No Return (The Return Series)

By Ceasless_Void

21.4K 253 153

Book 1 Ash Ketchum had supposedly died in that Forest Fire created by the Boss of Team Rocket Giovanni after... More

Author's Note
Everybody's Pokemon and Age
The Reason
The Truth
The Opening
The Revenge
The Deception
The Question
The Discovery
The Plan
The Offer
The Promise
The Date
The Contact
The Rift
The Finals
The Beginning
The Return
The Redemption
The Destruction

The Betrayal

2.4K 24 9
By Ceasless_Void

3rd Person POV

Sevi Islands, Kanto

Ash stood silently in the shadows. Looking at the Pokemon in the Pokeball he was holding. Deoxys. That's not what he was thinking about though. No matter how much he tried it always hurt when he thought about them and what happened 3 years ago. His mother, Delia Ketchum always said 'Scars you can't see are always there'. Maybe she was right maybe Ash couldn't get over the pain. The unbearable pain. He knew he was framed for a crime he didn't commit and he had no way of proving his innocence so he did what best, he ran. Ran away from his problems. Like he ran away from his Charizard. Like he ran away from her. Her. He thought she loved him, but it's like the saying goes 'If its too good to be true, it probably is'. He had learned that lesson the hard way and now there is no return.


Lily of the Valley Island, Sinnoh

 "Magmortar is unable to battle which means that the winner is Challenger Ash of Pallet Town. Ash had just beaten Flint the final member of the elite four and as he did his adrenaline  died down and he collapsed breathing heavily and sighed. He couldn't feel better. He only had one more step towards his dream, he would not fail. He got up and looked at Flint and shook his hand. Flint said nothing but just nodded at Ash. Ash understood. Flint wanted Ash to win the Championship match against Cynthia that's why Flint had battled better than he ever had. Flint had pushed Ash and his Pokemon to their limits, testing if they were ready for the final challenge. Cynthia. Ash knew if he wanted to achieve his dream he would have to verse Cynthia. As he was exiting he was greeted with a Blue-haired beauty. His girlfriend, Dawn. They had started dating 6 months ago when Ash returned to Sinnoh for the first time in years and he couldn't be happier. All of his friends were there watching. Even Paul. His long-time rival with his questionable training style, but Paul had changed for the better. He didn't treat his Pokemon so harshly and didn't release them for underperforming. All of his friends came up to congratulate him. Except two people Kenny and Serena. Funny. He had definitely seen them in the stands when his battle had started. Strange. As he left he was surrounded by so many reporters he began to become dizzy. Luckily security came and took Ash and his friends to the Pokemon centre where he could have his Pokemon checked up on. Suddenly a certain blonde-haired trainer came up to him. Cynthia. "Hope you don't mind Ash but the Championship match is going to be in three days as next week I have Business to attend to in Johto," "That's fine Cynthia, whatever works for you," Ash replied. "Excellent, I'll go make an announcement," Cynthia stated. "Let's go out to eat, to celebrate," May announced with enthusiasm. Even Ash couldn't argue with that. Ash didn't think that this moment would take Ash down a path of no return.

