The Sympathy Screw | 18+

Por HonestPassion13

99.6K 1.8K 581

ADULT SEXUAL CONTENT ~ "What if we defined a set of rules around it so that you'd have my permission to have... Más

Chapter 1 - Celebration in Love
Chapter 2 - Laying Down the Law
Chapter 3 - To-Do List
Chapter 4 - Connected
Chapter 5 - Wake Up Call
Chapter 6 - Kinks
Chapter 7 - Saving Up
Chapter 8 - Enjoy It While It's Here
Chapter 9 - Death and Taxes
Chapter 10 - Last Goodbye
Chapter 11 - Free-For-All
Chapter 12 - Sexual Healing
Chapter 13 - Hold
Chapter 14 - Anything For Love
Chapter 15 - Happiness Is a Warm Puppy
Chapter 16 - Skin Deep
Chapter 17 - High Point
Chapter 18 - Back to the Grind
Chapter 20 - Don't Get Dressed Yet
Chapter 21 - Please
Chapter 22 - Ride
Chapter 23 - Meeting of the Minds
Chapter 24 - (Un) Hostile Takeover
Chapter 25 - Relinquishing Control
Chapter 26 - Out of Bounds
Chapter 27 - Back At It
Chapter 28 - Swing and a Miss
Chapter 29 - All's Well That Ends ... Well?
Chapter 30 - Things I Never Got

Chapter 19 - The Wait is Over

1.7K 46 6
Por HonestPassion13

Author's Notes:

⚠Trigger warning:  lots of drinking this chapter.⚠

The theme song for this chapter is:

Me & You   by   Cassie


Nick took my hand and led me to a booth near the corner he had been standing in when I arrived. Surprisingly, it had a 'Reserved' sign over it, so I assumed he must have been the one to reserve it. He motioned with his hand for me to take a seat and I chose one side of the booth. I sat on the right side of the booth, laying my rose down on the table in front of me, but instead of sitting across from me, he sat beside me, his eyes meeting mine inches away from my face.

Those intense green eyes looked at me as though I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, or perhaps the most arousing. I could hardly catch my breath looking at him and I was helpless to keep from looking away.

"Violet," he began, "You ... You're just so ..."

I exhaled, the air in my chest suddenly feeling tight. I'm just so what?

Instead of finishing his thought, Nick leaned in and began kissing my neck. The music was still loud here, but not like it was out on the dance floor. When his lips hit the right spot, my moan was loud enough that he chuckled.

"You like that?" he whispered, inches from my ear.

"Yes," I breathed.

"I can't wait to see what else you like. But first, let's get you that drink," he told me. I had a momentary lapse of nervousness, being that I'd always been told not to let my drink out of my sight with a guy I didn't know. Even if I knew Nick from our months of communicating online together, that was several years ago and you never knew how much you could trust that someone online was telling the truth about who they were.

Those fears were relieved when Nick motioned a waitress over to the booth. I didn't even know this bar had waitresses, but apparently if you had enough money to reserve a booth, you could get a waitress.

Just thinking of the fact that I was afraid of what Nick would do to my drink left me with doubts about my wanting to do this. As my nerves prickled, I looked around the bar and caught Iris's eye. She was dancing with a man probably ten years younger than her and his eyes were fastened squarely on her chest, but she gave me a reassuring smile and a wave, letting me know that she was keeping an eye on me. I was safe, so I just needed to chill the fuck out. A drink would help with that.

Nick looked at me expectantly, and I asked the waitress for the drink that I thought would loosen me up the fastest, knowing that if Nick had reserved the table here, Nick would not have a problem with the whole bottle, "Could I get a Bacardi 151 on the rocks? And maybe we could just have the bottle?"

The waitress looked to Nick and he nodded.

"I'll have a Bud Light," Nick ordered.

If I was going to be loosening up, though, he would with me.

"Aww, Nick, come on. Have some fun with me," I urged, putting my left hand on his leg just above his knee.

Nick sat up straighter than before and told her, "Alright, I'll have the 151, too."

