Character Profiles - Meet The...

By crysta1s

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Read this book and meet the characters in crystals. Learn some fun facts about them and hear some short stori... More

Character Profile #2 - Jade Relish
Character Profile #3 - Somber Knight
Character Profile #4 - Adara Devime

Character Profile #1 - Skye Amaratafu

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By crysta1s

Gender- Female

Age- 15

Hair Color- Brown w/ Red Highlights

Eye Color- Hazel

Skin Color/ Race- White/Hispanic

Height- 5'8

Birthday- March 26th

Zodiac Sign- Aires

Spirit Animal- Eagle

Sexuality- Straight

Elemental Crystal- Air/Wind

Flaw- Doesn't know when to stop talking

Wears- Artsy patterned jumpers, tall boots, hoop earrings, hair either left down and with volume or in a messy ponytail. She also has a nose piercing.

Personality- Is loud and talkative but doesn't overpower her quieter friends. She likes to push peoples' buttons but doesn't like to talk about her own feelings. She joined the friends later and is still trying to open up more. For now, she is likely to be the start of any party.

Weaknesses- tight spaces, LEGO's, authoritative figures (doesn't know how far is too far when defending herself or her friends)

Hobbies- watching anime, drawing hot anime guys, messing with her friends. 

Short Story- Meeting Skye

It was June, and the end of the school year was coming to an end. It had been a rough one for sixth grader Skye Amaratafu. Well, for her it was always hard, but this year hit differently. Her entire life she had been trying to hide the fact that she could control wind. Like in every superhero comic or movie ever made- she was living it. It had been easier when she was in a larger school where nobody paid any attention to anybody but their friends. But in middle school, when there were more options for schools to go to, the number was decreased significantly.

"I need everybody to make sure to pass in their last homework assignment by Wednesday. A detailed paper on what you've learned." Skye's teacher, Mr. Feralding said, passing out the instructions amidst the groans.

"You've got to be kidding me," A girl to Skye's right muttered. "Who gives out an essay the on the last week of school?"

"You say that about every class, Cyan." The girl right next to Skye chided back. Skye turned to face the two girls. Cyan Seaman and Sunny Shelstrop. They had been in her class all year, and always sat next to each other. She saw them sitting with two other girls at lunch, all of them clustered tightly in a group. Skye envied that. She couldn't really have friends. Not with her secret. The girls saw her staring. Shoot, she thought, trying to come up with a hasty excuse.

"So... uh, what are you guys planning on writing your essays about?" She cringed at the phony question.

"I'll be writing mostly about that unit we did on Egypt." Sunny said, giving Skye a warm smile. "I got the most out of that unit."

"I guess I'll write about Greece." Cyan mumbled, though she now gave a smile at the mention of Greece.

"Cool, cool." Thankfully, the bell rang, sending a tingle of relief through Skye's bones. She really didn't want to keep the conversation going, as nice as her classmates were. It was just easier that way. Besides, now she had an essay to work on!

"Looks like it's going to be a nice and sunny day today class." Mr. Feralding called, opening the blinds. "Go outside and enjoy the summer air." Skye opened her mouth to say goodbye to the girls, but they were already on their feet, Sunny's face portraying a painful sort of bliss.

"We have to go." Cyan said, grabbing her and Sunny's binders. "Bye." She tugged on Sunny, and the two girls zipped out of the classroom and into the windowless school halls. Skye looked on, puzzled at their sudden departure. The light seeped in through the classroom's large, rarely used windows. In the little town of Talvaine, the summer months were short, and sunlight was coveted. Why would that bother anyone? Sure, if you liked the rain, summer could be a bust, but after a while wouldn't the rain get tiresome? She grabbed her binder and quickly followed them out the door.

Why were they acting so strange? She thought as she tried to catch a glimpse of them in the crowd. The AC kicked on and Skye felt that tickling prick that she always got when there was a surge of wind. She pushed on, and finally saw Cyan and Sunny moving into the girl's bathroom. She then saw the two other girls that they sat with at lunch follow them in. Skye raced over to catch the swinging door. Why am I trying so hard? This draws attention. I can't have attention. Yet, even as those thoughts never left the front of her mind, she held the bathroom door open a crack, just enough to hear the voices coming from inside. Thankfully, no one else around her paid any notice to the girl eavesdropping by the bathroom.

"That was a close one." She heard Cyan say from her post outside the door.

"The weather app said it would be cloudy today. How was I supposed to know the sun would come out?" Sunny defended.

"Uh, because the weather app sucks and it's summer in Washington?" A new voice quipped.

