To Be A Warrior

Από GravityWillFall01

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Book 7 in the To Be A Runner series New allies, V-Type zombies, rising anarchists, and a country that can't s... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1: Sorry For Party Rocking
Chapter 2: Talk Talk
Chapter 3: Mr. Brightside
Chapter 4: Words Fail
Chapter 5: Bodysnatchers
Chapter 6: Deep Web
Chapter 7: Fairly Local
Chapter 8: Sleep When I'm Dead
Chapter 9: Let Me Make You Proud
Chapter 10: Good Morning Judge
Chapter 11: Burned
Chapter 12: Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 13: Getcha Head In The Game
Chapter 14: The Devil You Know
Chapter 15: Vanilla Twilight
Chapter 16: Blood On The Dancefloor
Chapter 17: Written In Red
Chapter 18: The Jellicle Ball
Chapter 19: If I Could Tell Her
Chapter 20: A Castle Full Of Rascals
Chapter 21: Castle's Burning
Chapter 22: Half Truth
Chapter 23: Caravan of Love
Chapter 24: Everybody Loves Me
Chapter 25: Long Train Running
Chapter 26: Damaged Goods
Chapter 27: I'm The Shark In The Water
Chapter 28: Stranger
Chapter 29: Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Chapter 30: In The Dark Of The Night
Chapter 31: Round and Round
Chapter 32: Inside Out
Chapter 33: Cave In
Chapter 34: Free Fall
Chapter 35: Here We Go Again
Chapter 36: Disco Inferno
Chapter 37: Slow-Mo Acid
Chapter 38: Elastic Heart
Chapter 39: Train To New Oban Part 1
Chapter 40: Down at the Farm
Chapter 41: Midnight City
Chapter 42: Breathe Into Me
Chapter 43: Follow Me Down
Chapter 44: Happy
Chapter 45: Train To New Oban Part 2
Chapter 46: Out of Hand
Chapter 47: Dead End
Chapter 48: Snowman
Chapter 49: Do You Remember?
Chapter 50: Easy To Forget
Chapter 51: Poison
Chapter 52: Higher Ground
Chapter 53: Play With Fire
Chapter 55: Life In A Glasshouse
Chapter 56: Trapped
Chapter 57: Callista's Lament
Chapter 58: Mushaboom
Chapter 59: Weak
Chapter 60: Into The Unknown
Chapter 61: You've Got A Friend In Me
Chapter 62: Die Rise Part 1
Chapter 63: Die Rise Part 2
Chapter 64: Temporary Bliss
Chapter 65: We'll Meet Again
Chapter 66: Missing You
Chapter 67: What the World Needs Now
Chapter 68: Human Again
Chapter 69: CONTROL
Chapter 70: Return To Sender
Chapter 71: Tears of Gold
Chapter 72: Only Have Eyes For You
Chapter 73: Come Together
Chapter 74: The End
Descriptions of characters
Upcoming Schedule

Chapter 54: Thrown A Bone

32 5 6
Από GravityWillFall01

"Janine, Five, head for the glass building on the hill," Sam instructs. "We're meeting Jones up ahead."

Amelia scowls from beside me. "This is, just to clarify, the same Jones who has now twice tried to murder me."

"Well, to be fair, he just pointed a gun at your head."

Her scowl deepens. "I'm not sure why we need to be fair. He wasn't exactly fair to your wife when he hit her across the face with his gun."

Sam sucks in a sharp breath at the memory, and Amelia glances at me, looking almost proud that she hit a nerve. I roll my eyes.

What she doesn't know is that five days ago Sam's wife fell off the top of the beacon and survived.

The bruises took a day to heal, but the bones and organs only took a few hours-a few excruciatingly painful hours that had me going in and out of delirium. Sage's concoction definitely slowed things down, although he has sent a few private messages saying he doesn't think it was necessary, so Peter won't have to take it if tests continue to go well.

I can't wait to actually get the treatments with the nanites, or whatever replica Sage is trying to make. The thought of microscopic robots in my body, turning off the acceleration regeneration in my cells is a bit... unnerving, but it's the only way to make me human again. Plus once they've done what they need to do my body flush them out like it does with everything else.

