Lonely for you only

By AyssaJAllen88

497K 11K 693

Book 1 of the Mayer Familly series After a messy break-up from her NHL all star hockey player boyfriend of 2... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 4

23.6K 533 37
By AyssaJAllen88


As I watch the hockey game, I cannot help but get into the game. Also, the 2 beers I had earlier loosened my lips a bit; it 5 – 4 in favor of the Islanders; it is nice to see James again. I wore the jersey he gave to my brother to pass it down to me when they met up last year at a all star banquet since his number changed and I had his old one. I was having a great time being with my parents and Jen, it was something I really did need; as the time starts to wind down, I watch the players on the ice nervously hoping that we can hold this lead to win the game.

Danny had an amazing game tonight with 3 goals so far, he was flying and hustling on the ice, and it was impressive. Even my dad was talking my ear off about it. I glance over at Jennifer, giving me a sly smile each time his name was announced during the game; I ignore it because I know exactly what she wants to tease me about. I'm sure it was the little interaction we had with Danny before the game.

We won the game, and the arena erupts with cheers. We watch flurries of press crowd the players, and then we saw a few of the players fall back to sign pucks and autographs to the children hanging in the stands. I say my goodbyes to my parents and walked back to our row to see Jen leaned back in her seat eating another pretzel. Once she sees me, she gets up, brushing off the salt from the pretzel that fell on her long sleeve shirt.

"Hey Allie, Dave wanted to introduce you to the coach really quick" I nod my head. "That's fine. I want to say a quick HI to James and thank him personally for the new jersey" she looks at me with that same smug look and guides me towards the waiting room in the back.

I watch the coach walk out with David side by side, and he comes over with a smile and shakes my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Mayer, I have heard great things about you these past few days from David here, and you will be a Rockstar here," he says with a happy smile.

"It's good to hear, coach. I am looking forward to it as well," I respond. We chatted for a few more minutes, met his wife as well, and they were lovely people; as I watched them walk away, I noticed the doors swing open and see a familiar face smiling back at me waving.

"Hey, James! You played great!" I say loudly, and he smiles back. "Thanks, Allison! It is nice to see you again; by the way, that jersey looks great!" putting a thumbs up at me as I spin around for him, making him laugh.

"You have great taste in athletes, Ms.! Plus, Kevin told me about you being a hotshot in Colorado," chuckling at the thought that my brother bragged about me whenever they met up.

"Yeah, well, it was a lot of fun, but I am actually coming here to work now" James raised his eyebrows at me. "oh yeah? That's pretty awesome. Where? here in the city?" James eyes me curiously.

I smile back at him warmly. "Here, actually David persuaded me to come over and work as your physical therapist and team physician since I have a background in that and orthopedics, it'll be a nice change of scenery," I say shyly, knowing the real reason I was making this change but too embarrassed to say it out loud.

Still, I could tell by the look in James's eyes he already knew the real reason I was making this change. "Allison, I've known you for a long time. You don't have to be embarrassed when I last spoke to Kev; we both concluded that douche bag Andrew wasn't good enough for you anyway!"

I gave him a hug and let out a sigh of relief. "I swear it's like I have 3 overprotective brothers I thought to myself as I hear him laugh at my sudden sign of affection, oh, by the way, my parents say hello, and they are sorry they couldn't have dinner tonight, but they were trying to beat the traffic rush since they had a luncheon to go to tomorrow so they ended up go straight back home." He waves his hand in the air.

"Oh, it's no biggie. I see them every home game. It's nice; feels like I'm a teen again when I see them in the stands," chuckling at the confession. "Well, how long will you be in town until you fully transfer here? You want to head out for drinks with the guys. We usually go to a little local hangout after the game to celebrate a win." He pouts.

I smiled politely back at him and was going to decline graciously because a night out with drunk hockey players was not the smartest idea, let alone if Danny Callister will be one of them tagging along. My willpower at the current moment is little to none, and I'm just being honest with myself; mixing liquor in my system won't help much. Right before I was about to open my mouth, Jennifer popped out from nowhere, interjecting herself in the conversation.

"Oh, that's great, James take our girl out and let her have some fun; I felt bad that I couldn't since you know this and all," rubbing her baby bump and laughing.

"My bar and party days are over, and now it's future diapers and bottles and a different kind of all-nighter's," she says with a laugh; I look at her with a grin "touché, my friend," I say with a laugh. "I don't see why it wouldn't hurt, "I say shyly, shrugging my shoulders at James . "Alright, I will tag along. "James gives us a bright smile after my reply.