With that, the waitress left, returning quickly with two glasses and the bottle. Once my glass was in front of me and full, I took a few sips. It burned, but I drank it down. After I took those first few sips, I downed the whole glass, then looked at Nick's glass to see that he had drank half of his already, too.

"Nervous?" I asked him, giving that leg a gentle squeeze.

Nick smiled. "Could you tell?"

"If it makes you feel better, I think we both are," I said with a laugh, holding my glass up for him, to demonstrate.

"Violet, I've wanted you for years. After you broke it off to be with that other guy, I never thought I would get a chance with you. But now, here you are," he told me, his voice deepening at the end. He quickly downed the rest of his glass and reached for the bottle.

"Here I am," I repeated, as he poured me another glass. That other guy, I thought, thinking again of Andrew. My heart broke just a little at his words. I downed the new drink, hoping that both my nerves would evaporate and that I could drown my sorrows.

Nick downed his own drink and poured us both another. This would be my sixth drink in less than an hour. Why was I drinking so much? I had to take this glass slower. I was already probably going to be completely tanked.

"When you put your hand on my leg," Nick told me, again close to my ear, "I think my dick got even harder than before."

His words did nearly as much to turn me on as my hand on his leg had to turn him on. Nick leaned in and kissed my neck again.

He whispered seductively in my ear, "Violet, I really want to kiss your lips. Could I kiss you?"

His asking for permission caught me off guard. Yes, he had kissed my neck, but it wasn't the same as kissing my lips. It was a completely different level of personal intimacy. It had been years now, but Nick had seen every part of my body and we'd discussed kissing, among other things, many, many times.

Granted, I certainly could've changed my opinion between then and now, but he was well within his rights to try. That much was clear when I had just sent him a photo of my bra earlier this week and he had already been kissing my neck and ear tonight, listening to me moan when he did it. The respect he'd shown to ask before taking my mouth was so unexpected and refreshing.

I turned my face to his, pulling him by the back of his head to meet my lips. I could taste the slight tang of the rum on his mouth as I opened my own to him, and also the minty flavor of toothpaste. Nick wrapped his arms around me as we kissed, pulling me closer and massaging my back slightly with his hands. It wasn't a Sam-level caliber kiss, but it was nice.

If he was going to be that respectful with me, that was trustworthy enough to let me know he was still safe enough to go home with him and hopefully have sex with. Technically, this was a first date, but Nick and I had been heading to bed together since we almost met four years ago. Did he already drink too much to drive, though?

When our lips finally separated, I said, "Did you have anything to drink before I showed up?"

"Yes," Nick told me, "Two beers."

I frowned. "We've both been drinking too much, but I kind of wish we hadn't because I'd love to go home with you right now."

He told me, "I didn't want to be presumptuous, but I chose Club Loca for a reason. I own it. My apartment is on the top floor of the building."

I raised my brow at that. "You own Club Loca? And you live right here?"

"Yes," he told me, returning his lips to my neck.

I moved my hand back to his leg, shamelessly running it across his hip on the way back down. I noticed that, even in the lights of the club, the outline of his erection was so noticeable. My hand never touched it, but my fingers were less than an inch away.

While trying not to moan, I had to ask him, "Did you always? You told me four years ago that you lived across the state."

All while nibbling on my ear and kissing my neck, he answered, "No. I used to own the world's smallest bar on the other side of the state, out in the middle of nowhere. Shortly after you and I stopped seeing each other, a friend gave me the opportunity of a lifetime to buy Loca for a steal, conditional on that I had to move out here. I've doubled back the money that I put into it since buying it."

Nick's hand moved around my waist as he kissed. He wasn't touching me anywhere that I wouldn't want to be touched in public, but he was definitely skirting some fine lines, running his hand first along my thigh and then across the front of my ribs. My body was on fire, my nipples aching to be strummed, and my panties soaked.

"I didn't have anything to do with the decision to buy it; did I?"

Nick chuckled against my neck, pulling my body so close I was practically on his lap. "No. Now, do you want to go upstairs with me or not?"

I was starting to feel downright intoxicated, both from the several drinks I'd had and from his intense neck kisses. Despite my drunkenness, a thought popped into my head before consenting to go with him. "Is this a regular thing that you bring women upstairs from the club?" I wasn't even honestly sure if it mattered, since this was just going to be a strictly-sex thing with him, much as it always had been with Nick, but I had to know if I was another notch on his bedpost to brag to his buddies about later.

