Yugioh Zexal: Sakura story

By Pikaturtle45

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Sakura Takahashi is one of Yuma Tsukumo childhood friend, along with Tori and Bronk. The trio always supporte... More

Sakura Takahashi
Go with the Flow: Part 1
Go with the Flow: Part 2
In the end: Part 1
In the end: Part 2
Flipping Out: Part 1
Flipping Out: Part 2
The Sparrow: Part 1
The Sparrow: Part 2
Feline Frenzy
Shark attack
The Pack: Part 1
The Number Hunter: Part 1
The Number Hunter: Part 2
Training Days: Part 1
Training Days: Part 2
It's in the Cards: Part 1
It's in the Cards: Part 2
The Edge of the World
Roots of the Problem
Battle with the Bot
The Shark Hunter
Hunting Down The Hunter: Part 1
Hunting Down The Hunter: Part 2
Frozen in Time

The Pack: Part 2

321 9 4
By Pikaturtle45

Outside Heartland Museum:

The Tag Duel between Shark and Yuma vs Scorch and Chills wasn't going exactly as plan. Both Yuma and Shark were down to 2400 and 1100 lifepoints each, Scorch lost half of his lifepoints while Chills remain unharmed. It doesn't help that Scorch have summon his Number out on the field as the duo that consist of Yuma and Shark doesn't have any monsters on their field to attack or defend with 

Shark: 1100 / Yuma: 2400 / Chills: 4000 / Scorch: 2400 

"You shouldn't have messed with us, you two. You should've stayed home in your pajamas."

"I think what my partner meant to say, is that should've stayed in your crib, in your diapers!" Chills taunt both Yuma and Shark, before they both snickered, making Sakura mad at the thugs

"Certainly takes one to know one!" Sakura retorted as the two men glance over at her as they both gave her an evil glare towards the aqua haired girl.

"You be quiet!" Chills demanded, only for Sakura to let out a small smirk, to which it anger the duo of Chills and Scorch. Both Bronk and Tori shiver in fright of her.

"They're laughing at us!" Yuma exclaimed as he and Shark got up on their feets, ready to duel 

"Nope, it just you"

"Sakura!" Both Tori and Bronk shout at the aqua haired girl 

"What? Just saying" Sakura replied as the trio that consist of herself, Tori and Bronk turn their attention towards the Tag Duel 

"Yeah, you're right. But don't worry, cuz we have the advantage now Yuma." Shark said as Yuma look over at him. "Volcasaurus used up all of its overlay units already" Shark points out that that Scorch Number can't activate any of it effect as it no longer has any overlay units

"Alright, so that means no more special ability!" Yuma exclaimed excitedly. The battle is just the  beginning.

"That may be true, pipsqueak, but I didn't need it to take out Shark anyway" Scorch tells them, "Cause ya see, my Volcasaurus can attack him directly!" Scorch commanded as Volcasaurus let out a fiery blast of fire towards it target, hoping to end Shark

"Look out!" Yuma yelled out, warning him of the upcoming attack 

"I activate my trap, Zeus's Breath!" Shark said as he activate his face-down card ,as a Poseidon-like figure appear on the field. "This card can blow off your monster attack" He explained as the Poseidon-like figure raise his triton up, as he summon a trio of water jet-streams towards the upcoming attack as the two elemental battle it out, until the streams of water evaporate the flames

"Grh, it looks like you lucked out this time..." Scorch said as he look surprised at the fact that Shark have negate Volcasaurus attack, keeping the purple hair boy still in the duel 

"Whooo. That was a close one" Yuma sigh in relief as he kept his gaze towards the pair infront of him and Shark, ( including Astral)

"That was too close," Sakura mutter underneath her breath as she let out a small sigh

"You think you're safe now?" Chills asked the black and pink hair boy with a menacingly tone in his voice as his iris glow red 

"There's one way that this is ending, you're gonna lose, and Utopia's gonna be ours!" Scorch replied in a sinister voice, his eyes lock onto his prey. "I place two cards face-down and end my turn!" He said as two facedown card materialize infront of him

"Rrrgh, my go then! I draw" Yuma said as he draw a card from his deck. "Goblindbergh, take to the sky!" Yuma exclaimed as a little green goblin pilot, fly through the air in his own aeroplane, as it let out a laugh 