The faster this gets done, the better. Paula may not have said anything else since our last conversation about my scars, but I'm not dumb enough to think she's simply forgot about it. And I'm not stupid enough to think others won't start to notice either. There's already quite a few people who know about my immortal predicament.

"Mr. Jones is employed by Colonel Sage" Janine says to Amelia, snapping me out of my own thoughts. "We have discussed Jones at length. His rehabilitation is ongoing, but Colonel Sage believes that, just like Mr. Lynne, being busy and active is the best thing for him. And for us.

"Jones used to be a toxic waste disposal specialist. The Colonel has seconded him to help unearth the missing fragment of the Edda of the Wakened Warriors from beneath the burn cube explosion. He should prove an invaluable resource."

The blonde simply scoffs. "Or he could murder us in our sleep. I can hardly wait to find out."

"Well, you won't be in suspense for long," Sam says. "The rendezvous is the coppice at the end of that track. Get going."

A huff leaves Amelia's mouth, and while normally I would give a sly comment regarding her poor attitude on a mission, I can't help but side with her on this one. Jones is unstable, and even though he's getting help, it's hard to know just how well or badly this could go. We know he never really liked me, or Janine, and no one likes Amelia. Jody was the only one he liked and of course she's the one that isn't with us today.

It's hard to know if we can trust Jones. Janine seems to believe that because Sage says he's trustworthy, he is. I do trust Sage to an extent, but... I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about Jones that just makes me feel uneasy, like I always need to keep my guard up. And I'll do so until he proves to me he can be trusted.

It's still cold, but the mushy snow is mostly gone, leaving behind cold, damp ground for us to run on. There's less of a chance of slipping so I'm happy with it. I do, however, like my electric blanket more and would rather be at home wrapped up in it reading with Sam.

I like to think that maybe that can be something Sam and I do all the time once we get that bit of the Edda and found a cure for the V-Types. I say once, but I mean if. It's always an if, since things never go to plan. I mean, Jones is supposed to help us get the Edda out from under Mount Seneca settlement, but we're nowhere near the cliffside. Amelia could be right, and he very well may try to kill us, and then we'd have to get away and report it back to Sage and we'd be back to square one in trying to get the Edda out from under all that rock.

We never know, and our plans have a knack for derailing themselves and flinging us into another mess we weren't prepared for. My fingers twitch, and I resist the urge to touch the gun that's strapped to my hip. I'll be prepared for Jones this time. I have to be.

"We're at the coppice, Sam," Amelia says, her hands on her hips. "Any sign of our resident conspiracy nut?"

Janine purses her lips. "If you are distressed by Jones' presence, Ms. Spens, you may leave. Your presence is not required."

"You always say that. A girl could start thinking you didn't like her. But I'm staying. You're using my digging equipment to get the Edda and I want a share in the profits."

"We have no intention of profiting from it. It may contain information pertinent to a V-Type cure."

"Right. Yes. I don't think a V-Type cure could be profitable." She leans over to whisper to me. "Eyeroll."

There's a rustling from nearby, and I tense.

"Guys, look," Sam warns. "That bush is moving. Careful! It could be a zom,"

I grab my pistol, waiting for the telling groan or growl, but it never comes. Instead a head pops out, the body attached soon following. My eyes widen at just how the mountain of a man managed to stay hidden.

"Jones," I say, lowering my pistol when his eyes land on it. "Sorry. Thought you were a zom."

"I'm not a zombie. Although my legs have gone dead from crouching," He replies. "Sorry. I didn't want to attract zoms to the rendezvous."

Janine stares in surprise. "Uh, yeah. Indeed. Very wise."

"Is it just me, or does he sound a lot less, you know, confused than when we last saw him?" Sam whispers, then chokes when Jones replies.

"My mental health has improved, yes."

"Oh! I-uh...."

"Sorry, Sam. Colonel Sage gave me your frequency for my headset. I should have told you sooner. A good officer shares relevant information promptly."

I study him, eyebrows scrunching as I put my pistol back in its holster. He seems genuine enough, not crazy, nor on the verge of it either. It's a good sign.

"Perhaps now you can tell us why we're here," Janine prompts, and he nods.

"Of course. The excavation will need hazmat suits, which I have, and a specialist chemical neutralizing agent for the burn cube residue."

"Which you don't have?" I guess, and again he nods.

