Inferius | Regulus Black

By Maebelletree

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~ You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath ~ Regulus Black x Gryffindor Muggleborn Female OC Fri... More

Regulus and Annabelle
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
A letter to Regulus
Year Four
Year Five
Year Six (I)
Year Six (II)
Year Seven (I)
Year Seven (III)
Cross My Heart
House of Black
ptolomaea (I)

Year Seven (II)

5.6K 117 450
By Maebelletree

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, sweetheart," Said Annabelle, a wicked smile on her face as she approached Crouch to help him up after she had obliterated him in a duel, "Can't win'em all."

Barty pushed her hand away and stood up on his own. 

"You're an insufferable bitch,"

"And you're a twat." Said Annabelle, "Here's your wand. It's a real shame I can't return your bawbags as well."

Her grin grew as his skin heated in indignation, snatching his wand back. 

Barty glowered at her.

Did Crouch have freckles? Annabelle hadn't known that. She was having a hard time listening to him, because his faint freckles made the shape of a top hat on his cheek. She couldn't stop imagining a bunny appearing and hopping out.

"Careful with your words mudblood, I hear the dark lord has a plan for scum like you." Said Crouch. 

"You've got freckles."


"While you were glowering I noticed you've got freckles." She explained. But that wasn't very threatening was it?

Right. Threatening. Annabelle had committed war crimes. She could do this. She could do anything. Except maybe digest lactose properly. 

 "Ah. They make words." Said Annabelle, she squinted a little, "Let's see, mother wishes she had given birth to a quill cause then it would at least be useful."

"Aelin. When the time comes to kill you? I hope I get the honour." Sneered Barty, rolling one of his sleeves up to his forearm.

He was fairly muscular, the gesture meant to intimidate her, but to his utter horror, Annabelle was about an inch taller than him. It was a fact she exploited mercilessly, treating the small difference like the distance between everest's peak and it's base. 

"No death threats in the classroom, Crouch." Grumbled Alastor Moody as he limped into the classroom, his gruff voice causing the class to go quiet,

"I wasn't, that's not what- I would never- It was more of a-" Sputtered Barty, his cheeks crimson, as the visiting auror seemed unbothered by his attempts to explain himself, continuing towards the professor and giving Annabelle a passing nod with a smile of approval. 

"Banter," Called Anthony from the other side of the room, As Moody reached their professor, Barty nodded,"It was a banter."

 The bell rang,

"Count your days, mudblood," sneered Crouch, pushing passed her on his way to his bag, his insides irritated by her indifference to the words. 

"Have fun at lunch," She called. "I heard it's soup day,"

"I hate her." Said Barty as he collected his belongings,

"Yeah she totally ruined the soup-rise." Said Anthony, looking up to see Regulus' apathetic face and Barty's scowl. He cleared his throat. "Sorry."

"It's just that we know you can do better." Said Regulus, struggling to maintain a blank expression. Crouch was one more death threat directed towards Regulus' beloved from a black eye. "Do you think there will be French Onion?"

"What do you think she meant by have fun at lunch?" Asked Barty as they left the classroom. 

"I don't know, French Onion is my favourite too, mate." Said Anthony, disregarding Barty.

"And how did she already know it was soup day?" Asked Barty. 

Regulus looked over his shoulder at Annabelle as he left the class. She looked so pretty with her hair tied back, she looked pretty all the time just she-

What was Annabelle doing talking to that Auror?  Regulus furrowed his eyebrows, it was like they knew each other. Gryffindors were fairly tight knit, so Regulus assumed him an alumni. 

Regulus looked at Annabelle again, she glanced his way, small smile on her face, uneven dimples filling Regulus with butterflies as he scratched the back of his neck and forced himself to look away lest he have to explain why he was suddenly the colour of a sunset.

He should send her flowers.

"You don't think she'd poison me do you?" Asked Barty. 

Maybe jewelry. Perhaps take somethings out of the vault. He wondered if there was a way to take Annabelle to Gringgotts so she could pick. 

"You know what's an underrated soup?" Asked Anthony, "Chicken noodle."

"That is literally the most famous soup of all time." Said Regulus. 

"It's well known, yeah, but there's a quiet dignity to it." said Anthony with a nod. 

"She wouldn't poison me when there are all these Aurors in the school, would she?" Said Barty, growing concern in his stomach. "Dumbledore would totally let her get away with it."

"I think it is because it is most commonly associated with illness." Said Regulus, "I don't think I've ever eaten chicken noodle soup when I wasn't ill."

"How insightful." Said Anthony. 

"I try." Said Regulus. 

"If I die, won't the school see the mark on my corpse? And then my mother will know." Said Barty in horror, eyes wide. 

"Have you gotten your invite to the Dolohov wedding?" Asked Anthony as they walked into the great hall. 

"Of course." Said Regulus, rolling his eyes, "The Dolohovs sent me five."

"Well heir of the noble and most ancient house of Black I can't imagine why." Said Anthony, nudging him as they sat down. 

They were sitting in a row. It was strange. Anthony and Regulus shared a look. The small disruption in Regulus' routine irked him. He glanced at where Crouch was meant to be sitting, the vacant spot feeling unnatural. 

"Crouch? Can I ask why you're sitting next to me? This is not your usual spot." Said Anthony. 

"So I can be sure the food isn't poisoned. Aelin is less likely to poison the two of you." Said Barty with a nod. 

"Crouch. You know I  care about you. And your adorable freckles that I never noticed before. But-" Started Anthony.

"Did she tell you to say that?"

Regulus looked over to Annabelle, flushing bright pink when he realized she was already looking at him. Her gaze travelled to Crouch, and she made eye contact with him. Looked at his food, narrowed her eyes, set down her own spoon, looked at him smirked and then left the great hall. 

"They're all poisoned." Said Barty in horror. 

Annabelle had ruined soup day. 

Regulus would condemn her actions. He ought to have condemned her  entire existence to hell. Only as his heart beat in time with hers, he could not, and he would not. For if she went to hell he would go with her if only to hold her hand on the way down.

"You're being paranoid." Said Regulus, lifting a spoon that was swiftly vanished. "Crouch,"

"Well I don't want you to die."

"And I appreciate that. But-"

"This has all been poisoned. I just saved your life. You should be thanking me." Said Barty, vanishing the bread Anthony had been buttering. 

"You are incredible at that charm."

"An integral part of staying alive is eating. I hope you realize that." Said Anthony with a huff, glaring at Justin McKenna as he sat next to Leo Finnigan until the boy felt so uncomfortable that he moved. 

"I'll kill her one day." Vowed Barty and Regulus' jaw tensed. His knuckles white as he clutched the strap of his bag.  

"No. You won't." He replied, voice lower than usual as he kept emotion from it. 

"Why? You want to shag the little bitch before she goes?" First off, Annabelle was taller,  "I understand why of course, she has basically no rack but her legs are-"

"I don't want to have this conversation with you." Said Regulus dismissively, standing and swinging his bag so it hit Crouch in the eye as though by mistake. 

"What the fuck, Black?" Said Barty, holding his throbbing eye. 

"My mistake." Said Regulus as he left the great hall. 

That had felt good. Really good. 

However he should not have done that.

It felt like a snake was coiling around his insides. His lungs constricted by it's iron grip, only growing tighter and tighter until attempting a breath felt futile. He adjusted his tie as he walked swiftly down the halls. 

That was a mistake.

What if Barty realized that Regulus was maddeningly and irrevecobably in love with a mudblood? 

That he would give his life for Annabelle's in a heartbeat. That the mere thought of a world where Annabelle was gone and Regulus had to keep on living was so painful that tears stung Regulus' eyes just thinking about it.  And-

"You alright your majesty?" She interrupted his thoughts, walking towards him. 

"No." He answered honestly, "I will be soon." She smelt like the ocean. 

He took her bag off her shoulder slung it over his and lead her into an abandoned hallway. She took his hand. 

The silence was so comfortable that Regulus didn't want to break it. 

After all typically Annabelle would end it, with "You are so incredibly beautiful." She muttered. They sat on a bench her legs across his lap as she looked at him. He leant against the wall. 

"I gave one of my closest friends a black eye for your honor."

"For my honor?"


"You took that a long time ago. Not all that much left to defend." She said, he suppressed a smile and looked at her. 

"You ruined soup day." Said Regulus, and she scrunched her nose in guilt. 

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, your royal majesty. For not thinking how my revenge plot would impact you. We can go to the kitchens if you want your majesty," Regulus kissed the back of her hand, 

"It's not the same." Said Regulus melodramatically, wiping away a fake tear,

"Will you ever forgive me?" She asked sarcastically. 

"Perhaps. Perhaps not." She kissed his cheek, "Probably." His other cheek, "Almost definitely." Her lips brushed his and his heart slowed every muscle in his body relaxed, he'd long ago accepted how much he needed her. Not everyone had a love like this, and he was determined to cherish his, deepening the kiss. 

She pulled away, his eyes remained shut, only fluttering open when she said, "Am I forgiven, majesty?"

"For what again?" He asked, as she smiled into their next kiss. "Why don't you ever duel me in class?" 

"I'm scared you'll get hurt, pretty boy." She said pushing him away wicked smile on her face. 

"I think you're scared I'll win." Said Regulus with a grin. 

"You're forgetting we have duelled. And I won."

"I've got no recollection of that." He said, moving her legs from his lap, and laying on the bench, his head in her lap. "Maybe if you play with my hair I'll remember."

"You're an insufferable prat you know that?"

"Yes but you suffer me all the same." Said Regulus, shutting his eyes as her hand went through his hair. "I think you enjoy it." He held her other hand against his chest willing her to understand that she was the reason it beat.

"You really gave him a black eye?" 

"Yes." He said simply, then he paused and opened his eyes asking her in ernest, "Am I a bad person for not regretting it?"

"Regulus, majesty, my love, sun, earth, moon, and stars, and whatever other shitty ass romantic title you want, I really feel like you're expectin' me to be an impartial voice of reason right now, but all I can think about is how much I would've loved to be there."

She delivered it in such a humorous tone that Regulus burst with laughter. 

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Was it hilarious? Did he cry?"

"I didn't stick around to see the aftermath I'm afraid."

"Right. Flee the scene. Good on you. Good criminal instinct."

"What would you do if anyone ever found out about us?" He asked quietly. 

Annabelle looked up in thought. Sometimes it felt pathetic how much time she spent hoping and praying it might be the pair of them in the end. 

"In this scenario whose finding out?"

"I don't know. Just everyone."

"Including your mother?"


"Hiding from society. Move to Canada. Start a new life as a mounty. Move to Alberta. I here they don't have rats there. They're illegal. And after spending a summer getting obliterated at Go Fish by Pettigrew? I need time away from rats."

"How does one get obliterated at go fish?"

"I don't know. But it is so humiliating. Especially considering I was raised on a fishing boat-"

"How does one even remotely relate to the other."

"...the word fish."

"You're lucky you're beautiful."

"Shut up." She mumbled, blushing and looking away. 

"So we live in Canada?"

"Well, I live in Canada. Your mother introduces you to every pure blood girl in a ten kilometer radius to forget all about that muggle born temptress who beguiled you before you ever had a chance to look at anyone else except for maybe Potter. But she wouldn't be too pleased about that either."

"I always thought we would live somewhere warmer." Said Regulus, ignoring the reality of her words, "In a city. That has a beach."

"You can't swim very well."

"I have a basic understanding."


"I could learn."