Goblindbergh ATK: 1400 / DEF: 0 / Level 4

"When Goblindbergh flies to the front lines, it can pick up a level 4 or below monsters from my hand and transport it to my field" Yuma exclaimed as Goblindbergh drop a large, tall metal container onto the field. "So please welcome.....Gagaga Magician! " Yuma said as the silent mask sorcerer appear on the field

Gagaga Magician ATK: 1500/ DEF: 1000 / Level 4

"I hope you know how to pull this off?" Shark asked Yuma as he saw that Yuma now has two Level 4 monsters on the field 

"Yuma! Please wait!" Astral tried to warn Yuma 

"Suddenly, I'm feeling the flow! Time for some overlaying actions with Gagaga Magician and Goblindbergh!" Yuma exclaimed as both monsters turn into two bolts of purple and orange light as they both arc upward, dancing around each other. "With these two monsters, I can built the Overlay Network!" A galactic spiral, shining yellow vortex, appear onto the field, before the two bolts swirl into the galaxy vortex.

"I XYZ Summon.....Number 39: Utopia!" Yuma called out as Utopia appear on his side, ready to duel.

Number 39: Utopia ATK: 2500 / DEF: 2000 / Rank 4

"All right! Now we talking!" Tori cheered 

"Ugh! I can't watch." Bronk groaned as Sakura and Tori both look over at him. "It's too late, all he does is rely on Utopia" He added on. To him, it just a reminder of the empty, broken promise that Yuma broke 

"Bronk" Sakura said quietly 

"Ooooh...." Both Scorch and Chills mock their opponents as their bodies began to glow an ominous red-purple aura as their eyes beginning to gleam red

"Look, Chills, a Number Card."

"What-ever will we do, Scorch?...Oh wait, I know" Chills replied to his brother as he activate his trap card. "I'll activate the Avalanche Trap Card, and freeze your Utopia in its tracks, preventing it from ever being able to attack" Chills said as Utopia was trap inside a block of ice, unable to move or attack

"No! Utopia!" Yuma scream out his monster name as he and Astral watch Utopia being frozen by the effect of Chills trap card 

"Hahaha, how do you like that, kid? Your big bad monster's been iced!" Chills taunt Yuma 

Scorch appear on the screen. "And guess what? If you're thinkin about using its special ability, don't bother. If you do, you'll be taking 500 points of damage" 

"Seriously! Well, wait a minute, maybe I can find a....." Yuma said as he began to trailed off, trying to find a way to free Utopia. This was until Shark interrupted  him

"Forget it Yuma! They shut Utopia down!" Shark said 

"You know I tried to warn you" Astral responded 

"I place two cards facedown and end my turn" Yuma said as two facedown card materialize infront of him 

"Of course you're ending your turn, pipsqueak,     there's nothin' else you can do" Scorch laugh as he believes that as long as the Utopia is frozen, both he and Chills have the duel won

"But there's a lot more than we can do!" Chills said as he begins his turn. "For instance, I can shift Icebergdon into attack mode" He said as he change the his monster from defence mode to attack mode 

Icebergdon ATK: 1300 / DEF: 2100 / Level 5

"And know what else I can do....I can have Icebergdon attack Shark directly! Bye bye traitor!" Chills said as he commented his monster to attack Shark. Meanwhile, Shark brace hinself for the impact of Icebergdon upcoming attack

"The only thing going bye-bye is your monster attack! I activate Utopia's special ability!" Yuma shout as Sakura look at him in disbelief and shock.

"Yuma, don't! If you use that, you're gonna get slammed by that Avalanche trap!" Shark tries to protest against his move, as Utopia absorb one of it overlays units through it frozen state 

"I'm not afraid to take a little damage" Yuma exclaimed as Shark look shock at Yuma reply. He was surprise that someone like Yuma, was protecting him.

"Go Lightwing Shield!" Yuma commanded, even in it frozen state, Utopia use one of it wing as a shield in order to protect Shark from Icebergdon attack,  eventually negate the ice dinosaur attack

"If a hurting is what you want, then a hurting is what you're gonna get!" Chills said as Yuma was lifted off the ground by the icy winds of his opponent's trap card. It then slam him to the ground hard, as his friends watch him with an worried look on their faces. His Life Points decrease from 2400 to 1900

Shark: 1100 / Yuma: 1900 / Chills: 4000 / Scorch: 2400 

"If I didn't know any better, I'd be wondering if Yuma summon Utopia, just to protect Shark" Bronk said 

