Hiro x Reader One Shots

By foreverbeautiful78

8.8K 164 37

This is now going to be a book of one shots! But! I won't be working on this alone... I am now collaborating... More

Sick Day
Food Run
Valentine's Day
A Thin Line


1.1K 18 3
By foreverbeautiful78

Requested by x


Living alone isn't easy, getting by with only what you yourself make. Any money goes towards paying bills, buying groceries, and not to mention paying for school. It seems like a simple concept, but when you attempt to prove to your parents what you can do without their help, it becomes a little more challenging. Four months after living in the new city, debt maxed out your credit cards and and left you with an empty bank account. Your part time job at the convenience store didn't provide enough to keep up with the excessive amount of papers lying on your kitchen counter demanding money. It didn't help that the store was soon to be remodeled, which would remove you from the job within the next couple of days.

The following week, things went from going downhill gradually to falling down a double diamond slope. Too embarrassed to contact your parents, you found yourself at food banks and lying in empty parks to sleep. Your grades at school noticeably started to diminish as you struggled to keep up with everything going on. With an entire month remaining, it took every bit of will power not drop out and completely give up.


You grabbed your Psych 101 textbook and notes off your desk and quickly left the lecture hall, surrounded by sounds of happiness and "have a great summer!"'s. Groaning, you trudged your way off of the school grounds and retreated back to the local park. Most people would be excited about summer, but to you, it only brought heat and sweat. You climbed the familiar large tree near the edge of the ocean and sat on a branch near the top, placing your small amount of books on a make-shift shelf. Looking out at the seascape, you let out a large sigh. The semester was finally over and you were able to focus more critically on finding a full time job and actually finding a place to live that wasn't covered in leaves.

A large growl sounded from your midsection as the clock struck three. Looking over at a small crate to your left, you realized your weekly food supply had been depleted. You rolled your eyes and descended down the tree, looking both ways before revealing yourself from the foliage. Casually strolling across the grounds, you considered locations for lunch options, soon settling on the local grocery store.

You moseyed in and took a right down the snack aisle, making your way to the back where the Lunchables and dairy were located. Glancing in each direction around you, you quickly snagged a stack of lunchables and threw them in your oversized bag, which was soon followed by a couple bags of chips.

Little did you know, a kid in your science class had been in the same aisle, filling a basket full of gummy bears to celebrate the end of the school year. He scowled and turned to a woman figure next to him, "Aunt Cass, I know her, she goes to my school. She's stealing," he whispered.

She looked up. "Sweetie, maybe she's hungry, why don't you go talk to her?"

The boy sighed shrugging, "why do i--," he paused looking at the concern on her face, "fine."

You noticed the boy walking towards you as you shoved a bag of doritos into your purse. "H-Hiro? Hi. I'm just using this as a shopping bag," you gave a nervous laugh.

He shook his head, "you really shouldn't be doing that you know."

"I-I-I don't have any other option..." you stared at the ground and slowly started to back away down the aisle.

Just as Hiro was about to scold you, Cass chimed in, "hey, what's the problem?"

"I was just gonna go..." you pointed in the direction towards the door.

Hiro blatantly stated, "(Y/N)'s taking food thats not hers."

"Oh honey, you don't have to do that. Here, let me pay for your grocieries."

"No it- ," you started but was soon cut off.

"Come with me," Cass gently grabbed your arm and dragged you to the checkout line where you forcibly unloaded your groceries onto the conveyor belt.

Once all of the food items were payed for, you hesitantly thanked Cass and stuffed them back into your bag, beginning in the direction of your tree 'home'. A voice stopped you in your tracks a moment later, "hey (Y/N), would you like to come stay with us awhile?" You soon recognized it as the person who helped you through the grocery store adventure.

Turning around, you were faced with a sweet face smiling at you through the front window of a small car. You took a moment to ponder the offer and the consequences of staying with people you didn't really know well. After a minute or two of thinking over the situation, you decided it was best to accept and stay in an actual house where AC and food were provided. Hopping in the backseat of the car, you thanked Cass and placed your bag on the seat next to you.

