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By DelilahCason

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my name is Layla Springs. every girl has a summer story, right? mine's a little different. i had a friend, Jo... More

L & J forever

Back home

27 1 0
By DelilahCason

Jordan's P.O.V

My eyes open slowly as I groggily lift my head from the black keyboard. The computer screen's brightness blinds me for a second, but I eventually stand up and take off my shirt and pants that I had put over my swim trunks last night.

I hurriedly throw on a black V-neck T shirt and some dark wash jeans, and then slip into my black Vans. As I tie the laces, my stomach growls. I finish tying my shoe and head for the stairs, craving some fruit loops.

I go downstairs, taking them 2 at a time. I get to the bottom and slam into my Dad. I try to move around him, but for some reason he won't let me. He has a look on his face that means bad news.

"We need to talk." He says with a poker face, grabbing my arm and taking me to the huge kitchen. Mom is waiting in a chair at the monstrous wooden dining room table, which we don't need considering only three people live here.

My mom looks like she's worried about whatever she's about to say. Thousands of thoughts scramble through my brain about all of the possibilities as to why they're being so serious. Or as to why they're even home. Normally they would be at work or something, like they always are.

"Okay so what's up?" I ask cautiously, taking a seat beside mom. She looks to dad and nods her head, telling him to deliver the news to me.

"Son, my business is moving so we can become bigger and make more money." My father states bluntly. This doesn't surprise me.

"Well that's great dad! Where in California is it being moved to?" I ask, putting on a fake face that just screams "excitement" when really I could care less. I see my dad's face drop and turn down.

"That's the thing," he starts to say, trying to contain his real excitement. He's trying to play it off as though he's sad about it for my sake. "My business-"

I cut him off. "Your business? As in the Lake Industries, your hospital thing?"

He cringes when I say 'hospital thing.' Looks like I made a mistake. "You know I don't prefer you speaking about the Lake Industries as just simply my 'hospital thing." Son, Lake Industries is the largest and most widely used collection of hospitals in the entire United States. Every Lake Hospital that this family owns is ONLY our family's business. It always has been and it always will be. We are extremely vital to this country. You understand that, don't you Jordan?"

"Yes sir." I say, nodding my head. I don't get why just because we're the richest family in the hospital business that we have to be so overly obsessive about it.

"Good. Our practice is being moved back to Florida." He says, expecting me to just agree to move back 2,000 miles away from all of my friends.

"But-" I try to object, but he's not letting that happen.

"You should be thrilled, so I don't want to hear any more about it. We're going to leave tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m, so pack tonight. We'll going to try to make it before the Springs Carnival gets there. Goodnight." He says, standing up and walking toward to the stairs. Dad pats my shoulder as he goes and mom follows closely behind him, not so much as glancing back. I don't exist to them.

Wow. I think the reason that I'm not mad is because I cannot wrap my head around the fact that we're leaving. Tomorrow. On the bright side, I won't have to track down my mystery girl any longer.

Reality smacks me in the face.

My mystery girl! How could I forget her? She lives in Florida! I could track her down from her actual home state!

I immediately jump up and run to the three flights of stairs until I finally reach my parents room. By the second flight, I'm already extremely tired, considering I just woke up. I step in front of their room, pushing the beautiful double mahogany wood doors open.

They jump a little when they see me enter their ginormous, gray master bedroom. Paintings are scattered on every wall, except the largest wall, which is entirely covered with a TV. Its almost a movie theatre inside the bedroom. I scan the room a little before making my way to their bed. It's bigger than a king sized bed, which I didn't even know there was such a thing. I was wrong. There it lay, huge with its down white comforter and splashes of colored throw pillows, tucked comfortably underneath my parent's heads. My mother doesn't turn her attention from the TV as she was currently watching her favorite show, The Bachelor, but she does notice my presence. My dad, however, turns to look at me and gives me a confused face.

I throw him a small smile and begin my question. "Sorry to bug you guys, but I was just wondering what part of Florida we're moving to." I say nonchalantly, looking at my father as he processes my words.

"We lived there from the time when you were born until you were about 14 years old. I thought you'd remember it." He speaks slowly.

"That's right, you were devastated when we had to move for the company because you had to leave that friend of yours." My mother pipes in and turns to stare at me as well, pausing the TV.

My eyes widen a little at the mention of one of my friends, but I try not to look very shocked. "Was it a girl?" I ask, acting like I don't really care, just curious.

"Oh yes. She was very pretty." She says, smiling as if she remembers the memories very clearly. Too bad i don't.

"What'd she look like?" Now I am just curious because I have no remembrance of what this girl looks like. I mean, my flashbacks could be totally wrong. Then again, they might not be.

A smile dances across my mother's face as she begins to describe the girl. "As I said, she was pretty, very beautiful. Is never seen a little girl as pretty as her before you two met. She had chocolate brown hair, and just the cutest little tush-"

I cut her off. "Too many details mom."

She laughs, but continues. "Sorry, but it was! Okay, okay. She had just the most dazzling green eyes you'd ever see in your life. They were the first thing you saw when you looked at her. She was tall, I believe about 5'7 at the time. I'm sure she's taller now, but not taller than you, considering you're 6'3. She was just beautiful, I can't get over it. You two were so close, I mean you had to be. You met in 1st grade and were the best of friends since the day. Inseparable." She finishes and looks at me as if it will ring a bell. It doesn't.

I got my information, though, so I'm done for the night. I still have to pack. "Thanks for telling me." I say to both of them and walk to the door. I suddenly remember a pretty important question and flip my body around. "Um...what was her name?" I ask, already outside of their bedroom. My mom looks in my eyes, hoping the name triggers something.

"Layla Springs, that's where the Springs Carnival got its name, Jordan."

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