Asphodel and Wormwood

By bookishteddy

1.3K 111 117

*AU, non-canon compliant, gray!Hermione - I don't own these characters; just playing around in my favorite wo... More

"Oh mon Dieu."
The Seduction of Uncertainty
655 Years of Comparisons
Monsieur Krum
It's About Respect
Cushioning Charm
Prohibited Magic
Flamel's Secret

Jealousy isn't a flattering shade of green

140 11 12
By bookishteddy

Blaise's chocolate brown eyes were trained on her like a spotlight, watching as each step brought her and her chaperone closer to his seat at the Slytherin table. He was an unexpected development for her, and although the serpentine boy was cunning he was also unrefined, and his characteristic impulsiveness made him difficult to predict.

It wasn't apparent yet what he wanted from her, but Hermione was certain of one thing - she didn't need him, he needed her. At the end of the long to-do list that was kept in her mind, she added determining what he had to gain from holding the Flamel connection against her.

His strategy was honestly laughable, despite how endearing Fleur found it to be. It was obvious that he assumed attempting to fluster her with blatant displays of affection would eventually lead to her folding to whatever endgame he was working towards. If she was going to use Viktor as an educational resource, it wouldn't hurt to also utilize him to prove a point to Blaise. Hermione needed to remind the Slytherin that she was the one who held the power in whatever dynamic they were developing - if they were developing one at all.

"It appears that you have an admirer who is jealous that you're on my arm this evening," Viktor mused in a low voice without making eye contact with her, appearing ambivalent about their interaction to the world. His words ended her internal debate about the younger man, returning her focus onto the primary task ahead of her - establishing a connection with the Durmstrang champion.

She focused her attention on the stone flooring that her kitten heels currently clicked on before realizing that her body language was exhibiting submission. Quickly righting herself, her line of sight shifted toward those chocolate brown eyes that still hadn't left her. "It's rather presumptuous of you to assume there's something to be jealous of," she replied, copying his casual mannerisms.

"Are you insinuating that there isn't? Even Headmaster Karkaroff has mentioned you in regards to your magical talents after he lectured in Defense Against the Dark Arts last week. That is one of the main reasons why I was willing to come and visit your table this evening," he replied with a gently mocking tone while covering the hand that she had comfortably tucked into his elbow with his other. It was a rather forward gesture for their first encounter and it shocked her for a moment. His skin was warm, a stark contrast to Hermione's normally cool temperature.

Hermione looked at him with her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Karkaroff hadn't said a word to her when she'd used NEWT level spells against her dueling opponent, the rather uninspiring ginger she'd later learned was named Ron Weasley. She seriously doubted that he would have mentioned her to a student of his after seeming rather unimpressed with her display of magic. Condensation dripped off her words as she countered, "Monsieur Krum-"

"Please call me Viktor."

His interruption caused her to draw in a sharp breath and her jaw to slack slightly in surprise with a sharp intake of breath. First names were meant for close friends and family; in the wizarding world, a person's last name defined them. Hermione felt her cheeks warm with embarrassment, or nervousness, she wasn't quite able to pinpoint the emotion. A ghost of a smile appeared on Viktor's face, and she realized that her reaction was exactly what he'd wanted when the left corner of his mouth slowly moved upward and caused a dimple to appear on his cheek. The crimson fabric of his school uniform was soft, but when her hand involuntarily flexed at the sight of this man looking at her with a twinkle in his deep green eyes she discovered that the muscle that it covered was firm.

Hermione lifted her left hand and placed it onto his bicep gently, attempting to gain back any semblance of control of their interaction, "I'm sure you're aware that giving me permission to call you by your first name could be taken as an offer of courtship. I'll politely decline, but would be remiss to not remind you that's a rather laissez-faire attitude for a pureblood heir to possess."

"Kroshka, I am just the spare. My brother is the one bound by those archaic customs," he explained, keeping his intoxicating gaze on hers before throwing her off balance again. "It's rather hypocritical that you were well on your way to chastising me for insinuating that a connection with you would be a great benefit to any witch or wizard; after all, isn't that what you plan on using me for?"

Years of practice allowed her to keep her expression flat, not showing any evidence that he was spot on in her assessment of her intentions. Begrudgingly, her respect for the older student grew at his direct approach in addressing his beliefs. Those damn eyes still hadn't broken eye contact with hers and she couldn't determine if she felt so unsettled because she'd been found out or because she'd never wished to be the recipient of such attention.

"If I was honest and didn't deny that fact, would you think less of me?"

