Unsuspecting Love // Tom Felt...

Oleh PeepsPrincess96

11.6K 255 48

She threw him a half smile as she stirred the pasta sauce boiling away on the stove. Her LA sun bleached beac... Lebih Banyak

Doorstep Fights
Missed flights
Always expect the unexpected.
An escape.
The family.
Hollywood Hills
Work Vacation.
The game
Dont lie.
The day that never ends.
1 week sober.
A weekend away.
4th times a charm?
A white lie never hurt.
Counting down.
Clean air
Fender Bender
Endless Summer Love
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part 3 subsection 1
Day 1 of forever

A blissful moment.

159 2 0
Oleh PeepsPrincess96

"Soo" Jay speaks, breaking the morning silence, tracing her bare spine with his index finger. Nick giggles softly into the pillow, turning to face him smiling.

"So?" Nick laughs proping herself up on her elbow, using the sheet to cover her chest.

"I've been thinking" Jay falls on his back, looking up at the ceiling, Nick traces the lines on his chest with long nails.

"Dangerous" she jokes with him, trying to break the tension of what is going to come out of his beautiful mouth next.

"shut up" he gently hits her arm with the back of his as they laugh together. Turning his head to looks at Nick's smiling face "I know it might not be my place but I've thinking about you said on our first date about you hurt someone. And urm" he pauses "and urm well I was thinking that maybe you could tell me what you did?" He looks her, was not what she expected to come out of his mouth "you know everything about my past"

"Ok ok" Nick props herself up on both elbows, moving her right hand to rest on his chest "I think that's fair. Ok so to give you a brief overview. I am a recovering alcoholic and drug user. But this isn't my first time trying to get clean. I was with this guy, Tom, for a few months and he cheated. That was like a trigger, my drinking went off the charts and I got into a bar fight, then arrested and when I called my friend to bail me out. She brought him. This brought us back together kinda and then my crack addict mother. That was the wake up call I needed to get clean and he supported me. After a few ups and downs I was finally 6 months clean and we were strong. My friends that I design for went on tour and I went with. It was more like a road trip we always did it. And I broke, I drank, like I went full blackout and there's this guy, Gus. We hooked up a couple times when I was single, I always thought that were just really good friends but he told me he loved me and I just did nothing. I didn't shut it down, all I did was tell him I didn't cheat. Just to add I was high as kite at this point. Apparently we were flirting the whole tour" Nick explains her history with Tom.

"Apparently?" Jay asks, listening contently.

"Urm" Nick laughs softly to herself "Apparently I am a flirt"

"Never" Jay jokes with her, he winks.

"Well like I said I thought we were just friends but apparently not. The more I drank and got high I started ignore calls and texts. Then on the second to last night Gus came into my hotel room. And I didn't stop him, I think more anything I tried to convince myself more than anything. I didn't sleep with him, we fell asleep on top of the covers full dressed high on xanax. But when I got home, I didn't know how to tell Tom, I didn't know how to tell him I broke sobriety again" she tears up "I didn't know how to tell him that I shared a bed with Gus" tears rolls down her face. Jay wipes them away. "So I didn't, I think I was always going to but I didn't know how to. But my friend Layla, decided to change that. After she got upset that our friends always favoured me, Layla told everyone what had happened. Tom left and I haven't spoke to him since. I was always going to tell him" she looks up at him her eyes filled with tears. "So that is what I'm running from" Jay rubs Nicks bare arms.

"I'm sorry, is that why you've decided to get clean?" Jay asks. Nick nods.

"Yeah, Urm I never wanted to hurt someone again like I hurt Tom"

"Well I'm glad you've got the strength to get clean, a lot of people wouldn't. And I'm happy you trusted me enough to tell Me" Jay comforts her, Nick leans down and kisses him

"So if I ever drop off the face of the Earth for more than 3 days. You know I've slipped up"

"I'll keep that in mind" he kisses her again "and if there's anything I can do to help let me know" he kisses her again. Nick smirks

"This is helping" she flirts with him kissing him again.

"Oh yeah?" Jay smirks as Nick nods, he kisses her again as he grabs her arms. They roll around the bed laugh as they kiss. His phone starts to ring from the side of the bed. He leans across answering it "yeah?" Nick isn't able to hear the voice on the other end, she continues to laughs softly, kissing him on the neck  just as he hangs up. He has this look on his face which makes her sigh.