"I've tried teaching you multiple times-"

"It is freezing in that lake, and I really am quite scared of the giant squid." Said Regulus. "I have a full visual on it from the Slytherin common room. Horrifying beast."

"Some day. I'm gonna catch that squid." 


"I've been preparing for my hunt with a conviction that can only be called religious." Said Annabelle with a solemn nod. "I just need to make a net big enough."

"Good luck with that." Said Regulus, "Belle?"


"Those insults you hurl at Crouch, do you think of them on the spot?"

"No. I have a notebook full of insults. I just have to wait for my moments." Said Annabelle, "There's this one that Evans said over the summer, that I've been waitin' fer the right moment to whip out, about how some people are books written for exceedingly dumb children, and it's been months."

Sometimes it got really difficult for Regulus not to tell Annabelle he loved her. 

"Merlin. You really are hopeless." Said Regulus, taking the book she was hiding within the textbook and raising it beyond Annabelle's reach. Where he had been next to her studying for potions.

"Merlin is hopeless your majesty," said Annabelle reaching for it, "so glad you've been paying attention."

"Why on Earth would you want to know about-" he turned the small book over in his hand and then looked at her slowly. "A thief and a liar. This is mine."

"There is more than one compact copy of the divine comedy in the world, your majesty." Said Annabelle with a small scoff, "you really need your perspectives broadened, once I'm finished with this you can-"

"Property of R.A.B." He read from the inside cover.

"That could be anyone. A publisher perhaps." Said Annabelle.


"Reg- inold, Antonio, Blake?"

"Reginald Antonio Blake?"

"A respected publisher in the Muggle world. I cannot count the number of times that I, Annabelle Aelin, have been reading one of his published works and gone- wow I respect this lad." Said Annabelle.

"Name another one of his books." Said Regulus.


"Well if you respect him so much than I should really read more of the work he published. So that I may read it and we can discuss it together." Said Regulus. She was still leaning over him reaching for his book so he kissed her. "For you, Belle my love."

"He only published the one book." Said Annabelle, lips and inch from his, he begun to smile. "It was a proper tragedy really what happened to him."

"Is it a crazy story?"

"And a true one at that." Said Annabelle. He pressed his lips to hers again. "There was this, this bloke sort of a sod really."

"Like Merlin?"

"Look at you catching on. You'd figure it would've happened a lot sooner you being a seeker and all," she said. "Better late than never. This bloke saw this giant beanstalk-"

"A giant bean stock?"

"Yes. A giant beanstalk and then you'll never guess what was at the top."


"So you know about the giant goose that fell on Mister Blake's head and killed him?"


"You read the obituary too?"

"No, but I did read Jack and the beanstalk. In a book you gave me." Said Regulus.

"Clearly a lapse of judgement." Said Annabelle. "Must be a coincidence that that's how Sir Reginald Blake died. Poetic really."


"He got knighted by the Queen."

"Surely that would be in the papers."

"Muggles don't have papers."


"They all died in the fire."

"The fire?"

"I'd say you could read about it in the paper but, you know, sort of a sensitive subject." Said Annabelle, "with the recent fire and all."

Regulus paused for a moment looking at her.

He loved everything about her. He wished he could freeze time right now and just memorize every detail. Every freckle only he was allowed close enough to see. Every scar with a story attached. In another life they would have more time.

Find me. He would beg her. In their next life, find me so we can grow old together.

"I love you." He breathed without even thinking. Annabelle's smile faltered and she leant from him ever so slightly, she shook her head. His stomach dropped. Reality was drastically different than his silly fantasies. "You could have simply borrowed it, the book I mean."

"But it was never yours."

"How could I forget the noble Reginald Blake."

"Reginald Antonio Blake."

"Yes, yes, suppose I'll have to find a new way to sign all my letters." Said Regulus. "Annabelle?"


"What's your ring size?"

"Is this a pickup line?"


"Trying to get me into bed?"

"Among other places." Said Regulus and she laughed, relief coursed through him.

"I should have you know that I'm actually promised to another person."

"It's not that Reginald fellow is it? He's taken so much from me already." Said Regulus.

"I just really like those initials." Said Annabelle.

"You can keep the book." He said.

"Thanks, your majesty."

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Forgetting to wear knickers."

Regulus was lucky. And he knew it.

"Reginald coming for a visit?" He asked.


"Thought he was a ghost. There are so many plot holes in your story." Said Regulus.

"It's just so difficult to lie to you." Said Annabelle. Laying her head on her arms on the table. "With your pretty eyes, and your smile- that one." She said blushing furiously, and hiding her face from him. "So bloody irritating."

His hand was on her back before moving to her shoulder.

"Just to make sure, you do actually have a basic understanding of the potions we're being tested on, and I'm not enabling you to waste time?" He whispered, and she sat up and glared at him.

"I happen to be head girl." Said Annabelle picking up her bag and rummaging through it as though for notes, "a role I take very seriously."

"Yes I can tell by the stolen lemon drops in your bag."

She threw one at him. He caught it, smiling smugly.

"I'm a seeker, Belle."

"I bloody hate you, you pompous prat with your stupid smile." Said Annabelle, glaring at him.

"I share a deep emotional regard for you as well." Said Regulus, smiling that dazzling smile that created the most irritating flock of butterflies to take residence in Annabelle's stomach.

She wrinkled her nose and looked away, taking Regulus' hand on the table. She liked that he always wore her ring.

"You did actually study though?" 

"Would you like to see the mind map?"


Annabelle set it on the table in front of him. He red the title,

"Who are the Kennedys and what did they do to Marilyn?" Said Regulus so she flipped it over these were her study notes.

"They fucking killed her. Okay, your majesty? Those American twats killed one of the greatest movie stars of all times." Said Annabelle as he looked over her work. "I just also believe in recycling. Environment and whatnot."

"Is this me in the corner?" she nodded, "I'm going to rewrite some of the important parts for you so you can actually read it."

"I can read my own handwriting." She said, somewhat offended. "This happens to be incredibly insult-"

"I'll use the special green ink."

"By all means then, your majesty." Said Annabelle, kissing his cheek and handing him a fresh sheet of parchment. He scratched the bit out that Diggory had written on her paper, "Hey, Regulus? Why you snog me like that before potions classes?"

Regulus had a small jealous streak. It was never controlling he trusted Annabelle completely, he simply took the time to remind her that there really was no one else. It was not like she didn't do something similar when Potter grinned at Regulus during a Quidditch match in sixth year. It had taken so little to get her onto his broom. 

"Hush, Belle I'm concentrating."

"And looking so handsome while doing it. Now answer me."

"Partially." Said Regulus, "Also having your lips on mine is a paradise no religion could ever predict."

Annabelle flushed bright pink, and covered her face with her hands trying to regulate her breathing and trying to ignore how fluttery he still made her insides.

"Belle?" He said after a minute or two had passed.

"I need a minute." She said quietly, and he paused his writing to look at her, very satisfied that he'd managed to fluster her this much with a simple sentence. "Maybe two." She added. "You can't just say things like that."

"Like what?"

"Like like, all, and, I, and Regulus,"

"I am in fact Regulus." He said, tearing off a spare piece of parchment and writing the words on them, tucking them into his pocket. "I intend to see what reaction I get from you during class."

"I'll be ready for it."

"I never said which class."

"You bastard."

"No. There's actually a rigorous amount of testing done to ensure pure blood newborns aren't bastards." Said Regulus. "So really that insult is completely untrue."

Annabelle looked at him inquisitively.

"Where did you go to school before Hogwarts?" She asked, now playing with his hair as he rewrote her notes.

"I didn't. Private tutors mostly. It's how I learnt French, to play piano, and basic magic principles." Said Regulus.

"Not just one tutor?"

"Sirius and I are a year apart it made sense for us to share tutors and well, you've met Sirius." Said Regulus. "No one ever stayed very long not after the stink bomb incident of nineteen sixty seven."

"Do I want to know?"

"You really don't." Said Regulus. "You really don't."

"I can tell this has haunted you." She touched his cheek delicately.

"It has of all the tragedies of this life, the memory of watching the living room get engulfed in greenish smoke and not understanding what was happening, holding my handkerchief to my face and-"

"Repeat that last part."

"Merlin's beard." Said Regulus realizing what he'd just said.

"Did you. As a child. Or still. Have a handkerchief? Just, just on hand? For use?" She asked barely containing her laughter.

"Not since then."

"Was it green?"

"No. It was grey with the family crest."

"Did it have your initials on it?" Asked Annabelle in a whisper.

"Also yes." Said Regulus, "you're really lucky you're beautiful you know that?" He said as she proceeded to lose it. "Remember what I said about you being my version of heaven and you got very flustered? Can we go back to that?" He begun to turn pink.

The sound of Annabelle's laughter was the stuff of symphonies. Perfection was quick to bore. This was more beautiful by far.


"I'm sorry your majesty," she said, pressing kisses all over his face between apologies. "I'm sorry," she said pressing the final kiss to his lips. "I'm sorry. I promise I will never picture you ever with a monogrammed handkerchief in your pockets."

"That's all I ask." He said, checking the time a frown threatening to invade his features, there was never enough time. "Did you attend school?"

"Saint Margaret Catholic school."

"Sounds ni-"

"It was hell."

The chaple had actually burnt down in a fire. Which Annabelle would know... nothing about.

"I have lots of money to crush people with. Perhaps it will get that Muggle word, what was it? Ah, yes, bulldozed." Said Regulus Idly.

"I have never been more attracted to you than I am in this moment." Said Annabelle.

"Including when I'm in my Quidditch uniform?"

"Including when you're out of your quidditch uniform."

"All this time it's been about my money?"

"Don't be an idiot, it's also cause you're proper fit." Said Annabelle which made Regulus laugh.

"You're welcome to help me."


"When I'm getting out of my uniform." Said Regulus. "Sometimes the locker rooms are rather empty. And sometimes charms are used that make them impeccably clean, and locks can be put on doors. Not to mention that there are two entrances."

Annabelle bit her lip for a moment and then smiled.

"You've thought about this." She whispered. He flushed pink. "You have."

"I just believe it could be a pleasurable experience and that we have very good two way communication, and if I just put it out there,"

"Do I get to try on your jersey?" She asked.

"Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Yes. Yes. I mean if you want to, do you, do you, want to?"

"I'm the one who asked."

"Excellent truly, shall I fetch it now or- no, no another time, I need to finish writing this for you, Belle, my love." Said Regulus.

He took her hand, kissed her knuckles and then set about writing her the neatest set of notes she could ever hope to have in her possession.

Annabelle looked at the clock and wanted to curse it.

There was never enough time. 

"I thought you broke it off with Sayre." Said Regulus as Barty had formally requested the dormitory be unoccupied for the better part of the following evening.

"Who said anything about Sayre? There's a party, and there's no chance of a broom closet not with all the Aurors around. So I figured I'd get reservations on the dorm now." Said Barty, helping himself to eggs at the table.

Barty's gaze flickered to Annabelle, she cocked her head to the side and smiled at Him. The eggs were then vanished from his plate.

"Like a restaurant?" Asked Anthony. "Plan on eating out do you?" Regulus nearly choked on his water.

"That was hilarious, Avery."

"Really? I've been working on my humour."

"Depends on who is up there with me."

"What if it is Mai?" Asked Anthony, "you do owe her an apology. I heard Carrow called off their betrothal."

"Why do you think we went out in the first place? Because we have oh so much in common?" Asked Barty.

"Yes as a matter of fact." Said Anthony, "didn't she meet your mother?"

"I've met your mother, Avery does that mean we're to be wed?"