They were less than three meters away from the group of Slytherins she'd set them on this path to encounter. Viktor slowed their pace slightly allowing him to turn his head and lean down toward her ear before replying, "I've always found great benefit in being direct about my intentions, and I'd very much like for you to feel like you can be honest with me."

Her breath caught at the potential implications of her words, considering the fact that he'd so plainly brought up calling him by his given name. Regardless of whether or not he was "bound by archaic customs," he knew that courtship customs were well established and the weight of the simple request held. She wondered briefly if he knew wordless charms, a work of magic being the only logical explanation for the uncharacteristic weightlessness she felt.

Viktor briefly squeezed her hand, bringing her focus back on the original intention of their route. The look of indignation plastered on Blaise's face told her everything she needed to know - he didn't appreciate having to acknowledge that he wasn't completely in control and the fact that she'd established that by publicly connecting herself to a TriWizard Champion and Quidditch player only rubbed salt in the wound.

There were many awful things that she associated with Albus Dumbledore, but there was one semi-admirable trait that she was striving to emulate in this moment - his ability to cut a person down and then extend to them a compliment insinuating the slightest inclination of importance, making them feel as though any perceived slight was completely unintentional all while entangling their sense of self-worth with the casual compliments he threw their way when most convenient for him.

With an intentionally soft smile, her voice was friendly as she remarked, "Blaise, I noticed that you were using OWL level charms during class this week. If you'd like to exchange some upper-level spells before the lecture with Professor Flitwick tomorrow, I'll be in the courtyard at half-past nine."

For the first time since she stood up that evening, he stopped looking at her face and his gaze locked in on the joined hands of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students standing before him.

"Alone? Or would there be company?"

To his credit, Viktor at least attempted to cover his snort with a cough, whereas Draco let out a clearly disgusted scoff at the jealousy dripping off his friends' questions. Compared to the blatant confidence that she'd witnessed while looking into Viktor's eyes, Blaise's were filled with suspicion and doubt.

Hermione casually shrugged her shoulder, not directly addressing his question before pushing the dagger in further, "Jealousy isn't a flattering shade of green for a Slytherin, Blaise."

"Really mate, your desperation is disgusting. Please stop subjecting us to it," Draco quipped, the raven-haired girl who was perpetually attached to his side laughing at his dig.

Hermione pinched Viktor's side to put a stop to his quiet laughter when she heard a low growl of frustration rumble out of Blaise's chest. His words were clipped when he responded, "If it's just the two of us, I'll be there. Otherwise, there's some research I need to do about some ancient alchemical theories."

A shortsighted attempt at coercion, but one that worked to Hermione's advantage. In his frustration, Blaise had once again played his hand too early and all she had to agree to was a mid-morning review session - hardly a hassle when it would give her the ability to dig into his motivations.

She started walking away from the Slytherin table, Viktor's steps in perfect tandem with hers. She waited until she was a few meters away before looking back over her shoulder and replying to Blaise, who had predictably been watching her as she left. "Perhaps you could bring the alchemy theories with you. My curriculum actually includes a course on the subject, unlike your institution."

Hermione didn't let her gaze linger long enough to see his reaction to her throwing his underhanded comment back at him. Instead, she turned to face forward again as Viktor led her out of the Great Hall and down the corridor toward the potions dungeon.


In the privacy of the lower-level corridors, Viktor dropped his arm from the position of formal escort and instead opted to slip his fingers in between hers. She was thankful for the dim lighting as she felt the blush from earlier blossom once again on her cheeks when he gently rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.

"So, what's your goal here?"

She sighed, "I want you to teach me the dark magic you've learned at Durmstrang."

For the first time since he'd entered her presence, he genuinely looked surprised, before schooling his expression and replying, "Your honesty is refreshing in a society that so commonly attempts to disguise its true intentions. I'll show you what I know if you help me with the tournament tasks."

Hermione pulled away from him when she heard the all too familiar sweep of long robes against the ground. She turned and watched as a moment passed and Professor Snape rounded the corner behind them, a scowl on his face, "Miss Granger, I'd appreciate it if you stopped making a spectacle of my house with your cat and mouse games."

He passed by them, not caring to wait for a response and instead barging into the potions room. Not wanting to keep the Potions Master waiting, she pulled away from Viktor and looked at him, unguarded, in an attempt to show him that she was being genuine with her words. She suspected the slight tick in his jaw was an indication that he wanted to ask more questions about her request but was holding back.

Perhaps he understood that trust needed to be earned, and she was giving as much as she could, given that they'd only truly met less than an hour ago.

"As long as it doesn't put Fleur in danger, I'll help you in whatever way I can."


Beta love to @serpentandsage! She's the best and I'd be nothing without her lol

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