"Well, then it's a done deal, shall we!" James flashes us a smile swinging his arm over to the doors, then out of the blue; we hear someone walk up right behind us. "Shall we what?" his voice low and smooth as velvet, and it caused my insides to turn because I knew who it belonged to. I see a sly grin appear on my best friend's face, and I feel mines turn red hot from the blush.

"Oh, Danny, I convinced Allison here to tag along with us at O'Reilly's to have a few victory drinks," James says with a hand to his shoulder.  I turn to see a sexy grin on his already chiseled face and jaw. "oh, nice, I would love to get to know this pretty little thing," giving me a wink.

It was at that moment I felt like I was slapped back to reality; I bet to "The Danny Callister ego" a line like that would have the women swoon, but all it did was remind me how much of a player he really was, How all big ego-driven athletes are wired when they lock their eyes on a pretty lady that they want to have fawning over them, and that was far from what I am. It shattered all the tingly feelings I had when it came to Danny Callister.

I looked back at him and just gave him a little grin. "Pretty little thing ahh.. do all the girls actually think that line is flattering?" I glance over with a little look of disgust, and I know he sees it too. "Interesting, Jen, a quick word, please" I hear a chuckle come from Jen and James as She walks over to the side with me. " is he serious? Pretty little thing, he really thinks of me as some kind of puck bunny, huh?" cringing at just the memory of him saying it.

"Oh, Allie, He isn't that bad, granted. Yes, it wasn't the best thing to say, but I know some of the guys on the team well, and besides being a flirty playboy, his personality is a lot nicer than what he gives out Hockey player persona-wise." I shake my head.

"Yea, dear friend, I am done dating athletes remember?" I say while she just smiles back at me warmly.

"Allie bear, no matter what you decide, I will be behind you all the way, but I do know you very well, and those heart eyes you had earlier tonight for him at the game were something I haven't seen in you, not even with what his face Andrew?" I look at her and then look at the guys behind her as they watch us both carefully.

"I'm not ready, Jen; anything I decided now is all out of whim, not of sound mind" She smiles at me back. "My dear friend, maybe going on a whim and listening to your heart may just be the answer. Be safe and text me if you need Dave or me, ok? Just have some fun with friends" She gives me a hug and disappears into the back towards David's office. I pull out my phone and text my brother back, and I walk over to James and Danny.

"Hey Allie, I actually caught a ride with Danny here, and so if you don't mind, we can all head over together in his truck?" I smile at James and look over to Danny, who is now embarrassed to look at me.

"Oh, before I forget, do you mind if I leave this jersey in your truck then. I would hate to ruin it in a bar. The last time I went out with Kevin, I spilled beer all over his jersey I was wearing because someone bumped into me" I take off my jersey revealing just the long tight black buttoned long sleeve I was wearing underneath.

James seemed to be unphased by it, but I noticed Danny's eyes rake over my body. "umm yeah, just leave it in the truck then" I see his Adam's apple move by taking a big gulp, and I smiled back at him as I thanked him for agreeing to let me leave it in his truck.

"Alright, Allie let's go; there shouldn't be too many reporters out there. If there is, just stick your head low and ignore them and stay close, they are just nosey, plus I don't need Kevin scolding me in the morning."

We head out towards the back exit, and we see a few reporters hanging around, "James, Danny, great game!" "Danny, Danny tell me, what lit your fire today? your performance was best so far."

"James, Who is she?"

"Danny, is she the reason you did so well."

"are you now off the market? Which one of you does she belong too?" says another and I roll my eyes at the stupid question.

While everyone started to crowd us, I stayed in the middle of the guys as they blocked and protected me while walking over to the truck; James leans over to Danny as he lightly whispers something in his ear, I feel him just nod his head, and I hear the beep of him unlocking his truck from across the lot.

Just as he did, I see James stop his footsteps as he turns around to address the reporters trailing us from behind, I feel Danny wrap his arm around my waist, and instantly butterflies start to form in my stomach. Since he was so close to me, I could smell his cologne, and it was intoxicating.

It wasn't sweet like Andrew's vanilla scent, but instead, it was musty like sandalwood and rosewood, it was doing things to cloud my mind; feeling his muscled arm wrapped around me made me forget that we were already at the side of his truck, he let me go to open the passenger door, and I hopped in. He softly closed the door for me.

Danny runs around and hops in the driver seat, and I hear the back door open to see James hop in as well. "Sorry about that Allison, I didn't realize there would still be so many people waiting on us," his tone sounding truly apologetic.

I just smiled gently back. "It's no big deal, James. We are fine; I let Kevin know that I will be hanging out with you, so I warned him about anything that might be printed" James chuckled. "Really, what did he say? I'm sure he knows I won't let anything happen to you," peeking over to Danny in the driver's seat, obviously interested in our conversation.