2 Days Later: 

Ash was training against Paul for his battle against Cynthia tomorrow he wanted to be prepared. For some reason Serena had insisted on watching after she and Kenny disappeared for a day. Paul was using the same brutal training methods on Ash's Pokemon that he had used all those years ago. He wasn't like Paul and wouldn't bully his Pokemon for not being able to take out 2 or 3 stronger opponents but he was training his Pokemon to be even more resilient. Suddenly Kenny appeared from behind the trees holding 2 bottles of water. One he chucked over to Ash the other he handed to Paul. If Kenny were to be honest with himself, Paul scared him and what he and Serena devised scared him even more is what his role was set as. He had to take out Paul. Serena said Sleep powder would do the trick, but that didn't make Kenny scared it was what would happen if sleep powder failed. Kenny would most likely walk away with several broken bones if he were lucky. And he had just completed phase one of the plan. "I need to go get some different Pokemon," Paul announced. Just as quickly Kenny answered "I'll go with you, so you know you don't get jumped by wild Pokemon considering your Pokemon are weak from training so hard." Paul didn't argue so Kenny took that as a yes and followed him. Phase two, complete. Phase three was where he might have to have several bones on his body amputated. He was doing this for Dawn. His childhood friend Deedee. he had a crush on her since they were 8 and just worked up the courage to ask her out just for that Ketchum kid to steal her away. He was sorry for Ketchum. Because if everything goes right for Kenny and Serena, Ash might get stuck with an obsessive girlfriend of Serena. Kenny didn't hate Ash. He thought they had an alright friendship, but if that friendship was getting in the way of him and Dawn dating then he would happily watch it burn. Paul noticed something was wrong. Kenny seemed too on edge for simple wild Pokemon. Before Paul had time to react Kenny shoved him forwards and tripped over a root sticking out from the ground, talk about unlucky. Kenny pulled out his Breloom and put Paul to sleep. Kenny breathed a huge sigh of relief, currently, Kenny would keep his limbs intact and not bent at 270 degree angles. He hid Paul's body behind a tree and walked to where Dawn was conversing with May and Misty. He didn't hear any of their conversation but he walked up to Dawn and tapped her on the shoulder, "Hey, can I speak to you privately for a moment Deedee?" She turned around, her beautiful blue hair following her. "Sure, lead the way." He took her to a secluded area near the Pokemon centre and began, "look Dawn I know this isn't news you want to hear but Ash has been cheating on you with Serena," Dawn looked at him blankly. "I'm sorry," he said. Finally Dawn spoke, "excuse me Kenny, but could you repeat that sentence." "Ash had been cheating on you with Serena," Kenny repeated. Dawn was silent for precisely 13.24 seconds she spoke one simple sentence, "I don't believe you." "Follow me, Dawn," Kenny stated and started walking into the forest where Ash and Paul were training, Dawn trailing behind. He got to the location looked at Serena and Serena looked back. Understanding almost immediately Serena grabbed Ash's face who was seated next to her drinking water and kissed him hard on the lips just as Dawn arrived to the scene. Ash's eyes widened immediately and pulled away a second too late. Dawn had witnessed Serena kiss Ash and that was enough for her to pull the lever. She screamed at Ash, "I can't believe you, you cheating bastard, you said you loved me." Words like that, until she finally ran off crying Kenny following suit. Ash knew he couldn't follow her now even if he didn't do anything. Ash did what he did best he ran. Ran away from his problems, ran away from the girl of his dreams, she was the girl he wanted to marry, up until now all that seemed possible. How one hour of his life had ruined more than the other 15 years of his life he didn't know but it had happened, this wasn't a dream he knew that for certain. 

With Cynthia:

Cynthia had just about finished a hard training session with her Pokemon at her secret training location guarded by Aigeslash. It was well needed as she would likely face her hardest challenge yet. She had to say she was nervous. But if anyone were to dethrone her she would want it to be Ash. She watched as her Lucario's Aura Sphere and her Milotic's Hydro Pump clashed. "Good job, both of you, return." Suddenly she heard loud noises outside the room. Strange, but probably just the Aegislash playing around. Suddenly an oddly familiar voice rang through the room as the doors burst open. Cynthia looked over, a black-haired boy stood with a Pikachu on his shoulder. "Vee use mist," the trainer called out. White mist began to cover the room. "Ash?" Cynthia called out. "Shut up," the voice shot back coldly. White mist continued to spread throughout the room. "Ash, why are you here?" Cynthia asked. "I told you to shut up, Pika use Thunder!" the trainer called out. Cynthia barely had time to call out her Garchomp to protect herself. The attack barely missed. "And you're supposed to be a Champion, pathetic," the trainer called out. "Garchomp, use flamethrower!" Cynthia called out. "Thunderbolt," the trainer called. The two attacks clashed in the middle for a second before thunderbolt overpowered flamethrower. "Garchomp use Earthquake," Cynthia yelled, she was getting desperate as giant shock waves were released around the battlefield. "Pika, send the Earthquake back by striking the ground with Iron Tail," the trainer called out. Garchomp was sent flying into the wall behind Cynthia. "Garchomp, no!" Cynthia cried out. "Pika, use Thunder," the trainer called out knocking Cynthia unconscience. The last thing she heard was the trainer saying "There is no return from a path of darkness."

With the Others: 

