The Lost Legacy || hp

By Anne_x26

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"If your whole life turns out to be a lie, what will you do then?" "If everything you knew turns out to be a... More

[ playlist ]
[ epigraph ]
|1.1| Hogwarts Express
|1.2| Sorting Ceremony
|1.3| Classes
|1.4| Three-headed dog
|1.5| Halloween's Troll
|1.6| Mirror of Erised
|1.7| Nicolas Flamel
|1.8| The Forest
|1.9| Through the Trapdoor
|1.10| House Points
|2.1| The Flying Car
|2.2| Mom's fury
|2.3| Gilderoy Lockhart
|2.4| Cornish Pixies
|2.5| Malfoy and Slugs
|2.6| Petrified Cat
|2.7| Moste Potente Potions
|2.8| Dueling Club
|2.9| Polyjuice Potions
|2.10| Valentines
|2.11| Aragog
|2.12| Chamber of Secrets
|2.13| Tom Marvolo Riddle
|2.14| The Aftermath
|2.15| The farewell
|3.1| Phantom
|3.2| Dementor
|3.3| Tea Leaves
|3.5| Quidditch Trials
|3.6| Page 394
|3.7| Grim Defeat
|3.8| The Marauder's Map
|3.9| Tale of Sirius Black
|3.10| The Firebolt
|3.11| Patronus Charm
|3.12| Gryffindor VS Ravenclaw
|3.13| Malfoy's strange tale
|3.14| Distressed Hermione
|3.15| Quidditch Final
|3.16| Buckbeak's Execution
|3.17| Cat, Rat and Dog
|3.18| Werewolf's Tale
|3.19| Peter Pettigrew
|3.20| The Hidden Truth
|3.21| Through Time
|3.22| Rescuing Sirius
|3.23| Freya Black
|3.24| Owl's post
|4.1| To the Dursleys
|4.2| The Campsite
|4.3| Quidditch World Cup
|4.4| The Dark Mark
|4.5| The Triwizard Tournament
|4.6| Malfoy, a Ferret
|4.7| The Unforgivable Curses
|4.8| Durmstrang and Beauxbatons
|4.9| Eau de cologne
|4.10| The Four Champions
|4.11| Grace's Fury
|4.12| Sirius's Warning
|4.13| The First Task
|4.14| The Kitchen
|4.15| Partners
|4.16| The Yule Ball
|4.17| Rita Skeeter's scoop
|4.18| The Second Task
|4.19| Witch Weekly
|4.20| Padfoot returns
|4.21| The Third Task
|4.22| Abildgaard's secret
|4.23| To Cedric Diggory
|5.1| 12 Grimmauld Place
|5.2| Questions and Answers
|5.3| The Trial
|5.4| The Prefect Badge
|5.5| Luna Lovegood
|5.6| Sorting Hat's New Song
|5.7| Big fat mouth
|5.8| Losing Control
|5.9| Detention with Umbridge
|5.10| Percy and Padfoot
|5.11| High Inquisitor
|5.12| In Hogs Head
|5.13| In the fireplace
|5.14| Dumbledore's Army
|5.15| Lifelong Quidditch Ban
|5.16| Hagrid
|5.17| Thestrals
|5.18| Heartbroken
|5.19| St. Mungo's
|5.20| Neville's parents
|5.21| Sorting out feelings
|5.22| Valentines's date
|5.23| The Quibbler
|5.24| Near Escape
|5.25| Weasleys' Wildfire Whiz-Bangs
|5.26| Career advice
|5.27| Grawp
|5.28| O.W.L.s
|5.29| Out of the fire
|5.30| Fight or Flight
|5.31| Department of Mysteries
|5.32| Through the Veil
|5.33| The Only One He ever Feared
|5.34| The Lost Prophecy
|5.35| The Second War Begins
|6.1| Sirius's Will
|6.2| Horace Slughorn
|6.3| O.W.L.s Result
|6.4| Draco's Detour
|6.5| Slug Club
|6.6| Snape Victorious
|6.7| The Half Blood Prince
|6.8| Temple of Audhelga
|6.9| The Helping Hand
|6.10| Strange Dreams
|6.11| A legendry folklore
|6.12| Cousin's twisted care
|6.13| Siblings Spat
|6.14| Slughorn Christmas party
|6.15| An untold prophecy
|6.16| A Sluggish memory
|6.17| Birthday Surprises
|6.18| Messed up match
|6.19| Voldemort's Request
|6.20| Going Nuts
|6.21| Felix Felicis
|6.22| Horcruxes
|6.23| Sectumsempra
|6.24| The Shadows
|6.25| Riddle's Cave
|6.26| Death of the light
|6.27| The Phoenix Lament
|6.28| The White Tomb
|7.1| Opal Gem Protection
|7.2| Fallen Warrior
|7.3| The Delacours
|7.4| The will of Albus Dumbledore
|7.5| The Wedding
|7.6| A place to hide
[ Audhelga's Journal ]
|7.7| Kreacher's Tale
|7.8| Remus's proposal
|7.9| Good-bye
|7.10| Immingham
|7.11| The Abildgaard's Manor
|7.12| Tatiana Abildgaard
|7.13| Two Identities

