Made for the Rich Boy -Tempor...

By LoveBelovedLove

27.3K 468 133

"Axel..." "Yes Mia?" he whispered. His minty breath fanning her face. The lips that were her temptation, the... More

Author's Note - IMPORTANT


1.9K 47 5
By LoveBelovedLove

-Here is chapter six ...finally! I will say I did enjoy writing this chapter although it was a pain in the beginning. There will be some surprises that I will guarantee you guys will like. After this chapter is where everything will start getting more ..... Well you'll have to read to find out.

Next update will be in 2013 :D and as a gift, I decided to make this chapter long to make up for taking so long AND to celebrate the last days of this year. Please enjoy and of course, vote and comment!! -

Also, on this chapter, I've written Mia in third person. I know it used to be first, but I've decided since people are having troubles knowing who is speaking, then everyone will be in third person point of view. It's also way easier to write, so I hope you all like this new change. I will go back and fix the other chapters, so do not worry.

Made for the Rich Boy

Chapter Six: Unknown Feelings

Mia found herself temporarily groaning into the eerie darkness hovering at her vision, in result of the massive headache that had instantly crawled into her cerebrum - shots of unbearable pain flinging at her. Dammit, she croaked as she stumbled into the bedroom, closing the wooden door behind her with a hard kick of the heel.

She hissed as she felt her temples painstakingly throbbing. A shiver sliced through her as she felt her mouth ridiculously dry, and her tongue without the usual moist. The after taste of tequila invading her taste buds had her cringing irritatingly. She could still feel the burning sensation whenever she managed to gulp down a swallow. Mia took a big intake of fresh air and veered over the clothespress, determined to regain her composure. She felt as if a nail had been hammered into her head repeatedly ... a wound of her gruesome aftermath.

Her outstretched hand led the way for her throughout the darkness, grasping on anything solid that will steady her, and prevent her from falling face down. Feeling the soft material, she collapsed down onto the bed, sliding off her worn-out sandals. Mia couldn't help but regret her night out at Diego's tonight. She questioned herself of the dense, feebleminded decision. She should have never agreed to Julian's atrocious advice - venturing the hard liquor for the first time can emanate in serious damage to someone who had a virgin-liquor mouth, such as herself. Mia yearned to have been immune to the inebriated effect, she did only drown three shots, but here she was praying for her head to stop pirouetting ... and soon.

At least the worse was finally over, she mentally charged at the revisiting thoughts of tonight. Yet she regretted thinking those words as she perceived the goose bumps trailing their way onto her bare arms, pricking her like diminutive needles and bringing her the horrid stomach feeling, she so dreaded experiencing.

Mia barely made it to the small restroom, in time to hug the white comfort throne and regurgitate the remaining of the alcohol. She stayed put, hugging the porcelain latrine in case anything else emerged from her mouth. However, drinking with the empty stomach she had - Mia knew her insides needn't extrude anything else.

Struggling from the cold, hard floor, she glimpsed at herself in the mirror above the sink and became startled at the deplorable view. Her once bronzed face was now pale. Dark marks covered below her emerald eyes - her peach lips, chapped and her blond mane had stuck to her forehead due to the perspiration pouring out of her.

Not wanting to go to bed as if a lightning bold came upon her, Mia decided to take a brief midnight shower. It could ease the pain and bare away my mood, she told herself as she stripped from the chiffon outfit and stepped foot inside the tub, sighing from comfort as the soothing warm water wallowed her thoroughly.


Twenty minutes later, Mia lounged against the bed wearing no more than a flimsy pair of lace undergarments. She sighed as she felt the cool breeze from the outside, blow over her and recede the heat. Turning her head, she glanced at the clock which hung lightly on the pale lime walls, noting forty past midnight had taken over the night.

Staring into the high ceiling, she thought of a certain someone who had managed to implant his self into her thoughts. Memories flooded over her in hard, pounding waves as she recalled her previous conversation with him.

