when lies become the truth

By lipgallaghersrealgf

24 11 6

i just started hogwarts when i met my three best friends and that one summer night changed everything More

the sorting hat
first night

my first day at hogwarts

10 4 3
By lipgallaghersrealgf

i was standing at platform 9 3/4 the train was about to leave. my parents gave me a hug and kissed me good bye then two headed boys helped me bring my stuff on to the train. everyone waved good bye to there parents and then we left. i couldn't believe i was going to hogwarts at last. my parent where kinda famous at hogwarts so i guess thats why so many people where looking at me weirdly. i sat down in the only empty seat beside 2 boys. the first boy had red hair he introduced himself first "hello im ron weasley would you like a chocolate frog?" i shook my head. the second boy looked oddly familur i took another look at him and said "not to be rude or anything but are you harry potter?" he looked up at me and his face turned pink "yeah im harry its nice to meet you". then the red haired boy looked at me and said "bloody hell are you Y/N wilson" i didnt think he would have known mw since i dont really look like my parents. "yeah im Y/N" harry looked confused i guess its because that was because he lived with muggels most his life. ron explaned to harry about my family how my dad was a slythrin and my mum was a griffendor and all that stuff. ron continued to say how he was amazed to meet me and harry in the same day but before he could finish what he was saying a brown haired girl walked in with a small boy who looked as if he was crying his eyes where puffy and his face was red. the brown haired girl was asking something about a frog. she looked at harry and me gasped and said          "i heard harry potter was here but i didn't know Y/N wilson was here too" i smiled and asked what the girls name was "oh sorry im hermione granger its a pleasure to meet you" and i shook her hand .she asked what ron name was and he  told her his name was ron weasley. the boy with the lost  frog ran down the train because he herad someone shout "FROG". hermione sat with us and we all started talking. after a few minutes a boy with platinum blond hair walked over to where we where all sitting "its true then? what there saying. harry potter has come to hogwarts. this is crabbe and goyle and im malfoy, draco malfoy" ron is laughing his arse off and draco looks him dead in the eyes and says "think my names is funny, do you? no need to ask for yours. red hair and a hand me down robe... you must be a weasley" then he looks over at me and harry "you'll soon find out some wizerding family's are better the others, potter and wilson. dont go making friend with the wrong sort. i can help you there" he reaches out his had towards us and harry looks pretty annoyed as he said "i think we tell the wrong sort out for ourselves  thanks" draco looked angry as he turned to me and said "Y/N when you get in to slytherin come with me ill make sure you dont have to sit with people like these" then he stormed of  with his goons following him back to they where sitting. it was then when it hit me what if i get sorted into slytherin along with malfoy. everyone knew draco would end up in slytherin because his father and mother where slytherin and he was a jerk he seemed like a snake so mabye he should be in slythrin where he belongs. hermione said she was going to check and see when we would be arriving. she same back 5 minutes later and told us we would be there really soon so we better change into our robes. after we had all changed we started to talk about what house we think we would be in ron thinks he would be in griffendor and hermione has no idea since both her parents are muggels. harry was not  sure but hermione thinks harry ill be in griffendor. i was anxious because i didnt want to be a slytherin because i knew harry,ron or hermione would never be in slytherin and they where my first friends. my father was a slytherin he was a really nice man hermione reminded me that almost all of people in slytherin where really nice and she reahured  me and told me that even if i was a slytherin or what ever we would all still be friends i smiled she was right they are all probably lovley  people. harry and ron where talking about food we all got the impression that ron loved food. i told hermione how lucius malfoy,dracos dad was my dads best friend and they where both hoping me and draco would be in slytherin together. hermione laughed "who would be frends with a meanie like draco" i laughed we herd people say that we where coming to a stop we all started jumping with excitement. the train stopped and we where told to leave our bags on the train and they would be brought to our rooms. we all got off and the first years went to one side and professor mggonagal explained how the sorting ceremony would work. we all went into the great hall and waited until we where called 

end of part 1 hope it was alright

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