The Scorch Trials Rewrite

נכתב על ידי Bilesbilinskix

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Thomas x Reader A rewrite of the movie featuring you as a main character. עוד

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14

Part 13

853 22 12
נכתב על ידי Bilesbilinskix

Thomas found his friends at the top of the rocks over looking the camp. Aris was talking with Harriet and Sonya by a bonfire, Teresa was no where he could see, and Brenda and Jorge were sitting together by a different fire to escape the high mountain chill, so that left Newt, Fry, and Minho for him to sit with.

"How is she?" Fry asked.

"She'll be fine for now," he said, sitting down on the rocks next to Newt.

"That what Mary said?"

Thomas debated with himself, knowing how much the guys cared for her, but in the end, he decided the truth was probably best. "Mary said she had to stay here."

"Woah, what?" Fry blurted, his brows pinched together.

"We're not leaving her behind," Minho said, and Newt shook his head in agreement.

"No, we're not. I'll figure something out," Thomas said. That seemed to put the boys at ease, if even just a little. Thomas had no idea how he was going to do that, but he had to. The thought of leaving Y/N behind made him nauseous, and he'd already cried too much lately. He didn't want another reason to cry.

"I wish Alby could've seen all this," Newt said, his eyes scanning the camp.

"And Winston," Fry added. There was a sad air around them at the memory of everyone who wasn't with them today.

"And Chuck," Thomas said, running the wooden carving in his hand. He'd touched it so much that it had become smooth from the oils on his fingers.

"He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy," Newt told him, knowing the sadness Thomas felt every time he looked at the toy. Thomas just nodded. He didn't feel like there was any reason to be proud of him. Y/N was right, they killed almost everyone they were meant to save from the Glade. That didn't feel like a victory.

Fry looked down to Aris, whose smile hadn't left since he first started talking to those girls. Fry smiled and called, "Hey, Aris!"

Aris smiled up at him and waved. "Hey, guys."

Fry chuckled to himself. "I kinda like that kid."

Minho stared at Aris, his eyes squinted lightly. "Yeah... I still don't trust him, though." They shared a chuckle at his words and he smiled. Of course, he trusted the kid. How could he not after all they'd been through together? Minho's mind couldn't help but travel back to Y/N. She should be up here with them. He didn't want to blame anyone for her getting bit, but it seemed inevitable. Whatever had gone down with her, Thomas, and Brenda had him on edge. He knew he shouldn't have gone over the line without making sure Y/N was coming. She'd become one of his best friends and if something happened to her, he wasn't sure how he'd react. He felt guilty, knowing he should've stayed with her.

"Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas asked, finally realizing that he couldn't see her anywhere. He noticed the tiny frowns that formed on their faces, but he didn't care. He knew how everyone felt about him and the two, they made it perfectly clear. They liked Teresa well enough, but they were all loyal to Y/N and Thomas could see why. He was thinking that's where he was headed as well.

"She went up there." Newt jerked his thumb over his shoulder. Teresa was standing on the edge of a cliff, staring out at the world. Thomas wondered what was wrong with her, so he climbed up to meet her.

Minho shook his head at Thomas' back. "That slinthead really doesn't get how lucky he is."

"Not at all," Fry muttered. Newt just looked back to Thomas and Teresa talking and shook his head.


I groaned for the third time, tired of tossing and turning without sleeping. I felt revitalized, I felt energized. I wanted to walk and run around, not lay in this cot while waiting for a sleep that would never come. With a sigh, I sat up, throwing my legs over the sides. My boots were beside the bed, and I shoved my foot into one, but stopped when I got to my other foot. My bitten one. I didn't feel any pain whatsoever. No discomfort, nothing.

I looked around to make sure no one was coming in then rolled my pants up. The bite mark and gash were still there, deep and brutal, but it almost looked like it was healing. The gash had been stitched up. There would definitely be a scar there from both of them, but it might look pretty cool if I survived long enough to see it. What was I going to do here alone for three months? I supposed traveling the mountains wouldn't be a terrible way to go. At least the view was pretty and I was willing to bet the sunsets here looked spectacular.

