Holidays with You

By yejinhandlands

2.1K 141 35

5 holidays. 4 tales of love. More


2.1K 141 35
By yejinhandlands

—That one holiday where Jin-Ah missed her bus and Jin-Woo did not miss his another chance.


"What do you mean there are no more tickets?!"

Jin-Ah is not usually the type of person who would make a scene, let alone at a public space. Yet somehow the fact that she travelled for an hour to the bus station just so she could go home to Daegu for the weekend only to find out there weren't any tickets left, has caused her uncharacteristic outburst.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you should've booked a ticket via website." The lady inside the booth looked genuinely apologetic, "It's Chuseok. People from the metro will really go home to their provinces, ma'am."

Her fingers brushed through her hair in frustration, and nodded back to the woman. Before she can grab the huge bag she dropped on the tiled floor, she heard the saleslady speak, "There's a car rental shop across the street, you may want to try it."

Jin-Ah forced out a smile at the genuine concern of the lady, before sitting on the benches meant for waiting passengers.

She doesn't even know how to drive.

With all hope lost, Jin-Ah grabbed her phone and opened the app to book a ride home to Seoul. Maybe next Chuseok, she said to herself, mentally tattooing the reminder to always book for a ticket weeks before her trip.

"Yoon Jin-Ah?" Someone beside her had said, startling her poor soul so much her phone slipped from her hand.

The owner of the voice caught it, fortunately, saving Yoon Jin Ah a trip to the electrics store. Looking up to man, her mouth parted a little in surprise, her doe eyes slowly forming into two large Os - never in a million years she have imagined she would see the boy-- now a dashing, handsome man-- that caused all the butterflies in her stomach and made her heart flutter for the very first time several years ago.

"I -- Yoo Jin Woo?"

"Hi, Jin-Ah." He raised his hand to wave, "How have you been?"

"Oh I've been well! Just.. you know.. life." Her hand gestures told him she doesn't want to talk about it. She almost rolled her eyes at the misfortunes she'd been experiencing these past few months, latest of which is the failed trip back home— but she didn't wanna bore him with details. "Nice to see you here. How about you? Are you going home?"

He nodded.

"Ugh. There are no more tickets. I was actually on my way back to Seoul now, since the only way I can go home to Daegu now are the cars for rent.. Lucky me, I can't drive." Jin-Ah uttered with disdain, "You already booked a ticket via website, no?"

"Tickets ran out? Too bad.." Jin Woo slid a piece of paper on his back pocket. "..Any chance you still want to go? I can drive."

"Oh, yes, thank you! You're heaven sent!


Yoo Jin Woo is a spawn from hell.

"..Huh? You never dated Joon Hee?" 30 minutes into the trip, and he was already teasing her about all the men she 'supposedly' liked back in high school.

"What? No!" She replied defensively, even leaning near him to reiterate her point, "I mean he liked me but... it wasn't mutual! It was just because we coincidentally attended the same university. I was a familiar face."

Jin Woo nodded and pursed his lips for a second, eyes marred with playful mischief. "How about Gyu....? The tall one. With glasses. "

"Gyu-min?!" Her voice raised a notch, "Now you're just making things up!"

The butterflies, the same ones she hasn't felt for years now, magically appeared in her stomach when he turned to her and laughed. When his chuckles subsided, he flashed her a smile that was all too familiar to her.

The smile that invaded her thoughts 24/7 when she was 15. Memories of how she applauded herself for not fainting on the spot whenever they talked have resurfaced in her mind. I am such a great actress, she thought of herself as a teenager, as she managed to hide the fact that she had the biggest crush on this man.

Jin-Ah initially thought it would be awkward with her and Jin-Woo, that the potential topics they could talk about would only last them 10km into their trip. Afterall, they haven't talked since their high school graduation. Even if they considered each other as casual friends, they weren't THAT close enough to pursue that friendship until college.

Last she heard of him, he was in a relationship with a European model based in Seoul. That was years ago. He could be a family man now for Heaven's sake! Immediately castrating herself for the thoughts in her mind, she immediately peered over his left hand for a ring band.

The smile plastered in her face when he saw his ringless hand didn't come unnoticed to Jin Woo, who's peripheral vision is one for the books, "Why?"

"Huh? Nothing."

Still, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep without confirmation. And what if he is indeed married, and he just forgot his ring at home? Her subconscious asked herself. And what if he isn't? 15 year old Jin-Ah inside her hissed back.

Curiosity killed the cat, she was once again reminded.