"You were right Kenny, about Ash," Dawn began, "I was wrong." "I'm only trying to look out for my friend," Kenny said smirking on the inside. They finally got to where everyone was with three people missing Paul, Serena and Ash. Until Ash came walking down the hill. Dawn was furious and physically steaming. She walked right up to him and punched him in the gut, he didn't flinch but looked down at her sadly. Suddenly Cynthia came flying on her Garchomp with a piece of security tape in her hand. When she landed she said to Ash, "So, you come to me, nearly kill me and come back hear like nothing happened, you are pathetic Ketchum." Ash was taken aback, usually Cynthia was so nice and caring. And she did not use venom in her voice. Venom was practically dripping from each of her words. "What are you talking about, Cynthia?" Ash asked. "Don't you dare play dumb with me Ketchum," Cynthia yelled "I have what you did on tape, don't deny it. " "Let's see it than," Ash demanded. Everyone in the group followed and as soon as Cynthia put the tape in it was over for Ash. The full tape played and everyone turned to Ash. Everybody whom he considered friends was glaring at him, except one exception. Kenny. He had a sad look on his face. "You have to believe me!" Ash yelled. "I've been framed, that isn't me, you have to believe me!" Ash was frantic and panicking, "Please, Gary, Brock, Dawn you have to believe me, that isn't me!" "Get out Ash, we don't want scum like you here, especially after what this tape showed us." Brock exclaimed, "I'm ashamed to have looked up to you," Max continued from Brock. Everyone went around expressing their distaste and disappointment. Until Dawn. "Dawn, you have to believe me. I'm innocent, swear, you have to believe me. Dawn's expression was blank, unreadable. "I'm ashamed to have loved you." Those were the words that broke the unbreakable boy. "If that's the case," Ash began, "then I have a meeting with death and it includes a knife." He said and walked off. The others followed him out. "You should be put on trial for your crimes," said May. "I'm sorry, Dawn," Ash began as he crushed the pendant he had of himself and Dawn in his hand, "but if Kenny makes you happy then so am I."  And just like that Ash flew away on Charizard. Just as Ash became a spec in the sky, Paul emerged from the forest screaming bloody murder. He charged at Kenny and threw him against a tree. Paul pulled a knife out of his pocket. "Tell them what you did, you coward!" "Ok, ok," Kenny said quickly. "Me and Serena made a deal, to help each other to break Dawn and Ash up," Kenny began, everyone except Paul and Kenny gasped and Dawn started to cry realising her mistake. "I hired a mercenary to steal Ash's identity and attack Cynthia, the plan worked, Ash won't Return."  

Present Day: 

Celadon City, Kanto

Paul sat in the conference room contemplated all his decisions up until this point. He did it for a reason. A selfish reason no doubt. Paul believed in his reason. The only reason why he had a Latios in his Pokeball. His reason for joining Team Rocket. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe it was pointless. Team Rocket only leads to death and despair. Paul left all of those people after the incident 3 years ago. he refused to associate himself with people like that. Betrayal hurts the most because it never comes from your enemies. That is what Ash had told him after Paul managed to track him down. Ash had said 'with Team Rocket you are nothing. But when you have done what I have you will too realise, the light is too far away to reach. You will realise Team Rocket offers no redemption, Team Rocket offers no return.'


Lily of the Valley Island, Sinnoh

"I hired a mercenary to steal Ash's identity and attack Cynthia, the plan worked, Ash won't return." Kenny stated with a smirk. "Where is he?" Paul asked aggressively. "He's gone and I'm glad, Kenny's probably making up a story," Brock answered sadly. "After what  happened we told him to leave, we told him we didn't want to associate with a person like that," Brock added. Paul screamed. He screamed. Paul had never shown emotion. he was just a cold black wall of nothing. Then he spoke with such venom the King Cobra would cower with fear. "You all were supposed to be his friends, his comrades," Paul started. "You were his childhood friend, you knew him for his entire life," Paul continued pointing at Gary. "You two were his first friends, you travelled together, you fought together," Paul said pointing to Brock and Misty. "He helped you all reach your goals," Paul stated pointing to May, Max, Iris, Cilian, Bonnie and Clemont. " What a Champion, can't even admit her own mistakes, cowering in fear, leaving it to children to save the region," Paul said pointing to Cynthia. "You want to know the funny thing? Ash would've won. He would've beat you. That's what you were scared about. Losing your title," Paul took a long breath in and then started again. "You. you, he loved you. He would've died for you." Paul seethed pointing at Dawn. "How do you think I feel!" Dawn screamed. "Shut up, you didn't care for him, you're like a parasite latching onto the closest body and disposing of it once it's served it's purpose, that's what all of you are, a parasite. Ash would've died for any one of you and you repay him by betraying him, you never deserved to be his friends none of you did, "Paul yelled," Paul, please don't say that," May cried, "shut up, the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies." Paul began walking away and everyone watched him disappear into the dark abbys.

Everyone turned to Kenny. Gary sucker punched him straight in the face and was about to do so again before he was cut off by Dawn's words, "Why, Kenny," she had tears rolling down her face. "Why did you do that." "I did it for you Dawn!" He yelled. "I have loved you since we were children, I did all of this to help you realise you don't need Ketchum!" He continued as he spat blood from his mouth. "You made us believe the boy I love was a criminal, because you were jealous and had a silly childhood crush on me," Dawn spat. They left Kenny sitting behind the pile of spit and blood as they walked away to ponder on their mistakes.