"Yuma, you shouldn't have done that!?" Shark said serious as he is a bit perturbed, after Yuma display 

"Awww, what friendship..." Chills taunt them both. "I'm so move by this touching display, so moved that I think I'll attack you again. Pompadour Blizzardon,  attack Shark directly!" Chills commanded as the ice dinosaur went for the direct attack, hoping to end Shark for good. But Yuma counter his attack 

"I'm activating Utopia's ability! Go, Lightwing Shield!" Yuma call out as Utopia once again, jump infront of Shark, protecting him from the direct attack, but at the cost of Yuma suffering at the hands of the icy winds from the trap card. The wind once again, slammed Yuma hard into the ground. His lifepoints decrease from 1900 to 1400 rapidly 

 Shark: 1100 / Yuma: 1400 / Chills: 4000 / Scorch: 2400 

"Yuma! Are you alright!" Bronk asked him as he,Tori and Sakura were all waiting for an answer to see that he was alright. Meanwhile, Shark stare at Yuma with wide eyes for his selfless sacrifice...before he hung his head down and turns away.

"That's kinda smart" Yuma answered to his friends as he sat up, rubbing his head 


"Huh?" Yuma asked confused as he turned to look up at Shark 

"Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna stand up in battle?" Shark asked him as Yuma stood up to his feets

"Hmm. All right, chumps! I hope that not the best you got. My grandma duels better than you guys and like she's old!" Yuma exclaimed as Sakura let out a small  nervous laugh at his comment, knowing that Haru would probably teach Scorch and Chills a lesson, as Shark have a small smile on his face 

"I think pipsqueak tried to trash talk" Chills said 

"Well this should shut him up..." Scorch said as he look over at Chills as he let out a small smirk. "I activate the Volcanic Ash trap card!" Scorch said as he activate his face-down card, "Using this card, I can put Chill's Pompadour Blizzardon in defense mode!" Everyone  watch on as the ice dinosaur curls itself up into a ball, shielding itself from any upcoming attack 

"Do anyone know why he put his team-mate monster in defense mode?" Yuma question on Scorch strategy. Astral kept silent, his observant expression focused straight ahead as he watch Chills send a grin to his dueling partner.

"Thanks for the hookup! Now I activate the power of the Frozen Ice Cave spell card! It can increase the level of a monster on my field in defense mode!" Chills explain as he activate his spell card 

"Oh that's why" Yuma said as he realise what Chills is about to do 

"So Pompadour Blizzardon become level 5" Chills explain as Pompadour Blizzardon gain an extra level to it name 

Pompadour Blizzardon ATK: 1400 / DEF: 1400 / Level 5

"That's two level 5 now, not good" Shark mutter from underneath his breath. 

"I think you both know what's about to happen next." Chills said as a smirk appear on his face.

"I overlay Level Five Icebergdon and Pompadour Blizzardon!" He exclaimed as the two level 5 monsters both turn into two bolts of different shade of blue energy as they both arc upward, dancing around each other. A galactic spiral, shining golden vortex, appear onto the field. The two bolts swirl into the galaxy vortex "I hope you two brought your jackets, 'cause the weather outside's about to get nasty...I XYZ Summon Number 19: Freezerdon!"

Appearing on the field was Chills Number monster. It was a  massive muscular dinosaur standing upright on it leg. It body were coloured in various shade of blues, wings on it back, yellow eyes and a small horn sat in between it eyes. The Number 19 can be seen on the right side of this monster chest. It let out a menacing roar as it appear on the field

Number 19: Freezerdon ATK: 2000 / DEF: 2500 / Rank 5

"As if one Number was bad enough, now Yuma and Shark got to deal with two Number?! What is going on?!" Sakura yell out

"Shark, they got 2 Number monsters" Yuma exclaimed as Chills continue on with his turn

"And I think it's time that I help out my partner's, by activating Freezerdon's special ability! So by using one overlay unit, I can restore all of Volcasaurus's overlay units!" Chills explained as Freezerdon absorb one of it overlay unit through it horn. It's rib cage opens up as a orb of light appeart in the center of the rib cage. Freezerdon then place the orb between it gigantic hands as it then shot out a beam of ice toward Volcasaur, hitting the lava Dinosaur, making two more overlay units appear as they both floating around Volcasaurus body once more

"No way!"