I finished tying my boots then slipped on my jacket and gloves. I could already feel the chill from in here and that was without the wind. I'd need my jacket if I was going to survive up here. Once I was dressed, I ran my fingers through my hair to help release some of the knots and stepped out of the tent into the setting sun.

Vince was sitting outside, but he jumped up the second I walked out. He did so defensively, like I was on the prowl to attack someone. "I'm not gunna cause any trouble. I just want to see my friends one more time before they leave." He hesitated then nodded, so I thanked him and went on my merry way, though I could feel his eyes watching me every step I took.

Aris sat with the two gorgeous girls from before, talking up a storm about how we escaped from Wicked. They didn't really believe him at first. "Hey, Aris," I said, smiling at him.

He did a double take like he hadn't expected to see me up, then he jumped to his feet and walked to me. "Hey, Minx. I thought you were sleeping."

I shrugged and shook my head. "I couldn't."

"I'm happy to see you up and around. That means you can come with us." His happy smile made me feel sad, and I glanced back at the two girls sitting behind him who were watching me with curious eyes. They knew as well as I did that I wouldn't be going.

"Yeah, um, hey listen." I set a hand on Aris' shoulder. "I wanted to thank you. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You're a great guy and I'm glad I met you."

"I'm glad I met you, too." Aris' smile faded just a little, but I didn't know if it was because he knew I was saying goodbye. I smiled at him and pulled him into a tight hug. My eyes blinked rapidly to avoid any tears forming, then I pulled back from him.

"Okay. Go on."

"Wait, you-... Are you okay?"

"I'm alright, Aris. I'll see you." I walked away from him, taking in deep breaths through the sting in my chest. People stared at me as I walked by like I was suddenly going to go crazy. It wasn't a good feeling, but I suppose it was one I was used to. I had a feeling I'd been stared at a lot in my lifetime.

Thankfully, my friends were up in a place where no one else was. I climbed up the rocks to the three sitting on them. Thomas was up with Teresa on the edge of a cliff, but it seemed like Teresa was saying something Thomas didn't want to hear.

I walked to them quietly, but they still heard me. Smiles formed on their faces when I came into view and I couldn't help but smile back. "Hey, guys," I said.

"Look who's alive," Fry said, but then he frowned once he realized how poor that word choice was. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I smiled at him as I hugged Minho tightly, feeling his arms of protection squeeze me. I released him to hug Newt.

I knew every hug from these guys. Minho always squeezed me like I was going to float away if he didn't. Newt's hugs were gentler like he thought I would break. And Fry's were a little goofy just like him, tossing me from side to side as he grinned. I knew them left and right, up and down, and I wondered how long I'd be able to remember the feel of it before I forgot. I sat down between Newt and Minho.

"Guys, listen. I wanted to say something before..." I hesitated, not wanting to say it out loud yet, and they just watched me with curious eyes. "Anyway, I love you guys. I don't know what I would do without you. Fry, you're one of the funniest guys I've ever known. You make me laugh more than anyone and you've made me happier on days when that's the last thing I feel.

"Newt, you're the nicest guy. You're loyal and sweet, and you taught me the most out of anyone. You're the reason I try to be a better person every day. You're who I strive to be.

"And Minho... You're my best friend. Without you, I couldn't have gone through half the things that we did. I love you so much and I couldn't have asked for someone better.

"You've all become so much more to me than friends. You guys are my brothers, my family. Thank you guys for everything." I managed to finish without crying or tearing up, which I thought was a huge accomplishment.

Newt just nodded. "Mhm. So when do we leave?"


"You didn't think we were going without you, did you?" Fry laughed.

"You have to. I-It's paradise. The Safe Haven. It's what we've dreamt of since we first heard about it."

"Yeah, two days ago."


"Do you really think we would leave you?" Minho interrupted, giving me a look that said I was an idiot. "Look at you, you're up and walking around. You climbed up here. You're fine. You deserve to be there with us. And honestly, I don't want to be there if you can't go with us."