After she had left his set in an amassment of fury and disbelief, all she could think about on the ride to her home, was about his ordered request. I will expect you to be at my bedroom this evening; his words circled her head in a continuous trance. She recalled the gall and hatred she felt towards him, the thought of actually following with those abominable orders, was preposterous. But, she had to painfully admit the thought excited her and ignited her insides in such intimate and unimaginable way, she found herself shocked from horror.

In all her nineteen years, she has never acquainted with anyone who had angered her, the way Axel Moretto easily does so. But, she has also never met anyone who set flaming sparks into her body. One too many times, she had guiltily found herself imagining being atop the madden man, writhing bodies and sharing fluids. The thought itself was unreal, synthetic ... but nevertheless caused hard waves of heat traveling down to parts whom were not familiarized with the feeling - until now.

He was the boss, her adversary, the man who had made her life miserable since the minute she set foot onto his house, adding yet another reason to why she should not have such lustful thoughts. But does her mental analysis work? Of course not. Being mere inches away from him this afternoon, inhaling Axel's manly scent - the fragrance percolating her inexperienced body and the very essence of him bringing into mind steamy nights she'd wish to have, had her core heating and wanting undivided attention.

What had gotten her to strangely feel that way was beyond her, and most importantly - what and why had he asked her of such? He had never failed to show her of the strong displeasure he felt towards her, the feeling itself was mutual -her traitorous body would just have to deal with it - so why'd he want her in his bedroom? To talk, he proposed but of what?

To this moment, she cannot say why she kept feeling more confused or ... dismayed. What was the reason behind Axel's sudden decision, and why now? She questioned. If she had to pinpoint anything, maybe it had to do with knowing, this infuriating man was the same person who had loathed her since the first day and whom had also, deliberately sabotaged her work just to get rid of her. The man who constantly humiliates her, yet someone who stares at her in an unexpected, personal way, God what the hell, is he playing at?

Mia suddenly grinned at the 'gift' she had left on his bed this noon. She wondered if he had seen it yet, but if he did surely he would have came looking after her in a furious state nonetheless.

But wanting to punish herself for the want, she couldn't help the disappointment coursing through her. The eyes which were seconds before focused on the wall were now fixed on the door - waiting to meet another set of eyes - preferably light green ones ... such as her own.

Axel momentarily sighed from pure allayment as he drove past the familiar gates of his home. He had managed to perfect his last scene and after a diligent day, he looked forward to greeting solitude ... for now. The scene he had finished had debilitated him especially when Steve had him and his co-star, paraphrase the act until both showed true emotion. He craved a steaming shower to rinse himself from the glued perspiration, adherent to his frame and the remaining of his stage makeup.

He pulled his car into the stoned driveway of his home and stopped at the entrance. Awhile the drive, Natalia had phoned several times, and though he would normally answer in a heartbeat, eager to hear the husky voice, today he had other things on his mind - particularly a feisty, stubborn blond who managed to penetrate his thoughts in a startling way. He replayed his brief acquaintance with Mia and smirked mischievously as he remembered her reaction from their private conversation. He was positive she will give him a memorable fight, and would willingly bet his fortune that his little maid would be at a far distance from him tonight.

Clairvoyant he was definitely not, but he undoubtedly knew she will avoid him at all costs. Habitually, this action would enrage and possess him to affirm her, she was in some way his and that he can, and will do anything he pleases with her. Yet at the end of the night, he always accomplishes success. Whether she wants it or not, that maid will be in his bedroom tonight or in his arms.


Once outside his bedroom door, Axel grasped the knob and turned only to be acknowledged with a destitute room. He mentally cursed as he thought of her, slamming the door in the process. Although, he has no understanding why the riled reaction, he anticipated her move. But as ridicule as it may be, a small part of him hoped to find her where he wanted her to be.

Unbuttoning his flannel shirt, he strutted towards his bed, halting as he saw the sleek white envelope. Confusedly, he reached for it and turned it, noticing its plain exterior. Axel sat and ripped the side, taking out a small paper.

