Slayer Academy

By EpiccFAIL

909 9 12

Sunnydale is destroyed and L.A has wrapped up their apocalypse, but what happens to the two warriors and love... More

Easiest One
Who Do You Think You Are?

Memory Lane

147 3 4
By EpiccFAIL

When my mind snapped back to reality, I hurried and got changed since I remembered that Giles was starting some council meeting 'that I had to be in.' I always wondered why he needs me there, I barely ever understand what they are talking about half the time, and when I do understand it, it's about non-sense or they are criticising on how I fight.

Half an hour later the meeting is over. I was probably the first one out the doors. I know it was rude of me to do that, but I couldn't be in that room anymore. The tension was high and I was on a trip down memory lane. People who knew me from before knew this was a sketchy topic, but the council members didn't bother with feelings, they just thought about work, work, and more work. They never bother with someone's opinion unless it benefitted them.

I don't know where I drove off too, and what time it was. It didn't matter though, I needed to be alone and there was only one place I could actually think of. The place between L.A and Sunnydale, the place where Angel and I saw each other when I came back from heaven.

San Diego Beach. Angel had called me right in the middle of my talk with Giles and what I was going to be doing since I was back. Did I ever tell him he had fantastic timing? Guess not.

Anyways, he said he needed to see me and I wasn't so sure since I had just gotten back and my head wasn't exactly working properly, but he won in the end. We met in between Sunnydale and L.A. We talked on the beach. At the end we both had to leave, but I never forgot the last thing he said.

"I couldn't live without you. A part of me was missing."

Those words were forever remembered. I think he knows, but while I was in heaven, the Fates gave me the memories I shouldn't remember. At the time I understood why he did it, but part of me still thinks he did it for another reason. I never told him that I remembered and how sorry I am for not remembering even though I promised him I would. 

It was near midnight by the time I got back home. Giles and a bunch of the Slayers were freaking out asking and question where I was. It got to a point where I wished Slayers could kill humans. Hours later they all got to tired to keep asking me stuff and all went to bed including Giles. I changed into some sweats and was on my porch watching the stars. In Sunnydale, you could never see the stars, it was always covered by the lights at the Bronz, or I was just to busy to ever notice them.

Suddenly there was a shadow that pasted me right by and landed on the roof with a 'thump'. I waited a few more seconds and slightly did a back handspring and landed on the roof. I honed into my slayer senses and every part of  my body felt something familiar. It couldn't be.

"Hi." the figure said.

"As if right on cue." and the figure came out of the dark shadows.

"Hello Lover."

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