"Oh no!" Sakura exclaim

"That is quite an interesting tactic..." Astral comment

"Now that it's got it overlay units back, it can knock us around more!" Yuma shouted out loud as Volcasaurus can do even more damage to both him and Shark. Sakura narrow her eyes down at the thugs

"This is awfully convenient?" Sakura bitterly mutter underneath her breath, as Shark look over at her. The pair both nodded before turning around to face the duel

"I place two cards face-down and end my turn." Chills said as he place two card down on the field as they both materialize infront of him. Both him and Scorch laugh smugly. Both the priceless deck and Utopia will soon be their for the taking.

"No one can stand up to the one-two punch of Fire and Ice!"

The duo of Astral and Anubis was also becoming even more aware and suspicious about the duo miraculous stroke of luck

"This is not right. Something is strange..." Astral said as his eyes narrow down as Anubis begin to cracking his knuckles. Finally, Shark manage to narrow it all down as he caught onto their scheme

"Sakura was right about it being all too convenient " Shark said as he glance at Sakura, before he turn to look over at Yuma. "....They're cheating, Yuma"

"They are?" Yuma asked Sakura as she nodded her head as she glare at them. Both Tori and Bronk both gasp at this revelation

"Cheating? What a pair of sore losers!" Chills retorted back to them in a mockingly dramatic manner, trying to denied their accusations

"Don't play dumb!" Shark counter back. "I know a cheater when I see one, and I are looking at two!"

Meanwhile, Astral took the opportunity to float down between the dueling pair, but he was a little bit confused at the situation

"A cheetah? Does he mean a large cat?" He asked as Sakura facepalm as she let out a tired sigh, follow by a small smile at his question. Meanwhile, Yuma was angry and annoyed

"Ugh...! Cheater....not cheetah. It's someone who breaks the rules" Yuma explained to him

"You mean..." Astral gasped, "Uh! I see! They're being dishonest!"

"Can we please send them to the Shadow Realm?" Anubis asked Sakura

"No" She replied

"Can I please mind crush them?" The humanoid jackal asked again

"No! We do not go around and start mind crushing peoples! What is wrong with you?!" Sakura yell angrily at the humanoid jackal suggestion

"Aww! I never get to use it" Anubuis groaned

"Figures you losers wouldn't play it straight! I'm gonna guess that you worked out a tag-team strategy in advance, you figured out the cards you needed...." Shark angrily call out as he slam his fist into his open palm. Before he could say anything else, Sakura cut him off

"Then two you rigged your duel disk auto-shuffle system in order to spit out the cards that you would need for your combo." Sakura answered as Shark nodded his head to confirming her answer

"No way! That's why they both just happened to have level 5 monsters in their hands when they activated those egg traps!" Yuma said as he finally realise what the thugs duo did

"So when Scorch used Volcanic Ash to put Chills's monster in defense mode....he did so knowing perfectly well that Chills would be able to increase Blizzardon's level, by activating Frozen Ice Cave. They always know what the other is holding, and what they will draw next...If that is truly the case, then these two are not true duelists." Astral explained

"I can't believe you guys call yourselves duelists! You're just a couple of cheating nobodies!" Shark shouted out, raising his fist at them as he glare angrily at them

"Tread lightly, little Shark. Cheating's not a not a word you wanna be tossing around." Chills said to Shark

"Meaning the Pot shouldn't be calling the Kettle black! Everyone knows that you cheated during the Nationals!" Scorch added after his partner, adding more salt to injury

Shark frozen stiff at the accusation, the anger that was in his dark blue eyes was replaced by shock and fear, whilst the group ( expect for Sakura) all let out a gasp each as the celestial being and the humanoid jackal all turn their eyes to his shaken form as Shark recall the tragic events

"Reginald" Sakura mutter quietly underneath her breath

"You talk like a champion, but a true champion wouldn't peek at his opponent's deck in the waiting room during the finals! What happened after that? Oh-hoh, right, The League banished you for life, and now you'll never duel in a tournament again! Bummer!" Scorch said

"I looked for five seconds. I...I was so scared of defeat..." Shark said, with eyes full with guilt and ashame.

"Hahaha! Was the whittle bitty baby afwaid to wose the big duel? Talk about pathetic!" Chills laugh mockingly at the heart broken Shark.

