The Nanny And The Daddy

By junebarlowlovie

177 16 1

Hazel was a broke waitress from a small town just west of Hutson city she moved with her family when she was... More

Chapter #1
Chapter #2
Chapter #3
Chapter #4

Chpater #5

30 3 1
By junebarlowlovie


I wake up to something jumping on me and giggling I know right away that it's Winnie after a second of her jumping on me she stops for a second and that's when I pounce

I roll over from my stomach and. Onto my back grabbing her and putting her under me then I start tickling her

" hahaha hazel stop stop "

I stop and giggle down at her before rolling over and laying beside her she cuddles into me

" daddy told me to tell you it's 9:00"

When that registers I jump up eye wide and grab her

" oh great we are late come on "

I run into her room and put her On Her bed and head to the closet grabbing out some leggings and a
t-shirt then a hoodie and some vans

I go back over and get her dressed as fast as possible then just through her hair up in a ponytail brushing it once it's in

I take her hand and go downstairs I give her a banana and granola bar I then grab the sandwich stuff and build one cutting off the crust and putting it in a baggy before grabbing a water bottle and a snack then putting it all in her lunch bag

" alright come on bubs "

I grab her hand and head out the door I look down and see I'm just wearing my slippers fluffy socks my
Squidword pjs pants and my Aeroshead hoodie

We make our way to the car and I put her in the back of the car in her car seat and jump in the front starting the SUV and head off I look back and Winnie is looking out the window then back at the road I look at the clock and it's 9:30 now

Once we make it to the school we are only 3 minutes late I grab her out of the back and her lunch box and head in

" um hi sorry we're late this is Winnie Ricci form the starfish class "

" ya go right in "

I give her a smile and take Winnie in and head to the class there just taking off everyone's shoes we head in and I take off her put out door shoes and put on her in door ones putting them In her cubby with her lunch box and see Winnie already playing with some kids

" see you Winnie I'll be back at 1"

She runs over and give me a hug before going back


Once I make it back to the house I park the car and head inside dropping the keys at the front as go in to the kitchen get clean up my mess

I wiping up the counter when Leo walk in In all his glory he's wearing suit pants and a dark grey top the frost button undone the funny part is he's eating Mickey mouse socks but is still mouth watering even though

" good morning "

He says and takes a seat at the island I can tell even through his blank face that he always wears when it just me and him that he's a morning person which I on the other hand am not I groan in response and he grins

" how was your morning "

I look up at him to see him studying as always

" eventful "

" ya? "

" ya."

I roll my eyes and go back to what I'm doing when I look up again something has changed he's lost in thought and looking frustrated

I bit my lip and turn my head to the side and look him up and down then his eyes snap up to mine and I get light headed he looks hungry we stay like that just staring at one another until he looks away I suck in a breath and look down

" I'm all done in here so I'll get out of your hair "

I sigh and walk out of the kitchen and go up to my room once I close the door I strip and head into the bathroom tuning on the shower and taking my hair down before I jumping in

After my shower I put my hair in the towel and head into my closet pick out a matching bra a pantie set then grabbing my black ripped jeans and my plan grey tank top I grab my high top white vans and head to the bathroom

I put my contacts in and wash my face then brush and blow dry my hair ugh I need a hair cut my hair is down to my ass

I put some mascara on and then curl my hair by now it's 11:30am it took me an hour to curl my hair

I put lip chap on then head down stairs

Once I'm down there I start to clean up first I go to the play room and pick up all her toys putting them away then go to the living room and folding all the blankets and putting them in the ottoman and fluffing the pillows I grab the vacuum and vacuum all over and the stairs and leaving it at the top for later I go into the kitchen and clean the stove and then the dining room by sweeping and mopping and dusting the Picture frames

Then head up stairs and go into Winnies room and bathroom grab all her toys and putting them away and her stuffys on her bed then take her laundry and put it in the hamper in the hall for later

And grab my clothes to and make my bed then grabbing the vacuum and doing both our rooms

I'm only aloud in me and Winnies rooms the other two up here are Leo's office and his room and down stairs there's one room that I'm not aloud into I don't know why and don't know what is In there  theres also a ball room downstairs but I don't like going into it it freaks me out it's just so empty great lighting though

I go over to the office door and knock I think Leo is in there I just don't know

" come in "

Ok he's in there I open the door slowly and step in he's at a big desk to the right there's books all over the wall and a leather couch to the left of me a big window behind him with a sitting ledge under it then a picture of Winnie on the wall

" yes?"

" do you have any Laundry I'm putting a load on"

"Um ya it's in my hamper "

I stand there not knowing what to do

" you can grab it from my room it's just inside the bathroom door "

I nod and give him a smile before exiting and closing the door and heading over to the other side and open the door it's dark so I flash the light on and damn

His room is like mine but more him

His bed has black bedding and two of the same side tables little cylinders with three drawers going down them and then a lamp on ether side and a alarm clock on one side the back down is a solid black padded one the walls are dark green colour almost black and a grey and black rug at the end of the bed there's books everywhere but not on shelf's  just out and about because the door there's a little couch and coffee table with paper work
All over it and the same fire place and tv on the wall there's three door in this room one beside the door and the two on each side of the fire place

I go over to the closest door to the window that's covered by curtains I open it up and see it's the closet most of the clothesline suits and it neatly organized I close that door and go over to the other one and I walk into a bathroom just like mine but the bathtub is different and the toilet isn't in a separate room

I go over to the hamper and grab it setting it on my hip as walking back out closing the door behind me

I head downstairs with all the  laundry and go into the laundry room take out the towels and put them in the dryer before putting in me and Winnies clothes the going through Leo's separating suits and casual clothes I put the casual in and leave the suit stuff for later

