𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 & 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚜 ||�...

By thethinkingpen

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"Let me be honest, that mark above your breast, turns me on so much" he said as he kissed my cleavage. "Oh, a... More

Chapter 1 - Olivia Middleton
Chapter 2 - First Day
Chapter 3 - The Seeker
Chapter 4 - The Stone
Chapter 5 - The Stone Pt. 2
Chapter 6 - The Hunt
Chapter 7 - The Stay back
Chapter 8 - The Life Spirit
Chapter 9 - The Start of Year 2
Chapter 10 - The New Seeker
Chapter 11 - The Detention with Malfoy
Chapter 12 - The letter
Chapter 13 - The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 14 - The Chamber of Secrets Pt. 2
Chapter 15 - The Bar
Chapter 16 - The House
Chapter 17 - The Train Ride
Chapter 18 - The Hippogriff
Chapter 19 - The Boggart
Chapter 20 - The Match
Chapter 21 - The Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - The Malfoy Manor Pt. 2
Chapter 23 - The Beheading
Chapter 24 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 25 - The end of Year 3
Chapter 26 - The Party
Chapter 27 - The Ride
Chapter 28 - The Intruder
Chapter 29 - The Quidditch World Tournament
Chapter 30 - The Champions
Chapter 31 - The Foolish Fight
Chapter 32 - The First Task
Chapter 33 - The Date/s?
Chapter 34 - The Audition
Chapter 35 - The Yule Ball Pt. 1
Chapter 36 - The Yule Ball Pt. 2
Chapter 37 - The Second Task
Chapter 38 - The Hogsmeade Date
Chapter 39 - The Third Task
Chapter 40 - The Memorial Service
Chapter 41 - The Parties
Chapter 42 - The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 43 - The 'Umbitch'
Chapter 44 - The Detention
Chapter 45 - The Kiss
Chapter 46 - The Truth
Chapter 47 - The DA Classes
Chapter 48 - The Tutoring
Chapter 49 - The Incident
Chapter 50 - The Christmas Break
Chapter 51 - The Christmas Break Pt. 2
Chapter 52 - The Teaser
Chapter 53 - The DA Detention
Chapter 54 - The Surprise Party
Chapter 55 - The Gryffindor v/s Slytherin Match
Chapter 56 - The Prophecy
Chapter 57 - The Curse
Chapter 58 - The Match
Chapter 59 - The Ball
Chapter 60 - The Break-up
Chapter 61 - The 6th Year
Chapter 62 - The Memories
Chapter 63 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 64 - The Halloween Party Pt. 2
Chapter 65 - The Amortentia Smell
Chapter 66 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 67 - The Dark Mark
Chapter 68 - The Burrow
Chapter 69 - The Spell for Enemies
Chapter 70 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 71 - The Arrangement
Chapter 72 - The Malfoy Manor Ball
Chapter 73 - The Horcruxes
Chapter 74 - The War
Chapter 75 - The War Pt. 2
Chapter 76 - The 'Aftercare'
Chapter 77 - The Trial of Draco Malfoy
Chapter 78 - The Trials of Mr. & Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 79 - The start of year 7
Chapter 80 - The Boy Band
Chapter 81 - The Opening Night
Chapter 82 - The Eating Disorder
Chapter 83 - The Eating Disorder Pt. 2
Chapter 84 - The New Prankster
Chapter 85 - The Accidents
Chapter 86 - The Excerpt
Chapter 88 - The Christmas Eve Party Pt. 2
Chapter 89 - The Storm
Chapter 90 - The Veracity
Chapter 91 - The Graduation Party
Chapter 92 - The Wedding Day
Chapter 93 - The Baby Mama
Chapter 94 - The 9 3/4 Platform
Chapter 95 - The Happy Ending

Chapter 87 - The Christmas Eve Party

562 15 0
By thethinkingpen

December had already started, which meant winter was here. I always loved the cold weather, which only a few people loved. I was back to normal. No wheelchair, no babying around. Thank Merlin.

Everything was normal, but it didn't seem like it. We- I still hadn't figured it who tried to kill me, or what they wanted. I couldn't figure it out why Draco broke up with me, after what we've been through, he wouldn't do such a thing. It was suspicious as to why there was always a teacher near me, whenever I went to my lessons. Being guarded at all times, I couldn't go the Astronomy Tower as well.

It had been weeks since I went there. It had been weeks since I saw the night sky filled with thousands and thousands of shining stars. It had been weeks since I saw the lake, peacefully sitting between the mountains. It had been weeks since I saw the blooming moon.


I smiled when I reminisced Draco's words.

My dear darling,

If the moon smiled,
She would resemble you.

You leave the same impression of something so beautiful,

But annihilating.


Draco Malfoy

(Quote credit – Sylvia Plath)

I smiled and took out another letter from my nightstand, which had all the letters that Draco had ever written to me.

My dear darling,

All I want is to be your


And show you all the little stars of my heart!



(Quote credit – Alexandra Vasiliu)

I picked up another note...

My dear darling,

When your eyes met mine,

My soul pointed at you and whispered to my heart,




This time I couldn't smile, He promised to never leave me. He promised me the world. But he still left. A stray tear fell out of my right eye, which Ginny took quick notice of.

"Livia" she said standing up from her bed. She came beside me, taking the parchment from my hand. She looked at me, but I stared at the bouquet of green roses he gave me, in our sixth year. How he compared his love to those roses, which were artificially made so that they would last forever.

But guess what, forever is a lie.