"I went looking on Roufflenet to see where there might be some. Some kind person said they knew there was some in the glass building on the hill. They wouldn't tell me how they knew. The whole area's off grid. Just gray blank on Ordnance Survey maps. Highly suspicious."

Amelia laughs softly. "Maybe it's the British Area 51."

He doesn't seem to like that reply based off the look he gives her. "Scoff if you like, but if you want me to dig up your manuscript, we have to at least check."

Janine nods neutrally. "Then we have our target. Let's run."

We start off towards the glass building. We'll have to go through the town to get to a road to it. Trying to climb up the hill on something that isn't a road or stairs could lead to injury due to how the ground is still wet and slick. The last thing we need is for someone to slip and break an ankle. We haven't spotted many zoms, but ghouls are drawn to those who are injured.

Jones is right though. This is suspicious. As much as I'd like to believe it, there's rarely a "kind person" who would offer such information without wanting something in return. But I'm not sure if it's even that. This person refusing to say how they knew this makes it seem like a trap, but for what? It's not every day that someone asks for this, so I doubt it would be a cannibal group or a cult that feeds people to zombies. Those types of groups offer things like food or clean water or shelter, things they know people will come for.

But a special chemical neutralizer? What could this even be a trap for? And who would set it?

I can't be sure, but as we need Jones' help, we have to investigate. I would think this was a trap set by him, but that's not his way. When we first met, he pulled a gun on us as soon as we got close enough, and he was all too trigger happy the last time we met. His trap setting agenda couldn't change that quickly, I don't think. Plus I can't think of anything he could have in that building that couldn't kill us just as easily at our rendezvous point.

But my thoughts on all this come to a temporary halt when we reach the little village. It's... so pristine, especially for a village that isn't occupied and has no settlement wall built around it. Of course, there are bits of paint flaking off the outside walls and dust covers the windows, but none of the places are torn down or decaying.

Amelia looks around, seemingly impressed by the sights of pavement cafes, Victorian lampposts and little shops. "This place is almost Exmoore-Militia-type pretty."

"It's an employee village for the company that was in that glass building," Sam says. "Uh, the one with the neural thingy you need. It's pretty though. Next time the Exmoores send a convoy, we should tell them to stop here to pick up some wrought iron stuff."

"I shouldn't think they'll need to send convoys pretty soon. Everyone will be sending them presents."

Jones looks at her curiously. "Uh, what do you mean?"

"She's talking about the last round of negotiations between the settlements over leadership as the V-Type numbers grow," I reply. "Nicole went to it with Janine and Jody. Exmoore Militia are the ones everyone's looking at, right?"

I glance at Janine for confirmation, and she nods. "The Eagle Fang Posse, New Canton, Colonel Sage's Colony and the Exmoore Militia were under consideration, but Exmoore now look to be the strong front runners."

"It helps that they have a nuclear submarine, of course," Amelia says with as she brushes her ponytail over her shoulder. "I'm just glad someone's taking it on. I have a very lucrative canal-building plan that can only work if there's relative peace in the country. Peace is good for business. On the subject of which, have you seen the name of the company on the village signs?"

I turn my head of one of them, reading the name written in yellowy-gold paint on one of the wooden signs. "Negotium Corps?"

"Interesting," Janine hums. "Rather odd, actually. Negotium means business in Latin."

"You know Latin?" I ask in surprise, and she nods. I don't get to think about it much more before Sam bursts out laughing.

"Wait, so the company in the glass building was called Business Company? Who ran it? Doreen Managing Director and Jeremy CEO?"

I giggle, but Janine's face still holds the confusion it did before.

"It's strange. This valley is readily defensible. This would be a superb location for a settlement, yet it is deserted. You were right to be cautious and wait for us to assist you with retrieval operation, Mr. Jones."

Jones nods, giving a half shrug. "Yeah. Well, that's what the Colonel says. Caution in approach, then decisiveness in action."

"Smart motto," I mumble, before freezing beside Amelia when I feel something odd in texture under my shoe on the next step, and a weird crackling sound reaches my ears.

We both look down, and I cringe at the blood that's on the sides of my shoes. Amelia lifts her shoe, face scrunching up at the sight of several cracked, bloody teeth.

"Well, that's delightful," She says sarcastically. "What's even more delightful is my sureness that these teeth are human."