"Oh, you know the usual brother stuff, like make sure he doesn't let any guys come close to me and empty threats of sending me to a nunnery if I take a guy back with me to the hotel, "laughing at the last part of the text. "Sounds like Kevin for sure," James says.

Danny lets out a deep relaxed sigh. "Kevin is your brother?" saying shyly as he looks over at me on the passenger side.

"Yup, Twin brother to be exact, and he's just protective," Smiling over at Danny, looking obviously relieved. "Bro, you know him too! Remember when we played in Colorado Kevin Mayer, the guy I hung out with after the game and had dinner with he's their Left Wingman that's her brother!"

He finally puts it together and forms an "O" with his mouth "and overprotective is an understatement, but I can't blame him; I am the same with Stephanie I will scare all men, and she won't have guys come near her" Laughing at what James said.

"James, don't be so mean; Stephy is a good girl; it's been forever since I saw her Kev said she is starting college soon, isn't she?" we continue to drive down the city. "Yup, next semester, and I am low-key freaking out, but what can I do right? I just hope she focuses on her studies and not so much on loser college frat boys" He sighs and I give off a little chuckle.

We got to the bar, and there is a line around the entrance; my eyes widen to see how many people are there. "It looks like we aren't the only ones celebrating tonight," James says with a chuckle. I look over to see Danny's eyes on the crowd, and then he finds a parking spot and turns the ignition off.

"Alright, guys, let's have a good time and have a few beers," I say with a smile on my face. We all hop out of the car and walk towards the entrance. The guys shake the bouncer's hand, and we all walk in towards the back. The rest of the team is already dancing, having beers in their hands.

After a few rounds of introductions with the guys on the team, I settle down in a booth and watch everyone chat and do their own thing; I see a few of them with their girlfriends on the dance floor and the ones who didn't have women had random women all brushed up on them. I see James and Danny at the bar talking to each other ordering another round of beers for us, and as they were walking back, I see a brunette pull James over to the side, I chuckle; James says something to her and walks over to set the beer in front of me.

"Sorry, Allie, would you hate me if I take that lady out on the dance floor, leaving you here at the table just for a few minutes?" With a puppy expression on his face.

"James, I don't mind! Go have fun!" I have the rest of the guys here, and their girls seem nice. Remember, I am a big girl; I can make friends!" smiling back at him. He turns around and heads back over to the direction in where the girl is waiting for him on the dance floor.

As I watch them dance, I sway to the music, and as I take a sip of my beer, I feel a presence approaching me to the side. After a second, I get a strong whiff of the strong sandalwood cologne that clouds my mind and even my judgment. I smile at Danny as he takes the seat next to me at the end of the booth, and he smiles at me.

"Allison, I'm sorry about earlier; it was just a reflex. I didn't mean to call you a pretty little thing" I watch him brush his soft brown hair back. "It's fine, Danny; I figured it was something that you always said to women; your reputation precedes you." Giving him a grin.

"Reputation?" he looks back at me with so much confusion in his eyes.

"yeah, you know macho playboy Danny Callister, hotshot captain of the New York Islanders and all-around ladies' man" I smile back, and now the liquor is talking, and I can't control it.

"Well, it may be what's been said, but there is another side of me, you know" He looks back at me with his deep hazel eyes that I feel is now staring down deep into my soul.

"Danny, Let's face it, you don't have to prove anything to me; we all know your type" I look at him with eyebrows raised.

"Humor me, Allison, what is my type?" looking at me with a hint of curiosity in what I am about to say.

"Hmm, well, you are the type that can charm any woman whenever you feel like it; I would take a wild guess that you don't take your little puck bunnies back to your place but to theirs?" I raise my eyebrows, trying to read his expression as my loose lips continued.

"You please them and yourself and leave either right after or even the next day trying to escape without them awake or even aware that your leaving never to come back; then you go back to do it all again. You are not a commitment, man; love and romance are bothersome. Did I leave anything out?" I lean closer towards his face and give him a little sly grin.

"Well, shit, I guess I am a terrible person hearing that out loud, but there is one thing I will disagree with." He leans dangerously closer to the point where I can feel his breath on my lips.

"I know a lot about love and romance than you think, and I am confident that I know how to wine and dine a woman and romance the pants off a woman. He says, pulling away a little with a smirk.

"oh yeah, so why haven't I heard of that side of you, Mr. Callister?" Looking at him, trying to hold onto the only ounce of power I have left, trying to resist the urge to kiss him.

"Because Ms. Mayer, I haven't met a woman like you who makes me want to be that man."

Hearing those words, all velvet and soft coming from his tone, we are now back face to face, lips almost touching as I lean in towards his lips.

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