Not much was said on the car ride to the house. Hiro sat with a frown, not wanting any stranger, especially a student in his class, staying in the Hamada living quarters. Upon arriving, you grabbed your bag as well as a few groceries and followed Cass into their kitchen. Once everything was unloaded, Aunt Cass instructed Hiro to guide you upstairs and show you the spare bedroom where you would supposedly settle for awhile.

"Here's your room, it's right across from mine. Make yourself at home and all that," he mumbled, waving you off and walking into his own room.

You placed your things on the bed and layed down, staring at the ceiling. Feeling slightly uncomfortable sitting in a stranger's house by yourself, you went back down to the kitchen to be around Cass. You didn't bother with Hiro, he was seemingly unwelcoming towards you.

"Hey dear, hope your settling in a bit. Do you have any other things to move in? Or is that all that you've got," she cautiously asked, knowing it was a touchy subject.

Sighing, you replied, "there are a couple things at the park, but they're worthless now that I'm here."

"Your welcome to stay here as long as you'd like until you get back on your feet."

"Thank you Cass, it means alot," for the first time in a long while, you felt yourself genuinely smiling.

"Of course! Now go eat some lunch and take a shower, I'm sure you need it," she playfully winked and continued putting the last of the groceries in their designated spots.

You nodded and bounded up the steps. Although you knew Hiro wasn't too fond of you, you were thankful for an actual roof over your head where you were somewhat welcome. Standing in the shower, you pondered how things would change thanks to Cass. Realizing you had been in the shower for over an hour, you decided to turn off the water and put on a fresh pair of clothes that Cass had pulled out of her closet for you.

You stood awkwardly in the hallway, debating if you should interact with Hiro. He was the genius in science class that you didn't exactly talk to in school. You didn't want to interfere with the first day of his summer break, but since you were going to be living there for some time, you decided it was probably best to try to make things right as soon as possible.

Knocking on the door, you heard a faint, "come in."

The first thing you noticed was the amount of clutter around the room. Gadgets and tools were scattered around the room, along with unwashed laundry and several food packages and dishes laying around.

"How do you live in here...?" you questioned.

He spun around in his swivel chair, a frown forming on his face, "oh it's you. "

"Yeah, I just wanted to come in and at least converse with you since we'll be living in the same place for awhile."

"I guess."

Your joyful energy soon turned into frustration, "what do you have against me? What did I do to you?"

He shrugged and looked down.

You sighed, "well if you ever feel like talking to me, I'll be over there," you pointed to your room, "until then, enjoy your summer."

He watched you walk out and shook his head at his own actions. Groaning in frustration, he got up in pursuit of your door, stopping you before you shut it completely. Surprised, you opened the door once again, curiously furrowing your brow and awaiting an answer.

"Look, I... I'm sorry. I'm not used to anyone staying here except me and my Aunt Cass. My brother wouldn't want me to act like this," he paused and looked at the ground. He placed a hand on his forehead and shook his head in shame.

You gently layed a hand on his shoulder, remembering the fire that a occurred two months earlier. "Hey, it's ok, I understand."

Hiro looked up, "let me start again. Do you want to come chill in my room and play some videogames?"

You glanced over his shoulder at the explosive mess in his room, a worried look on your face.

He laughed, "don't worry, I can clear us a spot to sit. Plus, I've got gummy bears," he taunted.

"Fine, you got me. But first, lets go eat some lunch, I'm starving!"

He nodded and followed you down the steps where Cass had prepared a simple lunch for the both of you. "Enjoy!" She went back to the kitchen and a moment later returned with a couple of sodas. "So (Y/N), I know that you're probably in need of a job and I could always use some help in the cafe, would you like to work here and make a little money?"

"You've already done so much for me, but I would love a job if you're willing to hire me."

A wide smile appeared on her face, "I'll be expecting you tomorrow at nine then!" she exclaimed.

You giggled , "thank you so much."

"You are most certaintly welcome! I'll be in the back baking if you kids need anything!" she exited the room.

Hiro laughed, "I don't know what I'd do without her."

"She's a wonderful woman."

He nodded, "you ready to get your butt kicked?"

"Think again!" you exclaimed as you both raced up the stairs, beginning the summer with an unexpected joy.


I know it's not super fluffy or anything, I may write a second part or just take it down.


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