Don't Leave Me

By uffthatshot

1.7M 32.4K 8.4K

"Stand up.", he said to me. "What?", I asked confused. "STAND UP.", he ordered slightly aggressive. I quickly... More

Before you begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Authors note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Important authors note
Bonus chapter- long+smutty
New covers

Chapter 12

38.6K 838 285
By uffthatshot

"Matteo! Oh, come here.", the woman said and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much." She kissed his cheek.
"I wasn't away for long, mom.", Matteo answered while chuckling lightly.
"Son, it's nice having you back.", his father shook his hand as if they just sealed a business deal.

Am I the only one feeling uncomfortable and cold? No wonder Matteo is never loving or affectionate. I can feel the daddy issues. Ok, it's obvious.

"This is Emily Potters. My girlfriend.", Matteo said pulling me forward. "Emily, those are my parents. Giorgia and Davide Rizzo."
His mothers eyes lit up the second he called me his girlfriend. She quickly came over to me and hugged me. "It's so nice having him finally bring a girl home especially if it's someone as beautiful as you are."

"It's nice to meet you. Matteo hasn't stopped talking about you. I already feel like I know you.", I said while smiling at her.
"I like her. Don't let her leave.", Giorgia addressed Matteo.
Then his father came over to me and hugged me briefly. "At least one thing my son did right."

I stared at Davide Rizzo. An cold unloving father that doesn't think high of his son. And I immediately disliked him. Just like my father. I just hope he never hurt Matteo the way my father hurt me.

"With all respect, your son does a lot of things right. Leading a mafia gang and having a daytime business truly is impressive. His hotel chain is the most popular back in New York and he does everything to keep it that way. Matteo is the most dedicated man I know.", I said looking at Matteo taking his hand in mine. He looked at me with a slight smile on his face.

I wonder if that smile is forced or if he's honestly smiling. But most importantly I want to know what happened between him and his father or the reason they are so distant.

"You truly think that?", his father asked me.
"Yes I do.", I stated confidentially. And that wasn't even a lie. He is taking care of two different businesses that are both very successful.
"You do know how dangerous this life is? Every second you spend with him could be your last. You are talking about him full of admiration but do you know that he kills people without hesitating? Emily, you should leave him before it's too late."

Believe me it's already too late for that. You're basically looking at a dead person. I thought to myself. When I was about to answer him I saw Matteo clenching his jaw and balling his free hand in a fist. His knuckles already turned white. In an attempt to calm him down I put my free hand on his arm stroking it gently. He looked down at me and I smiled up at him.

"To be honest my life has always been full of danger. Your son is the only person that makes me feel safe. If I die that's ok. Of course no woman would want their man to go around and kill people but that's part of his job and I very much respect that. You could also direct everything you just said to your wife."

Matteo looked at me full of confusion but also appreciation. His father on the other hand looked proud. That's weird. Why does he look proud?

"Let's go inside. You're probably tired and want to sleep.", Giorgia said and we nodded. Matteo let go of my hand and walked in first along with our luggage. His mother followed him and I walked behind the two of them.

Suddenly his father stopped me and grabbed my arm lightly.
"I know when somebody lies. Everything you said was the truth. You're good for my son and have my blessing.", he whispered in my ear and left.

Is he faking his hate and distance towards Matteo? I'm planning on finding out what is going on between the two of them. I have nothing else to do.

When I entered the villa we stood in a huge hall. Two big white stairs lead upstairs. One on the right and one on the left.
"We will let you two settle in and sleep. I only prepared Matteos room but I guess that won't be a problem. You two would want to share a room anyways.", his mother said smiling brightly.

"Thank you. Good night.", Matteo said and took my hand. Then we walked up the right stairs and down a hallway.
He let go of my hand as soon as we were out of sight. At the end of the hall Matteo stopped walking and pushed the door to what I assume will be our room open.

When we entered the room I looked around. There was a huge king sized bed in the middle of the room and a huge window. Looking out of the window I could see a couple of trees and a sea in some distance. In the room were two doors. One leading to a luxurious bathroom and the other leading to a walk-in closet. To say the view and room is stunning is an understatement.

"So we are going to share the bed?", I asked him unsure of what to do or say.
"You can sleep on the bed. There is a couch in the walk-in closet. I'll take it.", he answered.
"When you were drunk you didn't mind sharing a bed.", I scoffed. Then realisation hit me that I said that out loud. Shit.