"I certainly hope not. I can do much better than you." Said Anthony.

"Didn't even buy him a ring, really Crouch it's inconsiderate to spring this on him." Said Regulus.

"Anything less than fourteen karats and I'm out that door," said Anthony.

"For the love of Merlin." Muttered Barty.

"Talking about another man," said Regulus, shaking his head.

"Why must you wound me so?" Said Anthony.

"Stitch up." Said Barty.

"See it's this bickering that makes us such an adorable couple." Said Anthony. Only to get bacon thrown at him. "Do you see how he treats me?"

"Horrendously." Said Regulus, catching the roll that was thrown his way.

"Thin ice, Crouch." Said Anthony, "Do you think they practice looking stupid or it's just an accident?" Said Anthony sourly.

Leo Finnigan was currently wearing a t shirt that read 'the namesake' in really ominous lettering, trying to give Annabelle one that Regulus assumed read 'the namer'.

"Just look at the facts, and the evidence. And the facts." Said Annabelle as they passed.

"The Kennedys wouldn't have had time to kill her?"

"Don't be an idiot. They had to to protect their all American image, you may as well be three sheets to the wind, mate, Tae not see the truth that is that that bonnie lass lost her life to a lad who never valued her." Said Annabelle.

"You know I can't understand you when you speak Scottish." She rolled her eyes.

"It's called money smarts Finnigan. If I'm the president and I want to keep sponsors I need to get rid of my mistress."

"Money smarts like... winning bets? And garnering an audience?" Asked Leo and Annabelle's eyes followed his.

Anthony immediately looked away embarrassed.

"We should take this on the road." Said Annabelle, nodding, wicked smile forming on her face as she looked at Regulus and his bewitched expression.

It was like a damned siren call that smile. He was certain she must not be allowed to do that near cars because of the collisions she would cause.

"We already have t shirts." Said Leo and they continued on their merry way. "And groupies. We're like American rockstars without the drugs."

"Enjoy breakfast, Crouch!" Called Annabelle over her shoulder, and Barty looked at his eggs mortified, shoving them away. 

"Why does Aelin smile at you like that, Black?" Asked Barty.

"She's got a thing for Quidditch players." Said Regulus.


Regulus narrowed his eyes slightly and added, "Seekers specifically."

"Or she's trying to seduce Regulus, and steal away in the middle of the night with all his gold." Said Anthony.

"I'll sleep with one eye open." Said Regulus.

What sort of flowers would she like today.

"I hate that mudblood." Said Barty.

Not roses. Annabelle wasn't fond of them.

"Good thing we graduate soon and you'll never see her again."

"No, wouldn't she be in that order Dumbledore is running?" Asked Barty, garnering Regulus' attention. "All the Gryffindors are. And those Aurors in the school now. His little minions."

"The what?"

"Severus has been writing about an Order that has been formed to fight against us." Said Barty. "That Potter his mudblood are in."

If Lily was then Annabelle would surely- Regulus furrowed his eyebrows.

"All the Gryffindors are pulled in. And, well, you've duelled Aelin, Avery, shaking like a little lamb after." Said Barty.

"Crouch I want a divorce." Said Anthony, glaring at him. "You can have the common room but I get to keep Regulus."

"This is sort of touching, Avery."

"I'm not about to start doing my own history of magic homework." Said Anthony with an eye roll.

"I've changed my mind." Said Regulus,"Crouch? Do go on."

"Dumbledore would definitely want Aelin. And doesn't it seem like she knows all the Aurors?Probably goaded her with the head girl position." Said Barty.

Regulus looked across the great hall to where his girlfriend sat at the Gryffindor table. Listening to DuPont as she made something. When Annabelle's eyes flashed up to his he knew whatever it was she was making was for him.

His heart hammered in his chest as he remembered what it felt like to hold Annabelle's weakened body in his arms. He could not completely protect her if she truly decided to fight in this war.

Then, what did he expect? She was not a coward.

When given the choice she chose to fight but-

He wished she hadn't.

If she hadn't he could tuck her away in one of the Black family estates during the war. Convince her that was best and allow Annabelle to take her pick of destinations. There were homes everywhere.

Getting there was a small issue since the fireplaces had all been sealed since Sirius had left.

Convincing her to go along with it would be damn near impossible.

It had been an ill formed fantasy that he used to reassure himself. But of course she would want to do what was right. He rolled his eyes internally.

Bloody Gryffindors.

"Who are we to judge." Said Regulus, wishing she had told him. He understood of course why she hadn't. He was a death eater. And Annabelle seemed to have this silly notion that he might be ashamed of her.

"I wonder if they get tattoos." Said Anthony.

"I doubt it." Said Regulus. Then, Annabelle was proficient in concealment charms.

"Glad to see I chose the winning side." Said Anthony sarcastically. "We may live in constant fear of being discovered and expelled,"

"But we do it in style?" Said Barty. And Anthony nodded, raising his goblet to that.

"Are Gryffindors coming to that party then?" Asked Anthony, glancing over his shoulder again.

"There's alcohol."

"Is that a yes?"

"It's a probably." Said Barty.

Regulus waited to approach Annabelle and ask her about it. And he managed to be patient. Only she disrupted his plans.

A habit of hers.

"I made you something." Said his beloved and he looked up from his book where he sat reading under a tree, he marked his spot, looking for the page number, as she sat next to him.

He presented his cheek to be kissed.

Annabelle kissed his cheek and handed him a friendship bracelet with his initials in his family colours as a centrepiece with little forgetmenot blue flowers around them, causing Regulus to ironically forget any reason he could ever possibly have to be cross with her.

"Is this really for me?" Asked Regulus, turning it over in his hand, he loved it when Annabelle made him things. "Or did Reginald simply not show?"

"Reginald gets roses." She said, "don't be daft your majesty. I figured you could use it as a book mark. The fact that you simply remember the numbers worries me more than anything."

Her hand was on his forehead as though checking his temperature. Regulus pushed her hand away, keeping it in his.

"That's a bit over dramatic." Said Regulus.

"You don't have to use it if you prefer your sys-"

"I'll use it and cherish it forever, Belle. Now promptly shut up please." He said, opening the book to his page sliding the bracelet in and snapping it shut for flare.

She bit back her laughter.


"That's a wee bit overdramatic. Don't you think?" She said as he rested his head on her lap and she begun playing with his hair.

He loved it when she did that.

"I think it's being perfectly dramatic." Said Regulus. He opened his book again. "Overly dramatic would be reading you this."

He cleared his throat chauvinistically, took a deep breath before asking, "are you listening?"


"Good, good." He said, before his eyes flickered to her again and he raised his eyebrows.

"I'm listening."

"Just checking."

"You're lucky you're handsome."

"Well aren't you going to ask me to read it to you?"

"Can you-"

"It's a special passage, Belle, I need build up."

"Can you please-"

"A little more."

"Regulus, sovereign of my heart, boyfriend and prat of mine please read your pompous French poetry I'm dying to listen."

"Never call me your boyfriend ever again now that I know that at some point your brilliant mind associated me with being the sovereign of your heart." Said Regulus.

"Someone comes up to me on the street I can't say I have a boyfriend?"

"No. As the sovereign of your heart I declare it." Said Regulus, touching a curl of her hair. Annabelle smelt like the ocean. "That's what you will refer to me as from now until the end of time. Until-" I'm not your boyfriend anymore, we're engaged and I marry you. Smaller wedding. Beautiful place. You wear white. And we are an us as long as you'll have me. "I decide otherwise. Or like any good ruler I have a cabinet or parliament so I can take any new suggestions under consideration."

"Thoughtful." Said Annabelle.

"I do my best." Said Regulus before setting the book aside and plucking a note from his pocket. "I was going to read you a passage that described my heart being too full of you that I can hardly call it my own but I think I'm going to return to an old faithful."


"Having your lips on mine," he read, sitting up so she would have to look at him as he said this, "is a paradise," he touched her cheek when she tried to look away, "no religion could ever predict."

Nothing Regulus had ever said (or done) to Annabelle had ever caused such a rare shade of pink to cross her cheeks.

He kissed her indulgently as though to prove his point. Her eyes remained shut for several seconds after before fluttering open.

"Is it the comparison to heaven?" He asked. She nodded, unable to form words. He smiled that dazzling smile which forced her to look away.

She shut her eyes and appeared to count to ten before taking a breath and opening them.

"Fucking hell, your majesty you'd think you'd ask before allowing hundreds of butterflies to take up residence in my stomach." She said quietly. "Do you just sit around thinking up ways to make me blush?"

"No. I also succeed at making you blush." Said Regulus. She was now wearing a t shirt that said 'the namer'. "Gift from Finnigan?"

"I'm wearing it to make it up to him that I made him enjoy country music."

"How could you?"

"It's just this one song. Maybe two and I grew up in the country I know the music is American, I'm not proud but-" Said Annabelle before narrowing her eyes at him. "You've got no clue what that means."

"Yes but I figure that if I just pretend then it'll be like I actually know." Said Regulus, who did not like that his girlfriend was wearing someone else's clothing. "Do you have anything on under this?"

"It's a bit cold for that your majesty, not to say I don't want to just- are, are you jealous?" Asked Annabelle when Regulus' jaw tensed.

"No." He said with a scoff. Before she took off her jacket, removed the t shirt to reveal there was in fact a shirt underneath and put her jacket back on. "Thank Merlin, I was in fact jealous."

He turned the shirt over in his hands, making a mental note to provide her with his own shirts to wear.

"Was one made for me as well?"

"Why would he do that?"

"I feel like we've had this conversation, Belle."

"You were on a lot of pain potions at the time. You also requested softly that I lay with you several times when I was already next to you."

"Is it a crime to want you next to me?"


"Then I'm afraid I'm to be locked in Azkaban for wanting you a million times over." Said Regulus pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.

"How do you come up with this shite?"

"I have some inspiration." Said Regulus, looking at her. "And I happen to know you like it."

He kissed her chastely again.

"Piss off."


"What are you reading anyways- you know italian?"

"And not just the bad words."

 "Aelin." Said Mai.

"Christ Almighty," said Annabelle hand to her chest as she flinched in shock where she sat studying for charms in the courtyard. "Your feet do not make noise when you walk. You're like a cat."

"I would like to request a new rounds partner." Said Mai.

"Yeah. Of course. Feline like anyone in purrticular?" She said, Mai rolled her eyes. "I'll stop. Or rather take a paws-"

"Aelin." Said Mai with a long sigh.

"Right, right, new rounds partner." Said Annabelle, removing the schedule from her bag. "It's just a rich area. Cat humour. I got a cat over the summer, Evans sent me a picture of it in the hat I sent and-"

"A new one? How nice for you." Said Mai coldly. And Annabelle paused for a moment before pulling the colour coded schedule from her bag and setting it on the bench. "My deepest condolences for your last one."

"Thank you." Annabelle got out.

"Glad to see your not hung up about it." Said Mai, Annabelle's eyes flickered dangerously to hers, "what? Rich area."

"Who do you want as your rounds partner?" Said Annabelle.

"Lockhart." Said Mai.

"Consider it done." Said Annabelle, moving the butterfly sticker that had represented Mai next to Lockhart's name. "Was there a reason?"

"Lockhart enjoys impressing people and I enjoy being impressed."

"Is there a reason you didn't want McKenna to be your rounds partner anymore." Said Annabelle.

"He's been behaving like a kicked puppy since DuPont left him. That sort of energy is not good for the skin." Said Mai, Annabelle actually laughed at that. "You've got a horrid laugh, Aelin."