"You gotta go in baby?" She asks wrapping her legs around him

"Yeah sorry babe" he kisses her quickly before jumping off the bed "I'll drop you at the station?" Nick nods biting her lip "right you stop that" he points her laughing "I cannot be late, Hank will kill me and then you" They both laugh.

Jay Halstead
So hard leaving this one 😭😭

"Alright be safe" Nick wraps her arms around his neck. "Try not to get shot please" she kisses him before digging her hands into her back pockets.

"I'll try my best" he jests with her, kissing her one last time before running off to his squad. Like it was something they'd do forever.

On the drive home, Nick thinks back to the reasons why she came to Chicago and now her reasons to stay. Was she using Jay to get over Tom? Like he used her to get over Jade all those months ago. Or did she genuinely have feelings for Jay. These decision were so much easier to make when she was high. Never in a million years did she think she'd be living in out of LA without Tom by her side. Now she's falling for a cop.

Back at the house, Maggie comes bounding across the living room as he notices Nick entering the house. Just at the same moment her phone buzzes.

Tom Felton spotted with a mystery red head shopping on sunset

Nick reads the headline over and over, a lump gets stuck in her throat. Her heart doesn't know whether to break some more or to move on. Even though when they broke up before Tom had physically cheated, kissed another girl and it took time for Nick to forgive him. This time is completely different, she has fucked up so many more times, broke the same promises over and over. No wonder he's moved on. Maybe it's time she does as well.

"Hey mags" Finally puts her phone away and crouches down to cuddle Maggie. "Hey boo" she kisses his ear. Maggie looks around, he's been doing this a lot recently. Looking around for Willow "I know babe. I miss them too" she kisses his ears again. "Come on let's go for a run" Nick jumps up, slapping her thighs, sending Maggie nuts.

He runs around the room as Nick changes for their run together. Eventually she is ready to go, Jay had told about park near where she lived which is good runs and had lots of cameras. Laughing to herself she goes, advice from a cop always involves places with a lot of cameras. It's their way of protecting you, loving you.

Running through the park, Nick notices a huge crowd of people gathered around the path. As she gets closer Nick can see the blue lights flashing, tape and officers keeping the crowd back. Slowing down as she reaches the crowd, Nick pulls her headphones off and around her neck. Pulling on Maggie's leash shorter to stop him running off. That's when she notices Jay and Hank as she pushes towards the crowd.

"Jay" she calls out trying to get his attention "Jay" she calls out again as Hailey nudges him, scowling at Nick. He comes walking over.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He sounds concerned. He takes her hand, pulling it along the tape and to the end, where there is the least crowd.

"I was just on a run" she looks down at Maggie who is sitting patiently at her side "what's happened?" She looks at him, worried that he is worried.

"There was a stabbing. Related to a case we are working. Don't worry about it" he pulls her in for a cuddle. "I thought maybe we could go out tonight?"

"I was hoping we could just stay in tonight? Get Chinese food? Watch bad films in bed" she laughs holding him around the waist.

"Sounds perfect" he looks down at her lovingly. "I'll pick you up after work?"

"Urm maybe we could stay at Hanks? Just I feel bad always leaving Maggie with him. I know he loves it but still" she knows this probably isn't what Jay had in mind for date night at home.

"Hmm ok but just because it you" he leans down and kisses her "right gotta go. I will come over after we've finished" he kisses her once more and mouth bye as he walks away. Nick smiles to herself.

Nicoletta Toopoor
How can that smile not make you smile 😍

Charlie is Shuffling is calling
Accept | Decline

"Well well look who's risen from the dead" Charlie speaks first as Nick laughs, walking round the garden.

"I miss you too Charlie" they laugh

"We miss you Nickle. When are you coming home?" He asks her.

"For now I am home Charlie" she answer, knowing this isn't the answer he wants.

"Nick. He still loves you"

"No he doesn't Charlie. I broke him and he's moving on now. I have to let him do that. I still love you all and I'll come visit but for now I think it's best I stay here"

"I know you saw the headline. We support you Nickle" Charlie smiles through the phone.

"I love you guys. Miss you" she smiles back "if it's meant to be we will be together again"

"Ok boo, be safe" Charlie hangs up just as there is a knock at the door.

Nick bounds over to the door opening it with a smile on her face. It's Jay holding a bag of Chinese food.

"Hey you" he smiles at her. She feels at home.

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