
By EmmaJaneWeeks

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A vulnerable elephant is forced to travel to a new area of the savanna to find refuge. His previous home and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

6 1 0
By EmmaJaneWeeks

Chapter 2

 I seemed to have been sleeping a lot lately, but it hadn’t been doing me  a lot of good. My eyelids felt heavy and I was having trouble focusing. This didn’t help my confusion and bewilderment at the small feathered creature that stood before me. Staring straight into my eyes he looked as if he was waiting for me to say something. Before this dazed awkward silence, he had introduced himself. It would make sense for me to do the same but I do not know what I am called. Perhaps I should choose a name myself or perhaps just explain to the owl that I have not been  given a title. Maybe a simple “hello” would do? Yes, I think that would be my best bet. But before I have a chance to greet him, he opens his beak and hoots

“hello young elephant, can I help you?”

This time I decide to pull myself together and answer him quickly “Please, Mr Owl, will you show me the way to the watering hole, I am quite disorientated and could really do with a drink?”

“It would be my pleasure to show you” replied the owl “but I’m afraid that the watering hole no longer exists.”

“Don’t be ridiculous” I squealed in disbelief “such a large amount of water doesn’t disappear in the space of a day”

“well I’m afraid in this case it does” says the owl gravely “The fire caused all the water to evaporate, there is nothing left but a collection of mud and grime at the bottom of the pool.”

 I had a vague recollection of fire. It had spread rapidly, burning everything in its path. Flames engulfed animals and trees. The trees were victims to  the dancing flames that tricked and teased its innocent prey. I remember it being bright. As bright as the sun. it was almost hypnotic, the way it swirled and played.

At the time it had seemed beautiful, not dangerous. It’s quite frightening the way things can deceive you.

“So the fire destroyed the trees and the grass too?” I asked the owl.

“I’m afraid so, the damage stretches on for miles in every direction. There’s not a drop of water or sign of life anywhere”

In shock I crumpled further into the ground. Everything was gone. I had only had the chance to spend one day there and it had been taken away. I could adjust, but imagine all of the other animals who’s homes have been destroyed. Herds had been living there for generations. To many it wasn’t just a home but memories as well.

“So if it was a fire that destroyed everything, where did it come from?” I asked, unsure as to whether I really wanted to know the answer.

“That is not something that you need to worry about now. It doesn’t concern you and won’t effect you just yet. For now you must rest and gain some final strength for the long journey you have ahead. You won’t get far travelling at the moment.” Twoo stopped for a breath and sighed, “when you have gained your strength, you must head to the water hole the other side of the forest where you will be reunited with your herd.”

A glimmer of hope sparked inside me. I wasn’t going to die. I now understood why all of the other animals where in such a hurry. They just needed to get there quickly before they died of dehydration. And even better, I now knew where they had all gone. I have hope of finding them after all.

And then it  hit me. It hurt.

My voice dropped to almost a whisper. I couldn’t manage any more.

“But Twoo, they left several days ago and are much stronger and much faster than I am. I’ll never make it in time.”

I had just got used to the idea that I might not die, well not yet at least. I felt a strange emotion that could be described as something close to happiness. All of that was gone now. Taken away. Snatched.

I was going to die, I was sure of it now.

“Now, now young one. Do not panic. Yes, you are several days behind them and yes, you are a lot weaker and smaller that them. But we can use that to our advantage.” He paused. Pondering over what was best to say next, “ there is a quicker way. A route that will take less than half the time …

“ But if that is the case, then why has everyone else gone the long way round?” I asked frustrated due to my lack of sleep and uncertainty of my future existence.

“Don’t interrupt me.” Screeched Twoo. I shuffled back a few inches in fear

“ The route that they have taken goes around and the route that you shall take goes through”

I wait for him to continue, but he speaks no more. Deciding that it is safe to speak I ask inquisitively

“Through what?, around what?”

He eyes me up, deciding how best to answer. After a few seconds of patiently waiting for an answer, he simply replies

“Rest now and prepare for your journey tomorrow”

And with that he flies off, leaving me on my own. In the dark. I close my eyes and try to imagine that I am in the new watering hole; splashing and jumping, dancing and playing, I am safe.

I drift off to sleep.

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