"I'll let him know he's got Chang for a partner now." Said Annabelle, "wouldn't want you to have to worry about it. Not good for the skin either."

"Hmm." Mai looked at her for a moment and then two, sharp eyes taking in every last detail of the mudblood who had beaten her for headgirl. "How do you know Ted Tonks?" Asked Mai,

"I'm more of a fan, really," Said Annabelle sheepishly, tucking the letter in her bag, "He's like a hero to me."

"Oh." She said, eyes drifting to the necklace she wore. "Why not Capricornus? The necklace."

Annabelle leant back on her palms where she sat on the bench, looking up at Mai.

"Already have it tattooed on me arse, Sayre, a necklace would just be tacky." Said Annabelle, with a wicked smile. Mai's eyes widened and her cheeks heated a little. "Can I help you with anything else you want, Miss Sayre?"

"No. Thank you."

Mai walked away, or rather glided her posture was so perfect. Annabelle wondered if pureblood a took walking classes or something.

Something to ask Regulus. She touched her necklace and looked at the large clock at the front of the school.

He would be waiting for her.

She hastily slipped everything into her bag. Ignoring the gossiping figures of Selwyn and Sayre- great alliteration- in the corner as she made her way to the pitch, attaching the scarf Regulus had shrunken for her to wear for luck.

And then there he was.

Leaning on a beam beneath the Quidditch stands.

"I don't like to be kept waiting, Belle, my love." He said his hand taking hers the instant she was close enough, pulling her closer to him.

"Terribly sorry, majesty." She said, "However can I make it up to you?"

"There's a party tonight in the Slytherin common room. I have absolutely no intention of attending."

"Too much alcohol and just too many loose men and women for you your majesty?"

"You understand." He said simply. She could feel the cool metal of his ring against her cheek before his hand moved to the nape of her neck to kiss her.

Which he did. Lovingly. There was no other way to describe the way that Regulus kissed her. Like he was a traveller in the dessert and she was his oasis.

"Also, never tell Crouch this but I really hate Houdini and the Glow fish." Said Regulus.

"I'll try and hold back next time he and I have a heart to heart." Said Annabelle.

"It is the worst band in existence. I just-" a look of pure irritation passed over Regulus' face and he looked away.

"You've clearly been holding this in for quite some time." Said Annabelle.

"I mean how many songs can a man write about witches being bewitching?" Asked Regulus.

"Too many for his royal majesty's liking apparently." Said Annabelle.

"To add to this, every chord change is the same in every song. Next, the man can't sing in one key." Said Regulus. "Pick one and call it a day. In addition to this his range is dreadful."


"None of his songs that could have been impactful reach their potential."

"In summary,"

"At what point did you start mocking me?" He asked, he was smiling. Regulus had the warmest most dazzling smile in the world.

Made her forget any reason she had to be cross with him.

"Me? Tease? You? Never." Said Annabelle. 

"Did I mention it's our Anniversary?"


"Teasing me shouldn't be allowed this close to a holy day, Belle my love." He said. "And I really cannot listen to Which Witch again." He said almost darkly looking away she laughed and his cheeks reddened.

"You're so cute when you-"

"I am not cute." He said, scowling as she smiled, perfect uneven dimples in her cheeks, 

"You can kiss me lower than that," said Annabelle, pressed up against the wall of the showers as Regulus left a searing trail of kisses down her neck, he pulled away, her hasn't was on the crack of his neck, his heart was going a mile a minute, 

"On your knees, pretty boy."

Fucking hell, he liked it when Annabelle got like this.

"Yes, sir." He murmured,

Regulus' jaw tensed as he felt blood rush downward, sinking to his knees watching the water kissing his way down her abdomen, hand rising to put her leg over his shoulder.

Annabelle let out a gasp as he begun, licking and stroking, her clit, moving around the place it mattered most, teasing her before finally-

"Regulus," she moaned, it was music to his ears, tightening his grip on her arse to support her as she felt weak in the knees. Another moan, and Regulus quickened his pace.

Annabelle bit her lip, to muffle the sound, whimpering when Regulus pulled away,

"There are silencing charms all around us, my love, no need to be quiet." He said his breath fanning her, her skin felt aflame,

He moved his other hand to her sensitive core, two of his fingers sank inside of her, stroking her intimately.

"Do you want more?"

"Yes," she said, eyes rolling back when his tongue was against her.

It begun to build. The feeling. Like water pushing against a dam, or fireworks before they were about to go off, or a new star was being formed.

"Regulus! You're so good at that," Regulus really liked it when Annabelle praised him. "fuck, I want, I want you-" she cut herself off with a moan, she started to get tighter around his fingers, she was close,

It was the highest honour and privilege to watch Annabelle come undone, completely bare to him, and Regulus treated it as such.

Worshiping the body that contained such a beautiful soul.

Watching her face flood with colour, and her lips part as she finally-

Annabelle came. Moaning, and repeating his name over and over in her ecstasy.

Regulus watched her face, glowing as she saw stars.

He kissed his way slowly back to her lips, her leg now hooked around his waist as the water hit his back.

I love you.

His fingers were still inside of her, prolonging her high, eyes fluttering open to meet his, the sight alone was enough to bring anyone to their knees.

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever met." Whispered Regulus, his voice hoarse as he tried not to finish early.

His Angel looked so lovely as she leant forward to kiss him. He withdrew his fingers.

"May I-"

"Fuck me, Regulus," she said, needing him inside her. Now. Her legs wrapped around him as he slid into her, savouring the feeling,

"Belle-" he groaned as nothing else could ever feel this right, she was so wet for him so wet for him.

Regulus begun to move, building a rhythm as he kissed her, her arm was wrapped around his shoulder, nails digging into his shoulder just hard enough-

"Fuck, Annabelle," he moaned into her mouth before capturing her lips in a kiss, as she started to get louder, tightening around him, "I love-" she kissed him hard.

Like a soldier going off to war, with the sort of passion that could consume the pair of them while if given the chance.

His hand was in her hair pulling to get better access to her neck before her sinfully pink lips demanded to be kissed again.

She broke it, back arching, gasping as he made her come for him. Face filling with colour again, eyes fluttering,

"I love you." He murmured before he came inside her, pulling away slowly, the pair of them panting under the stream of water, foreheads pressed together as she held onto him.

"Belle, that was," he started.

"Pretty fucking awesome." She said, a smile on her face, he pressed soft kisses to her lips, helping her regain her footing in the shower before continuing to cover her in soft sweet kisses.

"Your hair is a mess." He said, running his fingers through the tangled curls, attempting to smooth them out. "Turn around,"

Annabelle was in a daze, turning as Regulus untangled her hair slowly, lifting it to press tender kisses to the accidental hickeys he'd left on her neck.

Annabelle was not short. She was tall, and strong, with in Regulus' most appreciative opinion a phenomenal arse.

He touched the curve of her waist, the faint white lines across the small of her back, the scar on her shoulder, trying to memorize every inch of her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"You're very beautiful, Belle." He said, "a work of art, when we went to that art museum I was half convinced they'd take you from me. Try to keep you." He rambled. "Where did this one come from?" He asked,

"Coffee table." Said Annabelle, as he ran his thumb over her second oldest scar.

"Coffee table? Was it because this is Britain and we drink tea?" She laughed,

"Tea table sounds idiotic." Said Annabelle, as Regulus kissed her neck softly, hands on her waist.

"How did it happen then?" He asked,

"I fell." She answered,

"I thought I was the first person you fell for. I feel hurt, Belle." Said Regulus, she turned around in this arms, "now, have you any idea how to create a pattent ?"

"For your million dollar idea? Tea tables?"

"Think of how well they could sell in Britain, my love, we could be rich." He said,

"Regulus." She said, barely concealed smile on her face, "your royal majesty. My love. I think you've accomplished step two already."

Regulus loved it when Annabelle called him her love. He loved it. I mean really, if she couldn't say the words I love you, she had sure found ways of making Regulus feel loved.

"I am awfully impressive aren't I?" He said, as she stepped away from him, reaching for a towel. "Where are you going?"

"I've got a jersey to try on haven't I?"

"Yes, yes, absolutely yes, I mean if you want to, yes."

Alastor Moody was a terrifying chap.

Truly Annabelle never had met someone so disagreeable that she agreed with on so many levels.


Christ, she was spending too much time with Regulus. 

Regulus sat at the edge of his seat, brows furrowed slightly as he concentrated on something, most certainly not what the man was saying.

"He's a legilimens." whispered Regulus when Annabelle glanced at him.

Annabelle never had been one for the 'patient arts'. Moody had tried to get through her head when they had first met to prove a point.

It gave him a three day headache and drove him to drink.

And he hadn't even gotten passed her relationship with her mother and Annabelle's passion for yarn.

She was not concerned.

"Many death eaters will try and coerce you. Bring you into his army. Scare you into submission." Said Alastor, walking in front of them.

"What d'you reckon happened to his face?" Whispered Annabelle, Regulus said nothing, his hold on her hand only tightening.

Regulus' mind must be more organized than hers. Easier to get through. She had always imagined a perfectly planned utopia of information.

Like a city but made of a collection of his thoughts, there would be an observatory, a library, a shrine to her. Obviously. Though he probably hid that away too. In dark shameful corners.

That was certainly a thought for another time.

Annabelle glanced over her shoulder to see Mai Sayre sporting a similar expression to Regulus'. Then to the sixth year Slytherins who did not seem to know who was in their heads or how they had gotten there.

"As prefects it is your duty to protect the students of this school, not endanger them." Said Alastor, thunder clapping behind him causing half the room to jump a little at his words.

Regulus' jaw tensed.

"There will come a time where you will be forced to pick a side." Said Alastor.

If Annabelle relaxed her eyes a bit Moody sort of looked like James Dean.

If James Dean got hit by three trucks, a freight train, and had to be put back together like the million dollar man.

"The dark lord will not hesitate to kill you no matter where you stand with him. If you cross him in any way? You're as good as gone." Lightning struck this time, gasps were heard audibly throughout the room. "I can assure you. Meeting your end on the wrong side of the war will be worse than dying fighting for something you believe in,"

Regulus' concentration faltered for a split second.

Only sound being the rain beating against the glass of the window before someone's quill clattered to the floor.

Regulus' eyes flickered over Annabelle's face, she deserved better but she wants you.

And in Regulus' personal opinion, Annabelle should get whatever she wanted.

The Auror nodded to Annabelle,

"Right then, thank you, Auror Moody for those inspiring and vaguely threatening words." Said Annabelle, a forced warm smile on her face as she released Regulus' hand and the pair stood to address the prefects to conclude the meeting.

The Auror nodded and stepped to the side as the Head girl stood at the front, the head boy at her side.

"Vaguely?" Coughed Grace Chang, causing a small chatter of agreement amongst the prefects.

"Aelin and I agree with Moody that the safety of all students at this school is a top priority." Said Regulus, silencing them. "As such we will be conducting supplementary defence against the dark arts training Wednesday evenings."

"You would know all about the dark arts wouldn't you Mister Black?" Said Moody, and Regulus' face hardened.

Sometimes he forgot how irritating people could be.

"Of course, Auror Moody, I am top of my class after all," He gestured to the pin on his robes, the glint of his ring catching the Auror's eye. "It would be foolish of me to limit my ability to defend myself from all forms of magic."

"Which will make him an excellent teaching partner," Said Annabelle, "The sign up sheet for partners is outside, and if you do well maybe you'll have a chance to hex the head boy who seems to have forgotten I topped Defence."

