Possibly Forever (Will Byers...

By PAnicattheupsidedown

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Just a message about the hate
!!!One extra thing!!!
Dear, Y/N...
Dear, Will...
My Volume ll thoughts...


2.8K 78 72
By PAnicattheupsidedown

Enjoy the chapter🤍

.....YOUR POV.....

I clicked on the TV as Eleven took a seat in front of it. I sat her blindfold beside her before walking into the kitchen area where Will and Lucas were looking through the fridge for drinks.

I had offered to help El out in the void or even do it for her but she declined. I knew she appreciated my offer but this must've been something she just wanted to do herself.

But I worried about her. She's been going at it like crazy trying to figure out all of this mind flayer stuff. It has to be taking a toll on her brain to constantly be using her powers like this. Though, if she didn't want or need my help I had no place to force my way in.

"You okay?" Will asked as he grabbed a soda and cracked open the can.

"Yeah. I just feel like she could really use some help right now. I get that she's really strong with her powers and can do it herself- I just think she might be over doing it a bit."

Will smiled. "You're starting to sound like Mike." I rolled my eyes and groaned. He laughed.

"Im just kidding. It's really sweet of you to worry about her and want to help. But Eleven has been using her powers for a long time. She can do this. Trust her." "I do, I do. She's just been doing it and doing it and I feel she might be making herself weak. Maybe it's just me worrying too much, I just don't want her to get hurt. She's my friend."

I leaned on the counter and crossed my arms. I blew out a sigh. Will stepped forward, setting his soda down on the surface beside me before leaning in close to me. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "She'll be just fine. Don't stress about it." He said softly.

I tried my hardest to resist the urge to look at his lips. Lucas was still deciding on his choice of drink, but there was still someone around. I didn't know how Will felt about me exactly but If we would've been alone I could've easily kissed him.

He pulled back and held out his hand. "Come on." I took his hand and he led me back to the others, Lucas right behind us with a can of soda as well.

Mike was moving back to sit down, he must've been talking to El. Or more like talking her out of it. At least trying. Will sat on the couch beside Max and I sat beside him, with very little space Lucas squeezed in beside Max as everyone else found a seat as well.

Eleven pulled the blindfold up to her eyes and tied it around her head, the static still noticeable as background noise from the television in front of her.

That familiar drop of blood came down her nose as she settled into her mind. We all sat watching her, waiting for any words of what she sees or any reaction to something.

After a minute or two her breathing got really fast. She sounded like she was gasping for air and then small whimpers came out of her mouth.

She started to freak out, crying and moving around as if there was something she was trying to get away from.

"Somethings wrong." Mike stated. I wanted to look at him and say no shit but restrained and turned my attention back to El.

After a moment of hopeless panic she finally started to calm. Her crys of fear slowly turned Into one's of confusion and then they stopped.

"El, are you okay?" He asked. "El, are you okay?" He asked, harder the second time.

She didn't respond for a second. "El?" I asked. Will grabbed my hand and I instantly became ten times less tense.

"Im okay" She affirmed quietly. She sounded very scared and very confused. None of us knew what was going on in her mind but it for sure wasn't something good. Then again, is it ever?

"Whats going on?" Mike asked her.

"I'm on a beach."

"Okay, I may be dense, but the last I checked there weren't any beaches in Hawkins." Lucas stated. Max looked at him and then back at El. "What else do you see?"

There was silence for a second before she spoke again. "A woman. Shes.." There was a short pause. "Pretty"

"I..think she's looking at me"

After another moment, which I was sure she was using to observe her surroundings, she started speaking again.

"Theres..a boy." More silence. "Its Billy."

No one said anything. Everyone seemed to be thinking to themselves. Everyone, but Max. "Its California." She stated.

Everyone looked at her. "Its a memory."

"I think I see it." Eleven said. I sat up straight and kept my attention to her.

"The source."

Everyone looked around at eachother at that word. Source. She found it. Will squeezed my hand tighter but it didn't seem to make me any less anxious this time, maybe because he was too, along with everyone else.

After about roughly five minutes of no reactions or words from El we were all starting to tense a little. She had barely even made a noise the entire time.

Finally she said something. "I think I found it. The source." She repeated again.

"Where are you El?" I asked her. "Brimborn. Steelworks." She said after a pause.

Jonathan got up from his seat on the couch and ran to the counter, picking up a large book and flipping through the pages quickly.

"Here, Okay, uh Steelworks, Steelworks." He repeated as he fumbled through the book.

Nancy also stood from her place and walker over to Jonathan as he landed on a page and pointed at a place on it.

"Here, steel. Found it, 6522 Cherry Oak Drive."

"Thats close." Nancy said. Mike looked over at Eleven. "El, El, we found it. Get out of there!"

