Ups and Downs

By Nazza10101

193 6 12

Vanessa was a very happy girl. She had everything she ever wanted, but that all changed one night when a terr... More

Hey! this is my first story so bare with me guys! the photo is Vanessa
Ch 2 You my friend are a genius!
Ch 3 Nothing better than a retail theropy trip
Ch 4 The Party
Ch 5 Realisation
Ch6 - Unexpected News

Ch 7 - Casual Wear

18 1 1
By Nazza10101

As promised here is the new chapter! Comment and vote for this story if you like it.


"Hey Vicki what time is Daniel going to pick me up?" I asked looking down to check my watch.

"He said about eight thirty, why?"

"Because it's already nine."

"That can't be right." Vicki says looking at my watch from her position on the couch.

"Well it is, uh I can't be bothered waiting any longer I'm going to go change into my pjs and go to bed." I said starting to walk off when all of a sudden the door bell rings.

I halt my walk to my room as head for the front door. I wonder what he looks like? I never got a look at his face when the accident happened, all I remember was blond hair. I unlock the door and to my surprise there is a man in a tux looking about to be in this thirties, he's even bold. God I am so confused. I thought he was young.

"Miss Vanessa Williams I presume."

"Yes, that's me."

"Mr. Murphy is waiting in the limo for you."

Oh I get it, he's a limo driver. That's explains a lot. He steps aside and points his arm in the direction of the limo. Wow, how could I not notice that? As I reached the limo the man in the tux opens the passenger side door for me. I said a simple thank you and climbed into the limo, ungracefully unfortunately. My foot got caught on the step getting into the car and I fell. There was a guy sitting on the opposite side of the limo. He got out of his seat and headed towards me to help me up.

"Hey, do you need some help?" He asked with an extended hand.

"Nah I'm alright it's best if you stay away from me right now, I'm a walking hazard."

He laughed at my joke and I smiled.

"Are you sure your the girl who save me?" He asked in a joking tone

"Well I have the bruises and concussion to prove it. I'm sorry by the way, for pushing you."

"It's fine, after all, if it weren't for you I might not be here right now."

That made me smile. He went back to sit in his seat while I tried to get in the car without falling again. I walked over to where he was sitting and sat next to him. He was wearing a nice black button up shirt with the first button undone and a nice pair of dark blue denim jeans. Good thing I didn't wear a dress! He looked as casual as any normal person did.

"Where are we going?" I asked turning around to face him.

He smirked at me and said "nothing too classy, just a bowling ally, I hope you don't mind but I don't really do the hole 'fancy restaurant' thing. That's more my dads scene."

"Oh thank god! I thought we were going to go to some sort of restaurant were I don't even know how to pronounce the menu. Whew." I said flicking a fake sweat line off my face.

He laughed and offered me a glass of Pepsi. I took it and downed it in a couple of gulps. He looked at me surprised.

"Your not like most girls are you?"

"Haha no, I've never been called normal my entire life."

He laughed. What is it with this guy and laughing? I'm not that funny am I?When we arrived at the bowling ally we went up to the reception desk and the receptionist woman gave us a pair of bowling shoes each. She kept looking at Daniel and giving him flirtatious winks. Once she remembered I was there too she just glared at me. Huh, weird. He just shrugged it off as we were walking to our ally. We played two games and both games I won. We talked about everything. What our favourite movies were, what our favourite food was. We had this huge dissuasion about how we both liked the same music. I told him all about my favourite green day song called minority, he then talked about his favourite green day song called 21 guns, and before we knew it it was time to leave. We talked more in the car ride home. I realised how much we have in common. We were into similar things and liked the same things. I know what your thinking and no, I don't like him. He just seems like a gods person to be friends with.

"I must say I didn't expect you to be like you are. I thought you were going to be some spoilt brat who wanted every girl in the world."

"Umm, thank you?" He replied a little confused.

"It's a compliment, it's good that your not all of those things."

"And what things am I Nessy?"

"Your a nice guy. That's all I can say so far, oh and that you have incredible music taste."

He just smiled at me. We arrived at my house within half an hour. As I got out of the limo I went to shut the door but Daniel blocked it by hopping out. He walked me up the steps to my house.

"Thanks for tonight, I haven't had a fun time like that in ages." I said looking down at my feet suddenly feeling shy.

"No problems, I had heaps of fun too and I'm glad you enjoyed it."

We stood there for about a minute doing nothing but shuffling from one foot to another. He searched the back pocket for what looked like to be a pen and paper. He started writing something on it. He then gave me the piece of paper.

"It's my phone number. If you want to we can go out again sometime."

"Yeah I would like that." I said talking the piece of paper and putting it in my leather jacket pocket.

"Thanks again for the night."

"It's fine. Like I said, it was fun." He said with a full face grin.

To my surprise we hugged, and went our separate ways.

Hey, hoped you liked the chapter. Do t forget to vote and comment! :)

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