Divine Serendipity • Stiles S...

By klaussupremacy

47.8K 1.1K 208

Arabella craved an adventure, she had always been one to throw herself in the deep end. She longed for her ow... More



1.2K 38 16
By klaussupremacy

Arabella's POV:

"Call the cops" Jackson began, staring at Stiles.


"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no. You wanna hear it in Spanish? No. Look Derek killed three people okay we don't know what he's armed with." Stiles argued, I nodded my head in agreement, much to the distaste of Jackass over there.

"Your dad is armed with an entire sherrif's department!" Jackson turned to me, my phone gripped in my hand. "Call him!"

"I'm calling." Lydia interupted.

"Lyds I don't know if we should-"

"Yes we're at Beacon Hills high school. We're trapped and we need you to-" Her voice wavered, turning to us. "She hung up on me."

"She said they got a tip warning them saying that there were gonna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I call again they're gonna trace it and have me arrested." She sulked.

"Okay then call again!" Allison ordered, a harsh tone as she spat out her words.

"Allison calm down, its not her fault." I defended the strawberry blonde, walking up to her as she placed her head on my shoulder momentairily for comfort.

"She can't call again they won't trace a cell. And they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here." Stiles admitted, slightly defeated although he never wanted his dad here anyway.

"Why does Derek wanna kill us? Why is he killing anyone?" The brunette asked in frustration, everyone turned to Scott.

"Wh-why is everyone looking at me?"

"Is he the one that sent her the text?"

"No. I don't know."

"Is he the one that called the police?"

"I don't know!" Scott barked, Stiles pushed him away from the group as I followed.

"Okay first off, throwing Derek under the bus? nicely done." I responded with a bitter tone, sarcasm laced in my words.

"I didn't know what to say I had to say something. And if he's dead then it doesn't matter right? Unless if he's not. Oh my god I totally just bit her head off." Scott rambled.

"And she'll get over it. Bigger issues at hand here like how do we get out alive." Stiles added.

"But we are alive, it could have killed us already, its like its cornering us or something." Scott suggested before I added to his theory.

"Wolf boy's right, it has to have some kind of plan, if it wanted to kill us we would be dead already. It could be playing a game?"

Scott nodded. "Derek said it wants revenge."

"On who?"

"I don't know, Allison's family?"

"Maybe thats what the text was about" Stiles stated, trying to piece together the puzzle as the cogs in his mind began to turn.

"Okay Assheads new plan!" Our conversation was interupted by the jock. "Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?"

"Watch the tone, Jackass" I retorted, glaring at him.

"He's right, tell him the truth if you have to just call him." Scott agreed leaving Stiles in an incredibly uncomfortable position.

Gazing around at everyones reactions he finally spat out, "I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive."

"Alright give me the phone!" Jackson said, making his way towards me, a forceful arm on my wrist as he tried to pry the phone from my grip. Suddenly, Stiles lunged at the boy, throwing him a swift but effective punch to the jaw. He stumbled as Ally went over to comfort him, I held Stiles upright.

"Oh my God Stiles" I muttered, looking the boy in his chestnut eyes, they were filled with fury. I would never admit it outloud, but that was hot. His features softened as we shared the glance before he pulled out his phone, dialling in his dads number.

He left a voicemail before hanging up, the sherriff was unavailable, great timing.

Rattling persued from the doors to the class room, everyone backed up. Bolts flying from the handles, the beast had nearly broken through.

Out of pure instinct, I gripped Stiles' arm, I had no reason to be terrified of the creature, but the idea of my friends being harmed sent shivers up my spine. "The kitchen. The door out of the kitchen leads to the starewell." the boy attached to me blurted.

"But the stairwell only goes up?"

"Up is better than here Scotty." The door was about to break as we darted through tot he stairwell, immediately finding our way into an open science classroom.

