A Viking Chief's twins

By Lava_Serpant

164K 4.6K 3.3K

(I know I have a completely different story like this) What if Hiccup had a brother? One he thought had died... More

Dragon's Child
Ultra Trouble
New Dragon And New Friend
I'm The Hunter
Staying? Or Leaving?
Bounty On Who?
This Is Getting Ridiculous
Okay Another AN
Pressure Points
Operation Frost
Frosty Love
Accepted? Or Disowned?
Where Are They?
The Calm Before The Storm
That's Your Name?
Here's The Storm
Time Out
Mystery Pair
Stranger? Or Friend?
Tense Reunions
Cruel Treatment
Hiccup and Snot-lout "help"
Code Panic
Finders Keepers
Ill gotten
Teas Always The Answer
Friendly Family Introductions
Unexpected Contestants
You Hurt Us Too
Gaming time!
Icy Depths
New Contestant
Music soothes the savage dragon
I Want A Dog
She is The Healer
Haddock's camping
Who Doesn't Like Chocolate?
Deep Sea Terror's
All Alone
Never Alone
Wing Maidens
The Battle Begins
Dragon's Are The Masters
Want A Race?


2.5K 73 128
By Lava_Serpant

Some Undisclosed Location

A teenager with black garments, shaggy black hair, and piercing dark pine green eyes was roughly dragged away from his beloved dragon Rocky to some location he did not want to imagine. Rocky had been sedated before being separated so it was the teenager who was the problem as he refused to give in trying to get to his dragon. He had over heard some hunters muttering about how the dragon was going to make them piles of gold and save them so much labor.

"Rocky! Let me go!" Cole demands straining against the chains as he was thrown into a cage.

Since Cole was so strong he was always wrapped in tons of chains to weigh him down and when he was let out it was too move large boulders or create a bunch of dumb rocks. When he tried escaping or resisting his loved ones were threatened.

Rocky was taken onto a hunters ship along with other dragons that Cole heard the hunters refereed to as Gronkles. They were fat and small with lumps and a variety of colours. Cole fought with all his might and managed to take out a few hunters despite the chains, but they still managed to get him in a cage.

"What do you need me for!?" Cole yells at them. "Your not gonna like it that's for sure freak," a hunter laughs at him. Cole could only watch as he was taken further and further from Rocky as he watches the ship sail away. He had no idea where he was going or what they were using Rocky for, but it could be nothing good.

Cole still struggles against the chains trying to break them apart. As he does it he looks up and realized there was one less guard than when the cage had started to be pushed. He looks around as he realizes another guard was gone, by the third there was a scream and the rest of the six guards engaged in combat.

Cole couldn't see who it was since the trees casted a dark shadow, but he heard a loud deranged sounding laugh of glee as whoever was fighting the guards took them down. It was only a few minutes before all the guards were on the ground groaning. Cole saw as the unknown assailant made himself known by grabbing the keys off the hunter and unlocked the cage and walked over to him undoing the chains.

Cole looks the guy up and down as he rubbed his wrists. The guy was wearing a combination of steel and worn leather armour, the metal outlining where the pieces of garments ended and he had a symbol of some type of dragon on his chest, his beard was growing in with patches same as his slightly longer patchy hair both a dark rusty red colour, half his face was scared, but you could still clearly look at him without thinking of it as mutated, he had green eyes with a bit of insanity in them, he had two tattoos which was a blue one over his left eye and the other was a list of names with a couple crossed off.

"What do you want?" Cole asks not totally trusting the guy who just saved him. The guy smiles something that definitely did not show a hint of sanity. "I need your help. I heard about you and I'm kind of supposed to be dead so you think you could help a guy out? After all I just freed you," The guy said his voice smug and cheery. Cole clenches his fists and asked. "And why should I? I only help those with good intentions and not just because I owe them a favour," Cole said. The guy gave a small laugh. "Ha! You sound just like Hiccup," he wipes a tear from his eye. "Anyway I want you too help me rescue my gronkle Shatter-master. I know you'll say yes since he's meant to be on the same shipment as your dragon," The guy said smugly.

