egg and rest of my breakfast up. 

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