Hands flew to mouths as everyone tried to remail silent, low growls filling our ears as the alpha walked right past the door. His shadow was enough to scare the girls, their eyes widening. I, however, was thinking about the situation. It wants Scott, of course he wont kill Scott, but why hasn't he gone for the rest of us?

"Jackson how many people can fit in your car?"

"Six if someone squeezes on someones lap." He replied, immediately looking at me.

"It doesn't matter anyway there's no getting out without drawing attention." I added.

"What about this?"  Scott ushered towards a door. "This leads to the roof. we can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in like seconds."

"That's a deadbolt Scott." Stiles shot him down, Scott looked at me hopefully. "Don't even think about it Scott, if you make Bella use her magic it'll expose her to Lydia, Jackson and Allison, you know, the one with a family of hunters?"

"Right. Okay." Scott thought before returning to meet our gazes. "The janitor has a key."

"You mean his body has it?"

"I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood."

"That sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?"

"Wait, he might be on to something." I chimed in, both boys now looking at me. "Listen, the alpha doesn't want Scott dead, he's not gonna kill him, he might be the best bet if we need those keys. It's not safe obviously but, last resort yknow?"

The boy nodded before turning and walking towards the door. "I'm getting the key."

"Are you serious?" Allison began, Scott had just breifly explained how he was going to get the key earning a lecture about how he needs to be armed if he's going out there.

"There has to be something better."

"There is" Lydia chimed, looking at the chemical cabinet across from us.

"What are we gonna do? throw acid on it?" the sarcastic boy replied.

"No, like a fire bomb" I interupted, my strawberry blonde friend nodding at me. "Godn Lydia you genius!"

"There is everything you need in there to make a self ignighting molotov cocktail" she beamed. everyone around the two of us wearing a baffled glance. "What.. I read it somewhere."

"We don't have a key for that either-"

I interupted Stiles, elbowing the glass as it shattered around me. "We don't need one" I smirked.

I assisted Lydia in making the 'fire bomb', Jackson handing us the ingredients therefore if anything went wrong, we were not to blame. Smart idea if you ask me.

"No this is insane you can't do that. You can't go out there." Allison argued worriedly.

"We can't just sit around waiting for Stiles' dad to check his messages." The pair continued to bicker about his safety. She pleaded with him to stay, catching on to his lies tonight, still wanting the truth. But the tanned boy didn't comply, kissing her before leaving, slipping through her grasp.


It had been what, 10 minutes since Scott left on his quest? Our little group was spread around the room. Lydia with Allison and Jackson, who were suspiciously close this evening might I add. And sat against the back wall, me and Stiles, our knees touching as we sat in a comfortable silence.

I peered down at his hand, a nasty greenish-purple bruise grazing his knuckles from his punch earlier in the night. I picked up his hand gently, cupping it in my own as the boy snapped his head to face me.

"What are you-"

"Shh" I whispered, locking my eyes with his for a second before focusing my attention back on his injured hand. I muttered a healing spell, his hand began glowing dimly as the bruise faded, along with any pain. I traced my finger along his knuckles, back and forth before once again returning to meet his gaze.

My heart rate jumped, I was forever thankful he wasn't graced with supernatural healing, savouring my embarassment. "Is it gone?" I asked, refering to the pain.

He chuckled lightly before nodding, "thank you. where did you learn that?" his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

We continued conversing for another five minutes, I kept his hand on my lap, still tracing over it lightly. Scott still hadn't returned, waiting here like sitting ducks felt awful.

Sighing, I looked forwards. "I have to go out there."

"What? Belle no. Scott being out there is already a risk, I don't wanna have to worry about losing you too-"

"Someone needs to help him. Its been 15 minutes and he's not back yet. I'm the only supernatural one here, not to mention the only one strong enough to fight it off. I'll come back." I convinced, my hand slipping from his. He hesitated, letting out a breathe he had been holding in before nodding knowingly.