"What do you mean?", he said stepping closer to me. When I didn't answer him he took another step forward caging me between him and a commode. His face was only a few inches away from mine and I could feel his breath on my cheeks.
"N-nothing." Him being so close to me intimidated me enough that it caused me to stutter.

"I won't repeat it again. Answer me."
"T-that one night you c-came back drunk and knocked a vase down. The glass shattering w-woke me up and I got out of my r-room to see what was going on. After arguing with you I-I helped you up and guided you to your bed. T-then I wanted to leave and you pulled me down to you m-making me sleep next to you."

Matteo looked at me confused. He truly couldn't remember a thing. Then he went over to the walk-in closet and came back with a furious expression on his face.
"Looks like I have no other option. The couch is not there anymore."
"So you're just going to ignore what happened? Like you always do."
"I can't remember anything because I was drunk. How am I supposed to say anything to that matter if I don't remember it?"

Looking at him I knew there was no use in arguing with him. It won't change our situation. Right now we have to share a room for god know how long. That also mean we will share a bed. Great. Just great.

"At least tell me what is going on between you and you father.", I spoke up.
"There's nothing much to know. Two years ago I took over his mafia. He watches every step I take. My father has always been like that towards me."
"You mean he has always been cold and judging?"

With that word he ended the conversation and went into the bathroom. A couple of minutes later he reappeared again. This time he was wearing grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt that is hugging his muscles tightly making them stand out.

"You can go now and get ready to sleep.", he said.
And I did what he said for once without talking back. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and slipped into a red nightdress. After leaving the bathroom I looked over to the bed. There he was already lying and typing angrily on his phone.

Going to the right side I laid down with enough distance to Matteo. He didn't even acknowledge my presence. Sighing I turned around with my back to him and my face towards the big window. The sun was already down and stars were visible in the night sky. It looked so peaceful and beautiful.

Closing my eyes I hoped that sleep would consume me any minute but it didn't. Mr. Jerk was grunting every now and then and still furiously typing on his phone. Either he wants to piss me off or he really is angry at whoever he's texting to. But who could make him this angry? Maybe something at one of his "businesses" went wrong. Or it's a girl he's texting with. Whatever it is I can't sleep like that.

So I turned around facing him before speaking up. "Could you please be quiet and not make any noises? I can't sleep like this."
"One day you'll beg me to make noises while sharing one bed with you."

What did he say? No way. That will never happen. I mean yes he is hot but that doesn't mean I would sleep with him. Plus he's a total jerk. And he's probably texting another girl. Not that I care. Wait he is totally distracting me.

"Put your phone away and be quiet.", I told him.
"I'm the boss. You have to listen to what I say and not the other way around. Especially in bed I'm the dominant one.", he said and winked at me.

What the hell? Is he serious right now? Can't he at least once be nice and understanding? No. That's too hard for him. Guess I have to be sarcastically nice again.

"Mr. Rizzo. Would you please be kind enough to put your phone down? I am really tired and would appreciate some peace and quiet."
"And I appreciate your kindness Ms. Potters. The answer is still no.", he stated looking at me coldly.

Ok that's it. He deserves what's coming for him.
I quickly sat up and snatched his phone away. Turning back to the window I put his phone on my nightstand.

Suddenly I felt him ripping the blanket away. Instantly the coldness of the room made me shiver. And then I felt Matteo spanking my ass roughly a couple of times. I gripped onto the bedsheet. Feeling a moan almost coming out of my mouth I bite my bottom lip to stop it.

I didn't think this through. He warned me about being disobedient and talking back. But here I am still doing what I want.

After a couple of slaps he stopped and leaned his hard chest into my back. Then his arm went to my nightstand and he grabbed his phone. Matteo whispered in my ear "If it gets a habit of yours to talk back and not listen you won't be able to sit one day."

My eyes widened at his statement and I was happy he didn't see my face. He turned back on his side of the bed and put the phone down.
The next few minutes we laid there trying to sleep. When I heard his heavy breathing I was sure that he was finally asleep.
I closed my eyes and a couple of minutes later I fell asleep too.


How do you think will Emily and Matteo spend the next days or weeks?

Will Emily find out more about Matteo and his fathers relationship?

Love you🖤

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