Ginny sighed as she read the note, she looked at me and hugged me tightly. Everyone may think I was getting better, but I wasn't. I would cry myself to sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep was showing, but thank Jesus for makeup.

A long, tight hug from you would be perfect right now...

I thought of Draco and tried to sleep.

With no luck, I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried. I left the dorm, thinking to go to Astronomy Tower or the Music room, but the minute I opened the door, I saw an Auror, guarding our Tower.

What is an Auror doing in the school? And why is he trying to guard the Gryffindor Tower? Were there any more Aurors surrounding the school or guarding the other houses?

I sighed and went back to the common room. I pulled out a book and rested myself on the warm couch. I started reading the novel that I was reading from weeks ago. She eventually gets back together with her lover. Happy ending, wow.

Guess what Ava, not everyone gets a happy ending.

I threw the book on the floor with a huff.

"Woah, not a good book?" a voice from behind me said. I turned around to see Hendrix.

"Sorry, Hen-" I said but he cut me off by clearing his throat, "Matthew, did I wake you?" I completed and he shook his head. He picked up the book before handing it to me.

"No, I couldn't sleep" he replied as he settled beside me. "So, was the book not any good? I actually liked it" he said looking at me.

"No, the book was nice, but I mean, she got what she wanted, not everyone does" I said staring at the fire place.

"What did you like the most about the book?" I asked looking at him. He smiled showing his perfect teeth. I sighed and he continued, "The part where her mother explains her the depths of love. It's really beautiful"

"Yeah, it's nice" I added and we talked for hours. He was actually a pretty funny guy. He did see me like he wanted to make a move, after the Amortentia stunt, everyone knew he liked me. Draco and I had a long and when I say long, I mean long conversation, where if he saw Hendrix in close perimeter to me, he would kill him and then my punishment, which by the way he said looked like he was just going to pile drive me into oblivion. Matthew tried exactly 7 times but I would quickly change the topic.

I was just looking for a friend, nothing else. And who said I left Draco behind? I knew that something was going on, I wanted to know the truth.

"Oh, hey Ginny" I said as she came down the stairs. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me and Matthew and then back at me. "Why are you up so late?" I asked standing up.

"Up so late? It's an hour to breakfast" she said shaking her head. Matthew and I looked at each other and started laughing.

"I'll see you in the Great Hall" he said and we went to our dorms.

"So, we're not going home?" I asked as Ron gulped down his breakfast. He shook his head and said, "Mwum and Drad aye guoing two visrt Aarlie" he said with his mouth full. I shook my head and looked at Ginny, "Translation?"

"Mum and Dad are going to visit Charlie, so we're going to stay here" she said as I saw Hermione and Draco enter the hall. They were talking to each other about something, but the minute they felt eyes on them, they stopped and looked around.

Draco caught me staring at them, it felt like his eyes sparkled and his lips turned into a smile, ever so little.

"What are they talking about?" I asked Ginny and her head snapped in their direction.

"I, uh, I don't know, maybe head boy-girl stuff" she said laughing awkwardly.

"Good morning, guys" Hermione said as she sat down near me. I sighed and looked at her, "What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh, just, erm, new schedules of patrolling" she said casually. Hermione was the greatest witch of our age but not a great liar. I didn't say anything at the moment. I knew the only person who wouldn't lie to me, was Draco. Or would he? But I needed to talk to him. One way or another.

The day was pretty boring, so was the whole week. My tries to talk to Draco were unsuccessful. He did seem like he wanted to talk but something was stopping him.

We were sitting in Potions that was with Slytherin. I was not allowed to brew any potion, since the accidents. Matthew and I were partners for the lessons, him and I continued to brew the potion, well he brewed it anyway, laughing the whole class.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me, and I needn't look to know they were a pair of silver – blue ones. And then something snapped, I knew how much Draco hated Matthew and with him being so close to me, boy would he be jealous. I smiled and sighed, I hated doing it, but Draco was ignoring me, I had been trying to talk to him from the last two weeks, but that was what he did.

So, the only idea was to make him jealous in the Christmas Party that the Hufflepuffs were organizing. It was Christmas Costume Party, something I was so excited about. I would go with Matthew and dance with him, be all touchy and make Draco jealous until something inside him snaps.

"Matthew, I was wondering if you'd be my date to the Hufflepuff party? Since, it's day after tomorrow and by the looks of it, neither do I have a date nor do you. So, it would suffice if we went together" I said as we all walked to the exit. Draco and the others trailing behind. I was sure Draco heard me, because he grabbed my wrist and rudely pulled me away from the group.

Wow, didn't even need to wait till the party.

"What?" I spat and jerked my hand away from him.

"What did I tell you about Hendrix and since when do you call him by his first name?"

My first response should've been why did he care. But it wasn't.

"For your information, him and I are actually good friends" I said rubbing my wrists.

"WHAT?" he yelled making me flinch a little.

"Montgomery, what have I told you about him?" he asked again and I looked at him. Oh, what I would give to be in his arms, what I would do to let his lips fit onto mine, what I would give to fall for those eyes, even when I already had.

"Malfoy" I mocked him in the same tone and continued, "That's none of your business" With that I left for lunch making sure to bump his shoulders, even when I was so short. So, basically, I just bumped his arm. *eyeroll*

"Hey" I said to Matthew as I sat down next to him.

"Hey, before you ask again, yes, I would love to be your date" he said and I smiled. I decided to continue my lunch next to Matthew as I saw Draco glare at the pair of us.

I looked up from my plate and caught his eyes. I knew exactly what would piss him off. I smirked and blew a kiss in the air, making him huff.

Oh, the party's going to be amazing. 

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