I got to my feet, feeling like quite the dramatic. Stiles still had this uneasy look in his eyes, making my heart ache slightly. I cupped his face in my hands gently, his eyes boring into mine.

"I'll be right back, promise." I just couldn't help myself, I was truly lathering on the dramatic flare, taking my next actions, something I had been longing to do for a while now.

I smashed my lips against his.

He stiffened slightly in shock, A breath lodged in his throat before coming to his senses, placing a hand either side of my waist. I smirked against his mouth temporarily.

He kissed me back. Oh my God he kissed me back.

His lips were soft and warm as they moulded around my own. The kiss felt heavenly as I melted in his embrace, it only lasted a mere few seconds, but those few seconds were bliss.

I pulled away, leaning my forehead against his as a goofy grin resided on his face. "Belle..I-I-"

 "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." I chuckled, pulling away completely this time. The boy was still speechless, but his expression said it all.

I had forgotten there were other people in the room, Allison and Jackson were completely infactuated with what eachother were saying, though Lydia wasn't involved. Instead, the teenage genius looked towards me with a cheshire cat grin, I had no doubt she had just seen my little performance, mirroring the expression of a proud parent.

I smiled back sheepishly before bringing a finger to my lips, knowing full well Stiles was in for a grilling the minute I left. I wanked towards the door, taking in a breath before entering the poorly-lit hall.


I had sniffed Scott's scent out in no time, leading me to the gymnasium. I stood in the doorway, waiting for the perfect moment to enter. After all, us Mikaelson's have always loved a good spectacular entry.

"Come and get me!" I heard the teen wolf taunt as the alpha barrelled towards him. He threw the molotov cocktail, yet it did nothing. Of course Jackson managed to fuck up the eaisest job.

The red-eyed beast continued its advance, dragging Scott to the floor before hovering over his face, baring its teeth. Now was my que. I strutted in to the room like I was on a mission.

"Motus!" I flicked up my left wrist, sending the beast flying into a wall. It let out a hidious growl, enough to make your stomach wrench. Yes, I had successfully driven the beast away from my friend, but its effects lasted longer than anyone would have hoped.

Scott writhed around on the floor in pain, shouting as he tossed and turned. I could only assume he was trying to fight the transition, unsuccessfully of course.

His eyes glowed yellow, flashing them in my direction as he took his half wolf form.

I flashed my golden orbs back, a signal of warning, incase he tried to attack. Of course he knew he wouldn't win a brawl between the two of us. He got to his feet, pointing his head down, he slowly walked out of the gym, making his way back to what seemed like the class room the others huddled in.

Of course I followed him, staying relatively close behind in the case that he lashed out at anyone. His claws dragged across every surface, God he was so creepy like this.

Panting, the beta werewolf advanced further towards the class room door. I could hear the grou arguing with eachother about our where-bouts without utilising my supernatural hearing, To my surprise, Scott reached out a key from his pocket, locking the door from the outside.

I can only assume the thought of Allison I what slowed his heartbeat back down, breaking the key before he moved away from the door. Her calls could be heard from inside, but he didn't listen. "Keep fighting it Scott, think about her."

I wasn't expecting a response by any means, but as I watched the wolf try and compose himself, I realised something. He wasn't protecting our friends from the alpha, no. The alpha had long gone, he was protecting them from himself.

Scott knelt to the floor, panting heavily. I immediately fell to my knees, placing firm hands on his shoulders. "Control. Bring it back. Think of Ally. Think of the dates, her birthday, her favourite colour. All of it Scott. She brings out your humanity." I coached as his breathing began to return to normal.

He looked up, his yellow orbs replaced with deep brown iris' causing me to smile as I helped him to his feet. "Thankyou, Ari, really. Ever considered becoming a life coach?"

"Anytime Scotty" I teased, "And yeah, I think about my insane coaching abilities every day" patting his back as we headed back to the classroom. Police sirens could be heard from outside the building, everyone was going to be safe now, but I couldn't help but think. What about Derek? Is he alive?