|3.4| The Boggart

420 20 0
By Anne_x26


GRACE WAS QUITE EXCITED for the Care of Magical Creature lessons as they were taken by Hagrid, but was also worried as Hagrid's definition of 'harmless animals' was totally something else. In the end the same thing happened for which she was worried about. Draco Malfoy messed things up. He insulted the Hippogriff which resulted in him getting an arm injury from the animal. Grace wasn't worried about him, on the other hand she was worried about Hagrid. Malfoy would defiantly make sure this gets to his father and Hagrid was going to get into trouble.

When Malfoy appeared back in the Potions class, he was acting like some brave hero who just suffered very much. Brave hero? More like a whimpering coward. Grace was very much tempted to give him a real injury as the lesson went on.

Grace had taken Arithmancy too, which she shared with Hermione. After the Arithmancy there was only once class left, Defence against the dark arts which was taken by professor Lupin.

Professor Lupin wasn't there when they arrived at his first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. They all sat down, took out their books, quills, and parchment, and were talking when he finally entered the room. Lupin smiled vaguely and placed his tatty old briefcase on the teacher's desk. He was as shabby as ever but looked healthier than he had on the train, as though he had had a few square meals.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands."

A few curious looks were exchanged as the class put away their books. They had never had a practical Defense Against the Dark Arts class before, unless you counted the memorable class last year when their old teacher had brought a cageful of pixies to class and set them loose.

"Right then," said Professor Lupin, when everyone was ready. "If you'd follow me."

Puzzled but interested, the class got to its feet and followed Professor Lupin out of the classroom. He led them along the deserted corridor and around a corner, where the first thing they saw was Peeves the Poltergeist, who was floating upside down in midair and stuffing the nearest keyhole with chewing gum.

Peeves didn't look up until Professor Lupin was two feet away; then he wiggled his curly-toed feet and broke into song.

"Loony, loopy Lupin," Peeves sang. "Loony, loopy Lupin, loony, loopy Lupin —"

Rude and unmanageable as he almost always was, Peeves usually showed some respect toward the teachers. Everyone looked quickly at Professor Lupin to see how he would take this; to their surprise, he was still smiling.

"I'd take that gum out of the keyhole if I were you, Peeves," he said pleasantly. "Mr. Filch won't be able to get in to his brooms."

However, Peeves paid no attention to Professor Lupin's words, except to blow a loud wet raspberry.

Professor Lupin gave a small sigh and took out his wand.

"This is a useful little spell," he told the class over his shoulder. "Please watch closely."

He raised the wand to shoulder height, said, "Waddiwasi!" and pointed it at Peeves.

With the force of a bullet, the wad of chewing gum shot out of the keyhole and straight down Peeves's left nostril; he whirled upright and zoomed away, cursing.

"Cool, sir!" said Dean Thomas in amazement.

"Thank you, Dean," said Professor Lupin, putting his wand away again. "Shall we proceed?"

They set off again, the class looking at shabby Professor Lupin with increased respect. He led them down a second corridor and stopped, right outside the staffroom door.

"Inside, please," said Professor Lupin, opening it and standing back.

The staffroom, a long, paneled room full of old, mismatched chairs, was empty except for one teacher. Professor Snape was sitting in a low armchair, and he looked around as the class filed in. His eyes were glittering and there was a nasty sneer playing around his mouth. As Professor Lupin came in and made to close the door behind him, Snape said, "Leave it open, Lupin. I'd rather not witness this." He got to his feet and strode past the class, his black robes billowing behind him. At the doorway he turned on his heel and said, "Possibly no one's warned you, Lupin, but this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear."

Neville went scarlet. Grace glared at Snape; it was bad enough that he bullied Neville in his own classes, let alone doing it in front of other teachers.

