REWRITING. 𝐨𝐝𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞 , bu...

Galing kay -SUPERBAJI

149K 3.7K 2.5K

❝ 𝗖𝗔𝗑 𝗬𝗒𝗨 π—šπ—œπ—©π—˜ π— π—˜ 𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯ π—Ÿπ—œπ—©π—˜π—₯? ❞ A Zoldyck who is hated by her whole family except the he... Higit pa

𝗒𝗗𝗗 π—˜π—¬π—˜ : S1
two | entrance exam
three | yokohama gangster paradise
four | murder on D street
five | detective boys
six | constantly pushed back to the past

one | detectives

19.2K 692 490
Galing kay -SUPERBAJI

     [NAME] OPENED HER eyes and found herself on the ground by a river. "Huh? Where am I?" [Name] questioned as she curiously looked around her. Something was off, and completely different.

Did Nanika send me here? [Name] thought as she stood up, and rubbed her eyes. The [skin/color] skinned girl stood up and stretched her arms before noticing a teen not that far to her left.

The teen has light grey hair, and his hair is short and swept forward in loose spikes with a lock left long on the right side of his face.

The grey haired teen had his fists clenched as he stared at the legs in the water that began to flop around. He sweatdropped seeing the legs flop around before he ran and jumped into the water.

The teen had saved the person in the water and began to swim back. [Name] quickly moved towards them and reached her right hand to him as far as she could, "let me help you!"

The teen blinked and nodded, grabbing her hand as [Name] pulled him in then helped him carry the man onto the ground.

"Thank.. you..!" The teen said to [Name] as he took deep breaths. "No problem!" [Name] smiled as she gave him a thumbs up and then looked down at the man.

The man has mildly wavy, short, dark brown hair. He was wearing a long sand-colored trench coat, and had bandages on his neck, and arms.

Suddenly, the man's eyes opened and then he sat up making the two teens shudder.

"Are you all right? You were swept up by the current..." The teen told the man. "...I'm saved then? ......tch." The man said, looking annoyed.

"Are you the one who interrupted my asphyxiation?" The man asked as he got up and walked then glanced over at the teen and [Name].

"'Interrupted'? I was trying to help you– asphyxi– what?" The teen asked clearly confused while [Name] had dotted eyes.

"Apologies. You two are unfamiliar with the term? I meant to convey that I was committing suicide." The man said casually making the two teens say, "...huh?"

"I was endeavoring to shuffle off this mortal coil, and you had to involve yourself..." The man said with his hand in his head, "such a bother."

"Uh... okay?" The teen said as he glanced at [Name] who was awkwardly smiling. "Ah, well.. My intent was to pursue a clean, pure suicide– one that imposed on no one. And yet, you were nonetheless entangled. I must offer some sort of recompense for this awful imposi–" The man said before he was interrupted by loud growling coming from the male teens stomach.

A silence followed after that as the man and [Name] stared at the male teen. "... are you hungry, lad?" The man asked, snickering with his hand on his chin.

"I...I actually haven't had anything to eat in several days...." The male teen explained before the man's stomach growled making the two teens stare at him with silence.

"Nor have I... and the river absorbed my wallet." The man said staring at the male teen. Suddenly, the two males then slowly turn to the younger girl who sweatdropped, "I don't have any money on me..."

Silence followed right before a voice was heard. "HELLOOO!" A blond haired man with glasses yelled, he seemed to be angry as he had his arms crossed. The man with glass was wearing a beige vest over a black long-sleeved dress shirt, a red ribbon tied into a bow around the collar, beige pants, and plain brown shoes.

"Is this where you've been, you stupid oaf?" The blond haired man asked angrily. "Oh! Kunikida! Thanks for coming!" The dark brown haired man yelled back, waving to the blond hair man known as Kunikida.

"YOU HAVE SUBJECTED ME TO A GREAT DEAL OF GRIEF TODAY, YOU SUICIDE-OBSESSED MANIAC!" Kunikida yelled at him, "why must you constantly ruin my plans...?!"

"Ah, yes! I have a smashing idea, my lad. That is my coworker. Perhaps he can feed us!" The suicidal man said to the two teens. "Huh?" The grey haired teen only looked at the man.

"LISTEN TO ME, YOU!" Kunikida yelled as the suicidal man ignored him. "What are your names?" He asked.