"Waaa, mommy.....wosing makes me cry!" Scorch added to the taunting as Shark close his eyes as he tried his hardest to block out the mocking and taunts from the thugs duo. His eyes snap back open as he heard a familiar voice shouting at Chills and Scorch

"Will you two numbskull be quiet! There is nothing funny about letting your fears get the best of you! I was there when it happen!" Sakura said as the trio of Yuma, Bronk and  Tori all gasped, as the aqua haired girl continue on, "Dueling isn't about winning or losing, it about having fun. It also about the Heart of the cards as well. But you two, cheated in a duel. Shark would never cheat in a duel! He enter the National because he was dueling for someone he love, someone that he cared more than dueling. We'll keep fighting to made up for our mistakes, no matter how many times that they try to break us apart! You should be ashame of yourself, you cowards!" Sakura yell out in rage, as Shark look afraid as Yuma, Bronk and Tori all sweat dropped nervously

"Numbskull! Cowards! Who are you calling coward, girl!" Chills angrily snared

"You better watch your mouth! Or we will be coming for you next" Scorch said with a tick mark on his head

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but Sakura's right. Cheating is against the rules" Yuma replied as Sakura him a small smile

"Ha! What a sweet little speak"

"Speaking of back to the wall....All you've got on your field is your monster on ice! You're done!" Scorch said

"Yuma" Shark said as he finally get Yuma attention


"Let's take these clowns out" Shark said with a slight smile on his face as Yuma nodded his head, heart full of courage, ready to turn the duel around and win

"It's my turn...I draw!" Shark announce as he draw a card from the top of his deck. "First, I'm activating a dpell card, XYZ Gift!" He said as he activate his spell card from his hand. "When there's at least two XYZ Monsters on the field, I can use XYZ Gift to draw two more cards! Next, I summon Needle Sunfish!"

Needle Sunfish ATK: 1500 / DEF:100 / Level 3

A large grey fish appear on the field, with small round yellow eyes, with large purple lip and with small and medium sized blue fins, as well as a blue tail

"Now I activate the Surface spell card from my hand!" Shark announce as he activate a different spell from his hand. "This allows me to summon one one monster from my Graveyard, so watch out, 'cause Big Jaws is comin' back for more!" Shark said as Big Jaws reappeared back from the graveyard, ready to duel once more

Big Jaws ATK: 1800 / DEF: 300 / Level 3

"Do it, Shark!" Yuma exclaimed excitedly, knowing what is about to happen

"I overlay Level 3 Needle Sunfish and Big Jaws! With these two monsters, I build the Overlay Network" Shark shouted, as both Needle Sunfish and Big Jaws turn into two bolts of dark and light blue as they both arc upward, dancing around each other. As the same galactic spiral, shining red vortex, appear onto the field. "......and XYZ Summon Black Ray Lancer!"

Black Ray Lancer ATK: 2100 / DEF: 600 / Rank 3

Shark Beast-warrior type XYZ monster with black metal armor with pink highlights appear on the field. It has large spike white sail wings on each side of it back, with the same for it legs. It held it red metal spear towards them

"What's up, big guy!" Yuma exclaimed in happiness

"All right!" Sakura said as a smile appear on her face

"I now activate Black Ray Lancer's special ability! By using one overlay unit, I can stop Volcasaurus from using its special abilities!" Shark said as Black Lancer absorbs it through its spear as it fling it around in a circle, ready to stop Volcasaurus from using it special ability. Black Ray Lancer blasts Volcasaurus overlay unit away by using the winds from its wings

"You what?!" Scorch yelled out in complete shock

"Now it can destroyed that Number Card" Yuma cheered in delight

"Good riddance" Anubis mutter underneath his breath

"Except that Volcasaurus has more attackpoints!" Scorch explain as a smirk appear on his face

"Oh yeah, about that, I activate Needle Sunfish's special ability, since this guy was sent to the graveyard, Volcasaurus loses 500 attackpoints!" Shark explain as Needle Sunfish appear from the graveyard as it launches spiked missiles from its mouth, which hit it target

Number 61: Volcasaurus ATK: 2000 / DEF: 1000 / Rank 5

"Aww, yeah! Now Black Ray Lancer is even stronger!"