"Aelin," Said Regulus,

"Right, that privilege ought to be mine alone." Said Annabelle.

Regulus rolled his eyes as though truly annoyed with her, his hand reaching for hers hidden by their robes.

His eyes softened as she laced their fingers together.

"You are also to inform your houses of the healing seminar Madam Pomfrey is holding on Friday and it is Mandatory that you attend." Said Regulus, as the prefects begun to pack up.

"I'm going to have to cancel Quidditch practice." Muttered McKenna, glaring at Regulus, who wore the smallest mischievous smile when their gazes met.

It had not been on purpose, but Gryffindor missing a practice was a fringe benefit to spending an evening with Annabelle.

"Auror Moody will also be sitting in on a few classes and do not hesitate to impress him. Because. As you have seen, the man is terrifying." Said Annabelle.

"You flatter me, Miss Aelin." Said Alastor.

"Don't forget to sign up on your way out, and a special thank you to Chang for dealing with the gremlin on the third floor." Called Annabelle, 

Prefects stopped to sign up with their partners beyond the door as the classroom cleared out,

"Mister Black."

"Auror Moody,"

"Have you seen your cousin recently? Mrs Lestrange?"

"Not since she has been married. She and her husband are rather private people, and if you've ever met her you know never to cross her." Said Regulus smoothly.

One could say they were Lestranged.

Annabelle bit down hard on her tongue to keep from sharing with the group.

"And Mrs Tonks?" Said the Auror, tilting his head to the side a little.

Annabelle quite liked Andromeda. And Ted Tonks may as well be a poster on Annabelle's wall she wanted to be like him.

"She sent me a card on my Birthday." Said Regulus. "I'm afraid I haven't any cousins left for you to marry, if that is what you're asking, Moody."

Regulus was not a violent person. But the only image that calmed him at the moment was a vision of Moody falling from a broomstick and meeting a violent end.

Moody chuckled and shook his head as though it were a joke.

"Miss Aelin and I have a meeting with Dumbledore to get to."

"We do?" Moody nodded and begun to walk away.

"This is why you need a date book." Whispered Regulus, Annabelle scowled at him. Regulus glanced to the door to ensure the Auror was out of earshot. "I'll be waiting for you after. I would tell you where but you haven't anywhere to write it down."

"Piss off, majesty." She said, he pressed a quick kiss to her lips and then stepped away.

"I'd keep you longer but that man is quite frightening." Said Regulus.

"You're really going to have to let go of my hand then, beautiful," She said, sweet smile on her face. Pink stained Regulus' cheeks, and he released her hand scratching the back of his neck.

"Right, sorry, I'll see you later." He said.


"Perhaps the astronomy tower. Perhaps the Quidditch pitch. You'll find me."

"It's raining."

"You are familiar with magic aren't you?"

"You're a little shite you know that?"

"I simply have faith in you, Belle my love. In us. You, me, and all that, It's a pity you don't really." Said Regulus,

"Fuck you." She said, flipping him off as he grinned at her.

"Maybe later." He said, she was hesitating before walking to the door. "What is it?" She was meandering. "Spit it out."

She took a breath a guilty grin on her face,

"Would you say you and your cousin are Lestranged?" She asked, Regulus raised his hand to cover his smile.

Sometimes it got very difficult for Regulus not to tell Annabelle he loved her.

"How long have you been involved with Regulus Black?" Asked Moody, opposing Annabelle where he stood on the other side of the desk, hands on the table as he pried for information.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Said Annabelle. "You must be three sheets to the wind, Moody. He's a Black. I'm filth to him."

"Somehow I doubt that, Miss Aelin." Said Dumbledore who was seated across from her.

"Then it's utterly one sided," said Annabelle, lying through her teeth. "And it's not like he'd ever act on it."

"The boy wears a ring that isn't his on his left ring finger."

"Black is rich. Posh. Once I even heard him call champagne champers. And what in the posh rich people shite is that? Sounds like diapers for wealthy babies. I'm sure he can afford an extra ring." Said Annabelle with a defensive huff. Her cheeks twinging pink despite her best efforts.

"I think that what Miss Aelin means to say is that she would never be with someone who is ashamed of her." Said Dumbledore gently.

A pit formed in Annabelle's chest, like her heart had turned into a black hole.

"Exactly." Said Annabelle.

"Are you lying, Aelin?"

"If I were would I tell you?" She said, mocking him.

She felt Moody try to get into her head and then pull away, pinching the bridge of his nose as he was faced with a headache. She blew a raspberry and looked away.

"Miss Aelin, Alastor is merely concerned for your well being, in addition to the order secrets you are privy to."

"My well being? The sod is five years older and is behaving like he's my dad." Said Annabelle scowling. "Am I forbidden from seeing that boy?"

"I've been around a lot more death eaters than you have Aelin. I know how they think."

"You're not giving me any credit." Said Annabelle. "I can take care of myself." She'd committed about twelve war crimes in his presence.

"That's not the point."

"Do you really think that Black is a death eater? I shared care of magical creatures with the bloke and he almost cried when he had to drop it. I really don't think-"

"That a member of one of the oldest and most bigoted pure blood families would be loyal to a man who claims he will protect them and their wealth?"

"Well if he's loyal to him, he wouldn't want to be in the same room as a Muggle born let alone fancy one." Said Annabelle.

"Then why is it that Black seems to believe his little brother is in love with you?" Asked Alastor, and Annabelle wanted to curse Sirius for not being a better occlumens. Moody had rounded the desk, now leaning on it just beside her.

He reached out to touch her hair. "Seems to think when all this is over you'll be one big-" his fingers grazed her cheeks trying to break her, "happy family."

"Black also believes that I can't have dairy because I was cursed by a cow. Headmaster was I called here specifically so that Moody and I could share tea while we gossip about boys?" She asked, she looked to Dumbledore.

"doesn't seem all that professional." She tilted her chin up and folded her arms over her chest.

"This is not a joke Aelin!" He shouted at her. Annabelle froze and begun to turn pale.

"You are a member of the order of the phoenix!" He yelled, Annabelle resisted the urge to flinch as he raised his hands in exasperation, she failed to. 

"Your magical prowess makes you a valuable asset but it does not give you the right to behave like an entitled child when secrets and lives are at stake. Are you aware that the Black family is known for containing all manner of wizard. Seers. Metamorphmagi. And notably legilimens?"

Annabelle was holding the arms of her chair tightly. Painted nails digging into the carved wood of the seat.

"Don't shout, Alastor."

"You need to understand that your actions have consequences." Said Moody, he was behind her now, hands on her shoulders as she looked straight ahead.

"I know my actions have consequences." She said barely mustering the words to do so.

Of course she knew her actions had consequences. Annabelle's fucking existence had consequences. She was punished for having magic. Punished for her parents not having magic. She was punished when she fell in love. Punished when someone finally loved her.

"say you are close with him. And he does fancy you. Do you really think he wouldn't want to dispose of you before someone found out about his little mudblood? Do you really think he wouldn't be asked to kill you if anyone found out?"

She didn't say anything. His grip on her shoulders tightened painfully.

"No, sir." Said Annabelle.

"This is a matter of life or death, Aelin. Not only do you put your own life at risk, but also those of every order member by allowing him close to you. Do you want the next McKinnon incident to be on your hands?"


He stood in front of her again.

Alastor looked down at her, tilting his head to the side. Hand reaching to touch a curl of her hair.

"You must serve a greater purpose than a pureblood's playmate, Aelin." He conjured a file and set it on the desk in front of Dumbledore. "You are a member of the order of the Phoenix. This is all for the greater good."

Dumbledore nodded.

"See you next week, Alastor."

"Goodbye, professor."

And with that he stepped into the fireplace and vanished.

Annabelle wouldn't look at Dumbledore. When Moody yelled he reminded her so much of-

"Would you like a lemon drop Miss Aelin?"

Annabelle only nodded.

"Don't mind Alastor, he can be rather... intense at times." Said Dumbledore as Annabelle unwrapped that lemon drop with more care than he'd ever seen, hands shaking all the while. "He merely cares about your well-being."

Annabelle nodded again.

He cares that I live. That I follow orders. 

At least he cares.

She looked at the stack of order mission statements before Dumbledore, wondering which deatheater would she have the privilege of-

"Though I can't help but wonder, you and Mister Black... is there something I should know about?"

"No, sir, I'm nothing to him." Said Annabelle.

"Is he something to you?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Of course not." She said. 

You know. Like a liar.

Regulus was everything to Annabelle.

"You actually finished this novel?" Asked Regulus, seated on the grass just outside of the school, sheltered from the continued downpour by a charm, as Annabelle painted new little flowers all over his dark mark.

"Yeah. I did. And no one even made me. Aren't you proud of me?" She asked, Annabelle was easily bored. And Regulus was incredibly snobbish. Which lead to a very similar taste in literature.

"Immensely." Said Regulus, turning over the book in his hand, "May I read it?"

"Why did you think I brought it out here for you?"

"To gloat?" He asked. "You are a known book tease."

"I am not."

"Oh? The Gatsby incident of '76."

"You said you'd drop it."

"Ha. No. Years from now, when we're old and grey, I will use this to resolve all arguments."

"What arguments?"

"Well. The Han Solo, Princess Leia-"

"I am the Han Solo in this relationship, your majesty." Said Annabelle, Regulus took a deep breath.

"Then who is your Chewbacca? Because I've got-"

"Regulus. You are the moon and stars to me. But you're on the dark side, my love."

"Somehow you have both brought reality crashing in on me, and made me extremely flustered."

When Regulus blushed it was like roses in full bloom beneath translucent porcelain or some shite. There was very little Annabelle wouldn't do to see that blush.

"I'm a multitasker." Said Annabelle. Her hands were cold on his arm as she watched the snake move on his perfect skin, she wondered how he might react if she told him she was a member of the order.

It would only give him more to hide.

"You're getting better at that." Said Regulus, admiring at the pretty little flowers covering the horrific dark mark Annabelle really hated looking at. "I almost miss the flowers with the extra character." He said this with a forlorn sigh, looking into the distance.

"Well this one's name is Reginald." She said, kissing the crux of his wrist chastely before painting a flower there, he scowled at her, "After the man with my heart's truest devotion. That's plenty of character for you." She grinned at him and his scowl became a thing of the past. She muttered a drying charm and let go of his arm. "If even one of those fucking flowers is damaged, Black, I swear to-" he kissed her.

"I will not damage them. I promise." Said Regulus. It was idiotic but it worked. "Not even the one representing the person who has reportedly stolen you from me. You really should not worry about me."

"Your majesty,"

"My heart's truest devotion."

"You know I was about to say something sweet but I guess-"

"What's the book about?"

"It's a mystery." She said with sparkle fingers.


"No really it's a mystery novel."

"Is it the butler?" He asked, looking to the summary on the back of the book.

"I can't tell you."

"Belle. Tell me,"

"You have to read it."

"Spoilers ease my anxiety. You know this." Said Regulus. He opened the book and gasped. "You charmed it."

"Made the spell myself just for you." Said Annabelle.

"I find your lack of faith disturbing." Said Regulus.

"It's a really good mystery and I just want you to enjoy it your majesty." She said, checking the time on his watch. "I've got an envelope with the solution on the back cover. In case of emergency."

"You just get me." He said, as she stood carrying everything and climbed easily into the abandoned classroom they'd been hiding outside of. She offered her hand as he reached the top to hold the book as he climbed in. "Do you really have to go?" He pulled her in close.