"Um, Atsushi Nakajima, but.." Atsushi introduced himself before he was cut off. "And you?" The dark brown haired man turned to look at [Name].

She smiled, "my names [Name] Zoldyck!" The dark brown haired man smiled back before turning to walk, "well, Atsushi and [Name], what sort of food do you crave?"

"It's fine! I'm not hungry–!" [Name] said waving her hands before her stomach growled. The man and the teen only stared at her as she awkwardly smiled.

The dark brown haired man waited for the two teens to answer, "well?" "Um... well...  some chazuke would be nice." Atsushi said as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking down shyly.

"Anything's fine with me!" [Name] said, smiling which caused the dark brown haired man was shocked before he laughed, "a child mere inches from death, seeking a bowl of chazuke? And another child being fine with it? So be it, then. I'll have Kunikida treat you to thirty or so bowls if you like!"

"Stop being so generous with my money, Dazai!!" Kunikida yelled, waving his arm around angrily.

"Dazai?" Atsushi questioned as he stared at the tall man. "Yes. That is my name." Dazai confirmed, "Osamu Dazai."


The sundown went away as the dark, silent yet dangerous night took over and the four unique individuals went to a teahouse.

Atsushi was chomping down his food while [Name] ate slower, enjoying the taste.

"We have to return to work, Dazai." Kunikida said as he read his notebook while tapping his finger against the table, "What kind of fool says 'oh what a fine river' and dives in headlong during work hours?! Look what you've done! Now we're hideously behind schedule."

"You do love your appointment books, don't you, Kunikida?" Dazai asked Kunikida who glared at him. Kunikida then slams his hand onto the table angrily while looking at Dazai, "IT'S NOT AN APPOINTMENT BOOK! THESE ARE MY IDEALS!! THE PRECEPTS THAT GUIDE MY ENTIRE LIFE!! AND NOWHERE DOES IT ADVISE PARTNERING WITH A SUICIDE AFICIONADO!!"

"Mfh nf mnrrginian frnmn?" Atsushi asked gibberish as he ate his food. "Silence." Kunikida said, "my financial ledger says nothing about 'feeding a foundling all the chazuke they want' either."

"Hngh rmmh?" Atsushi asked gibberish again. "I SAID– WE ARE WORKING!! THE MILITARY POLICE ASSIGNED US TO CORRAL A FEROCIOUS–" Kunikida yelled as he slammed his hand onto the table.

"How are you speaking to each other?" Dazai asked as he and [Name] stared at Kunikida and Atsushi with disbelief.

After Atsushi finally finished eating said, "whew! What a meal! I don't see even wanna see chazuke for another ten years!" The male teen then rubbed his stomach, smiling.

Kunikida then irks, "you....."

"You guys sure saved me my hide, though! Ever since I got kicked out of the orphanage and arrived in Yokohama, I've been homeless and starving... I've feared I'd meet my end soon!" Atsushi said smiling to Kunikida and Dazai.

"Oh? You come from a children's home?" Dazai asked as he looked at Atsushi. "I did... until they booted me, yeah. Something about lack of funding and having to downsize..." Atsushi explained as [Name] frowned.

"Rather a heartless orphanage, no? What about you [Name]?" Dazai asked while Kunikida gave him a look. "My family hates and my older brother is the only one who loves me." [Name] said casually making Kunikida and Atsushi sweatdrop.

"A heartless family too?" Dazai asked as he shook his head. "Dazai... let's get back to work. We aren't do-gooders passing out alms to every street urchin we see." Kunikida said.

"What kind of work do you do...?" Atsushi questioned slowly. "Oh that?" Dazai smirked as he closed his eyes and then opened them up again, "we are detectives."

Atsushi had a blank look as he stared at Dazai. "Tch! And when he says that... he doesn't mean we down lost cats or wayward spouses. Our domain is in the realm of more... dangerous work. Have you heard of the 'Armed Detective Agency,' home to those with unusual abilities?" Kunikida asked the two teens.

[Name] shook her head, "I haven't." Dazai then notices a lintel. "That lintel looks rather sturdy... I wager it could even support a person's weight." Dazai confidently stated.


"Pshaw! Have you no concept of the merit of the neck stretch?" Dazai asked, lying to Kunikida to which he fell for. "What? Is that good for your health?" Kunikida asked curiously.