Nick pulled away so that I could see his face and his broad smile only brightened. "Honestly? Never. Owning a club like this has been extremely busy. I can't exactly walk away from the floor without planning it in advance. If it hadn't been for your text, I probably would've gone several more months without a date."

I slid my hand further up his thigh, just teetering on the edge of impropriety as the back of my pinky grazed his manhood. "Then take me upstairs, Nick."

Nick took my other hand in his and slid out of the booth, pulling me along behind him. I just had time to grab my rose before we got up and headed toward the door. As we walked out, I caught Iris's eye and gave her a thumbs-up to let her know I was fine and was going by choice. She nodded at me and I saw her grab her phone out of her cross-body bag. A second later, I felt my own phone, tucked into my 'bra-cket', vibrating with a new text.

Nick took me quickly up three flights of stairs and then turned towards me when he arrived at an unmarked door with three different key holes. Even on the third floor, I could still hear and feel the pounding bass below and idly wondered if Nick could sleep at night through it all.

That is, I wondered it until he pressed his body up against mine and kissed me again, his arms around my waist and gripping my ass. I could feel his hard manhood up against my belly as he squeezed my body flush against his own. My arms slid around his neck, careful not to poke him with the rose. My body heated as his own slid his hips back and forth across my own and his tongue met mine. Soft moans slid from my throat as we kissed.

Nick broke away and pulled a key out of his pocket, quickly unlocking all three locks, swinging the door open, and pulling us both inside. Once he closed the door, I noticed that it was completely silent within.

"Where did all the sound go?" I asked dumbly, as Nick grabbed another bottle of rum and poured us two more drinks. I downed mine again quickly, still excited, but already getting nervous about being in Nick's apartment alone together for the first time, and possibly about to have my first sex since Andrew; the first time in years. I set the glass down on the side table near the door, still standing near Nick's entryway.

First time having sex since Andrew. I wasn't cheating. Andrew was okay with this. He told me to be here. I took a deep breath.

Maybe another glass of rum would help?

"Sound-proofed," he informed me, pulling me close again and kissing my neck once more, causing me to feel that familiar sense of excitement zinging through me that only Nick seemed to produce, "I want to touch your beautiful breasts now, Violet. I still look at all the photos you sent me, and I still remember you telling me how much you love to have your nipples teased. Would you like me to do that?"

Okay, definitely about to have my first sex since Andrew in years. And my body was telling me I was ready.

"Yes," I purred, as he slowly slid his hands around to my front and began palming my breasts through the front of my dress, rubbing me through the silky fabric of my tiny dress. The heat from his hands felt fantastic against me.

"Goddamn, where's the zipper in this thing? Can I take it off?" he asked, pulling away again to stare at my dress. I lifted my right arm and motioned to the zipper underneath with my left hand.

Nick quickly unzipped my dress. I had just enough time to pull out my cell phone before the dress slid to the floor and I set the phone down on the side table, next to my glass, leaving me standing there in my bra, panties, garter belt, and fishnets, belly piercing gleaming brightly and holding my rose in one hand.

"Wait," said Nick, not staring at my body as I hoped, but instead staring at my hand, "Just wait a second."

I looked at his face turn paler as I asked, "What?"

Nick stood there motionless, unable to speak, staring at my hand. With the soundproofing and my bated breath, you could have heard a pin drop.

"Violet, why are you wearing a wedding ring?"


Author's Notes:

Have you ever ended up alone with someone on the first date? If so, did you regret it afterwards?

I had a little more fun with Nick than anticipated, so Violet's date with him will be continued into the next chapter, too. Don't think that the heat is over yet, either, because I promise it's not. Not by a long shot!

If you liked the chapter, feel free to give me a vote or drop a comment.

If you look at the cover photo for this book and enjoyed this chapter (or the previous one, or the one where Violet ended up with the belly ring), you can thank LAneFields for making the cover, because that photo actually provided some storyline direction and inspiration that led us to this particular point!

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