Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

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A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News
Ch. 22


5K 200 128
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/N: As per your request I am making this story based on the characters of 2Moons.

Beam's POV

Ring... ring... ring... ring.

I woke up with a loud groan and shut my alarm off.

Today was yet another day of my life that has been going around for like the past five years.

I left the bed and after I was done with my morning routine I went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for me. Usually I have the habit of going to jog early in the morning but yesterday was pretty hectic day so I didn't have the energy to wake up and jog.

After cooking and eating I changed myself into my formal clothes and locked the empty apartment from outside.I have been living alone for the past ten years, I was fifteen that time when I started living on my own.

No, I am not an orphan or anything like that. I actually have a really wealthy family, I have an elder sister and a younger brother too, also my parents. The reason I was living alone was because I didn't want to do what my father wanted me to, I aimed to do something else but he was pressuring me into joining into his stupid business.

I wanted to be a teacher, because for some reason I really very enjoy teaching others but in my father's eyes it was some crappy job.

Like seriously, it's not like he has learnt whatever he is doing from himself, how can he forget that he has learned all this from his teachers only. It's not like he was born with all the knowledge feed into his mind, right?

How can he call the profession of teaching as crappy??

I had a huge fight with him when I was fifteen. He was going on and on about his stupid company, he was indirectly telling me start learning about his business and getting involved into it.

So, I fought and when he threatened to banish me from his property and everything he has earned so far, I snorted and left immediately, I didn't even take the clothes that I was wearing with me, except for the boxers of course.

What my father didn't know was that I already had a part time job and was earning enough to have a roof over my head and feed myself, I even bought some clothes for me. In the next two days one of my friends arranged a room for me and I started living there. When I got a good job and started earning more, I bought an apartment for myself.

I took a scholarship test and got an amazing scholarship which enabled me to complete my graduation and post graduation. Currently I was working as a teacher in a very reputed school and was doing my Ph.D.

"Good morning sir!"


"Morning Mr.Baramee."


"Yo babes, how are you my love?!!"

"Geez Ming!! I told you not to call me that in school. We are colleague for God's sake!!"

Mingkwan aka Ming was my one and only friend here. We've been together as friends since we were in college. We met the day when I fainted due to excessive workload and studies. He saw me fainting and brought me to the hospital. After that day, he has never left my side and has been taking care of me like I am his family.

Yes, I do get the second family all thanks to Ming. I have spent most of my holidays and festivals with his family only. My family did try to reach me multiple times but I didn't pay attention to them and gave my attention to the people who love and cared for me.

Except for Ming, none in his family knows who I really am.

"I know babe but I can't help but fall for you the more I look at you." I made an expression of gagging when he said it. It's not just because he is my friend and we treat each other like brothers but just the idea of being in love with someone irks me a lot, since I am asexual... maybe.

"You know we are literally brothers and I am not into incest."

"I know bro, but you know I just love to tease you. Who knows, you might start thinking about being in love and all." Ever since Ming has found out that I am asexual, he is been trying to distract my mind by talking like this or making me meet people, but nothing has worked so far.

"My class is here, I'll see you at lunch."

"Okay sweetheart, bye bye!!!" I gave him the death glare and entered inside my class. That jerk deliberately said that out loud so that my students could tease me. I am pretty sure that few of the students of my class are with him into changing my sexual orientation. According to Ming I am too good to be single for the rest of my life and I should have a partner.

To be honest I am not really sure whether I am asexual or not, sometimes I do want to be with someone and get physical with that person but I have never met any person face to face who can wake these desires up in me.

"Why don't you two start dating already?" One of the girls from the class said making me break away from my thoughts.

"First of all we are more like brothers than anything else and secondly I am asexual as you all know. Also... me and Ming... eww." The relationship between me and my students was more like friends. They were not scared of me because I am their teacher and neither have they ever disrespected me. My bond with my students is very good in every class that's why I am everyone's favorite.

I began the class after that because I know if I won't then half of the class time will get wasted into my students teasing me. I know almost everyone in this school believe in my lies about being asexual, all of them,expect for one student and his name was Wayo.

Weirdly that guy has failed his class twice and was in this class for the third time. Usually our school doesn't allow students to repeat class if they fail but this guy was still here, maybe due to some source from higher ups.