"Why aren't you with your wife and kids? Are they not going to visit your parents?" She asked, taking in a more pensive tone.

"What gave you the impression that I'm married?" Jin Woo quickly replied, "I'm single, Jin-Ah."

Well, curiosity may have killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

The familiarity in the air enveloped the two of them as they traversed the expressway in their rented sedan, the topics coming naturally and conversations flowing smoothly as they caught up with each others' lives.

"You work in Apgujeong?"

"I do. I oversee a department that develops video games."

Jin-Ah nodded, still cannot believe that they were literally walking in the same circles.

"I manage a branch of Coffee Bay there-- Well technically one in Apjugeong and one in Gangnam-gu. I'm there MWF, how come we never bumped into each other?"

Suddenly a look of guilt sprawled on his face that was immediately replaced and hidden by a playful smirk. "I— I always get my coffee fix at Angel-in-Us, I'm sorry. Maybe that's why."

She good-naturedly hit his arm.

"I didn't know, Jin-Ah!" He said as he took in the light punches in his bicep, failing miserably to hide his chuckles. "Had I known, I would've visited you and tge store every MWF."

Jin Woo continued, "TThs are still for Angel-In-Us, of course, I absolutely love their americano."

"What did you say??" The slight laughter seething into her humorous nagging was one of the best sounds he has ever heard. "Psh, come to Coffee Bay and I will personally brew one for you. That will whip the ass of your precious Angel-In-Us Americano."

She continued, "You know what, come next week! I'll treat you to breakfast at Coffee Bay. We're launching new pastries and we would love to get the people's feedback."

"Wow, I never thought you'll be buying me food again?"

"When did I ever treat you?" Jin-Ah raised her eyebrows, thinking that it was impossible how he remembered that she bought him hotdogs in a bun AND gatorade twice in high school after his basketball practice, an act which she nonchalantly dismissed back then as 'concern' over her friend.

"I'm not going to tell you, pretty girl who buys me food."



"Come on, tell me!"

"No!" She had to shake her head to smack some sense into her, because for a moment she thought she saw him wink at him.

The 15-year old giddy Jin-Ah, who had the biggest crush on her former friend, hasn't shown itself yet, thankfully, even when he looked like sin personified when retrieved his sunglasses hanging on the second button of his oxford shirt. With one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on the temple of his sunglasses, she witnessed as he took the other end of the temple with the edge of his lips and pulled it open, ready to wear. In 5 seconds Jin-Ah thought she needed one sunglasses for her as well, given that his male companion is blindingly gorgeous.

Saying that 'she enjoyed their trip' was an understatement. They have caught up with each other's lives, talked about their blissful memories back in high school, at one point they even shared about what they planned to do in the future. By the end of the four-hour ride, they had exchanged numbers-- especially since their current arrangement required them to travel back to Seoul together to return this car.

Not that she has any complaints.

"Turn right at that street. There. Just after the lamp post. There."

"Don't worry, I know."

"How?" she asked.

"I used to always see you sweeping your front yard for fallen leaves whenever we stroll every Saturday morning years back" He turned his gaze from the street to her, "How's that rugrats pajamas you always wear?"

"WHAT? You saw that?" Failing to hide her incredulous expression, she hid her face in mock annoyance.

He doesn't need to know that the Rugrats Pajama has been turned into Rugrats shorts and is currently in the hamper of her Seoul apartment because that's what she wore last night.


One more "When are you getting married?" and I will immediately storm out of this house, Jin Ah thought.. Her Appa knew better than to ask, afterall she's old enough to make her decisions, and her life was hers alone in the first place. Her Eomma, however, couldn't be more different. It was hard enough to deal with her constant pressure, more so when her aunts willingly joined the tirade.

She heard it all.

"You're not getting any younger, Jin-Ah!"
"I can set you up to my friend's son, Jin-Ah! It's about time!"
"Jin-Ah, we just don't want you to die alone.."
Jin-Ah, at this rate, you can only bear 1 child, 2 if you're lucky!"
"Who's going to take care of you when you get old?"

Her ears were tingling with every call of her name from their mouths. It was like every call came with an insult to her choices in life. Apparently, the fact she got promoted to manager and now handles 2 of the biggest branches of the company didn't matter to her mother because she said that these things are nothing when she doesn't have a family to go home to by the end of day.

"Have you gone to the doctor? How's your ovaries, child?" Her imo said.

All she saw was red.

"Stop!! My ovaries are none of your business!!!" in Jin-Ah's mind she said that with all her might, even stomping her foot on their wooden floor on the way out and throwing away the songpyeon platter on the coffee table. But naturally she did none of those things. Instead, she stood up from where she was seated on the sofa and uttered, "Please excuse me. I'm not feeling very well."

