Trip of a Lifetime TommyInn...

By honkcaitlyn

25.3K 541 607

Y/n has loved watching mcyt youtubers since they were 10. They have helped them through so much but that all... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
a little self promo never hurt;)

Chapter 16

945 19 27
By honkcaitlyn

(This is a long one, so buckle up y'all)

Tommy excitedly shook me awake the next morning. "Y/n, c'mon wake up!!!" Tommy said smiling. I groaned. "Nooooo, let me go to bed." I mumbled. "Your getting discharged today~" Tommy said. My eyes shot open. "What time is it?"I asked sitting up quickly. Tommy laughed."It's just about 9:00" he said still laughing. I still had time to get dressed and eat breakfast. I quickly got changed out of my hospital gown and changed into regular clothes. It felt so nice to wear something different. 

                                                       (fit check!)

Just as I had finshed changing, I heard the doctor come in. "Where's Y/n?" I heard the doctor asked. I quickly rushed out of the bathroom still combing my hair. "There she is." Tommy said smiling at me. I chuckled nervously. My crop top was just barely showing my stitches. "Let's have a look at those stitches now, shall we?" the doctor said. I nodded and went over to my bed where I lifted up my shirt just a little to see my stitches. "Yup, looks like your healing up nicely." the doctor said. "You are free to go!" the doctor said smiling at us. Tommy's eyes lit up with excitement. "POG!!!" he screamed as he hugged me. I laughed as the doctor walked out the door. "Y/n, just between you and me, you were my favourite patient." she said winking at me. I giggled.

I put my hair into this cool bun with braids in the front that my mom had taught me how to do when I was younger.

Tommy and I grabbed my stuff and ran to the beach giggling. Once we had gotten there, I was completely out of breath. I grabbed my inhaler and puffed some of the medicine into my mouth. I could feel Tommy's eyes on me with a concerned look on his face. I could tell that he wanted to laugh. I took one look at Tommy and we both burst out laughing. I fell to the floor dying of laughter clutching my stomach. I could hear Tommy gasping for air as I tried getting up. I swear, I laughed so hard, I almost sounded like Dream.

We found everyone near the end of the beach, not far from where I had been shot. Tommy had been holding my hand because he knew I was nervous. We walked up to them as they all greeted me with excitement. I giggled nervously as Tommy squeezed my hand. It took me a minute to warm up to everyone again. 

We had a picnic on the rocks and ended up having a food fight. "DREAM!!!" I screamed as cake flew into my ear. He wheezed and ran away from me as I chased him across the beach cursing at him. I ran back to our picnic spot and huffed as I sat in Tommy's lap. Once Dream came back, I gave him a look saying "your dead later". He just laughed, but that immediately stopped when Tommy threw a bunch of fries onto his face. "Protecting your princess now, huh?" Dream teased. Tommy screamed and ran after Dream as he ran away again. Nikki got up and took the cake out of my ear. I huffed as I saw Tommy chasing Dream back to the picnic spot. 

"He really got you..." Nikki said as she continued to wipe away the cake. I hummed. Tommy came back and grabbed a fistful of ketchup packets. He ran back to Dream and squirted the ketchup all over him. It was Dream's merch. Dream yelled as Tommy ran for his life. We all burst out laughing as Tommy came running back to us. "C'MERE TOMMY!!!" Dream screamed at Tommy He screamed as Dream grabbed ketchup packets and hid behind me. "DREAM I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU STAIN THIS SHIRT, YOU WILL DIE" I screeched at him. Dream smirked at Tommy and I, but he put the ketchup packets down. 

After that, we decided to go scuba diving. I hadn't been swimming in almost 2 weeks. I was dying to get in the water. Once we had gotten our scuba gear, we went into the water. I wanted to gasp as we went underwater. 

                                         (this is what you saw underwater)

I went back up to the surface so I could gasp. Tommy followed me. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I-it's beautiful." I said gazing underwater. "Oh look, you have something in common." Tommy said smirking at me. I turned red. I went back underwater to hide the fact that I was red. That was the first time Tommy had complimented me in a long time. I saw Tommy chuckle to himself then go back underwater. He grabbed my hand and led me around. We saw a little but if the coral reef and at one point we saw George and Sapnap. We gave them a thumbs up and they did one in return. 

After what seemed like maybe 20 minutes, Dream called us out of the water. I turned around and looked at the sunset and sighed. Tommy and I swam back to shore and Wilbur gave us towels to dry off. Dream and Karl had already made the bonfire and it was sitting there waiting for us. We waited for everyone to come back so we could make s'mores. Tommy and I tried to lift the mood a little because it was just dead silence. Apparently Tommy's idea of entertainmeant is tickling me half to death. That seemed to lighten the mood. 

Once everyone was back, all wrapped in towels, we roasted our s'mores and everyone was laughing and talking. Addison and Olivia had just come back from the hotel and they grabbed marshmallows and sticks and sat next to Ranboo and Tubbo. We were all having an amazing time. This was the perfect oppurtunity to take a picture. " SMILE!!!" I yelled raising my camera. Everyone yelled " CHEESE!!!!!" 

(this is the picture you took, just pretend it's you guys at the beach)

I giggled as I posted it on instagram. We spent another 10 minutes taking pictures when Tommy grabbed my hand and dragged me away from everyone. We ended up walking in the shallow water as we laughed and splashed in the water each other. Tommy chuckled softly. "Y/n, y'know how we've only known each other for about 2 months?" he asked reaching for my hand. "Yeah?" I asked grabbing his hand. "It feels like 10 years." He said softly as he squeezed my hand. We stopped in the middle of the beach. I turned to face him. The gentle breeze made my hair fly around a little. The sun was almost nearly set, but you could still barely see it. Tommy's hand went through my hair as I looked at him. 

He leaned in and kissed me. I gasped a little as he brought me closer. I smiled as we broke apart and he hugged me. The hardest he had ever hugged me. " I TOLD YOU SO!!!" we heard Dream screech. Just to tease him some more, I leaned in and gave Tommy another kiss, leaving him flustered. "Mine." Tommy said hugging me. "Always and forever." I said hugging him back. We could still here Dream boasting in the distance. "Hey princess, wanna go show him how to shut his mouth?" Tommy asked. I smirked at Dream. He noticed and started running away yelling gibberish. 

I chased him across the whole beach while screaming " OH DREAM~~" I heard everyone screaming and laughing. I caught up to Dream and tackled him to the floor giggling. I heard Tommy in the distance. " OI DREAM WATCH IT. THAT'S MY WOMAN!!" Dream and I burst into laughter as Tommy came over. "C'mere-" He said helping me up then hugging me. "Mine." Tommy said again. I giggled and kissed his head. Dream smirked at us and went back to George and Sapnap who were dying of laughter. 

Tommy gave me a piggyback ride all the way back to our hotel room where he set me down on the bed and started tickling me. I laughed so hard I screamed and Wilbur had to come in to see what was happening. " What the fu-" Wilbur started. " LANGUAGE." I managed to yell whilst Tommy was tickling me. "Says the one who was screaming curse words at Dream earlier." Wilbur said rolling his eyes. "Go to bed already, it's almost 2am." he said walking out of room. 

Tommy changed into his pajamas and I stole his hoodie and put it. " Y/n, why the hell do you have my hoodie on?" Tommy asked smiling. "Well that's what girlfriends do, isn't it?" I asked plopping down onto the bed. Tommy failed at trying to act annoyed because after a while, I saw him smiling. I fell asleep on Tommy as his fingers went through my hair. He knew I loved it when he did that. And with that, I drifted off to sleep in Tommy's comforting arms knowing that I was safe.

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