Oh mighty Axel,

I can honestly say I was truly bewildered at your orders. At first I thought you were playing a sick joke. Why not tease the maid right, but you turned out to be contemplative. And as I continued with the rest of my day, all I could think about was, is this the way a boss should treat his employee? Do you normally ask them to wait for you in your bedroom, or is it just me? Certainly, you did not believe I would actually follow those preposterous orders. What will your father think of the matter ... or your mother? Poor Axel, sitting alone on his bedroom, why don't you call your dearly lady partner? I'm sure she'll be glad to take my place. Now that I think about it, what will she say when she finds out? Well, I must say I am eager to meet her. We can have a woman to woman chat, don't you think? Have fun with your solitude Mr. Axel


Axel's jaw set and felt his temper rapidly burgeoning. He crimpled the paper and forcedly threw it, along with the envelope and some of his belongings. If that worthless maid thought she could get the best of him, she'd better think twice. He was not one to fool and he would make sure she knew of that.

Mia's eyes fought to close themselves; even after she tried to keep them tight open. It had been nearly an hour and nothing but silence filled her ears, only plain darkness embraced her. Ignoring the weirdly pain sensation, she no longer fought the fatigue and brought the bed covers up to her chest, closing her tired eyes.

Slowly, she caught sleep ... but the creaking, menacing sound of a door opening had her fatigue go away to be replaced by cold fear. She opened her eyes and held her bitter scream as she spied the dark silhouette of a man standing just outside her doorway. Her loose limbs swept with the fear she tried to contain, the scream almost clawing its way out of her dry throat.

Mia felt paralyzed, still - watching the tall figure as he focused on her, and only her. Part of her wanted to yell her lungs out, and the other half ordered Mia to look for some kind of tool to use as a weapon. But the only thing close was a stack of unread magazines and a Jane Austen book.

Her breathing stopped and her heart hammered inside her burning chest as Mia saw the curious man step closer inside. The voice inside her head pleaded her to do something, anything.

Finally, finding the courage deep inside, Mia decided to do something quite against her nature. With the small voice she had, she questioned. "Who - who are you?" Her lips quivering in fear.

The person stepped inside, and closed the door. Perfect, white teeth were shown and it was then that Mia knew he was enjoying watching her squirm as she eyed the wicked smile. "Afraid, are you." It was more of a statement, than a question. But had Mia gaped from perplexity.

That voice.

The sultry, familiar voice had Mia sighing from relief, but raged in anger. He stepped closer, and due to the light filtering through the cracked window, she contrived to see the face belonging to the decadent voice. The shadowed light caught him, showing the high cheekbones, erect body, and the brooding eyes she was so accustomed to see. Both stared at each other. He watched her intently with eyes darker than coal, fury blazing from his pores. Mia found the long gone courage and turned from his dark gaze in attempt to flick on the light from the lamp atop the bedside table.

The first thing she saw was the detrimental smile, and feeling bold and enraged, she asked. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What's the matter Mia, not happy to see me?"Smug written all over his face. The glare he got in return had his sardonic smile widening.

"That does not answer my question." Mia grumbled, clearly unfathomed by his obvious amusement.

He merely shrugged, "Well, you have not answered mines."



Mia grunted and snapped, despising the man before her. "Look I don't know why you chose to come to my bedroom this late at night, but I would really appreciate it if you would please leave the way you came from."

"Oh Mia, I always look forward to our ... talks."He smirked, not the least bit phased by her glare.

"I'm not going to say it again Axel. Stay. Away. From. Me. Now leave." She yelled, pointing at the door. She nervously swallowed once she saw his eyes go from amused, to hatred and annoyance. He took two long strides, and soon - he was standing inches from her, tightly grasping both arms.

"Now you listen to me," his voice cold and hard, "I have had it with you and that smart mouth and honestly, I am losing my patience. If I tell you to do something, you follow my damn orders. I am your boss, and if I want to do something then hell, you are no one to stop me, understand?"