Dazai began to explain to Kunikida what it was making the two teens glance to each other and sweat-drop. Atsushi trembled, "w-well, then... what kinda of case are the two of you working on?" Kunikida 'hmph's to his question before he answered.

"We are seeking a tiger."

"...a tiger?" Atsushi and [Name] asked, but their reactions were completely different. [Name] was curious while Atsushi's eyes widen with fear all over his face.

"Yes, a man-eating beast that has terrorized the city as of late. It has ravaged storehouses, chewed up arces of farmland... the creature is running rampant. Apparently, it has recently been sighted in this district..." Dazai explained before the empty bowels rattle and Atsushi had been in the ground behind his chair.

[Name] stood up and reached her hand out to Atsushi, "are you okay?" Atsushi shakily grabbed her hand and pulled himself up with the help of the younger girl. "I... I-I-I'd best be on my way, now..."

The Zoldyck child only stared at him in confusion as Atsushi was about to turn around and walk away.

"Hold it." Kunikida said as he appeared in front [Name] and held Atsushi's by the back of his shirt. Though, Atsushi was in the air that didn't stop him from trying to walk on air and fearfully he turned his head around.

"I-I can't stay here! Nobody can defeat that monster!!" Atsushi yelled. "You... know about this man-eater?" Kunikida asked as he stared down at Atsushi.

"IT'S BEEN AFTER ME! IT ALMOST KILLED ME!" Atsushi yelled as the rest of the other customers stared at the commotion that was going on, "if it's nearby, I need to run, or–"

Suddenly Kunikida lets go of Atsushi's shirt causing him to fall, but Kunikida grabs his arm and puts it to Atsushi's back. Kunikida then pushed him harshly onto the ground as he sat down on him, holding his arm down.

"The Armed Detective Agency deals in risky cases like these. You may pay for your meal with your arm–" Kunikida threatened before tightly clenches Atsushi's arm, "or by telling us all you know."

[Name] wasn't sure what to do as she glanced at all the other customers that stared at the scene. "Oh, come on now, Kunikida... the boss himself warned you that the gathering of intelligence needn't be an interrogation." Dazai said as Kunikida gave him a side eye.

".... Pfft." Kunikida gets up and waved the other customers to mind their business, "SHOW'S OVER! MOVE ALONG, NOW!"

Dazai had crouched down to Atsushi, "so, what'll it be?" ".... That tiger wrecked my orphanage. It destroyed our fields, tore our storehouse to shreds... no one died, thankfully, but the orphanage was too cash strapped to recover. So they tossed me out to save money." Atsushi explained, remembering the horrible things they said to him.

Atsushi looked down at his tea as the other three had different reactions.

"... sounds like quite the disaster." Dazai said as he hand rested underneath his chin.

"What a horrible orphanage..." [Name] commented as she took a sip from her tea.

"So, my boy... this beast 'almost killed' you, then?" Kunikida asked to confirm as he sternly looked at Atsushi.

"That man-eater wasn't satisfied with the radishes in our fields..." Atsushi said as he slammed his fist onto the table angrily, "it followed me all the way here! After leaving the orphanage, I was wandering along the Tsurumi River when– that animal chased me to this very city! My mind was clouded with hunger. I have no idea how I escaped..."

"And when was this?" Dazai asked with his hand on his chin. "I was evicted two weeks ago, I saw it by the river... four days ago." Atsushi answered.

"Yes, the attacks began roughly two weeks ago... and we have eyewitness accounts of the beast by the Tsurumi River four days ago too." Kunikida confirmed as Dazai began to think before pointing at Atsushi.

"Are you free right now, Atsushi?" Dazai asked smiling making Atsushi shudder. "I have an incredible bad feeling about this..." Atsushi said, sweatdropping.

"If the tiger is pursuing you, it's perfect!" Dazai said, still smiling, "would you like... to aid our tiger hunt?"


"We offer payment." Dazai said suddenly making Atsushi twitch hearing 'payment.'

Dazai then hands Kunikida a small piece of paper, "Kunikida, deliver this to the boss back at the office."

"Hey.. you're going to hunt it down now? We need to verify this intel first..." Kunikida said as he grabbed the piece of paper. "It's fine, it's fine." Dazai said.