"Afraid so." She said, "You don't want to get caught do you? Have people find out- What did you say Sayre said? The heir of the noble house of Black entangled with a mudblood?

"I'm far more than entangled, my love. And she pronounced it 'hair'."

"You do have rather noble hair." She ran her hand through it, "Straight out of a commercial."

"I don't know what that means."

Annabelle kissed him. Regulus deepened it, trying to coax her into staying with him just a few moments longer.

"What, what would happen to you?" She asked, Annabelle wasn't meeting his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"If anyone were to, well,"

"We shall cross that bridge if we get to it, my love. There's always fleeing to Canada." Said Regulus, his eyes betrayed him as a flicker of fear passed through them. Wondering if she would ask this of him. Imagining what truly might happen to her. "Belle," 

I love you. And all I want is to be someone you could love in return.

"If I had bought you a date book already-"

"I can't believe it's you ruining the moment this time, your majesty."

"Romance is in the name, Belle. Date. Book. Key word being date. You could manage your time so efficiently. And our plans would be in code, and you love codes, for instance, spending the afternoon with the love of my life, meeting my soulmate before quidditch, eating lunch with the most talented seeker ever, or,"

"Princess Leia?"

"I'm alright with that nickname given that I know your first crush was princess Margaret. And I look phenomenal in all sorts of crowns. I'm sure tiaras are no exception. I'm quite honoured." Said Regulus. His first crush had been Potter. He supposed they both had types. He the reckless Gryffindor, and she the tortured princess she could never be with.

"Why do I tell you things?" She asked, red in the face.

You love me.

"Because secretly you want me to win every dispute. Now what colour would you like?"

"You did not win this argument-"

"The Gatsby incident of '76 will be dropped."


Alastor held the goblet of firewhiskey behind his back, Annabelle replaced it with her goblet of pumpkin juice subtly before walking away, raising a glass to him as she sat down in her seat at slug club.

"You are unbelievable." Said Claire, Annabelle poured a little into her glass, "you are a saint. Never change."

"Have you ever wondered why arithmancers aren't called mathe-magicians? You know like Mathimatician but with magic-"

"Who does he think he is bringing her here." Scoffed Claire as Justin walked in with Lacy Bucannon on his arm.

"Single." Said Annabelle too quickly, and Claire glowered at her. "Single most- most,"

"Awful person."

"Awful person, piece of shite in the world. Step aside American President John F Kennedy who definitely had Marilyn killed. Step aside. There's a new piece of, of," Annabelle was rambling, Claire seemed to like the shite theme though, "shite in town."

Claire nodded in approval. And Annabelle suddenly wished she'd forced Leo into this dinner. 

"How could he?" Asked Claire, "And right in front of me?"

Annabelle raised the goblet to her lips and resisted the urge to down it all. She hadn't thought Justin was coming. Claire was the greatest without him. At the very least Regulus seemed just as miserable.

"And then the chord progression in Which Witch?" Said Barty,

"Unforgettable." Said Anthony,

"I know right? Houdini and the glow fish. What a band." Said Barty. "Right Regulus?"

"I'm not drunk enough to agree with you."

"You can hardly get drunk off butterbeer."

"I can try."

Regulus lifted his gaze to Annabelle, blushing when he realized she'd already been looking at him. He scratched the back of his neck and looked away willing the pink colour to leave his cheeks.

I love you, and I have loved you so completely, so quietly, for so long. In the shadows, in the sunlight, you must wonder if my love is true, but its the truest thing in-

Why is there an Auror in my head?

Regulus ran his thumb over his ring, looking to his friends to see if they were experiencing anything similar.

They weren't.

It was just him.

Barty nodded to Alastor, "If I ever look like that kill me." He whispered to Regulus. 

"I wouldn't hesitate." He replied. 

"Is it true that you've invited Ted Tonks to dinner next week Horace?" Asked Alastor, 

In all honesty whenever Annabelle heard Ted Tonks' name she thought of it in the tune of G.I. Joe adds she'd watched as a kid. It's Annie's personal hero, it Te-ed Tonks!

"Oh, no I'm afraid you must have misheard. But you know I'm quite close with the Tonks'." Said Slughorn, Regulus suppressed an eye roll.

"You know that they've had a daughter?" Asked Moody, and Slughorn nodded. "Little Nymphadora. Met her over the summer, I believe Miss Aelin was there."

"Black the older brought me along." Said Annabelle, shifting in her seat.

"Not a good save." Whispered Claire.

"Shut it." Whispered Annabelle, shifting under the intensity of Regulus' gaze.

"How is Sirius?" Asked Slughorn. "Such a bright boy, pity he wasn't a Slytherin I could have pushed him in the right direction."

Every Slytherin at the table rolled their eyes. In unison. If they weren't literally at Hogwarts the synchronisity would be enough to make Annabelle believe in magic.

"He bought a sidecar for his motorcycle." Said Annabelle, "Been owling me about it constantly. Threatened to send a howler."

Slughorn chuckled before beginning a conversation with McKenna about his dead uncle. Not the cheeriest of subjects.

Annabelle could only imagine. Whenever her dead uncle was brought up it sucked ass.

"He's ugly when you really look at him."


"Justin. I mean. How could someone like me ever be with someone like him?"

"He's not ugly."

"But he is poor. You'll see when Black has to get married." Said Claire.

"I could be a mistress."

"No. You'd be too worried about the impact on his wife."

"Let me live in my lie for like fifteen more minutes, DuPont, Damn." Said Annabelle, Claire knew her too well.

"After all you're a child of a volatile divorce, and dysfunctional household." Claire took another drink, "You would never live with yourself being the cause of another one."

Claire got truthful when she drank.

"Remind me never to do a pub crawl with you."

"I like your suit." Said Claire. "The colour suits you."

"Yes. And it has oh so many pockets, I can carry so much stuff. You wouldn't even know- I've got candy, liquorice, and, and, Tampons, a knife, playing cards, a date book-"

"A date book? What on Earth are you of all people doing with a date book?"

"Maximizing effeciency."

"You won't take the direct route to Transfiguration because you think it's bad luck." Said Claire.

"Have I gotten a Troll since I stopped taking that route?"


"Point? Proven."

"I don't think Sayre likes it." Whispered Claire, Annabelle looked at Mai across the table sitting near Crouch. Mai had the unmistakable impression of smelling dung.

Annabelle could hardly blame her. She was sitting downwind of Crouch after all. Oh right Crouch.

She looked at him. Until he looked at her and she looked at his food smirked and looked away, hearing his fork and knife clatter to the table as she did.

"Why would she care what route I've taken to Transfiguration?"

"How are you doing better in school than I am?" Asked Claire, she started to turn her head to look at McKenna-

"Miss DuPont, I here best wishes are in order," said Slughorn,

"Pardon me, professor?"

"Your wedding to Mister Dolohov, dear girl." Said Slughorn,

"Oh! Yes I'm very excited, would you like to see my ring?" Said Claire happily as she thought of the grand life of luxury that awaited her at the end of the aisle.

Justin rolled his eyes.

"But of course." Said Slughorn as Claire held her hand out for all the table to admire, distracting even Moody.

"It's like he plucked one of the stars from the sky for me,"

Annabelle looked at Regulus.

Pretended to wipe away a tear.

Put a hand on her heart,

'you're my star', she mouthed.

She winked and it was all he could do not to burst with laughter, biting down hard on his cheek,

'No, you're mine.' He mouthed back to her.

By Merlin he was in love with that witch.

Maddeningly so.

"You met my cousin?" Said Regulus, his hands tucked behind his back as he followed her down the hall. She leant against a wall and he stood in front of her.

"Yeah. And her kid, you know she's a metamorphmagous?"

Regulus took Annabelle's hand in his. She was cold. She must be afraid he would be cross with her. For seeing all they might be. For seeing someone who had left the noble and most ancient house of Black for a mudblood.

"Runs in the family. Along with the melancholia and madness." Said Regulus there was a pause before he asked, "Did she ask after me?"

"Yes. Said she missed you. Regulus," she started, why don't you leave?  "Do you hate Ted Tonks?"

"I hate three people in the world, Belle. The dark lord. Your father. And Houdini and his insipid glow fish." Said Regulus, 

"You would really put me dad and Houdini and the glow fish on the same level?"

"Insipid glow fish."

"Houdini and the insipid glow fish. They've committed crimes against humanity."

And your father made you believe that you were unworthy of love to the point that your first reaction upon hearing me say I love you was 'did I do something wrong?'

"No. You're right. My distaste for your father runs deeper than my distaste for Houdini. Suffice to say no one on that list will be invited to our wedding." Said Regulus.

Annabelle was surprised her mother didn't make the cut.

"Our wedding?" Said Annabelle, tilting her head to the side, a look of utter confusion on her face.

"You've, you've never thought about it?" Asked Regulus. Imagining being married to Annabelle was one of the ways Regulus got to sleep at night. 

Even the horrid infiri respected his right to imagine being married to her. 

Her hands were on his chest.

"Well, I know you would cry, and probably need a-" she was checking all the pockets of his blazer before her face lit up- "A handkerchief. You still- even after- and you-"

Annabelle burst with laughter, holding the fabric in her hand and pretending to wipe away a tear.

"I hate you." Said Regulus, suppressing his smile,

"And look there are you're initials- wait you didn't steal this from Reginald's grave did you?" She asked, and he scowled. Annabelle turned to lean on Regulus' chest, looking up at him, "All that money, and still," his arm was looped around her waist as his other hand reached for the handkerchief. "Bullocks, All that etiquette training and still, so rude," she was still laughing,

"You're having too much fun with it." He said, Annabelle's nose scrunched when her smile grew too wide. Gave Regulus butterflies.

"I haven't even gotten into my Queen Elizabeth impression yet. Your Majesty," she said, holding the handkerchief close to her heart.

"I'm a wizard. I don't really do the monarchy."

"That's just not true. Your great great aunt Cassiopeia was a duchess. Are you suggesting she didn't do her husband?"

"You are so incredibly crass." Said Regulus.

"they got shackled so you have to assume they sha-"


"Danced the devil's tango."




"Sewn a bone."

"Now you're just making things up." Said Regulus.

"Am I upsetting you?"

"A little."

"Do you, do you need a handkerchief?" She whispered, offering it to him, trying to contain her laughter.

Regulus rolled his eyes and pulled her in for a kiss. A long kiss.  

"You look so fucking hot tinight, Annabelle." Said Regulus, deepening the kiss leaving her breathless before walking away, "Just thought you ought to know."

Annabelle was standing there for a few minutes, a portrait teasing her as she regained her composition. 

"Aelin." Said Mai, her voice hardly sounded void of emotion though, Annabelle turned to her. 

"Hi Sayre, nice dress." Said Annabelle. "You look marvellous. And your approach, catlike like always." 

Always compliment the English whether your a lad, a lass, or anyone with an ass. - Annie Aelin, 1978

"Right." Said Mai, she wasn't making eye contact, seeming rather nervous. 

"Did someone die?"

"No. Just, Aelin." She took a breath. "I'm sorry."

"For what exactly?" Annabelle's hands were in her pockets as she stared quizzically at Mai.

"For killing your cat." Said Mai. "I did not string it up or anything but I caused it."

"Sayre. This isn't necessary." Said Annabelle, Mai shook her head, 

"I just wanted to get out of my betrothal." Said Mai, "And, well, my best chance at it would not look my way."

"Your best chance...?"

"Black. He fancies you for whatever reason. Has since fifth year." Said Mai, flipping her raven locks over her shoulder. "If he had shown interest my mother would have gotten me out of marrying Carrow in an instant. And he's... agreeable enough to look at." 