A residuum of anger surged through Axel as he watched the maid glaring at him. Never had he wanted to physically man handle a woman, yet here he wanted to contort her into bits of pieces. But despite the annoyance towards her, he felt more hatred in himself for the reaction the small blond brought to him. He noted her heavy breathing, her parted full lips and all he wanted right now, was to take her right here on this bed and make her scream into orgasm. For fucks sake, he had a girlfriend far alluring than her.

His libidinous thoughts had him unaware of her sudden, forced push. Soon, she glared and stood up to stand before him.

"No, you listen! I am tired of the way you think you can easily control me. You have absolutely no right to come into my room and bark orders. This was your intention right? To anger me further and have a pity excuse to finally fire me? Then no need, I will personally speak with your father to resign. Yes, I am an employee but I will not stay here and be constantly humiliated by someone like you."

Axel could hear nothing of the sort. He instantly forgot her words the minute she stood up semi-naked in revealing lace underwear. He took her all in, taking mental pictures at her exposed, enticing form. His thoughts from before were choked on his throat - how could he think she was not enthralling? The thought itself was absurd as lowered his eyes, and even in the dark, he could make out the bare, long legs that had haunted him day and night. Right now, it had him wanting to trail his hands over them until he reached the top.

He felt his body harden in response as his eyes admired the perfectly round globes. The thin, black bra did nothing to sustain the well rounded breasts. His mouth watered as he saw the form of the tiny nipples tightening and hardening into pebbles under his stare - the action making his erection unable to hide. Axel's need to take them into his mouth and suck whilst she screamed from pleasure had given him such hard on it was unable to ignore - one he's never received before not even with Natalia. And as he lustfully stared, all he could think about was how he wanted to take her in his strong arms, inhale her unique scent and drown himself in her, deep until he found the sweet relief he craved.

She had curves in all the right places and it made Axel deeply want to explore the rest of her body, with absolutely no scraps of clothing in the way.

Unable to hide the strong desire for this little maid, Axel stood up and slowly made his way over to her until he gripped her waist, and push her rather forcedly towards his chest. The feel of her body had him groaning and his body pulsing with the need to take her in all way possible.

His hands traveled lower her waist, until they reached her tight, plump ass. She let out a small moan. The beautiful sound almost made him finish in his pants. He knew he should leave before he did something unthinkable. But the need to make sweet love to her and bury himself inside her tight core was hard to ignore. Fuck it.

Backing her against the wall, he left the grip on her bottom and raised both arms to lock her in between.

"Axel, let go of me." Mia whispered as she tried to push him away.

"Why should I do that?" He taunted. He pressed his pelvis against her, feeling the wetness in between her legs. He growled and gripped her waist once again, only to hoist her soft legs and wrap them around him.

"Axel ... please." She whispered, licking her lips.

"You know for a maid, you sure are terrible at your job." His eyes hooded, and darkening every second that went by.

"Wh -why?" Mia murmured.

"Because instead of cleaning, you tempt the hell out of me Mia and make me do things like this," Axel stared down at her lips intently before licking his own, and go down to partner with her soft ones.

The last thing that went through his mind as he went to taste her sweet lips was,

I'm a goner.


How many of you guys enjoyed reading that? And how many realized that was the snippet in the summary? Well some part of it. If you did, pat yourself in the back (:

First off, I want to sincerely apologize for taking so long to update this chapter. Truthfully, when I first started writing, I had the chapter done in like two hours. But as I re-read it, I thought, "what was I thinking?" and just started over again. It was too short for my liking and not one of my best. Then, as I started writing again ... writer's block decided to hit me like a punch in the gut! I struggled revising and rewriting, but then decided to just give myself some time until I get some major inspiration.

And when I finally finished writing, it was Christmas and I did not have my laptop with me. So I apologize. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please show me your love by voting and commenting. I always love feedback and opinion. And I will see you guys in the New Year :D

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