Minecraft Adventure: book 1 o...

By Gabriel6X942

3.7K 32 29

Normally, humans are the good guys, and we cheer for them. However, would you still want to aid them if they... More

Prologue 1
Prologue 2 Escaping from home
Chapter 1: Sadness, Grief, and a new beginning
Chapter 3: Journey into the Dark
Chapter 4: Spinster and the Spiders
Chapter 5: The Crystal

Chapter 2: the journey of 4 Billion Square Kilometers begins with one-step

328 3 0
By Gabriel6X942

In case your wondering, 4 billion square kilometers is the surface area of a whole Minecraft world...

Eleanor: You can't imagine it!

Mars: I was there too. Don't tell me that.

Zombiod: Me too.

Me: Hush hush. The reader's back. Eleanor...

Eleanor: Let's keep this going.

There was no need to pack up. Everything we had was already in the room; food, beds, weapons, and of course, the med-beds. I, in particular, always carried a pint of perfume, made delicately from the cream of magma cubes, stewed and then vaporized. Bones had his bow and arrows, and Zombiod had his armour.

The trip went by smoothly for all of the fifteen minutes it took us to reach the village. We encountered no patrols, and as a result, no humans. I was glad. Seeing another one of their faces would make me want to vomit in disgust. Even though Ghasts can naturally vomit a fireball in defence, the feeling I got from just seeing them filled me with butterflies, a concept I don't like.

When we got to the village, it seemed empty. My smile disappeared, and I looked at Zombiod, and said, "Did your scouts happen to eat some magic mushrooms along the way? Or are these zombies invisible?" I gave him the "seriously" look. Zombiod just said, "Patience, Eleanor. Zombies here. I can smell them. Fear here. Death here. Human here."

Just as he said that, I saw movement in the shadows of the buildings. First, it was one zombie, and then another, then a dozen, and soon a gathering of 68 zombies and 14 zombie villagers filled the area. There was a mix of other mobs too, including four skeletons and three spiders. Zombiod looked at them with a look of excitement, and said, "Brethren, hello. Me Zombiod, general of zombies. Here to liberate you. Humans here and need to be destroyed. Hide no more, Brethren."

All the zombies groaned at once, and gathered closer to Zombiod. Then they looked at me. Every mob in Minecraft understood what my hat meant, and the zombies bowed in a monkish fashion.

"All of you listen up, I said, "I am Eleanor Rena Chandra, queen of the Nether, daughter of Elizabeth Rena Chandra, and temporary successor to the Wither. I've come to you all in the same situation as you've been in for Notch knows how long, to guide you to our day of vengeance. The Human species has pushed all our species to the brink of extinction, but I say no more! Join me, and we will reclaim what lands they burned! Join me, and they will die!" I had to be honest; I could give a proper speech.

All the zombies whooped with hope. We would take back what those humans took from us, what we held dear. However, it would have to be gradual, for a frontal assault now would be suicide. We would have to keep as quite as was mobly possible if our mission is to be a success.

However, it was no time for waiting.

"PATROL! Hide!" Bones shouted.

We all took cover in what places we could find. Once we were safely hidden, I looked out beyond the bush I hid behind, peering out at the road we had just walked on. There were four of them! Two holding wooden swords, one holding a scythe, and the other a bow. I felt as if I want to kill them so badly that it hurt. They'd trapped my mother and were probably interrogating her right now, possibly other horrible things. My father is also having to survive just as I am, only in the Nether. My stomach started to fill with butterflies.

"Notch dammed, Bones. They need to die. My gut tells me. No more waiting!" I said under my breath to him. I almost got up and ran at the humans so I could kill them, but Bones held me.

"Eleanor," he said, "you must have patience. I know you have butterflies in your stomach, but you need to wait. We're not ready to attack humans in the open yet!"

Just then, Bones notched an arrow in his bow, and then nodded. I understood what he meant by "Not in the open yet" and gave him the signal. He fired at the human with the bow. The arrow pierced the back of his neck, and he toppled to the ground. The others turned around to see him fall over.

Just then, everyone leapt out of the shadows and swarmed the humans. It quickly took a turn for the worst for the them, as they sliced at the air helplessly. Two wooden swords flew away, and a hand holding the scythe stuck out of the ball of rolling mobs, before disappearing under their bodies. Bones shouted approval to the mobs.

All that was left of the humans was there items: a bow, two swords, a scythe, and apples. Bones picked up the bow, and then scoffed at its low durability, "Humans just don't treat bows with any respect anymore. Might as well start throwing rocks at them." He then took the bow and his bow, and repaired his bow on an anvil. The bows melded together, and Bones bow's durability increased.

Mars grabbed the swords and tossed them to Zombiod, who then tossed them to the crowd of zombies. He took the scythe for himself.

"Now everyone," Mars said, "we've possibly set off a chain reaction by doing that. The humans are going to wonder what happened to their comrades here, and come looking for them. We will be waiting here for them. Once they've been weakened enough, we'll assault the human encampment that Zombiod's scouts told us about, which is north of here."