"You were set to be shackled to a Carrow?" Said Annabelle, "that must've been traumatizin' lass. I hope you seek professional help."

"Aelin. You are immensely difficult to apologize to." Said Mai growing frustrated. 

"Sayre. I forgive you." Said Annabelle, "I never blamed you for idiocy of everyone else."

Mai looked at her, a perplexed expression on her face. 

"Don't you want to punish me? Like you punish Crouch and Avery?"

"And Snivellous. Dungbomb in the mail first of every month."

"Exactly." Said Mai. "You are a vindictive... bitch."

"Well I just finished this book on forgiveness, Sayre, and really you dated Crouch for months that's a pretty big punishment."

"You read a book on forgiveness?"

"I'm a big fan of the self help genre, it's like adventure fantasy where you're always scared the main character is gonna get themselves killed." Rambled Annabelle. "So it's got a dash of mystery. What happened in my childhood? I can't remember. They're helpful, I could lend you-" 

"Unnecessary." Said Mai, irritated with Annabelle for a moment. "If I had never said anything to Crouch then he wouldn't have done it. I am sorry Aelin."

"I forgive you."

Mai let out a frustrated groan. 

"I don't understand."

"I feel the same bloody way." Said Annabelle, she knew she was bad at reading social cues, she flinched whenever someone high fived her, but this was a new low. 

"Is there something I could do. To earn the forgiveness."

"You apologized, that's it for me, Sayre. Bullocks, that's how life works. I can tell you regret it. You apologized, and that's it. There are so many people that if they apologized to me I would forgive them in an instant. Why would I hold out on you for indirectly accidentally causing me pain?" 

"You ramble a lot."

"I know."

"You should work on it." Said Mai. "Is there anything I can do?"

Annabelle took a deep breath. 

"Do you play charades?"


"Chang invited me to a game night, and Finnigan bailed on me for a date. I need a partner. I can assure you getting clobbered by Ravenclaws at games meant for children is punishment enough for any crime."

"Chang?" Said Mai quietly.

"Yeah. I'm allowed to bring someone."

"Alright, Aelin."

"Merlin's sagging nads, it's like watching porn but the bloke is just genuinely there to fix the plumbing." Said Leo, as he and Annabelle watched Justin and Claire take a shot at 'just being friends'.

"Or the extra credit the lass does for her teacher is just an essay or something else academic." Said Annabelle, tilting her head to the side and watching Justin follow up looking at Claire's arse with a knock knock joke.

"Or the pizza delivery man is just there to deliver the pizza." Said Leo. And Annabelle sighed, looked at him and said.

"Without the extra sausage." She said, shaking her head, and she and Leo burst into a fit of laughs.

"Aelin." Said Leo,

"Yes, Finnigan?"

"What did you do to Avery?" He asked, looking at her duelling partner who was pale and had to sit down.

"You cried in front of me." Said Annabelle. "Should of thought about the consequences before telling me it was him who caused it."

"Annie. I thank you." Said Leo. "Oh, a mail man, and the only package he has to deliver is actual mail."

"The pool boy is just really there to clean the pool."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Claire, a fresh blush coating her cheeks as she left Justin.

When Claire blushed it always resembled a sun setting beneath her skin. It was an agreed upon fact in Gryffindor house that she truly had the most beautiful blush.

"Bowie." They said in unison, before looking at each other moderately impressed.

"Another Muggle singer?" Asked Claire,

"Yeah, we're arguing about which is better. Bowie, or breathing." Said Leo.

"Alliteration. Cool." Said Claire.

"The consensus is Bowie. But the average human can go ninety seconds without oxygen."

"Best minute and a half of your life, Aelin." Said Leo. "Personally I can hold my breath for three minutes. So I will actually hit the end of the song."

"I started planning your hen party with your sister it's meant to be a surprise but you really hate surprises, Claire."

"Circe, I do. I'll tell you what to write." Said Claire with a nod. "Did you hear professor Slughorn might retire soon?" Asked Claire.

"My prayers have been answered." Said Leo.

"It's going to be Snape."

"By the devil apparently."

"Thank goodness we'll have graduated by then." Said Claire.

"Do you think he's figured out that whole hair grease thing now?" Asked Leo.

"I informed corporate America about him, and they rang me back saying I'd solved their oil crisis." Said Annabelle. Leo laughed,

"I don't understand why Aurors are in all our classes now. It's been months since an attack." Said Claire, shaking her head at the shadowy figure that stood at the doorway. Annabelle waved recognizing him.

"Trying to scope us out, child soldier or civilian they decide." Said Leo. 

"I'm sure that's not it." Said Claire. "They're just here to keep us sa-."

"It's like a game show." Said Annabelle. 

Regulus liked it when Annabelle was excited. Made concentrating a challenge when her smile was a greater source of light than the sun and all the stars put together.

He managed to disarm Barty, knowing that if Annabelle laughed any shot he had at winning went out the window.

"Annie, for one thousand galleons, soldier or civilian, now, would you like to go into the lightening round or spin the wheel?" Asked Leo.

"I Dunno, Leo, the wheel hasn't been my friend tonight." Said Annabelle and Claire rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna go with lightening round."

"Okay, DuPont? Count us out." Said Leo. Claire let out a long sigh but gave in.

"And in ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six." She said very slowly. "Five. Four. Three. Two. On-"

"What did you do to Avery, Aelin?" Asked Barty, an ugly sneer on his face.

"I was told to duel him. And then I did." Said Annabelle. "That sums it up." She said. "Following orders, chap like you knows all about that doesn't he?"

Her words only seemed to aggravate him further.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself now, mudblood," he sneered, the teacher well out of sight as he stood in front of Annabelle, "because as soon as I have the chance? You're as good as dea-"

Big words from a man whose failing Herbology. 

Annabelle treated those plants like babies, she had names for them all. But Crouch who worked across from her? Ha. It was funny to watch him struggle with a cactus.

"This is getting a wee bit too west side story for me, Crouch. And I have to warn you my dance skills aren't exactly up to snuff." Said Annabelle coldly.

"What are you on about Aelin?" He grunted.

"Does that make him Riff?" Asked Leo.

"No, officer Crupkee." Said Annabelle, and Claire nodded.

"Makes sense." She said as the bell rang. Then she stepped between Annabelle and Barty, her back to him. A way of dismissing him without having to say a thing. 

"I need to go to the owlry at lunch. Send a letter to my tailor. Would you save me some of the good chips?"

"Yeah." Said Annabelle, as Barty walked away.

"I'd ask Finnigan but after the mashed potato incident of seventy five I'm not inclined to trust him with even tying his own shoelaces."

"I can do this. It's time I redeem myself." Said Leo with a solemn nod.

"So long as they are still there and haven't been inhaled by those blasted second years when I return." Said Claire before gliding from the room. That was how every pure blooded heiress in this damned school walked.

"I'm gonna head out," said Leo, "I'll save you a spot."

"I need to find my bag." Said Annabelle, as Leo waved leaving the class.

She scanned the room for it. Searching under tables and behind seats before,

"Looking for this?" Asked Regulus, holding her bag up in front of her. As she stood up and reached for it. "Rather careless of you, Aelin."

"Terribly sorry, Black. It won't happen again." She said, and Regulus gave her her belongings, but not before pulling her notebook from her bag, "that's mine." She said as he leant against the desk, flipping through the colourful pages Annabelle filled with everything and anything that caught her interest.

"Belle I don't know whether to be impressed or consumed with tremendous amounts of worry." Said Regulus, touching the pages with the utmost care.

"Impressed, your majesty. I always try to impress you." She said.

She knew a surprising amount about thestrals. He grew distracted from this when he found-

"By Merlin, did you grow up in a town called Plockton?" He asked as he touched a post card, "I can't believe I've fallen into an amorous relationship with a country hick. A farm girl."

"Piss off your majesty, not all of us had a castle." Said Annabelle, trying to take the notebook from him. He raised it above his head so she couldn't reach it. "Give that back."

"Belle, my love, apparent farm girl, I really don't have to-" she kissed him. Glad the room was empty as he deepened it. Unable to get enough of her.

She slipped the notebook out of his hand and tucked it into her bag.

"I loathe you." He murmured at her small wicked smile, as she remained close to him, his hands on her waist. "You fool me. Manipulate me this way, and all you do is smile?" Her smile widened and it was like Cupid's arrow pierced his heart. Breathing seemed something he could forget about. yesterday's news. "Despicable." He said breathlessly.

"However can I make it up to you?" She asked.

Say that you love me.

Lift this insipid ban on the words because I am so desperate to say them.

"I-" Regulus started but the sound of loud footsteps forced them apart.

"I've got to go to lunch, Black we can iron this out at the next prefects meeting." She said, as the footsteps got louder.

"Iron out? Is this some commoner reference I wouldn't understand?" He asked.

"You're a smart boy, Black, you can figure it out." Said Annabelle, walking away by the time the door opened, brushing passed Lockhart as she left through the door.

"Have you seen a silver pin anywhere by any chance?" Asked the golden haired warlock scanning the room.

"I'm afraid not, Lockhart. Good luck finding it I suppose." Said Regulus before leaving the classroom.

Dorcas Meadows was dead. Annabelle turned the tear stained letter from Lily over in her hands and frowned. And so soon after Marlene.

Annabelle was not the best about responding to death. 

The part that really irked Annabelle was that her death hadn't warranted even a half page in the papers.

The wish was a selfish one, as she cut out the new headlines about Muggle families being slaughtered as they slept and stuck it into her notebook. Annabelle was trying to find a pattern.

So far Voldemort's killings seemed the actions of a bloodthirsty child anxious to prove he'd grown up. It made sense. He must have been young when Grindelwald was at large.

She marked another notch down in her 'most likely to be the dark lord' tally of Hogwarts alumni in Tom Riddle's section.

Odds were she would meet him eventually and it was terribly rude not to know your host's name.

Dorcas was a legilimens, used to freak death eaters out when they fought. 

Annabelle could tell you a great deal about lord Voldemort. She could tell you that he grew up in London, as a child of the system, one forced into church, one whose prayers were never answered.

That he had heard the words if man cannot find god, he will either create his own or die of meaninglessness, and chosen not to die of meaninglessness.

Regulus touched her shoulder lightly, and she leant forward in her seat allowing him to sit behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and presented his cheek to be kissed.

Annabelle kissed his cheek.

Regulus rested his head on her shoulder and shut his eyes.

Annabelle loved Regulus more than she had ever loved anyone. Including both her cats. So. You know. Really saying something.

She looked at the photo of hers and Evans' cat in the hat she had sent.

Maybe the same amount.

"Belle. Please don't compare your affection for me to your affection for your cat." He mumbled. "It will only hurt my ego."

"How did you-"

"I know you very well." He said. "Well enough to know something is wrong."

She handed him Lily's letter. Regulus read it quickly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, she shook her head and he settled against her. "I'm fully prepared to nap here until you do."

A ghost of a smile appeared on Annabelle's face.

I love you.

"You're an idiot, your majesty."

"Hey, Finnigan, I found a record under the couch in the common room." Said Annabelle as they walked to lunch.

"What record?" He asked, looking away nervously.

"Houdini and the Glow fish."

"That's not hidden under the couch. That was burned." Said Leo. "We burned it together."

"How do you know it's not under the couch?"

"Because I know what's not hidden under there." Said Leo.

"You mean... Barry Manilow?" Said Annabelle, and Leo begun to flush.