"Take him down!" Sakura cheered

"Shark really turn this situation around" Astral commented as Anubis nodded his head in agreement

"What're you waiting for, Black Ray Lancer? Attack Volcasaurus! Go, Shimmering Spear Slash!" Shark commanded as Black Ray Lancer went for a attack as it launched its spear towards Volcasaurus

"Huh? I activate Compensation Exchange! This trap card stops Black Ray Lancer's attack, but now, my Life Points get hit by all of Volcasaurus's attackpoints!" Chills said as he activate his trap card, which negate Black Lancer attack and inflict the attackpoints of Volcasaurus to himself as damage. Chills lifepoints take damage

Shark: 1100 / Yuma: 1400  / Chills: 2000 / Scorch: 2400

"Thank a lot! You just has to get in the way!" Yuma complain

"He takes the hits and I dish 'em out!" Scorch replied

"That's how the leaders of the pack roll" Chills added

"And now I activate, Volcanic Abyss!" Scorch said as he activate his face-down card. "With this card, I can check out one of your hands, and if there's a monster card, it gets sent back to your deck! Let's see...you holdin' any monster cards, pipsqueak?" Scorch asked

"He's talkin to me, isn't he?" Yuma asked as Sakura nodded her head

"Yes, he is. And he is trying to stop you from summoning a monster on your next turn" Astral explained

"Aww. Are you serious!?" Yuma said as his both cards appear as holograms in front of all players, revealing his hand. His hands only contain of Monster Reborn and Gogogo Golem

"You've got a monster in your hand. Now you've gotta send it back to your deck." Scorch explained

"Sorry, Gogogo Golem...." Yuma said as he put golem back to his deck as Scorch laughed

"I place one card face-down and end my turn" Shark said as he place the card on the field as it materialize infront of him 

"And now I'll end you! My move.....I draw! Get ready to feel the heat, Shark, cause I'm activating Volcasaurus's special ability, Magma Mass!" Scorch explain as Volcasaurus absorb one of it new overlay unit by eating it. "First, Volcasaurus destroys Black Ray Lancer, and then you take damage equal to Black Ray Lancer's attackpoints!" Scorch said as he let out a sinister laugh as Volcasaurus two spikes on its chest open as it shoot two stream of flames to destroy Black Ray Lancer. "Nighty-night, Shark!"

"Look out!"

"Shark!" Sakura call out his name, worried as Volcasaurus finally managed to destroy Black Lancer

"Not so fast!" Yuma exclaimed


"I activate Damage Diet!" Yuma exclaimed as he activate his face-down card, that was reveal to be a trap card. "With this card, this trap cut Shark's damage in half this turn!"

Shark: 50 / Yuma: 1400 / Chills: 2000 / Scorch: 2400

Thank to Yuma and his trap card, Shark barely manage to stay in the duel with only 50 lifepoints to his name

"Ugh....And now, I activate Icy Crevasse!" Shark said as he activate his face-down card. "So now I can destroy one of your monsters, and then strike you with damage equal to your monster's attackpoints!" He hope with this card, both that Volcasaurus will be destroyed and Scorch will lose all of his lifepoints. The ground around Volcasaurus began to cracks open as the lava dinosaur began to fall to it doom

"So you're tryin' to take out my partner and his monster, are ya?! Well by activating Force Change, I can make Freezerdon and me take the fall instead!" Chills call out as he activate his face-down card. Instead of Volcasaurus taking the plunge, it was Freezerdon, Chills own Number monster as it was destroyed

Chills let out a cry of defeat as he was thrown backwards, hitting the ground hard, due to the impact of Icy Crevasse. His lifepoints decrease heavily, dropping them drop to 0

Shark: 50 / Yuma: 1400 / Chills: 0 / Scorch: 2400


"All right! One down and one more to go!" Yuma cheered. Meanwhile, Scorch on the other hand...was livid

"Why you little pipsqueak! Nobody messes with the Chills!" Scorch angrily yell as he was encase in a purple-red aura as he defend the defeated Chills, who was like his little brother to him. "I use Volcasaurus's special ability to destroy Utopia!" He command angrily as Volcasaurus used it last remaining overlay units to activate it. effect. Volcasaurus two spikes on its chest open as it shoot two stream of flames to destroy Utopia, hoping to get revenge for the destruction and defeat of both Chills and Freezerdon

Yuma quickly activate the effect of his trap card, Damage Diet again as he was hit by Volcasarus attack. It halve the damage that Volcasaurus gave Utopia, leaving Yuma with 150 lifepoints to his name

Shark: 50 / Yuma: 150 / Chills: 0 / Scorch: 2400

"I'll finish you in a sec" Scorch threatened Yuma, but for now, he got a bone to pick with Shark. "but now Volcasaurus, attack Shark directly!" Scorch commanded as his Number went for the attack, hoping to destroy Shark for good. But Shark still had one more trick up his sleeve

"I play the Final Offering trap card!" Shark exclaim as he activate his face-down card. "With this trap card's power, I can force a battle to stop by pulling one card from my hand, and giving it to another player....like Yuma!" Shark said as he end the battle phase of the duel, thus cancelling Volcasaurus attack.