With Paul:

Paul walked quietly thinking. He promised himself that he would find Ash if it were to be the last thing he did. He walked in complete darkness unable to comprehend the mistakes of Ash's now former friends. It was ironic really, Ash helps each of them reach their goals and dreams and in turn when Ash is closest to his dream than ever, the give up and abandon him even if they were lead astray by Kenny. That didn't negate the facts that were laid out. Paul would not return until he found Ash Ketchum. He promised himself that.

Present Day:

Goldenrod City, Johto

Jimmy had been forced into Team Rocket. He never would've dreamed being apart of such an evil organisation, yet he was. He was forced into it. He was the Son of two Pokedex holders chosen by Professor Oak himself. He was the son of Gold and Crystal Jackson. Two years ago when he was 16 they had been called to a distant region to help in a giant battle that took place between Legendary Pokemon. They had left him in charge of the house and as if Team Rocket knew that some of the strongest trainers alive would not be able to protect the place. Team Rocket attacked. Led by a ruthless Admin who Jimmy now knew by first name as they were very good friends. At the time Jimmy never thought he'd see that person again.  That day New Bark Town had been burnt to the ground. Nothing remained. The Admin promised that if Jimmy joined Team Rocket that New Bark Town would be left untouched after that. He agreed and never saw his parent's since. He didn't even know if they were alive and he was too scared to check. Team Rocket was the reason why he was forced to hunt down the Legendary Pokemon Latias and now Jimmy had it in a Pokeball. Actions like these fueled the fire for Jimmy's path path of Darkness and now there was no return.


New Bark Town, Johto

Jimmy was woken up by the loud roaring of a Pokemon. He immediately ran outside to see Team Rocket was attacking. Fire littered the streets and houses were crumbling at rapid rates. Yet his house remained untouched. Suddenly he heard a voice that he hadn't heard since the disappearance of his uncle Red. Red wasn't his real uncle, just a family friend. And now he heard the voice of Red's younger brother. Ash and Red had an age difference of 20 years because their father had come back to their mother for just a year gotten her pregnant and left again. That's  why he called Red uncle but grew up with Ash. And now the voice of Ash rang out in front of him, "Hello Jimmy, funny meeting you here." Jimmy was speechless. He choked on his own words trying find an answer. "Nice town, isn't it," Ash said with slight amusement, "the fire brings out the colours, don't you think?" "Typhosion, Fire Blast!" Jimmy called out as he brought his partner Pokemon out of its Pokeball. "Pikachu, Thunder," Ash called with boredom in his voice. The two moves clashed in the middle with nearly equal strength. Jimmy looked around there was nothing left, it was all ash. Even his house had caught fire and was nearly nothing. "Now do you see the hopelessness of your situation Jimmy," Ash started, "Join Team Rocket and we will spare this place you hold so dear." "You'll never touch New Bark Town again?" Jimmy asked. "I will make sure New Bark Town is never touched again by Team Rocket," Ash confirmed. "Then I'm in," Jimmy stated. "Good," Ash said quietly. "Jimmy, you may think that I am evil, but I do this for a reason, a reason that you may not believe in. But I believe in my reason "Jimmy had come to believe Ash's reason. But Jimmy had also come to believe that perhaps Jimmy had a different reason that directly contradicted with Ash's.

Present Day:

Mt. Silver, Kanto

Red stood alone. That's what his destiny was to be the greatest but to also stand alone. He was forced to leave all his friends. The only ones who knew about why he left were Green and Blue. His two closest friends, he trusted them with his life and only they knew why he left and he trusted them to keep that secret. It hurt him so bad to have to leave his wife Yellow, but he did it to protect her. He worked as a secret operative to keep his friends and family safe. He defected. Because Yellow had been called to a distant Region to help fight Legendary Pokemon. He knew that was part of Giovanni's plan, distract the Pokedex holders, the most legendary trainers while he went and attacked cities all over Kanto and Johto. Yellow was unreachable by Giovanni, that's why he defected. He remembered why he had joined Team Rocket. Giovanni had used Yellow for ransom to force Red to join Team Rocket, the only reason Giovanni kept his end of the deal was because of Giovanni's son, Silver. Giovanni had said that Team Rocket would rise from the shadows and rule over Kanto and Johto. But right now all Red could do was wait. Alone. 

Author's Note: Let me know if this is too long or too short as I am knew to writing on this website.

3650 words.

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