She walked away to the kitchen holding the plateful of Songpyeon, also taking the box of spare delicacy on the countertop. Jin-Ah reached for the top cabinet to reach a container, and she sealed everything remorsefully in her mom's favorite tupperware. Eomma should've bidden these tupperwares a proper farewell; this is the closest thing she's going to get as a grandchild, she remorsefully thought.

Stepping out of the house, Jin-Ah only found out how much Daegu has changed.

Gone was the arcade place they used to hang out on, gone were favorite fried chicken restaurants, and sadly, the houses that filled the street adjacent to theirs have turned into low-rise buildings.

A quaint bistro-slash-cafe sat on the corner of the street across the grocery. With no one else inside, she thought it was the perfect place to drown in her thoughts and consume all these delicious songpyeon she hijacked at home. By the looks of it, this place serves food and mediocre coffee in the day but transforms as a place of drinking at night-- as made obvious by the stage where performers would sing to serenade the supposed drunken audience.

As much as she wanted to get drunk right now, she chose to order Americano.

..which she almost spat out the moment it reached her lips. She thought of him, naturally. Jin Woo should taste this terrible coffee.

At the other end of the village, a certain man outside his own home had someone's number ready for dialing. After second guessing himself for almost 3 minutes, he ultimately decided against it, he didn't want to bother her while she's with her family.

Imagine his surprise to see the woman he was just thinking about, alone in the humble cafe eating songpyeon by herself.

Jin-Ah was sitting on the loveseat, and Jin-Woo took the seat across from her.

"I'm starting to think you're following me." The look of surprise in her face betrayed how cold her words were. She was glad to see him

"This is the only place open, Jin-Ah." He said, in a matter of fact, albeit laced with amusement "Of course we're going to bump to each other. Why are you here?"

"Running away from my family." The bitterness was evident in her words. How ironic, she thought, how she traveled 270 kilometers to go home, only to want to step out of the house after a minute of being there. "You? I thought you only go to fancy cafes." She said jokingly, sticking her tongue out to make light of the situation.

"I'm running away too."



"Ah," Jin-Ah uttered, moving the tupperware of the songpyeon to her companion. He took a piece, then raised it in the air. She mirrored him, and made her songpyeon touch his as if they were clinking glasses. "Happy Chuseok."

"Happy Chuseok, Jin-Ah."

When his Americano came, Jin-Ah mesmerizingly waited for his reaction to the coffee.

It came almost immediately, spitting out the coffee in its cup and moving it away from him. "What the hell is this?" he grunted, and Jin-Ah's laugh filled the entire cafe, her eyes drifting to the waitress who fortunately didn't see the entire scene unfold, before the same eyes crinkled into tiny crescents.

Jin-Woo joined her in laughter, at least there was something that saved this year's Chuseok, he thought.

"Wait until you drink my own brew, you're going to want to visit us every day and night," Jin-Ah chuckled, "..and when you can't sleep because of too much caffeine, you're gonna think of me.

"I don't need to lose sleep to think of you." He murmured, soft enough to hide his ministrations, loud enough for Jin-Ah to hear him."

A shy smile crept up Jin-Ah's lips, before pretending she didn't hear any of it. Deciding to veer the conversation away from this before she turns into a 15-year old giddy puddle of goo again, she asked. "So, what parent expectations you didn't reach for you to storm out of the house in Chuseok?"

"You go first," Jin-Woo uttered, raised his palm upwards in a gentlemanly manner as if saying ladies first.

"Oh, me?" Jin-Ah sarcastically asked, "Nothing much. As it turns out, for my Eomma, I'm only as good as my womb." she lightly hit her own stomach, frustrated that her old-fashioned mother cannot respect her decision in life— that is, to not jump the bones and marry the next guy who will show her even an ounce of kindness. For her mother, a self-sustaining respectable man is all she needed, not taking into consideration just the most important thing in every relationship: love.

"I'm okay with waiting, but for the love of god, they couldn't understand that. They make it seem like there's a strapped bomb on me that won't stop ticking until I get a ring in this hand and a child in this body."

She couldn't look at Jin-Woo. It was an uncharacteristic outburst, unwarranted (even if he asked), but somehow when she met his piercing gaze that further weakened her resolve, she didn't see judging eyes, she did not see eyes that misinterpreted her, she did not see eyes that gave her sympathy..

For the first time, she saw eyes that understood. Eyes that felt.