Cole thinks about it for a moment. He needs Rocky and he also needs to find the others especially Kai who could be in First Spinjitzu Master knows what condition along with the rest of his family.


Felt like adding that now back to the present

When I punched Cole it felt really good. He's lucky I didn't burn him alive, but it's still on the table.

Anyway right now Wind-sheer was carrying both Cole and Dagger where we would question them back at the Edge. Eventually Cole claim too like Dagger who Heather knocked out following Cole's decent to sleepy town.

"Huh?!" They both say dazed and confused. "No, no, no you need to take us back!" Dagger said quickly. "No can do," I said. "Hiccup, Heather please!" Dagger begs while Cole took to begging to me. "Kai fire-fly please if you just listen," Cole pleads. "One, do not call me fire-fly you have lost that right and two, you are in no position to bargain here. Out of all three of you assholes I am mad at you the most," I glared at him and he shrivels under my gaze, good he should feel bad.

"Can we just land somewhere to sort this out?" He suggested and Dagger backed him up. I was about to say no when Hiccup interrupted me. "That sounds like a great idea," he said flying ahead and landing on a rock pillar big enough for all of us. "Bro," I hissed at him as Heather lands and reluctantly let's go of Dagger and Cole. I note happily how she dropped them two feet quite roughly as they groaned when hitting the ground.

"Now how about some proper introductions? Brother who's he?" Dagger asks pointing at me. I raised a eyebrow and looked at Hiccup. "Is he?" I began. "Not related in any way," Hiccup said quickly and I feel very relieved at that considering this guy's sanity was questionable.

"He's Kai my twin," Hiccup explains to Dagger patiently. Dagger looks shocked and Cole had his mouth hanging open. "Zane did a DNA test Cole he's my bro and you got five minutes to explain yourself before your insides become your outsides," I said very seriously and Cole decided to get to the point.

"Look Kai I was a total jerk to you," Cole said. "Yep," I agreed. "And I hurt you," He continues. "Completely shattered my soul great job," I said with a sarcastic clap. He winces and I gave him a steely glare to continue. "But I had a good reason for it," Cole said and I stalked up to him in less than a second and grabbed his shirt twisted it getting right in his face. "What? What in Ninjago's name reason did any of you have to treat me like that! To make me feel useless! To make me feel like a burden! To do any of that too me! YOU MADE ME CRY!" I screamed at him not caring who was watching as I noted no one else was even making a noise to scared of me.

"YOU MADE ME FEEL UNLOVED! EVERYTHING I EVER DO IS TO PROTECT WHO I LOVE, BUT YOU NEVER SEEMED TO LOVE ME!" I screamed at him. He does not make eye contact looking away from me and that makes me angrier. "LOOK AT ME!" I yelled at him. "Kai please listen we just," Cole tries to say, but I don't let him finish. "LISTEN TO WHAT?! WHAT REASON DID YOU HAVE TO PUT ME THROUGH THAT! LLOYD GETTING HURT WAS NOT THE REAL REASON SO WHAT WAS IT!?!" I yelled at him my fists smoking dangerously.

"Kai calm down," Hiccup urges me. I slapped him away dropping Cole and turning my anger onto him. "YOU STAY OUT OF THIS!" I yelled at him making him step back scared of me looking at my palms that where smoking dangerously. "Kai your mad at me just please let me tell you," Cole said and I turned back to him seeing tears running down his cheeks. "TELL ME WHAT WAS SO BAD THAT IT MADE YOU TREAT ME LIKE THAT?! TO STOP ME FROM BEING ME! TO DO THAT! TO!" I was yelling loudly letting all my emotions out with tears blurring my vision. Cole then yells loudly his arms lighting up in a glow that made the pillar shake.


I did not expect that.