I hear a faint groan from nearby. Unlike the teeth, they aren't human. Well, they aren't anymore.

"Crap," Sam mumbles under his breath. "Well, that might explain it. There are ghouls about."

"Perhaps we should abort the mission." Jones frowns in thought. "The Colonel says you're too valuable an alley to risk."

Amelia presses a hand to her heart. "How touching."

"He meant Colonel De Luca," He deadpans, and I can't stop the laugh that bubbles from my lips.

"It's too late to retreat," Sam states. "Pack of ghouls approaching along from the high street. Hide in the long row of houses to your right before they spot you. Run!"

"Okay, guys, you've lost the ghouls." Sam breathes out a sigh of relief. "Keep running through the row of terraced houses that's actually just a really long dorm thing with cams everywhere. Apparently, privacy wasn't the number one concern for Business Company."

"The fact that it's named Business Company reminds me of how Sigrid named everything on her island," I say, trying to ignore the cameras mounted on the wall. I know it's Sam that's gotten access to them, but it feels... off for some reason. "Medicine shop, clothing shop. Remember? She didn't value privacy much either."

I flinch when Jones lets out a scoff. "Privacy is overvalued. Colonel Sage says that only the guilty treasure it, especially now."

I raise a brow at that. Pretty rich of Sage saying that when he's keeping and aiding me with my own secrets. Still, I say nothing and let him continue.

"Survival depends on knowledge. A good leader knows his followers well enough to deploy them successful. A good follower knows his leader well enough to predict and preempt his wishes."

"You seem quite taken with Sage and his fortune cookie philosophy," Amelia teases, which earns her a glare.

"I know what you're like, Amelia Spens. I've read the Colonel's file on you. But he cured me. He showed me I was so lost, so desperate to believe in something, that I ended up believing in anything. He's given me something real."

"That's good," Sam says, although I sense a slight tinge of nervousness in his tone. "Intense, but a step in the right direction."

Amelia seems unsure, and for the second time on this mission I side with her. It's got to be a new record. With the way Jones speaks, it seems his devout belief in the Ministry has simply switched over to Sage. He's gone from one extreme to another, which could be dangerous if Sage and Abel ever came to a disagreement. Not to say Sage would want us dead like Sigrid did, but Amelia was right when she said we needed peace in the country.

And if Sage did turn on Abel, I don't think Jones would be the only person to give all or nothing for him. I wonder if Sage knows how Jones idolizes him. I wonder if others in Banktown or any other of his colonies are as enamored as Jones is.

This could be a problem if we aren't careful.

"Still, it looks like we're on the right track." Amelia points to a map on the wall. It looks to be one of the surrounding area. There's names and markers all on it, most of them being different colors cans of dots. "The people who lived here were testing the effects of various chemicals on the soil. They probably needed a neutralizer to clean up after them."

Glass shatters in a nearby window, the shards all falling to the floor, except for the few that are stuck in the arms of the ghouls trying to reach in. They snarl and hiss, and I can only wonder how they found us.

"Mr. Yao-" Janine starts.

"Right. Right. You need to get to the other end of the weird long house. It leads onto the village Square. We'll try to lose them there."

One of the ghouls manage to squeeze in through the window, falling onto the floor with a thump. It raises its head and hisses at us, scrambling to get up and sink its teeth into our flesh.

"They're in. Runners, with me," Janine commands. "Run!"

We follow, turning and sprinting as fast we can. Jones trips on a loose board, hissing in pain when he hits the ground. I reach down and grab his arm, pulling him up.

"Move!" I shout, drawing my pistol and firing at some of the ghouls that are too close. I manage to get two in the eyes, killing them, before taking off after the others. Thankfully Jones was smart enough to run when I pulled him up instead of choosing to stay with me.

I break out into a sprint to catch up with the others, my breathing becoming heavy as the ghouls behind us hiss and growl as they chase after us.

We get out of the building, scrambling through the door. As soon as everyone's out we slam the door shut. There's a panel on the wall, with it being green to show the door is still unlocked. There's no time to try to figure out a code to lock it again, so I grab the first sizable stone I see and throw it at the panel.

The rock hits the panel before plopping to the ground, leaving the panel with a large dent and the light on it changing to red, which I know from previous automated locks means that is just that-locked.