"No. No. You must- there must be another Manilow fan, a Fanilow if you will, so uh," said Leo, as they turned the corner.

"Mhmm, right so the property of Leo Finnigan was just a coincidence?"

"Those happen all the time."

"Barry Manilow. I thought you had ta-"

"You listen to country music." He said and Annabelle remained silent for a moment before whispering,

"Her name was Lola."

"Shut it."

"She was a showgirl." Louder this time.

"I hate you." Said Leo as Annabelle walked a bit ahead of him.

"With yellow feathers in her hair," sang Annabelle, gesturing to her head, "and a dress cut down to there," she spun to face him before he caught up scowling at her.

"I'm not going to take it from someone who I have seen nearly brought to tears by Slipping through my fingers."

"She would Meringue," said Annabelle, trying to take Leo's hands to dance as she walked backwards in front of him, "and do the cha cha."

"Why are we friends?" Asked Leo.

"And while she tried to be a star Tony always tended bar." Annabelle bumped into someone behind her.

"Watch where you're going, Aelin." Said Anthony coldly.

"Sorry, Avery, it was a crowded floor."


"They worked from eight till four." She continued. Leo his his face in his hands out of humiliation.

"Finnigan?" Said Anthony, furrowing his eyebrows, and looking at Leo, hiding amusement on his face.

"They were young and they had each other, who could ask. For more? At the copa-" she pointed to Leo a massive smile on her face. As he nudged her away knowing she did not like to be grabbed. He knew that much from the time he had surprised her and had almost gotten his hair burnt off.

"Copacabana." Said Leo with a defeated sigh.

"The hottest spot north of Havana. Here at the copa-" she pointed at him again.

"I hate you." Said Leo, "officially. Avery, I would like to join your Aelin hate thing, do you have t shirts?"


"I'll have to think about it then. You know weigh my options." Said Leo.

"Does Aelin really have a tattoo of the Capricorn constellation on her arse?" Asked Anthony. And Leo's face lit up, he looked at her, looked back at Anthony and said.

"Absolutely she does." Said Leo. "Right beneath one that says daddy's princess."

"No, no, it says fuck off." Said Annabelle.

"My mistake." Said Leo, "Right beneath one that says fuck off."

"Funny. Black's never mentioned that. They tell each other about all their tattoos." He said, tugging the left sleeve of his shirt down, and then he just walked away.

"Aelin." Said Leo.


"Out of sheer curiosity is Regulus Black who you're still with a death eater?" Asked Leo.


"Did he inform you of such?"


"And did you break up with him?"


"Is it just a shag or emotional support and shagging?"

"The second."

"Do you realize how colossally stupid you are?"

"Yes." Said Annabelle.

"How are you doing better in school than me?" Asked Leo. "You realize he's sworn to kill muggleborns," he gestured to her, "and blood traitors." He gestured to himself.

"But he's-"

"Different when we're together." They said in unison, Leo mocking her accent.

"Is this why you were listening to landslide on repeat for three hours a couple weeks ago? I thought someone died." Asked Leo. She nodded. "I suppose this is why you weren't at the party. You're running off to play mistress to a death eater."

"No that's not true. I don't feel safe around really drunk people." Said Annabelle, "and I can't be around, um, smoke and people on... stuff."

"But the brownies we made were fine."

"Well I trust you, and I knew exactly what was in them."



"This is an honour. Do I get a certificate?" Said Leo.

"It's coming on Thursday. It was meant to be a surprise."

"Then trust me when I say that you should leave Black because-"


Regulus Black's voice was cold as anyone had ever heard it. Sent a chill down Annabelle's spine. She could hear his footsteps approaching.

If ever there was a time Regulus thought murder was a punishment that fit the crime it was now. Taking a life from another was a true act of evil. But to try and take Annabelle from him?


If Annabelle was going to leave him so be it. But it would be her decision, not some nitwit's who gave his girlfriend shirts to wear and had hurt Anthony.

Regulus was only a few inches taller than Leo but currently it felt like the pureblood prince towered over the poor boy.

And he looked at him like he was the scum of the Earth.

"Professor Slughorn needs volunteers for his Christmas party. I would hate for him to be short handed," drawled Regulus, "Since the headgirl thinks so highly of you I took the liberty of adding your name, among others to the list."


"Slughorn's holding a meeting of the volunteers now." He continued, "I wouldn't keep him waiting if I were you. Would hate for you to have to sweep up after everyone has gone."

"Black." Said Annabelle again, trying to get his attention.

"I can't-"

"As tragic as that sounds, Finnigan, it's out of my hands. Go on. Speak to Slughorn. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from the loudest Gryffindor who not only causes explosions in his class but also kept him waiting."

"I'll see you later, Annie." Said Leo, glaring at Regulus and walking away.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked him as his jaw tensed, eyes tracing Leo as he walked away. Anthony had cited Leo as a reason for being upset. He would chastise him for allowing a reckless Gryffindor to have control over his heart but who was Regulus to judge? "You can't just-"

Regulus looked at her, tilted his head to the side and allowed his eyes to deepen several shades. Her hand was on his arm. She removed it.

"Just-" She continued as he took a step closer to her.

"Just what?" He asked.

"Behave like a, like a," she continued, taking a step back, he stood up straight again, looking down at her. Not in a cruel way, he simply four or five inches taller than her.

And she was rather flustered at the moment.

"Should we talk about this somewhere else, Aelin?" He asked.

"No." She said, her face flushed pink.

"No?" He said, "are you sure?"

A set of Ravenclaw passed, paying the head students little mind as they walked by.

But Regulus couldn't very well make Annabelle forget any reason she had to be cross with him with witnesses around.

"Yes." Said Annabelle stubbornly. "You cannot force a student to-"

"I was bluffing. I never put his name on any list."


"That would require sparing Finnigan just a thought too many."

"Then why the hell did you-"

"I wanted to get rid of him." Said Regulus. He gestured around them. "Mission accomplished."


He was convincing you to leave me.

A crime of the highest order.

Only you get to decide to leave me or not. You certainly should not ask another person for advice.

Regulus looked up for a moment, picking his words.

"I don't like him very much." He said, before producing a tulip from thin air and handing it to her.

"And that was reason enough to send him into the jaws of death?"

"You really hate Slughorn that much?"

"He calls my blood status my condition. And then I need to take several deep breaths and remind myself that homicide isn't an option." Said Annabelle. Regulus smiled, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He loved Annabelle.

"I love you." He breathed and she pushed his hand away.

"I told you to stop saying that."


"It's it's just a boundary. And there are certain times it shouldn't be tested. Like when you're acting like an arsehole to one of my closest friends."

"Finnigan is one of your closest friends?"

"It was an accident I swear."

"You treat mine the same way. Worse even."

Regulus knew he'd said the wrong thing when Annabelle took a deep breath and counted to three.

"The three of you killed my cat. You're forgiven because time and sincere apology. But I've yet to hear from Crouch or Avery. Did you have a pet I didn't know about that Leo offed?"


"Then why treat him like-"

"He was telling you to leave me, Annabelle." Said Regulus, touching her arm delicately and pulling her into a classroom, shutting the door behind them. "I'm never going to have a positive reaction to the mere prospect of a world where you are gone."

"You really think I'm gonna listen to a bloke who thinks that I love Lucy is a good show?" Said Annabelle, not looking at Regulus.

"I realize this could very well be a good point. Meant to reassure me that only my overall idiocy in this situation might be the cause of you, well you know, and not anything out of Finnigan's mouth. But I haven't the slightest clue what I love Lucy is." Said Regulus.

"Garbage show for garbage people with stupid laugh track." Said Annabelle, her cheeks heated and she seemed to find the ground and the ceiling overly interesting at the moment. "fucking hate that laugh track."

"A laugh track?"

"A demon laugh track." She said.

"I cannot tell if you are being overly dramatic or if there is genuinely a track that demons run around whilst laughing." Said Regulus. "Or simply a laugh track from hell. Which I'm told involves fire." He was visibly confused."Why aren't you looking at me?"

"Because I'm mad at you." Said Annabelle.

"Your cross with me? For being a prick when Finnigan was attempting to get my significant other whom I am wildly in love with to leave me?" Asked Regulus.

"What is wrong, Regulus?" She asked, looking at him and furrowing her eyebrows. He wasn't usually like this.

"Nothing. Nothing. It was being irrational. I am sorry."

"Don't you trust me?" She asked, his face was blank as he looked at her.

For everything there was to love about Annabelle, in this moment Regulus got caught up in the hypocrisy of it all.

How someone could know him so intimately and yet when asked a simple question about where she grew up give the vaguest of answers. Why couldn't he tell her he loved her? He knew a general explanation, but he needed more. Then- she never told him about the Order.

"Yes, which is likely to my own detriment as you have taken it upon yourself to join the order of the phoenix." Said Regulus. Annabelle blinked. "Fairly large secret."

"I should have told you."

"You shouldn't have joined at all." Said Regulus.

"That wasn't an option."

"Yes. It was." Said Regulus, envy seeping into his words. "You could have walked away. Run away. Hidden somewhere. But you decided to be reckless and brave and consequently an idiot."

"I'm fighting for something I believe in."


"My right to produce magic. To be treated as an equal. Not some shameful thing to be hidden away." She said.

"Did Dumbledore ask you to join up?" Asked Regulus.


"He is so manipulative." Muttered Regulus, shaking his head.

"He's a great warlock and the only person Voldemort happens to be afraid of." Said Annabelle, Regulus tensed at the sound of his name.

Annabelle would abstain from saying it. Knowing the reaction it would cause.

"You think he's going to protect you? Do you really think he cares about your life?"

"Voldemort seems not to like him so he must be doing something right." Said Annabelle. Regulus cringed at the mention of the name again.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He asked.

"No I'm just trying to-"

"Then tell Dumbledore you've changed your mind." Said Regulus.

"And do what instead? Lounge on a beach somewhere while all my friends get killed fighting for me?" Asked Annabelle.

"No." Said Regulus. Annabelle was unusually perceptive. It was one of his favourite and least favourite things out her.

"What would you have me do instead?" She asked.

"What? I-"

"You wanted me to hide somewhere where you would have easy access to me didn't you?" Said Annabelle, her eyes narrowed on him and his face begun to heat up.

"No, no, I know you would never do that, and you would never be happy with that sort of half-life,"


"It was simply a comforting thought, Belle, that I might be able to keep you from getting yourself killed."

"Getting killed you mean." She said. "For existing. That's it. All I had to do for people to hate me? Be born. Getting myself killed would entail performing a heinous crime and getting the death penalty. This is a war against my existence, Reg-"

"You never seem to see your life as a priority-"

"That's cause it's not."

"It is to me!" He shouted at her and her face lost its colour. "You've had my heart in the palm of your hand since we were in third year, Belle. The prospect of losing you when I could do something, anything to prevent it is- Annabelle?"

Annabelle looked afraid. Regulus had never seen Annabelle afraid before. He did not like it.

"I-" her words fell flat. She couldn't seem to say anything or look at him at all. Her shoulders had sunk and her hands were shaking.

"I shouldn't have yelled." He concluded softly, taking her hands tenderly in hopes he could warm them. She did not hold his hands back.

"I-" she tried again but nothing. Regulus walked closer to her slowly.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I know I should have told you but- I just didn't want to give you something else to hide, I mean, this, this bloke whose running the whole war thing can read minds. Really well too. And I- what if he gets through the occlumency and sees, and then kills you for, for,"

"For what?"

"Loving me." 

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