All I could do was gape at him for a second until my mind came back to me. "This is only temporary. I can't keep using Immune blood to survive. At some point, I will turn, and I won't be with you guys when it happens. I won't put you at risk like that."

Minho shrugged at me. "It's not your choice."

I jumped up, facing them with increasing frustration as I threw my hands into the air. "It is my choice! It's all my choice! You guys are leaving with them tomorrow or I'm leaving tonight."

"Tonight it is, then," Newt said. "We'll meet you at the tent."

I stared at them, my eyes wide and mouth open in annoyance. The looks in their eyes told me they wouldn't be swayed, and I deflated, shaking my head at the ground as my eyes filled with tears. "You may just be the stupidest slintheads I've ever met in my life."

"Don't cry, Minx," Newt said softly.

"I'm not crying. I have dirt in my eye." I turned my back to them, pressing my fingers into my eyes as I tried to stop the buildup.

"Y/N, come on. It's okay. Don't cry," Minho said, and I shook my head, insisting that I wasn't crying. A few seconds later, Fry's arms wrapped around me, and I turned into him, hugging him back for the second time. Newt was the second to join, rubbing my back with one hand as he wrapped the other around us.

"Come on, Minho," Newt said when Minho stayed seated.

Minho shook his head. "I'm not really a group hugger. You guys got this one." I was certain Newt gave Minho a look because Minho sighed and joined the hug. Their arms all wrapped around each other with me in the center. "Just one time."

When I'd dried my face, the boys released me, but the sound of helicopters flying above caught our attention. The clouds were grey and dark since the sun had set, but there were still people bustling about. I stared at the two planes flying towards the camp, wondering if it had something to do with the Haven.

I heard Thomas scream 'no' as he ran somewhere, and the helicopters shot missiles down at the camp. The impact knocked me off my feet, but I got up quickly running with the others away from the guards who'd jumped down from the plane. They shot people with those taser guns, and we ran down into the mess.

"Where's Thomas?" Fry yelled. The four of us ducked behind some barrels, watching people flee. Vince yelled to Harriet for more ammo, and that's where we ran to help.

"How can we help?" I said over all the sound.

"You need to cover us!" Harriet set a box of ammo on the back of the truck where Vince was standing, shooting his gun at any and every guard he saw.

Vince held the gun out to Minho. "Hey! You know how to use this thing?" Minho nodded, cocking the rifle, and I saw a box of knives ranging from all sizes on the truck.

"Hey, Vince! Can I use some of these? I know my way around a blade."

"Whatever! Just go. This fifty's our only chance!"

I grabbed as many blades as I could while Newt and Fry got guns. Vince loaded up the automatic while we circled around the truck. A guard came up, shooting at Minho, and I shouted in anger as I tossed a long knife at him. He groaned and dropped his gun when the blade sliced through his uniform and dug into his stomach.

I glanced over to see the Doc's tent was on fire, and I momentarily realized that Thomas didn't know that I wasn't in there. I was about to run over there when I saw him screaming for me as if his whole world was burning, but Brenda and Jorge pulled him out of the way. They were hidden, and I hoped they would escape.

I threw as many knives as I could, but there were too many guards. It seemed like every one down was replaced by two more. I threw my last knife then stood there empty-handed. "I'm out!"

"Me, too!" Fry said.

"Look out!"

"Shit!" Vince screamed, but it was cut off. A guard threw an explosive taser that erupted like a grenade into the truck. When it went off, my entire body seized and every muscle tensed like I was cramping up. I fell to the ground, shaking and groaning in pain. I couldn't move even if I wanted to after it stopped.

A guard walked up and lifted me over his shoulder like a doll, then he carried me towards a line of other people. He dropped me without any worry as to if it hurt. "Get on your knees and put your hands behind your back." I forced my body to move as I followed his orders, his gun pointed right at my head. He scanned the back of my neck and said, "A-38."

The others were lined up on my left, each receiving the same treatment. There was a split between me and the next group. They had everyone in the camp lined up, all our weapons in a pile, and everything else had been destroyed by the landing of the helicopters.

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