He tossed a card from his hand toward Yuma, who caught the card as the pink and black hair boy look at the card that he obtain. He was surprised as he was considered to be an opponent in the terms of the card effect, as well as Shark tag team partner in the duel

"What? You mean you're....are you sure that you can trust me with it?" Yuma asked


"The card is.....??" Astral trailed off 

"Lucky break for you, but...now, I activate the Twin Volcano spell! This card explodes for 500 points of damage during each of my turns, and it erupts for 500 points of damage, when I send it to the Graveyard!" Scorch explain as he activate his continuous spell card

"Ah, wait....so that means?"

"As soon as it become his turn again, he will be able to defeat the both of you" Astral answered

"You little runts are done for!" Chills call out from the sidelines, with a wicked smile on his face as he was kneeling on one of his knees

"Not that you ever had a chance!" Scorch add as he laughed, not before a amusing smile to appear on his face

"That's where you're wrong. You guys are the ones who are done for." Shark replied back calmly

"....Hope you're right...l draw!" Yuma said as he drew a brand new card from the top of his deck. "Okay, now...uh...if...uh" Yuma began to feel the pressure of the duel as he examine his hands, wondering on how they can win against Scorch

"Just believe in yourself and your deck, Yuma!" Sakura call out to him

"I play the spell card, Monster Reborn!" Yuma said

"Is he really gonna bring back Utopia?!" Bronk asked

"No, Bronk...I'm reviving Black Ray Lancer from Shark's Graveyard!" Yuma replied as Black Ray Lancer rose from the graveyard onto the field, joining the duel once more

Black Ray Lancer ATK: 2100 / DEF: 600 / Rank 3

"You could've brought out a game-changer like Utopia, but instead, you just brought out a game ender!" Scorch said, before he let out a massive laugh at Yuma revival choice

"I don't think so." Shark retorted back at him

"You don't?"

"From my hand, I activate the spell card, Armoured XYZ!" Yuma said. This was the card that Shark has give him.

"That doesn't sound too good..." Scorch said as Chills manage to get back up to his feets

"All of a sudden, you two losers aren't lookin' so confident..." Shark mock the two thugs as a smirk appear on his face as Yuma continue on with his turn

"The power of this card allows me to equip one monster on my field with an XYZ monster from my graveyard! Utopia, rise!" Yuma said as Utopia rose from the graveyard as it stood next to Black Ray Lancer on the field, before he added, "And now I equip Black Ray Lancer with Utopia!"

Both Yuma and Shark monsters fuse together into one as Black Ray Lance was now sporting golden armour alongside it black with pink highlight armour. It still held it red metal spear on side, while the other side held onto one of the sword that Utopia used

Black Ray Lancer ATK: 2500 / DEF: 600 / Rank 3

"That's nice that you made your Lancer stronger, but did you forget that only a Number can destroy a Number?" Chills asked them

"We got that covered." Shark answered

"What?!" Both Scorch and Chills stutter out

"As far as technicalities are concerned, Black Ray Lancer now has Utopia's powers..." Shark explained

"So basically, Black Ray Lancer is a Number now!" Yuma said. This revelation seem to shatter the two thugs confidence completely

"Do you realize what this means?!" Scorch asked

"Volcasaurus is goin' extinct!" Chills answered back

"Black Ray Lancer! Attack Volcasaurus!" Yuma commanded as Black Ray Lancers spin it spear around as it charged toward it target. Using the spear, it take out the opposing team remaining Number monster in just one slash. It left Scorch to cringe in pain as he used one of his arms to shield himself from the impact of the attack as his lifepoints took a hit

Shark: 50 / Yuma: 150 / Chills: 0 / Scorch: 1900

"Your partner's out of the picture and you've got no monsters to hide behind!" Shark said

"I think it's safe to say that you're about to get officially Yuma'd. Cause by sending Utopia to the graveyard....Black Ray Lancer can charge in again and attack you directly!" Yuma explained to Scorch as he sent Utopia back to the to the graveyard as Black Ray Lancer attackpoints return to normal

 Black Ray Lancer ATK: 2100 / DEF: 600 / Rank 3

"What?! No way!"