Professor Lupin had raised his eyebrows.

"I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation," he said, "and I am sure he will perform it admirably."

Neville's face went, if possible, even redder. Snape's lip curled, but he left, shutting the door with a snap.

"Now, then," said Professor Lupin, beckoning the class toward the end of the room, where there was nothing but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their spare robes. As Professor Lupin went to stand next to it, the wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall.

"Nothing to worry about," said Professor Lupin calmly because a few people had jumped backward in alarm. "There's a Boggart in there."

Most people seemed to feel that this was something to worry about. Neville gave Professor Lupin a look of pure terror, and Seamus Finnigan eyed the now rattling doorknob apprehensively.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupin. "Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks — I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my third years some practice."

"So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a Boggart?"

Hermione put up her hand.

"It's a shape-shifter," she said. "It can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us most."

"Couldn't have put it better myself," said Professor Lupin, and Hermione glowed. "So theBoggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know whatwill frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a Boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears.

"This means," said Professor Lupin, choosing to ignore Neville's small sputter of terror, "that we have a huge advantage over the Boggart before we begin. Have you spotted it, Grace?"

"Because there are so many of us, it won't know what shape it should be." She answered.

"Precisely," said Professor Lupin, and Hermione put her hand down, looking a little disappointed. "It's always best to have company when you're dealing with a Boggart. He becomes confused. Which should he become, a headless corpse or a flesh-eating slug? I once saw a Boggart make that very mistake — tried to frighten two people at once and turned himself into half a slug. Not remotely frightening."

"The charm that repels a Boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a Boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing."

"We will practice the charm without wands first. After me, please... riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus!" said the class together.

"Good," said Professor Lupin. "Very good. But that was the easy part, I'm afraid. You see, the word alone is not enough. And this is where you come in, Neville."

The wardrobe shook again, though not as much as Neville, who walked forward as though he were heading for the gallows.

"Right, Neville," said Professor Lupin. "First things first: what would you say is the thing that frightens you most in the world?"

Neville's lips moved, but no noise came out.

"I didn't catch that, Neville, sorry," said Professor Lupin cheerfully.

Neville looked around rather wildly, as though begging someone to help him, then said, in barely more than a whisper, "Professor Snape."

Nearly everyone laughed, except Grace. She was cursing Snape in her head. Neville grinned apologetically. Professor Lupin, however, looked thoughtful.

"Professor Snape... hmmm... Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Er — yes," said Neville nervously. "But — I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either."

"No, no, you misunderstand me," said Professor Lupin, now smiling. "I wonder, could you tell us what sort of clothes your grandmother usually wears?"

Neville looked startled, but said, "Well... always the same hat. A tall one with a stuffed vulture on top. And a long dress... green, normally... and sometimes a fox-fur scarf."

"And a handbag?" prompted Professor Lupin.

"A big red one," said Neville.

"Right then," said Professor Lupin. "Can you picture those clothes very clearly, Neville? Can you see them in your mind's eye?"

"Yes," said Neville uncertainty, plainly wondering what was coming next.

"When the Boggart bursts out of this wardrobe, Neville, and sees you, it will assume the form of Professor Snape," said Lupin. "And you will raise your wand — thus — and cry 'Riddikulus' — and concentrate hard on your grandmother's clothes. If all goes well, Professor Boggart Snape will be forced into that vulture-topped hat, and that green dress, with that big red handbag."

There was a great shout of laughter. The wardrobe wobbled more violently.

"If Neville is successful, the Boggart is likely to shift his attention to each of us in turn," said Professor Lupin. "I would like all of you to take a moment now to think of the thing that scares you most, and imagine how you might force it to look comical..."

The room went quiet. Grace thought... What scared her most in the world?

And she pondered on the thought, she wasn't quite sure what she feared the most. Maybe a dementor, but her last encounter with one she found she wasn't afraid of it, just felt depressed. And then it hit her what she feared the most; it was losing the people she loved. 

Beside Grace Ron was muttering to himself, 'Take its legs off.' Grace was sure she knew what that was about. Ron's greatest fear was spiders.

"Everyone ready?" said Professor Lupin.

"Neville, we're going to back away," said Professor Lupin. "Let you have a clear field, all right? I'll call the next person forward... Everyone back, now, so Neville can get a clear shot —"

They all retreated, backed against the walls, leaving Neville alone beside the wardrobe. He looked pale and frightened, but he had pushed up the sleeves of his robes and was holding his wand ready.