I pulled myself out of my thoughts, smirking at my friend before breaking the lock of the door with a flick of my wrist. Scott opened it, only to be greeted by Stiles as he engulfed the two of us into a tight hug.


"You sure it was Derek Hale?" Sherriff Stilinski asked myself and the boys, walking away from the schools entrance.

"Yes. I saw him" Scott persisted, certain his former 'friend' was dead.

"We saw him too." I confirmed, trying to keep it convincing.

"What about the janitor?"

"We're still looking."

"Did you check under the bleachers? under them-"

"Yeah Scott, we looked. We pulled them out just like you asked, there's nothing."

"I'm not making this up" The teenaged persisted.

"I know and I believe you, I do."

"No you don't!" Scott outbursted, reminding me of an annoying 4 year old. "Y-you have this look like you feel bad for us. Like you wanna believe me but I know you don't."

"Listen," Noah leaned in with an ever so slughtly guilty expression "We're gonna search this whole school, we're gonna find him, okay?" he reassured, a hand on Scott's bicep before he was called away.

"Well we survived guys! We outlasted the alpha. That's still good right? being alive?" Stiles attempted to lighten the mood.

"It walked right by us in the chemistry room, you don't think that it knew exactly where we were?" Scott asked us, maily Stiles, although I took the oppertunity to voice my own opinion instead.

"Of course it knew, it wanted Scott, I think it still does. It wouldn't kill him regardless."

"It wants me in its pack! I think first, I have to get rid of my own pack" Scott replied, the last part of the sentance significantly more timid.

"Us. It wants you to kill us, Ally, Lydia and Jackson, your pack." I murmered in realisation, Stiles eyes widened.

"And thats not even thr worst part."

"How in holy hell is that not the worst part Scott?!" Stiles asked, arms flailing.

"Because when he made me shift, I wanted to do it." He admitted. "I wanted to kill you."

Stiles' eyes glossed over for a second as he processed what he had just been told, I squeezed his hand in comfort as he retured the action. All three of us stood in silence before something caught Scott's attention.

Walking towards an ambulance, he had spotted Deaton. Stiles and I weren't far behind, catching his conversation. "How did you.."

"Get out?" Deaton finished for him "Not easily. I mean from what they tell me I'm alive because of you two" he pointed between us. "I think I owe you a raise Scott, although I don't believe we've met miss..?"

"Claire. Arabella Claire sir, its nice to finally meet you" I smiled, extending my hand like I did with all introductions. He gladly took it, sharing a grin, "Alan Deaton, I guess I should repay you for saving my life" he chuckled.

Our conversation was interupted when the sherriff approached, "cmon, let the EMT do his job you can talk to him later."

Scott chased after Allison whilst I stayed with the Stilinski boys. "Want a ride home Arabella?" Noah asked, approaching his cop car. "We can drop you off home?"

"Really I don't want to cause trouble." I responded politely, causing Stiles to roll his eyes playfully.

"We insist, hop in"


Upon entering my apartment, I collapsed on to my bed, who knew being chased around a high school by a murderous werewolf would be so tiring?

Of course I texted D, telling her I would inform her of the nights events in the morning, I was way too tired to recall everything right now. I slipped off my clothes, encasing myself in an oversized hoodie and shorts before crawling back into the security of my warm bed.

Just as I was putting my phone down, it chimed.

Stiles :)

Goodnight Belle, sleep well x

I blushed slightly, a smiled creeping onto my face as I typed out my reply.

Me :

Goodnight Stiles, sweet dreams :) x

And with that, I placed my phone on the beside table, rolling to over on to my other side. Within minutes, I was in a deep slumber, I had one hell of a night to dream away.



I wrote this entire chapter at 1 am and I'm now publishing without a proof read, enjoy!!

word count: 3.2k

Until next time...

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