I gave a smile and a laugh to the small victory we'd won. We were beginning the liberation of Minecraft. Those humans and their greed would be gone soon. After all, they came here only for the precious metals and minerals down underground, but they especially like the coal. They can never seem to stop getting more of it. Oh, and they can never get enough diamonds. If you hold diamonds in your hand, the humans will go after you like a herd of bloodsucking, killer sheep.

I had my thoughts, though, about this little win. Every encounter with humans would have to begin and end like this: an ambush, a waylay, a trap, a surprise attack. They would all have to be like this. That is, until we rescue the Ender Dragon, the Wither, and Herobrine.

The zombie dungeons were now in operation again. No too soon, they started to trickle out of the cave entrances. I was impressed of the number of dungeons that the humans had left be. After all, dungeons can be hard to miss, especially the large ones.

"We are now ready. The zombie count has gotten high enough, and the humans have not sent any more patrols yet. Shall we attack, my madam?" said Bones

I looked over at him, and then look at the zombies, then the horizon. "Yes. Let's get this show on the road. Mobs, time to retake what was lost." My burning hatred for those animals is what drives me to see their deaths.

"Attend hut! Lines. Attack!" Shouted Zombiod. All the zombies began to rush down the road towards the human encampment.

"You know, the view could be nice, Bones. How bout we fly to that plateau? Good shooting space for you any how." I said

"Remember. We need to be secretive. Flying right now would not be a good idea." said Bones.

"Oh, alright."

"How about I teleport us to the plateau. Has no one thought of that?" said Mars.

"Sure. I said, "At least it's faster and less risky. Although, you might want to take note that the rain is dispersing." I then realized a horrible thing: the zombies were being sent to their deaths. "Oh Sh$t, sh$t, sh$t! Those zombies are goners. What have I done?! They're walking to their doom!"

Just then, Bones reminded me, "Oh, Eleanor. Do you really thing they went unprepared? I handed them all iron helmets before they left. Found all that iron in the hands of some humans I ran into yesterday. They all gave me their iron without a fight. It was hilarious."

I was relieved to hear this. No rotten flesh lying on the ground today, Minecraft. I have my friends to help keep that from happening. The world would soon see this. I had no doubts about the capabilities of my friends. Once I found the other generals, I'd have more friends than your average popular schoolchild football player.

We all eventually became bored of waiting, and decided to go join in on the fight. We were in for a surprise, however. The humans had all been slain. The zombies had done a stellar job, sparing not a single tent, horse cart, supply cart or roast pig on a stick. Whatever was food had been piled into a giant mound of edibles in the centre of the encampment. Zombies were gorging themselves senseless on food that would've been obtained in a month's worth of hunting.

While Bones and Zombiod joined in on the feast, I want to stay...clean. I took out a fork, spoon and plate, and ate with those. I also like a clean dress. It cost my mother block of diamonds to get it for me. A woman can sacrifice a bit of gorgeous feasting to keep clean. The food tasted delicious. Starvation is not an option, and the most embarrassing way to die in the case for a Ghast.

I didn't mind having everyone else around me act like savages; they rather were savages, with the wandering in the wilderness life-style. It really depends on the personality of the individual, because in my time, I've seen some Zombies act like gentlemen, and some Ghasts act like total slobs. Ghasts are not savages, especially at the table, which is why a dress like mine is so hard to obtain.

Once we had all eaten our fill, we took what we didn't eat, and all the supplies that were required; arrows, gunpowder, string, wool, and horses. At first, the horses bucked us off and nobody could ride them. I don't know why, but they didn't mind being ridden by skeletons. Bones got on one and it didn't even so much as neigh.

"This is something to consider in the future! Skeletons riding horses into battle, Yee haw!" He smacked the horse's hindquarters, and it bolted away, with him still on it.

I laughed at the sight. Bones's head fell off, and the rest of him with his head. I laughed so hard, I had to stop to take a breath.

"You might want to check on the butt slapping there, Bones." I said. I couldn't stop laughing. "You look hilarious!"

As his head rolled on the ground, Bones sighed. "Yea yea, I fell apart, again! Stop laughing and put me back together, or by Notch I'll kick your arse to the farlands without my feet!" The thought of Bones trying to do that made me laugh even harder. Being kicked by someone who doesn't have their feet would be like trying to strangle someone without hands.

Bones got himself together with the help of some zombies. "Wait till you have your head fly off you shoulders and roll behind you while your moving faster than your average Enderman! Then it won't be so funny!"

I could tell from the teasitive tone in his voice that he didn't literately mean a "beheading". I'd probably smash his skull if he ever tried that, and since he's a general and I'm a queen, he knows his place in the table.

After we had obtained all the food and supplies, we headed out in a direction that I knew would take us to the first General that was not with us right now. A mob of great importance to the mission, and a friend of mine who knew how to assassinate enemies undetected: General Spinster.

Eleanor: I'm starting to like this.

Me: It sounds better, too, if you tell it rather than one of us.

Mars: Her voice is most certainly that of a Muse.

Me: What do you think, guys? Like the first person perspective? Say it in the comments.

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