I know Wayo is not as stupid as he make himself appear in front of everyone. In fact he is the smartest kid I have ever met so far. Whatever his reason for failing classes are, I am sure there must be a valid reason behind it.

The school ended with Ming trying to flirt with me again, to tease me obviously and taking classes. Today there was a staff meeting after school was over and I know I am going to be super late when I reach home but since tomorrow is a holiday, I was fine with it.

The meeting went well and we discussed the progress of students in our class and decided to give more focus to the one who were lacking. Student's mental health was the main topic of our discussion and we all decided to have some seminar regarding this which I think is a great thing.

By the time I reached hope it was almost eight. I decided to order some take out because I wasn't feeling like cooking at all. After ordering I took a quick shower and got comfy in my comfortable clothes.

While waiting for the food to arrive I started checking notebooks . You won't believe what some students end up writing in their notebooks. Well, these students are going to get a good lesson in my next class for sure.

The food arrived after a few minutes. I dug in everything that I ordered , I was so famished. By the time I was free it was almost midnight. I closed my remaining work and went to bed. Even if tomorrow is Sunday it was my routine to wake up early because I usually go for morning jogs. I rarely skip these jogs unless I am super duper tired or sick. With all these thoughts in mind, I went to dreamland.

I woke up exactly five in the morning and got ready for my morning jog. When I left the house it was quarter past five and the sun wasn't fully up yet so it was a bit dark and the streets were almost empty. The only people who were outside were people like me or some thugs but I am not scared of those thugs because I have got my training in karate and I was top in my class too.

I put my earbuds on, played my favorite song list and started my jog. Like most of the people I also like to stay fit but gym and all were not my kind of thing, so I opted for the morning jog. I run daily for one hour nonstop.

I prefer to wear shorts and a tank top instead of dressing up fully. You see, I have this super ugly mark on my calf caused by some incident a few years back and that's why I usually wear full clothes when going outside, I only wear these shorts when I am sure that no one will see this.

I was almost halfway through my jog, the place where I was jogging now is kind of like a forest. There was a well made road with huge numbers of trees on both sides of the road. This place is very scary if you ever come here during night, rumors said that many unknown bodies are buried here and it's a safe place for the thugs and mafia's when they want to get rid of someone.

With my heart beating super fast I increased the speed of jogging so that I can pass this area as soon as I can. I was jogging along with listening to the songs when suddenly I had to halt my steps.

I have heard about it but never came across, but today seems to be the day when I might witness someone getting stabbed to death or something like that.

I saw two people behind the trees. They were not deep inside, that's why I was able to see them even from the main road. I could only see the face of one person and that person seems to be the one dying today because he has this terrified look on his face.

For a moment I thought of running away from there and let it happen but the good person in me was asking me to stay and do something to save that person's life.

So in the end I decided to stay.

I slowly and quietly move towards them and stop where I could do something and not get noticed or caught.

I don't know what that other person was saying but he was threatening the other one in a whisper for sure. The one who was threatening was a well built man. He was at least six feet tall or maybe above, has a good amount of muscles in him but he wasn't that bulky too, one can say that he has a lean but with well built body.

Okay, enough with praising his body. I have to focus on my work because the victim was way smaller and weaker than the other.

The victim was begging the other guy to spare his life. He was kneeling and bending down on that guy's feet asking for his forgiveness but the other guy wasn't buying any of it.

If only I could see the other person's face then I might click a picture or two.

As if the other person had read my mind, he turned around and finally showed his face. As soon as I saw his face, I froze on the spot. He was none other than the most feared person of our country,

Forth fucking Jaturapoom!!!!!!

I am so fucking dead!!

Well, that person can die all he wants but I don't want to die yet. I love my life and I want to live more. I might know karate and excellent in it but nothing and no one can beat Forth.

Without thinking anything, I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could and I am hundred percent sure that Forth saw me running away. That guy has eyes like an eagle , I am sure he saw me running.

I hope he didn't see my face though.

The jog which was supposed to continue for another half hour was finished within the next ten minutes.

I ran towards my home and locked myself inside.

I dropped my body on the bed and buried my face in the pillow.



Q: How is the beginning?


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