Instantly she cannot see the playful Yoo Jin Woo in front of her. The boy who would proudly raise a fist in the air and smile at the girls screeching at the bleachers whenever he scores at basketball, the boy who would go to class early to copy homeworks from his classmates, the boy who was a regular at the principal's office because of his antics.

What sat in front of her was a different version of Yoo Jin Woo. Manlier, more mature, more handsome. A good person. She didn't go as far as to say the feelings went back, but he definitely woke up the butterflies in her songpyeon-filled stomach.

She was always looking from a distance, hiding the budding feelings she has inside as casual friendship. Yoo Jin Woo was her first love, albeit unrequited as it may seem.

He gave her a reassuring smile, one that was instantly tattooed in her memory by how charming and kind it was.

"You?" she asked.

"We've both had it with old-fashioned parents." Jin Woo started, "For mine, everything that they did not understand was wrong." He took one especially large kind of Songpyeon and bit on it, raising his hand to her mouth as if offering the other half to her companion. Jin-Ah took it. "They can't seem to understand that the world is changing we're living in this digital world, and my job, no matter how much they like it or not, is at the forefront."

He continued, "They have always wanted me to become a lawyer, a doctor, an engineer..." He clasped his own hand on the table, "They clearly don't know me. You know me Jin-Ah, right? I'm not cut-out for any of that."

Jin-Ah, who can only stare at him, nodded in assent. She did know him. Or does.

"He thinks success can only be measured by his own standards." Jin-woo hissed, and Jin-Ah returned the understanding gaze that he generously gave her earlier. "Joke's on him, I'm going to go home in a luxury apartment in Seoul and take a bath in my bathtub full of money."

Jin-Ah's eyes crinkled in mirth, giggles escaping from her lips. "Wow, can I take a dip in your money tub?"

Playful Jinwoo made a comeback and he smirked at her, "Jin-Ah, you want to dip on my bathtub with me?"

Her pinkish blush turned to crimson red as potential images of both of them in his bathtub visited her mind. She quickly willed herself to erase them as she picked a songpyeon and stuffed one in his mouth, "Oh, Shut up!"

The years had been good to him, she thought, noticing how he was boyishly cute and manly dashing at the same time. He still held the boyish features she always liked— the dimples on his cheeks and his bangs, yet she discovered that she liked the manly Jin Woo more. He wasn't buff, but he was lean.. and he does these little things where he puffs air from his mouth and he smirks.

Jin Woo saw the guitar on the mini stage at the corner of the cafe. She witnessed how he talked to the staff behind the counter, probably to borrow the instrument, and he strided back towards her with a guitar in tow. "What song would you like me to play?" He asked as he sat again in front of Jin-Ah.

"That Man," her lips opened automatically, and he smiled when he heard her. "You always play that song back then."

"You never forgot," he pointed out.

In the middle of their laughter-filled bubble, her consciousness got a tad too comfortable and she suddenly blurted, "Of course, why would I? You never saw me swooning at the far corner of the classroom whenever you play?"

"Why would you swoon?" He chuckled.

"I had the biggest crush on you years back, Jin Woo."

The man only nodded and Jin-Ah froze in her seat, castrating herself again for talking without thinking. But then Jin-Woo's expression softened, as if it wasn't already soft to begin with, and looked at her again with that damned gaze that she surely would have fallen for, even ten times over.

"I had the biggest crush on you too, Jin-Ah."

Her heart skipped a beat. She thought, where were these words when she was 15? Yet even if she heard the words decades too late, it didn't mean she doesn't like hearing it now.

"Pfft," she blew air out of her mouth, mirroring what he liked to do. "You only like the slutty girls back in highschool."

A wonderful feeling in her gut ensued with the way he looked at her and smiled, and at that moment she was convinced that all her feelings came flooding back at her and that she was once again casted under his spell.

Will their semicolon finally turn into a concluding period?

"That's not true. I liked you."

"I-- what?"

"Why didn't you tell me, Jin-Ah?" He asked, "..and if you always swoon whenever I play, how come you never noticed I was looking at you the entire time?"

—when he started playing his guitar, she actually found herself reverting to an old habit. She concentrated on how his nimble fingers pressed on the right chords and the others strummed the strings of the guitar, invoking all the wonderful melodies and beautiful feelings in the world rolled into one. Entranced, mesmerized, hypnotized, it took her long enough to shift her gaze from his skillful hands to his handsome face. And when she finally did, true enough, he was looking at her.

He had been staring at her too. For far too long. She would've seen, only if she knew where to look.

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