New Story?

Por EmmyLouWho

16 2 1

Ok guys so I'm kinda iffy about writing this. I mean I like it and all but still. So I need you guys to read... Más

title of your story

16 2 1
Por EmmyLouWho

"There's only one thing in the world I'm afraid of..and its you"

~ EllaMay Averill Hughs

~Parker Eli James


"EllaMay, you look at me this second," Parker grabbed her shoulder and tried to make her turn around.

Ella prepared to talk, and thankfully her voice came out calm."I am a strong beleiver of fireworks Parker, and with you there's just none"...biggest lie of her life.She wasn't going to think about how when he touched her, there were not only fireworks there was a full fledged battel of passion goig on in her mind and when he kissed her...mother effer. But she couldn't think about that now. She was his liability. His weakness. She knew it. He knew it and so did the gang. And that was exactlly why she had to go.

"You and I both know thats not true EllaMay." he said calmly and almost coldly. She turned to face him. Big mistake. As soon as she did she was lost in the deep brown, such a brown it was almost black, of his eye's. He leaned forward ever so slowly. It took all her will to mutter a stop the second before his lips met her's. It was barley a whisper, more of a whimper than anything, that barley passed her lips.

"Why are you leaving me?" Parker asked her, his voice sounding like his heart was breaking. Which it was.

"I have no feelings for you. Why string you along?" EllaMay answered. This time ,because of her current intamcey with Parker,her voice did not come out as calm as it had the first time. In fact it came out weak, her eyes trained on his lips the whole time. In responce, Parker's lips quirked up into a sad little half smile that made her heart ache.

"Now tell me the real reason." Parked said sliding in evan closer, if that was possible, still not allowing there lips to touch. She sighed knowing she could not resist him. As she was his weakness, he was her's.

"I'm your liability. We can't have people knowing how to hurt you now can we?" Ella said with a dry humor. At that, she turned on her heal, not daring to kiss goodbye, she knew that if she didn't she would never be able to leave.

"Ell...Please? Parker questioned. She almost turned around right there. His voice was so painful. It was like someone had reached inside her and grabbed her heart and squeezed it until all of her strength and resolve was gone. She wanted to turn to him...Oh how she wanted to turn around. Instead she kept on going. She walked out of Parker's warm cozy loft. If she were an earlyer version of herself, she might have abbandond her pride and common sence and ran back to Parker's arms, allowing him to hold her and tell her that everything would be alright. but everything would not be alright. For when she walked out of the loft she walked directlly into gun point. A cruell smile appeared on the face of the attacker and the loud long ring of the bullet resonated in the air. It bounce of the wall. And yet at the same time seemed to stay suspened in the air.


Background info has so many deffonitions and words that can describe it. Scandolus. Beautiful.Twisted. Facinating. Life and death...It can bring people together and tear people apart. This story starts...and ends...with a particualr song. Playing off a record. At a dance. A song that set a chain reaction in two compleatly different lifes. Two that wouldn't know the other had existed untill ironicly, the same song brings them together. Off of this record, played a song. Nothing special. A simple song. In truth really rather dull. As the words of Jack Savoretti's Songs from different times bounced off the walls of the hotlel ball room. A pair of eyes met. A pair of eye's connected, and without a second thought both of the people's whom eye they belonged to reached for there left hand and slipped off a ring. A marrage ring. They both slipped of there ring and walked tword eachother.

"Hi" the man smiled. A smile so sweet and innocent you couldnt have guessed he was married. And the women smiled back. A smile very cute and sexy. Surley it could only belong to a vixen.

"Hi." the women answerd. Her voice filled with intentions. Thoes two people talked for a while. They laughed. They exchanged names. And after a while, they snuck off into a closet. A jantiors closet. Just like a couple of teens.

A few weeks later, the women found out she was pregnate. As soon as she learned, she slept with her actuall husband. And when the time came for the baby to be born, everyone just asoumed that the baby was his.

Out into the world came a beautiful baby girl. Born into the lovely state of California. Blonde tuft of almost white hair sparkling in the sunlight filtering though the window. Her light blue eye's blinking, taking in everything around her. Porclin skin looking perfenct healthy. Without a defect in sight. A young boy named Adam of six years looked over his father shoudler.

"She lookes like a snowflake." he stated simply. His mother laughed and looked upon her daughter with loving eyes.

"EllaMay Averill Hughs" she mutterd looking blissfully happy down looking at the baby. Newly named EllaMay.

~Two years and three months before~^

On the other side of the country, In the higher corner of Maine, a poor girl, no older than sixteen gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy. The young mother grimaced as she looked upon her son with disgust. Her boyfriend stood waiting impatiently in the corner.

" Now can we go." he asked annoyed. This little boy of theres, as they would tell you , was a mistake and a nusaince, one they could easily get rid of. As they proved when the mother jerked on a pair a sweatpants, took her boyfriends hand and walked out of the hospital. No more that ten minuets after the birth of the son. Leaving the black haired, dark brown eye'd child in the hands of a doctor. Flabbergasted at the sight she had just witnessed. She shook herself out of the daze and stared down at the child.

"Well..."she stated "why you just come home with me...Parker James?" the doctor asked and smiled to herself. Her husband would be mad. Of course he would. But the woman didn't care.

Then next few years were spent dealing with the police. After trial after trial, the women was finally grated custody of this child. Over these months her husband had became more and more unreacheable. It was when the baby was one, when she found out about her husbands affair, that she snapped and started to resent evan hate the child. It was a good thing the child still had his adoptive grandfather around at this point or else he would have surly died. The affair had happend while he was on one of his never ending buisness trips. This particular trip had been to California. They had done it in a janitors closet. How silly she thought.

So the bubbly little boy was to be taken care of by his 'grandpa'. Living a life full of cold uncaring parents. And a big house, filled with expensive furniture, and empty renoncing silence.

___________________________________________________________16 Years later (from EllaMay's birth)

Ella groaned and glared at her alarm clock. Why did she have to get up so early? She asked herself. Or even more, she asked, why did she have to get up at all? Expecially today. Today was moving day. She had to move all the way from her sunny warm beachfront house. To a cold damp rainy horrid old place all the way in silly Maine. Maine! She didn't want to move all the way across town. Much less the county. She slammed a fist down on her alarm clock so it would stop it's insesent beeping. Groaning as she rolled over on to the floor off of her bed intending to stay there forever.

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