Flashback no ones POV

Lloyd was being supported by Nya after the mission. He was sprayed with some stuff, but he was fine it was Kai who was in trouble. He was loosing blood and it was fast as Cole ran to the med room with his unconscious body. They quickly got him in the med room which was stocked with medical equipment to the brim considering how much they get hurt.

"Nya get me stitches and the blood bags," Zane orders the water ninja who nodded and quickly went to go get the O Negative blood because Kai has lost a lot of blood most of it was on Cole who had carried him. Jay was helping Lloyd by giving him some medicine and the green ninja was fine so Jay went to Kai who had no shirt on his wound open as Zane desperately tries to stop the blood and sew it up and put bandages around it.

Jay hooks Kai up to a heart monitor that had steady beeping of his heart which helped ground Cole from full blown panicking because he was covered in his boyfriends blood and he didn't know what to do.

The beeping continues as Zane hooks a blood transfusion to Kai letting a steady stream of blood to go into him. Zane finishes stitching the wound and watches Kai's breathing carefully. "Okay he's stable," Zane said and everyone sighs in relief.

It was short lived when suddenly the heart monitor started beeping rapidly sending everyone into a panic. "Zane what's going on!?" Nya yelled panicking as Zane tries to find out what's wrong.

"I don't know! He shouldn't, this can't, he's supposed to be stable! He should be stable!" Zane said panicking frantically as he ran around the medical equipment trying to find what was wrong. When he scanned the blood bag he curses loudly and quickly took it out of Kai's arm.

"The bloods mislabeled this is A Positive not O negative!" Zane yells in outrage at the incompetence of those who had delivered the ninja's medical equipment.

With how often they get injured during missions they have needed emergency blood transfusions in the past so the hospitals give them blood bags to keep in the coolers on the bounty. Since O negative is universal and can be given to anyone that's what is supposed to be given to them. This, however, was mislabeled and as you can guess if a different blood type enters a bodies blood stream the body sees it as a threat and attacks the new blood.

It might be okay if Kai was A Positive, but he was a blood type B so his body was reacting harshly to the new blood and with the wound it was too much.

The beeping was rapid and Zane didn't know what to do, Nya and Jay were suggesting to give him the right blood type or take it out, but that wouldn't work either.

Suddenly it became quiet and everyone saw the heart monitor flat lined and Kai was still on the cot.

"No!" Nya quickly screams and Zane quickly checks his chest. "JAY SHOCK HIM!" Zane yells at the lightning ninja.

Jay does just that shocking Kai's chest getting no response. "Again!" Zane orders. Jay does it again as all Cole can do is stand there counting the seconds as he gets vivid flashbacks of when his mother died.

"She's flatlining! Clear! Get the kid out of here!"

Tears spring to Cole's eyes counting as it became minutes and watching with all of Jay's shocking it was burning Kai's chest. "Kai just breath! Please don't leave us!" Cole screams at him. Zane stopped rushing and had tears in his robotic eyes looking at Kai's still form. "Zane what are you doing? Do something!" Nya orders the nindroid. "Nya I'm sorry," Zane said then was choked in a sob.

Jay was aware Zane had stopped and had tears running down his face as he kept on shocking Kai's chest trying to restart his heart. "Please, please, please," Jay begs as he gave his most powerful shock yet which sent him back falling to the ground in tears when Kai's monitor still showed a flatline.

Nya collapses in a crying mess and so does everyone else. "Kai open your eyes!" Cole screams at the limp body which was almost the exact thing he screamed when it happened to his mother. Everyone is sobbing in despair when Sensei Wu runs into the room holding something. Before they can ask what it is Wu pours it into Kai's mouth and within the next moment the red ninja takes a large deep breath and the monitor starts beeping again.

The ninja quickly surrounded his unconscious form watching as his chest rose and fall evenly. So many emotions went through all of them, but mostly joy and relief. "What did you give him?" Lloyd asks Wu. "We were lucky, I quickly brewed my healing tea and then merged it with other teas. Merging teas are dangerous, but I had no other option and he appears to be fine now. We were lucky this time," Wu then looks at each of them in the eye. "We won't be next time," he warns gravely.