"And, um, how much payment may I expect?" Atsushi asked as he held his hands together and tilted them to the side making the two detectives go silent and [Name] giggle.

Dazai then shows him a piece of paper, "about this much." Atsushi leans in to see the paper closer and he shocked to see the payment.

Kunikida walked out of his bosses office and stood beside [Name]. "... why does your family hate you?" Kunikida asked, wondering the reason why.

"Hm... my brother told me because they're scared of me... well her." [Name] replied, but whispered the last part as they continued walking. "I see..." Kunikida said as he looked down at her.

Kunikida indicated her to follow him to another office that seemed to be for the employees. He sat down at his desk and motioned to her sit next to him to which she did.

"What is your full name?" Kunikida asked. "[Name] Zoldyck." She replied as she held her hands together on her lap.

The blond haired opened up his computer and began to type in her name, "... it says here you don't exist."

"Is my theory correct then..?" [Name] asked herself under breath as she looked at Kunikida.
He looks at her confused, "what'd you say?" "Nothing! Nothing..." [Name] said quickly.

Kunikida raises his eyebrow and crosses his arms, "tell me the truth girl."

"Do you know a placed named York New?" [Name] asked as her hands tightly gripped onto her dress. "Do you mean New York?" Kunikida asked causing [Name]'s eyes to widened.

Looks like I'm right after all... [Name] thought as she cleared her throat. "Well, I think I was teleported here by Nanika." [Name] blurred out.

"Huh? Nanika?" The detective asked, feeling his curiosity rising. "Oh right! I should introduce you to her!" [Name] exclaimed as she smiled before calming down at closing her eyes.

The detective only looked around the room with his eyes to check if this was a prank. Then her hair began to wave and her skin became a pale [skin/color] skinned color. [Name]'s sclerae, irises, and mouth pitch black, also causing it to appear larger.


The Zoldyck child explained to Kunikida about Nanika leaving his mouth slightly opened from shock. The detective then left her alone for a bit since he went to his bosses office to inform him about [Name] and Nanika.

After that, they began to head towards the warehouse Dazai and Atsushi were.

The duo finally entered the warehouse and Kunikida yelled, waving his arm around, "HEY! DAZAI?!"

"Ah, yes. You're late. I've caught our tiger." Dazai said as he pointed at an unconscious Atsushi who was on the ground. The duo walked forward and [Name] immediately crouched down to him.

"That kid...?" Kunikida questioned, "so this is the one?"

"Yes, he transformed into it. He must not remember anything in animal form." Dazai stated as [Name] moved Atsushi and placed his head onto her lap. "For goodness' sake... at least tell me beforehand. I was rather alarmed, you know." Kunikida said as he turned around, "I even scared up some off-duty staff for backup. Treat them to some steak."

Then three individuals walk in. One is a young woman who has straight, dark hair cut into a bob that reaches past her chin and bangs. She's also wearing a golden butterfly clip on the left side of her hair.

Another one was a young man with short, messy black hair. His eyes are closed and then opened his eyes.

The last one was a young boy with gold eyes and short blond hair that reaches past the nape of his neck. His bangs are gathered at the center of his forehead and he has freckles across his cheeks.

"What? No casualties? Well, that's just downright boring." The woman commented.


The young man laughed, "you've certainly made yourself useful, Dazai... not quite up to my level yet though."


"But what are we going to do with him? He knew nothing about this, right?" The boy asked.


"Well, what'll we do, Dazai?" Kunikida asked, "the city has already labeled him a dangerous beast."


Dazai giggled before speaking, "as it happens, I already decided the matter."


Then Dazai glanced over at the grey haired teen as he remembered Atsushi's words and closed his eyes before smiling and pointing at him, "we shall take him into our employ."


The silence was so loud after that.


[Name] tilted her head to the side as the other four looked confused.

"What do you mean [Name]?" Dazai asked as he had dotted eyes. "The President wants her to join." Kunikida answered, crossing his arms.


"She also has an ability?" Fukuzawa asked as he looked up from his tea to Kunikida who nodded.

"I guess you could say that, but it's an unknown entity possessing her." Kunikida answered as he remembered what [Name] told him.

"... interesting." Fukuzawa commented as he sipped on his tea, "we should make her one of our employees... I'm sure she'll bring us hope."

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