"Oh, like you haven't had any near misses lately Adara?" Sunny shot back.

"No, thank you very much, I haven't." Adara said.

"Just wait until the fall."

"Guys!" Cyan shouted. "That's not the point. The point is that Sunny stay away from all the windows and eats lunch inside." They all mumbled in agreement, Sunny letting out a defeated sigh. Skye heard a splashing sound followed by a bunch of squeals. She never heard one of the school's infamous squeaky bathroom faucets turn on.

"Hey no water tricks!" The final voice giggled. Skye leaned in closer to the door, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening. She opened the door a little wider and let out a small gasp. There was a balloon of water over each of the girls' heads. Everyone looked wet except Cyan, whose hands were held out in a stiff way. They all stood in a square, facing each other. Cyan grinned and let the balloons fall, soaking the others. The warning bell chimed.

"Time to go." Sunny said. Skye watched in silent shock as Adara snapped her fingers and a bright orange flame appeared. It swelled until the whole room was like a sauna. They were dry and smiling. Skye stumbled away as they came out of the bathroom, ignoring her. They raced off to their classes, still in pairs, and Skye stood frozen in place.


What did I just see? The question repeated itself over and over. She had moved over to a bench outside, holding her head in her hands, bent down over her lap. It had been like something out of a worst nightmare. Those kids -her classmates- her. But they were together. There are people like me, she thought with a start. But how? It would explain why they were always together, never letting anybody else in. It shouldn't have been possible. And yet it was.

"Hey are you okay?" Skye looked up to see Sunny standing over her, a concerned look on her face. How much time had passed? She thought miserably. Has someone called my Dad? Do I need someone to call my Dad?

"Mrmmm..." She mumbled back.

"Do you need me to get you to the nurses office?" She asked this urgently. Skye realized that by being out here she was breaking the promise to stay inside. How wonderful it felt to be on the inside of someone else's secret for once, she thought wryly.


"Well, I can't just leave you out here." A breeze ruffled the tingling in her bones.

"I really am fine."

"You're sure?"


"Okay then I'll-" Sunny stopped. Skye finally looked up to see what had caused the disruption. There was still the breeze, which was tingling now more than ever.

"What?" Sunny stood there, a frozen look on her face. Her short brown hair was blowing slightly with the breeze. In the breeze. Skye finally figured out what was wrong. Subconsciously, the wind avoided her, making it quite noticeable on windy days when her hair didn't get windswept.

"How...?" Sunny moved slightly out of the way, probably testing to see if she was blocking the wind. She wasn't. "How?" She asked again.

"I... saw you in the bathroom!" Skye blurted. Why did I say that? She fumbled inwardly for an appropriate way to finish that sentence. "I mean, I wasn't watching you like, creepily, or anything, but I saw..."

"And you can...?" Sunny mimed with her hands something that seemed like something Skye would do.

"My whole life." She whispered. Sunny seemed to contemplate that for a moment, tapping her feet. Skye noticed her shadow pulsed with every tap like a strobe light. She couldn't believe it.

"Follow me." Sunny finally said as she grabbed Skye's arm and pulled her off the bench. Skye was too stunned to speak. She let Sunny lead her, sure enough, into the girl's bathroom. Once the door was closed, Sunny pulled out her phone.

"What are you doing?" Skye managed to ask.

"Getting the others." A minute later three more girls came pounding into the bathroom.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Cyan asked. They all froze when they saw Skye standing stiffly in the middle of the room.

"Guys, this is big." Sunny said. She turned to Skye. "Show us what you can do." Skye's hands shook as she raised them and her hair with it. It hung there. Everyone was silent.

"What the heck!" Adara shouted.

"Woah," The fourth girl – Jade- whispered. Skye lowered her hands and hair, and looked down, her face a bright red.

"This is what we were missing." Sunny said. The others slowly nodded. The each took a deep breath and then the small bathroom was erupting in a display of elements. Skye looked in awe at the scene.

"How?" It was her turn to ask.

"We don't know." Jade said. "But we all came together." The bathroom returned to normal.

"We would love to tell you all we know, though it's not much." Sunny told her.

"And we keep this secret very seriously." Cyan added. "Just because you finally 'found' us doesn't mean you can go and tell your friends."

"That won't be a problem." Skye said, then immediately regretted it once she heard how pathetic it sounded. Thankfully, the others just nodded and pulled open the bathroom door. Once she stepped out it would be into a new world. One where she wasn't alone. One where she had friends. One where she belonged. 

I hope you guys liked learning about Skye!!

There will be one for each, so your going to have to wait to find out about them.

Have a good day/night!

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