Cole held Kai's hand as tight as he could without crushing it letting the warmth from it seep into him grounding him. "There won't be a next time," Cole said and everyone looked up from him where they were either crying joyfully or kissing some part of him. "Of their won't be from now on I'll scan the blood myself and," Zane began when he was cut off. "No from now on Kai is no longer taking these risks and nearly getting himself killed. His heart just stopped for five minutes and next time it won't start again, so we are going to keep him from doing these stupid risks," Cole said in his firmest leader voice. "But Cole he's Kai he isn't just going to stop being Kai after all when any of you do something stupid on a mission we call it "a Kai moment"," Nya said wiling away her tears from her puffy eyes.

"Yeah well he just had "a Zane moment"," Cole said and was clearly implying from when the white ninja did indeed 'die'. It was tense and no one made eye contact with him. "Zane, Jay," Cole said and his two boyfriends looked at him. "When Kai wakes up we aren't his boyfriends until he agrees to stop doing this and stick to the mission," Cole orders. "But," Jay tried to reason, but was glared at by his earth master boyfriend. "Okay Cole," Jay said quietly.

"You won't take it too far right?" Nya asks.

"No we won't," Cole promises.

End of Flashback

Kai's in shock a hand on his chest watching Cole's trembling form. "I was afraid I-I took it too far because I was too weak at the possibility of going through that again," Cole confesses cries. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me!" Kai yells. "We weren't sure what was in the tea, Wu didn't know for FSM's sake, so we didn't tell you because we were afraid of you becoming paranoid," Cole confesses looking at Kai in the eyes.

"Just please don't be mad at the others it was my idea I forced them to do it my way, which was terrible in hindsight. Just please know I never meant for it to go this far I just hated the thought of that stupid flatline all because we gave you the wrong blood type," Cole curses himself a little, or a lot.

Kai's silent and he looks to Hiccup who's at a lost. Dagger leans over to him and asks. "What are they saying?" It's then that Kai realizes they had started speaking Ninjagian subconsciously.

"I don't know, but it seems bad," Hiccup said knowing that whatever they were talking about it was serious and delicate. "I'm sorry I really am for being such a idiot, but please just don't be mad at Jay and Zane for my actions," Cole pleads one last time. Kai can't even look at Cole in the eyes and just looked at the ground. It was that moment however Kai realized the large cracks in the ground caused by Cole's earlier outburst.

The rock pillar they were standing on started shaking. "It's gonna collapse!" Hiccup yells jumping on Tooth-less. "Where's your dragons!" Heather yells jumping on Wind-sheer followed by her brother, uninvited might I add. "The hunters captured them that's why we were with the hunters in the first place, to find and rescue them!" Dagger explains quickly.

The pillar collapses and the dragons took off into the air, but red and black weren't on dragons and started falling. Ember was too small to catch her human and neither of the other dragons could catch them both. "No!" Hiccup yelled for his twin.

Suddenly there's a bright ball of fire that blinds everyone including the dragons. When the light leaves the sight the onlookers see is a magnificent one.

A red dragon that was a dark rich red with lava eyes, sharp teeth, a long snout, the wing span of a nearly twenty feet, same with it's body, and a powerful aura was now there. It flew up with a roar and the riders saw Kai holding it's reins with Cole on the back looking at the dragon in shock and disbelief. Ember flew over to Kai and happily lands in his arms glad that he is safe and alive.

"How did you?" Cole asks. "I finally let go of my grief," Kai replies simply. Hiccup smiles at his brother. "You just keep surprising me don't you?" Kai smirks back. "We're both full of surprises; now let's go free some dragons," Kai said taking the reins on his dragon. "Is no one gonna question what just happened?" Dagger asks getting no response as they flew back to the island.

(I am just clarifying that no one is off the hook okay? Kai's still gonna be giving them all hell for awhile so no ones been forgiven)

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