All the sudden a wave of dizziness washed diver me. I felt like I was going to pass out. I'm not sure but maybe that's what's happening.

Black clouded my vision and suddenly my eyes shut. I felt like I was falling.

I could no longer feel Wills hand interlaced with mine.

I couldn't feel anything.

When my consciousness finally came back I opened my eyes. I expected to see everyone around me just looking at me funny, and I could play it off. But that's not what happened.

When I opened my eyes I was alone. I was in the same room, but no one was there.

"Guys?...Will? WILL! Max?...Mike? Anyone?" I looked around everywhere only to find no one. But when I turned back around to where I was I saw something I didn't expect to see.


I walked over to her and her eyes opened.

"Y/n?" I nodded at her. "Do you know where everyone is?" I asked her.

She looked around and then back at me confused. "Shouldn't you know?" Now we were both confused.

"I just got back from the-" I helped her to her feet and she got a good look around, causing her to stop.

"No one's here?" She asked. I shrugged. "I...don't really know. I think I may have passed out and when I woke up I was alone."

"Mike!" She called out.

"MIKE!" She yelled.

I stood beside her looking one way as she looked the other. Suddenly she grabbed my shoulder and shook me.

"Will!-" I was following her lead in calling for people but turned to look at her. When I turned my attention to where she was looking there, coming around the corner, was Billy.

"They can't hear you"

Me and El stood frozen, beside eachother, looking as the monster disguised as Billy walked into the room.

A feared gasp came from her as he came into sight. No noise could come from me. I don't know how or why we're here or why he's here or why we're alone. I was internally freaking out even if I wasn't showing it. And I know he can feel it by his glance in my direction.

"You shouldn't have looked for me"

His eyes felt like they were piercing into my soul as he looked in both of our eyes, somehow at the same time. It's the most Intense fear I've ever felt as I stare back into them.

"Because now I see you. Both of you."

He reached over to a small table with an ash tray on top of it and put out his cigarette, leaving it as he walked forward. Not once did he take his eyes away from his harsh glare.

"Now we can all see you."

He came closer to us, I gripped onto Eleven and walked backwards at the pace he came towards us. His face held no emotion as the words flowed out of him.

"You...let us in."

I could feel him directing more to Eleven as he spoke the sentence. But it immediately came back as he continued.

"And you...helped."

A flash came through my mind, gouging at my brain. A scene came to my eyes almost like a vision. It was me. I was wearing a grey suit that covered everything except my hands and head. My right arm was outstretched and my left came up in the moment. My feet were lifted from the ground as I pushed my powers to a red glowing entrance. It was covered in some form of slime that the large creature made. It lived there. They all lived there. Blood rushed down from my nostrils and my face was red. My eyes focused on the opening and without another second it split down the middle. A rush of cold air filled the vicinity as a roar came from the entrance. I fell to my knees and gasped for air as it felt like my lungs had collapsed. I was grabbed by two men and rushed out of the room. I was thrown back into the van I had arrived there in and brought back to the building that stood hours away. I was put in my cell and locked away once again. The vision faded out and reality continued.

"And now...you are going to have to let us stay."

Eleven cried out as she continued to move back with me. Billy still came forward, no intention of stopping, as his face stayed with no expression.

"Don't you see? All this time we've been building it. We've been building it..."

A tear slid down my face

"For you two."

I wanted to curl up and cry as he spoke. As he walked towards us claiming what they've done, is our fault.

"All that time. All that pain. All of it, for you."

We had completely walked through different rooms, now we were almost trapped. We walked into a table. All that was really left was a wall a few feet away. There won't really be anywhere else to go after we get to the wall.

"And now it's time. We're going to end it. We're going to end you. And when you two are gone, we're going to end your friends."

"No!" Me and El both cried out.

"And then we are going to end Everyone."

"Get away!!" Eleven screamed. We both shot up our hands and threw him the other way.

I opened my eyes and yelled out, thinking I was still there. But I quickly realized I wasn't. Tears streamed down my face and I heard Eleven scream out too. Everyone looked from me to Eleven, confused.

Will pulled me into him. "Whats wrong? It's gonna be okay. You're okay." He spoke softly to me, trying to calm me down.

I wanted to warn them, I wanted to tell them what happened but I was shaking and couldn't speak. I could barely cry. I felt frozen. Eleven seemed to be the complete opposite but still unable to speak on what had just occurred.

She fell into Mike, blood still coming from her nose and sobs spilling from her throat.

I could feel my nose also bleeding. But I didn't care. I was terrified and felt like I was dying. It's the most hopeless feeling I've ever felt to be the reason everyone else is dying. To be the reason everyone's life is in danger. To be the reason everything bad is happening.

Me and El are the reason.

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