"Go, Shimmering Spear Slash!" Yuma commanded as Black Ray Lancer went for the finishing blow against Shark, hoping to end the duel once and for all. The impact of the attack blast both Scorch  and Chills backwards onto the ground. Scorch lifepoints take the turn for the worst as his lifepoints drop down to 0, making the duo of Shark and Yuma the winner of the duel

Shark: 50 / Yuma: 150 / Chills: 0 / Scorch: 0

Winner: Shark & Yuma

"They did it!" Sakura cheered

"Whoo, they won!" Tori happily cheered as the trio was happy for their friends victorious win over Scorch and Chills

"Hahaha! You did it, Yuma! Hahaha!" Bronk added in as Sakura grinned as she gave both Bronk and Tori a hug, that they both returned, before the aqua haired girl let go of the pair as she began to make her way over to the dueling duo of Shark and Yuma. When she got there, Sakura gave Yuma a hug to which he returned back. When Sakura and Yuma both pull away from the hug, she turn around to face Shark as she offer him her hand for him to shake

She was in shock when Shark place his hand in her as he offer her a small smile. Deep down, Shark doesn't blame Sakura for what happen during the National Circuit at all. Sakura return the smile back as the pair shake their hands  ( whilst ignoring the happy glint that was in Yuma, Tori and Bronk eyes)

"Now that is what I love about teamwork!" Anubis said with a laugh

Whilst everyone was busy celebrating, Astral was focusing on extracting the two Numbers away from Scorch and Chills, as he extends one of his glowing hand outward to collect the card

"Observation Number 12: Not every duelist in this world duels with honour. Some are willing to compromise their spirits, as long as it means winning" Astral thought to himself as two shining cards rises from the thugs duo chest and flies to him. Both thugs stirs on the ground; the glowing 61 and 19 inscribed on the side of Scorch shoulder and Chills neck shatters, breaking the Numbers hold on them

As soon as the two Numbers cards come in close proximity of Astral, he snatch them up. However,the celestial being was struck with a rather disturbing memory being imprinted into his mind

"His world was being hit by numerous bright red -comet like explosions from an unknown source, follow by multiple of muffled scream of inhabitants, cried out as their home world was being attack..."

"Uh....." was the only sound that come out of Astral mouth as he was frozen in shock, just from the new memory. Meanwhile, both Scorch and Chills groggily wake up

"What? What happened to us, Chills?" Scorch asked

"I don't know..? I don't remember nothing" Chills replied.

"Huh?" The duo lifted their heads up, only to see the glaring eyes of Shark. He do not look happy at all

"L...look... it Shark?" Chills asked

"Run away!" Was the only answer that Scorch could come up with as he turn around to run away as Chills quickly follow after him, not wanting to deal with Shark anymore

"That what I have thought!" Bronk call out as the group watch the thugs run away

"Don't you mess with us ever again!" Tori angrily yell out

"We will find you and we'll hunt you down!" Sakura shout out in anger. Yuma turned around to face Bronk

"...Hey, Bronk?" This is before he decided to talk read fast as he bow down. "I'm sorry that I used a Number Card against Shark, when I said I wouldn't. I'll never break a promise again. I promise!"

"Uh...well...yeah" Bronk trailed off as he looked at Sakura and then at Tori, who just smile and nodded, "Eheh....Forget about it Yuma. Let's just drop it and have a duel?" Bronk happily accept the apologise as he challenge Yuma to a duel

"Huh? Yeah! You're on Bronk!"

"Right now?" Tori asked

"Again?" Sakura asked them, with her both of her arms crossed

"I'm outta here" both Yuma and Sakura turn around to see Shark begin to walk away from the group, but stops when she calls him to a halt.

"Wait up!" Yuma call out as Shark halt in his path. "There was...uh...,all right...your Armoured XYZ." Yuma said as he dug the card out from his deck case. "Don't you want it back?" Yuma asked him, as he was holding the card in his hand

Without turning around to face the Shark replies, "Nah...keep it."

"Uh, you sure?"

"Yeah." Shark glances over his shoulder. "You can use all the help you can get."

Feeling insulted, Yuma replies, "I'm the one who help you!"

Shark smirks a little at his reply. "Later" he call out to the group before continuing his way toward his duel runner

"See ya later, Shark" Yuma said as the group that consist of himself, Sakura, Tori and Bronk all smiled

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