Willowrise Stables: Stirrups...

By mimiiicrawforddd

213 6 4


Willowrise Stables: Stirrups are Earned
So Call Me Beezie


37 1 1
By mimiiicrawforddd

Meet the staff, riders, and horse owners here at Willowrise!

Alli Richards: Hello, I'm Alli Richards! I've been riding at Willowrise for a couple months now. If you're new here, I think you need to know a few things about the people here. One, Ari, one of our trainers here at Willowrise, only tolerates the "advanced" riders. Once, I was getting my tack, and she took it from me and put it on old Midnight herself. Said something about me not being experienced enough? I don't know...

Victoria LeCoquette: So you're a new girl here, huh? Good riding doesn't get you in my circle. You have to be rich. If you're not rich, go hang out with Alli riding those pushbutton school horses.

Kiori Tese: G'day people. I'm Kiori, from Australia! We moved here so that I could ride real horses instead of Brumbies on our old farm. I'm just kidding. Or am I? People know me as scatterbrained and random, and I wear the craziest clothes south of Brisbane. But maybe you're like that too.

Ann Holmes: I'm Ann Holmes and I'm one of the instructors here at Willowrise, but I don't get as cranky as Ari. Some days I swear she acts like a grumpy old man. I teach beginner dressage. Dressage is a passion of mine, and maybe it'll be yours, too.

Ari Winehouse: It's Instructor Winehouse to you. I hope our paths don't cross too often, little one, unless you're advanced and jumping 4' jumps.

And there are many others, but they are keeping you from entering.

Enjoy your stay.

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