Once I turned it on I go out and grab the keys for the car heading out to go pick up Winnie


"Want mic's"

" yay "

I look in the review mirror and see her grin is spread from ear to ear that makes me giggle and pull into McDonald's

" what to you want "

" fries "

" and bbq "

" yessss"

" I've taught you well "

I say dramatically and she giggles once we get up to the window I order a large coke and fries for me and Winnie to share


Once we are back home I take the bag and the drink and get out then going in the back and unbuckling her from her car seat and she jumps down and takes off towards the house I laugh closing the door and and walking after her once I get to the door it's already open and I see her little shoes scattered across the entrance

I close the door behind me and take off my shoes and put them in the closet plus picking up hers and putting them in there as well

" Winnie we're are you "

" up here "

I climb the stairs

"Hey why aren't you helping me I thought we where a team here "

Once I make it to the top of the stairs I head towards her room but I hear giggles from the other direction

I turn around and see the office door open

My stomach drops for some reason as I walk towards the door

" Winnie? "

I hear a giggle and know she's in they're the real question is if Leo is to

" Winnie come on out of there if daddy isn't in there then you shouldn't be "

She comes running out and I grin

" hi now come on down and we'll go eat at the table "

" daddy says that we can eat in the office "

She smiles and before I can react grabs the bag and runs back in

After a minute of just standing there stupidly I hear some shuffling then the door goes wide open

" come on in "

Leo smirks at me and I'm stunned for a second how can he be so Damn attractive

" coming on I'm not going to bite "

Oh but I wish you did

What the hell ok that was not me that was some little witch devil from deep down inside me

I don't say anything I just step past him getting a whiff of him on my way by and god he smelt like my heaven
On earth I was so distracted that I lost balance and tripped on air

I shove the drinks at Leo as I'm going down and he catches them but I know he was going for me I stumble done and hit my shin on the table once I landed I turn on my back to see a surprised Leo standing there holding drinks and a Winnie looking over her chair at me

" are you ok"

I see Winnie trying to get down from her chair I sit up and see Leo setting the drinks down and consuming and crouching next to me

" you good "

I give him a. Smile and laugh

" I'm so clumsy sorry "

He locked eyes with me and gave me a storm look telling me to not apologize

" I'll just go get some ice for my shin"

I try and Stan duo but pain coming shooting up my leg I look down and see some red smoking through my pants and before I could think I shot up

" I'm going to go to my room and clean up feel free to eat what ever you want are you ok with her do you need to get any more work done"

He shakes his head looking at me like I'm some type of psycho And I turn and march Out of there trying not to limp so they don't know I'm hurt and trying not to scream out in pain

I Make it into my room and then bathroom before sitting down on the vanity chair and peeling of my pants to reveal my shin

There's blood everywhere I don't know how I made it out of there with out everyone seeing the blood

I hop on my right leg over to the sink and grab a black cloth and wetting it before going and sitting back down I wipe the blood and it stings but shows the cut more like Puncture
It's deep and I can see mussel I gag and almost throw up

I hear a little knock on my door grabbing the cloth and pressing it on the cut making me hiss I go to the door and open it a crake to find winnie holding my coke in her small hands it looks ten times bigger then it is

" hi sweet what's this "

" your drink you forgot it and I know how important it is for your survival "

I feel joy fill up my chest and then without think or anything I smile at her a real joyful smile her grins widens she lifts up the drink and I open the door up enough for her to hand it to me and I grab it before closing the door again

" thanks sweets now go and enjoy your fries "

She smiles and runs off to her daddy's study I close the door and head back into the bathroom


After cleaning up the wound I decided I'll just see what happens and i put towels on it and watched tv well putting it out to show blood flow after like 20 minutes I feel asleep

I open in my eyes from pain I look down to see the towel had fallen off in my sleep and the now looks nasty and there's puss

I look around and grab my phone looking it up after a few websites told me to go to hospital

I got up and grabbed my pj shorts the only ones I own

I put my hair up in a bun grabbing my phone and Wallet plus head phones

I hop over to the door and open it hoping out and closing it quietly it's dark so Winnie is definitely asleep or should be I hadn't meant to sleep that long up I just like passed out pretty much

I hopped over to Leo's door and knocked

I wait for a second before I here some nosies and then the door opens all the lights out so I can't really see

" hazel?"

" um ya sorry I'm going to need half a day off tomorrow"

" what time is it "

He says in a all to up voice I can tell he wasn't sleeping then I see something move in the back and Winnie comes and stands at her dads feet

" I'm sorry um is that ok though "

" why are we talking about this now "

I feel light headed and I lean against the wall With one hand

" um can I please just get half of tomorrow off "

" ya what's going on "

" nothing I just needed to make sure you were ok to take care of Winnie well I am gone "

"Were are you going at this hour "

" it's nothing important "

I see Winnie turning on the light and my eyes are blind for a second before they readjust and I see Leo scanning me same as I am him

He's wearing white sweat pants and a black tee With ducky socks

Then I look down at Winnie who's wearing a pink jumper and has her hair everywhere

" what the hell hazel "

I snap my eyes back up to Leo when I do I see him looking pissed and staring at my left leg that's only touching the ground with a toe not putting pressure on it

" it looks worse then it is it's only a little cut I'm just going to then hospital to make sure it's not infected"

" you need stitches "

I can tell he's angry by just look at him

" come on "

I give him a confused look and he just shrugs

" you can't drive like that "

I roll my eyes and then look back at him and something has changed he looks about ready to straight up pick me up and toss me into a car

" fine "

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