Frankenstein in High School D...

By vrishank_177

20.9K 413 111

What will happen if our dear Frankenstein gets transported in DxD universe. A universe where angels, demons a... More

The New World.
Favours to be sold.
Making a Presence in New World.
New Home, New School and New Life?
Author's Update
The New Transfer Student.
A Normal Day.
A New Friend.
A New member in The House.
ORC's Newest Problem.
Test day has arrived .
Bad News.
The Recruitment Drive
The Wrath of a Silent Wolf .

The Unexpected Journey.

2.9K 36 15
By vrishank_177

Frankenstein's residence, South Korea

It was about time when Raizel came home after the school. Shinwoo and his friends made sure to drop Raizel at Principal's (Frankenstein's) home. Because of Rai's terrible sense in direction they all took extra care to make sure he reaches home safely. By the time it was dark outside Frankenstein came near his master and asked the same question that he always asks.

"Master would you like some tea ?" Raizel nodded at his servant indicating to go on. Though this had become a routine, but today there was a slight change in Frankestein's voice. His master had sensed it though he did not asked him the reason. Frankenstein made tea with joy and poured it in the glass and gave it to his master.

Raizel started sipping his tea and Frankentein watched this with great joy. Indeed today Frankenstein was in a great mood because today the house was silent. Only Raizel, Frankenstein, M-21, Takeo and Tao were present in the house. Regis and Seira had gone to Lukedonia after receiving a message from Lord regarding a meeting about clan leaders. They were set to return in 5 days. Because of this the house was extremely peaceful. On normal days when Regis and Seira were present Shinwoo and his friends would make their way to Frankenstein's house in order to spend some time with Rai and company. The children would make a lot of noise and would make the hall dirty by littering the food packets here and there. And on top of that Regis would get into a constant bickering with M-21. They both seemed to be the most irritating group.

This all made Frankenstein very angry. More than angry it made him worry that these all could cause disturbance to his master. But today the house had different atmosphere. Everything seemed to be peaceful. M-21 was in the kitchen doing chores. Takeo and Tao had gone to supermarket to buy the most important thing in their house. Yeah you all might have guessed it  (Sigh..) It was Ramen. After purchasing a bunch of them the duo returned home. M-21, and Takeo were making dinner, Tao was busy in his computer surveying the school and neighborhood for any irregular activity. After their confrontation with the Union Frankenstein and the rest became more cautious. Riazel was exploring his new smartphone which his servant had given him. Today the students and his friends in school had taught Raizel how to open and play a simple game. Raizel was busy in that. Frankenstein was sitting on the chair staring at he pile of documents that were infornt of him. Most of it was school related business.

As everyone one was busy in their own work suddenly a large explosion was heard. M-21 and Takeo came out running from the kitchen. All the members of the house were now present in the hall. Everyone looked at each other as if they wanted to make some sense of the explosion that was just heard. After a silence which lasted a couple of seconds M-21 spoke in loud voice.

"Me, Takeo, Tao will be heading to the source of the explosion. After all there is a great chance that Union might be involved". After saying these, a concerning look made its way into Raizel's  face. Frankenstein understood his master's concern and also knew the reasons behind it. Frankenstein spoke in calming voice "M-21 your wounds are not healed completely , also I have to perform a major full body check up on Takeo and Tao because we don't yet know your actual physical condition."

Frankenstein paused for moment and looked at his master. His master gave him a reassuring nod hinting that all of his concerns have been addressed. Frankenstein also felt relieved after receiving his master's acknowledgement. He again spoke in a calm voice "Master I will be heading towards the source". After saying this he bowed infront of his master. Raizel stood up and looked down at his servant. He then addressed him in a commanding voice " Frankenstein, I hereby lift the seal that had been placed upon you".

"Yes master" Frankenstein replied in an obedient tone. After receiving his master's permission  Frankenstein  made his way towards the door as he was about to leave he heard a voice from his behind "Frankenstein be polite" said Raizel in a concerning tone. Hearing this Frankenstein chuckled a bit and turned towards the source of this voice "As you wish master" said Frankenstein.

After leaving the house Frankenstein made his way towards the tall buildings and started jumping from roof to roof. His destination was the previous site where Union had made their appearance. Because of his and his masters intervention a lot of damage was contained within one specific building. Still for maintaining public order and safety, a radius of 2km from the center of the fight scene was declared as danger zone and all the people living in that particular area were made to leave and no one was allowed to enter until further notice. Frankenstein  made his way to that specific building. He stood at the top searching for the source of explosion. With his keen eyesight he was able to see multiple animals roaming in the street. From above they seemed to nothing but dogs but on closer look he found their unusual appearance and the noise that they made. They were a little larger than street dogs but their outer skin seemed to be grey and it was rotting. The howls they made were also very sinister. They had been roaming to and fro as if they were searching for something. Surely from their movements alone one can guess that they were searching for food. Since no humans or livng beings were found in their vicinity, they became more restless and aggressive. 