"On the count of three, Neville," said Professor Lupin, who was pointing his own wand at the handle of the wardrobe. "One — two — three —now!"

A jet of sparks shot from the end of Professor Lupin's wand and hit the doorknob. The wardrobe burst open. Hook-nosed and menacing, Professor Snape stepped out, his eyes flashing at Neville.

Neville backed away, his wand up, mouthing wordlessly. Snape was bearing down upon him, reaching inside his robes.

"R — r — riddikulus! " squeaked Neville.

There was a noise like a whip crack. Snape stumbled; he was wearing a long, lace-trimmed dress and a towering hat topped with a moth-eaten vulture, and he was swinging a huge crimson handbag.

There was a roar of laughter; the Boggart paused, confused, and Professor Lupin shouted, "Parvati! Forward!"

Parvati walked forward, her face set. Snape rounded on her. There was another crack, and where he had stood was a bloodstained, bandaged mummy; its sightless face was turned to Parvati and it began to walk toward her very slowly, dragging its feet, its stiff arms rising —

"Riddikulus!" cried Parvati.

A bandage unraveled at the mummy's feet; it became entangled, fell face forward, and its head rolled off.

"Seamus!" roared Professor Lupin.

Seamus darted past Parvati.

Crack! Where the mummy had been was a woman with floor length black hair and a skeletal, green-tinged face — a banshee. She opened her mouth wide and an unearthly sound filled the room, a long, wailing shriek that made the hair on Grace's arm stand on end — "Riddikulus!" shouted Seamus.

The banshee made a rasping noise and clutched her throat; her voice was gone.

Crack! The banshee turned into a rat, which chased its tail in a circle, then —crack!- became a rattlesnake, which slithered and writhed before —crack! — becoming a single, bloody eyeball.

"It's confused!" shouted Lupin. "We're getting there! Dean!"

Dean hurried forward.

Crack! The eyeball became a severed hand, which flipped over and began to creep along the floor like a crab.

"Riddikulus!" yelled Dean.

There was a snap, and the hand was trapped in a mousetrap.

"Excellent! Ron, you next!"

Ron leapt forward.


Quite a few people screamed. A giant spider, six feet tall and covered in hair, was advancing on Ron, clicking its pincers menacingly. For a moment, Grace thought Ron had frozen. Then —

"Riddikulus!" bellowed Ron, and the spider's legs vanished; it rolled over and over; Lavender Brown squealed and ran out of its way and it came to a halt at Harry's feet. He raised his wand, ready, but —

"Here!" shouted Professor Lupin suddenly, hurrying forward. Crack!

The legless spider had vanished. For a second, everyone looked wildly around to see where it was. Then they saw a silvery-white orb hanging in the air in front of Lupin, who said, "Riddikulus!" almost lazily.


"Forward, Neville, and finish him off!" said Lupin as the Boggart landed on the floor as a cockroach. Crack! Snape was back. This time Neville charged forward looking determined.

"Riddikulus!" he shouted, and they had a split second's view of Snape in his lacy dress before Neville let out a great "Ha!" of laughter, and the Boggart exploded, burst into a thousand tiny wisps of smoke, and was gone.

"Excellent!" cried Professor Lupin as the class broke into applause. "Excellent, Neville. Well done, everyone... Let me see... five points to Gryffindor for every person to tackle the Boggart — ten for Neville because he did it twice... and five each to Hermione and Grace."

"But I didn't do anything," said Grace.

"You and Hermione answered my questions correctly at the start of the class, Grace," Lupin said lightly. "Very well, everyone, an excellent lesson. Homework, kindly read the chapter on Boggarts and summarize it for me... o be handed in on Monday. That will be all."

Talking excitedly, the class left the staffroom. 

"Did you see me take that banshee?" shouted Seamus.

"And the hand!" said Dean, waving his own around.

"And Snape in that hat!"

"And my mummy!"

"I wonder why Professor Lupin's frightened of crystal balls?" said Lavender thoughtfully.

"That was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson we've ever had, wasn't it?" said Ron excitedly as they made their way back to the classroom to get their bags.

"He seems like a very good teacher," said Hermione approvingly. 

"Yeah," Grace agreed. "But I wish I could have had a turn with the Boggart —"

"Me too." said Hermione. "If —"

"What would it have been for you?" said Ron, sniggering. "A piece of homework that only got nine out of ten?"

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