"Great work!" Sam praises as the ghouls pound angrily against the door. "Smart thinking, Five. The ghouls are trapped, but you need to keep moving. We don't know how long until-uh.... are you okay, Jones? You're-you're limping."

My head snaps over to Jones, and Sam's right. He's limping, barely putting pressure on his right leg. He's able to keep up with our pace, but it's easy to see that it pains him with each step he takes.

"It was when I tripped on that loose board. I must've landed wrong when I fell. I'm-I'm fine. Keep talking."

"Uh, okay. Head up that tree-lined street, and-just a sec. Are those roses trained over CEO-shaped trellises?" He laughs, but I can't help but frown. These trellises have been kept in surprisingly good shape over the years. I recognize some of the faces. How is that possible? "Look. There's Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. Oh, look! That's Elon Musk."

"I remember when everyone was talking about Space-X like it was yesterday," I say, and he hums.

"Yeah. Horrible what happened to him."

"Mr. Yao," Janine says seriously, her tone holding a tinge of annoyance.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. You're aiming for the glass building. There's a huge flight of steps leading up to it from the dragon fountain."

I nod as spot it. There's still water flowing from it. It's so odd. Every building here looks to have power, but the glass building is completely dark. It could be that the building uses a separate power source, but wouldn't the company building's power be more reliable?

Something about this doesn't feel right.

"You know, I feel I've seen enough," Amelia states suddenly. "Digging up a V-Type cure is one thing, but I'm not risking my neck for it. Let me know when you've got your chemicals."

As soon as the words leave her mouth, the sound of glass shattering hits the air. I look over my shoulder just to see a ghoul drag itself out of the window it just broke.

"Yeah." Sam drags out the word. "Sorry, guys. Looks like the ghouls are smashing out of that building."

Janine smirks at Amelia. "So the only way out is onward. We won't be parting ways yet, Ms. Spens."

She huffs.

"Make for the opposite of the square, and then up the steps. And hurry! Those ghouls are moving fast," He warns.

I look at Jones. "They seem to know when someone is injured. They're going to be coming for us since Jones got hurt."

"Then you need to run."

We keep moving, sprinting as fast as we can and going up the stairs. I try to skip steps if I can, taking just a moment to look back at the others. Janine is quick as ever, not seeming to be the slightest bit tired as she remains a step behind me. Amelia is quick, but I can the exhaustion starting to settle in. I'm breathing heavily and sweating just as bad, so this is one of the few times I'm thankful for the cooler air on my face, despite the way that the cold air burns my lungs.

It's Jones I'm most worried about, which is an odd thing to even think considering how I felt for him at the beginning of this mission. But so far he hasn't tried to kill us, and he's been pushing on despite his injury. We need him alive, and as the one who's hurt, he's the one the ghouls will be going after. I'm sure these stairs aren't helping either. I'm not even hurt but the constant climb is already starting to make my legs burn.

The ghouls are fast, but they're still zombies. Even though they aren't as stupid as normal zoms, they still trip once or twice as they climb up the stairs, which is exactly what we need them to do. If they get any faster, or if we get any slower, they'll catch us for sure.

"Bloody hell," Sam curses. "Do those steps go to the moon? I'm getting knackered just watching you. And are you okay, Jones? I mean, you still limping."

I look back at Jones, my eyes widening when I see the growing blood stain on his pants leg. "And you're bleeding!"

"Happened when I slipped over. Broken glass on the floor. Just a nick."

Janine frowns at his words. There's not much of a rip in his clothing, but with how quickly the blood stain is growing we can tell there must be a deep cut we cannot see. The climbing must be making it worse.

"That is more than just a nick, Mr. Jones," She argues.

"And it's attracting more ghouls. Loads of ghouls," Sam says, and Jones blinks in thought.

"I see. I'm a hinderance then. Go. Leave me. Get to safety in the building."

He starts slowing down, his face hard. I look at him in bewilderment.

He can't be serious!

"Good thinking," Amelia replies, and I resist the urge to deck her.

"Absolutely not. At Abel, we leave no person behind," Janine says sternly, to which Jones simply scoffs.

"Colonel Sage says that's your one weakness. Sometimes, you lose sight of the greater good. But the many must always come before the few."

Sam lets out an unsure noise. "Well, you could-well, you could, you know, look after the many and the few."