Seeing them Frankenstein thought that this was another nuisance created by the Union. "Damm those bastards!!! As if humans were not enough they even began mutating animals..." Frankenstein was trembling in anger. Still if one would had a good look at him, they could only see him smiling at these creatures. This was the reason that made Frankenstein more terrifying.

He sensed that the creatures were making their way towards the exit of the parameter that was setup. If these creatures made their way into this city lots of people will be killed. Perhaps the life of an ordinary citizen would not have mattered to him but if the humans were going to be in trouble his master wouldn't give a second thought about saving them. His master's body was already weak so he had to take care that his master would not get dragged into this. "I cannot let my master see this. I have to quickly resolve this matter and get back to my master's side." The aura around Frankenstein changed. A dark aura started radiating from his body. With his ability of aura manipulation the the aura around him started to take physical shape. Around twenty purple long daggers were floating in the air around him. With his command the daggers moved at rapid speeds piercing through the body of those unknown creatures. They made a squeaking sound and their lifeless bodies fell on the ground. This was all expected but what happened after was totally unexpected. As soon the bodies of those creatures fell on the ground, it turned into ashes, leaving behind completely nothing. To some extent it was same as same daggers which were created from his aura. 

Seeing this event unfold infront of his eyes, Frankenstein fell into deep thinking and reasoning "Physical mutation and modification is possible from the notes which Union had stolen from me. Even some of the scientists with brilliant talent should be able to achieve this. But this... it's as if those creatures had no physical body to begin with." While Frankenstein was thinking about these matter more creatures made their way to the directions in which he was standing. After defeating the previous horde Frankenstein jumped from the roof top and made his way to the grounds. Maybe these creatures might have sensed his presence he thought. After killing a dozen of these disgusting creatures he made his way towards the source from where they were coming. Killing some more creatures and following the direction he came across a narrow alley. 

What he saw at the end made his jaws drop in surprise. At the end of the alley there was black sphere in the middle of the wall. It was pure black in colour. As if it was even sucking in, the little light that came towards it. It was like a portal that connected two places together. Frankenstein being our beloved Frankenstein maintained his cool and quickly recovered from the  surprise. He walked towards the black hole slowly and steadily to analyze the situation. Suddenly a horde of creatures appeared from the hole. Frankenstein quickly killed the horde. But before he could catch a breath another horde appeared from the hole. Frankenstein was annoyed from this. His annoyance led to a change in his aura. Dozens of aura created spears appeared and was materialized in an instant. He gave a command through his right hand and all the spears made their way towards the horde of creatures. As if killing them was not enough the spears made their way towards the hole. The spears passed through the hole as if there was no wall to obstruct them. 

" Hope he is being polite." Raizel sighed quietly after noticing the change in Frankenstein's power.

"As I thought the spears passed through it without any resistance" Frankenstein thought. "This must be portal connected to some other place. But how come Union can make such a thing ? As if to to say I am not sure myself whether it's the doing of Union or someone else" 

Frankenstein slowly moved and stood infront of the hole as to peek inside. He stood there standing and staring at the hole for quite some time. Suddenly the shape of the hole began to distort. Frankenstein cautiously moved back a bit. But it was too late, the hole started growing bigger in size sucking everything around it. Frankenstein was trying his best to get away from that hole. As if his limbs were not responding to him he was slowly getting sucked towards the hole. And before he knew it he was swallowed into that hole....

"Where the hell am I ?" cursed Frankenstein. He was back in alley, but not the same from which he had entered. From observing his surrounding he found that most of the signboard were in Japanese. Even the people were talking in Japanese. "Am I in Japan? Just where the hell am I ?"

Hello everyone, hope you liked the first part. I know, I know its a bit long but I didn't wanted to miss out details and I wanted to make sure that story growth would be remain steady was not rushed. I particularly wanted to write about Frankenstein because I have seen a lot fanfiction crossover over the internet. Most of them are based on Raizel  and some are based on Raizel and Frankenstein together. But even in the mentioned fanfiction Frankenstein's character was not focused on much.  Second reason was the character Issei Hyoudou. Personally I loved Dxd anime series. But I did not liked the mc. So with my favourite charcacter being transported to a universe which has presence like angels and demons also without his master to control him how would events will unfold... Just thinking that makes me excited...

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