"And what does Colonel Sage say about wasting resources?" Janine asks, and that seems to take Jones by surprise.

"It's a crime."

"You are a resource, Mr. Jones. You may be the only person able to uncover the Edda. And I don't intend to waste you."

"Oh," He says simply, before nodding. "You're-you're-you're right. The Colonel wouldn't want me to throw my life away. That would be selfish."

She nods curtly, and I silently praise her for her skill and talking Jones out of basically committing suicide. "Precisely. So get up, lean on Runner Five, and we shall proceed with the mission."

Jones looks at me with a raised brow, and I shrug.

"Van Ark's treatments made me stronger than I look."

He still seems unsure, but he doesn't question when I wrap my arm as best I can around his waist so I can help him up the stairs. He's heavy, but I manage. I mean, it's awkward since he's literally the size of Merida's dad from Brave, and I'm only 5'3, but I've had to carry heavy, awkward things before. I just hope I don't get too much of his blood on me.

"They're coming up both sides of the hill. When you reach the top of the stairs, head across the plaza and get into that building," Sam commands, before gasping. "Bloody hell. They're nearly on you. Run!"

"Alright, guys, if you can get that door open, you'll be safe inside that glass building and we can send a rescue party." Sam's voice shakes as Janine struggles to get the door open. The ghouls will be on us in maybe three minutes if we can't get the door open. "I mean, you'll be safe as long as it's got a lock on the inside to keep the ghouls out. Also, ghoul-proof glass."

"Five, please help me to open the door. The mechanism is very stiff," Janine requests, and I let go of Jones to help Janine with the door. I grit my teeth as I pull, my muscles straining.

"Quickly!" Amelia shouts, before audibly cringing. "Oh, God. Look at the paving of the plaza!"

Not lessening my efforts in the slightest, I look around as she says. I feel the blood drain from my face when I spot the human remains strewn about. It's all just severed limbs and puddles of blood and gore.

"We don't want the ghouls doing that to us, so for heaven's sake, get that door open!" She continues, and my brows furrow together as a thought passes my mind.

"I don't think the ghouls did that. Look at the limbs. There aren't any bite marks."

"That's even worse!"

"I'll guard the rear," Jones volunteers. "That's what the Colonel would want me to do. Also, I have a semi-automatic rifle."

If we weren't in immediate danger, I'd have asked myself how I hadn't noticed him having it on his person.

"Okay, and did the Colonel also tell you he'd like you to shoot the ghouls in the eye? Because that's the only way to kill them," Sam says, and his reply is met with Jones taking out about five ghouls. "Yeah. Apparently, he did."

The door finally buzzes open after I give it a hard kick and pull a bit more, and I sigh in relief.

"Inside, quickly!" Janine commands, and Amelia darts in. Janine goes in second and I'm a step behind her. "Mr. Jones, you may stop shooting-"

She's cut off by the door slamming shut. Her blue eyes snap to me, narrowing dangerously.

"Runner Five, open this door at once! Mr. Jones is still trapped outside!"

"That wasn't me!" I shout in reply, but still grab at the door and try to open it. It doesn't budge. My heart sinks, and an all too familiar feeling of dread starts seeping in, burrowing inside my mind.

This is bad. Something's wrong.

"Guys, are you alright? What's happening?" Sam asks, his voice laced with panic.

Janine presses her hand to the door. "The doors have locked, Mr. Yao, with Mr. Jones on the outside."

"Welcome to Negotium Corps," A voice echoes from the speaker, and panic spikes through me like ice in my veins.


No! No! No!

How stupid could I have been to have forgotten about this so quickly, to have forgotten about her?

"I've been expecting you, Janine. You're so predictable. Dangle a carrot, and the ass comes trotting."

Janine narrows her eyes. "A.N.N.I.E."

"And who's that?" A.N.N.I.E. asks, before gasping with delight. "Employee Five! I am so pleased to see you. There's someone here who's been looking forward to meeting you. Did I say someone? Silly me. I meant something."

High pitched laughter echoes from everywhere at once, and Amelia grasps my arm.

"Oh dear."

A/N: How many of you had forgotten about A.N.N.I.E.? Unfortunately she hadn't forgotten about Five. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please be sure to vote and comment! Thank you and have a blessed day!

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