Fire in the Night

By WelshFlower02

4.4K 123 23

Feyre is once again stuck in Tamlin's manor after bargaining to get her family home. she is getting desperate... More

Chapter 1 - Feyre
Chapter 2 - Aelin
Chapter 3 - Feyre
Chapter 4 - Aelin
Chapter 5 - Feyre
Chapter 6 - Aelin
Chapter 7 - Feyre
Chapter 8 - Aelin
Chapter 9 - Rhysand
Chapter 10 - Feyre
Chapter 11 - Aelin
Chapter 12 - Feyre
Chapter 13 - Aelin
Chapter 14 - Feyre
Chapter 15 - Aelin
Chapter 17 - Aelin
Chapter 18 - Feyre
Chapter 19 - Aelin
Chapter 20 - Feyre
Chapter 21 - Aelin
Chapter 22 - Feyre
Chapter 23 - Aelin
Chapter 24 - Feyre
Chapter 25 - Aelin

Chapter 16 - Feyre

145 4 3
By WelshFlower02

We all sat down on the sofas dotted around the room, letting out a collective breath.

"That went better than I thought it would." Aelin sighed.

I just nodded, after seeing Tamlin all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and never emerge again.

The door burst open not five seconds later, Tamlin was growling.

"Give me my wife back." he snarled at Rhys. The other six High Lords were now stood in the doorway, this was going to be fun.

"He didn't take me Tamlin, I left myself." I snapped at him.

"Stay out of this Feyre, it doesn't concern you." He didn't even look at me. Aelin didn't take you kindly to that, she was instantly at my side.

"As it is her life you are arguing about it damn well does." She had taken my hand and was squeezing to tightly I was surprised my hand wasn't crushed.

"There was no trouble until you arrived." He spat at her feet.

She looked down and frowned before looking back at him.

"The trouble wasn't me; the trouble was that you decided to completely ignore her wishes, that you treated her as a possession instead of a person. Then you raped her like the animal you are, she left to go back to her family, her mate, so that she wasn't stuck with you and your hideous ideas." Aelin was shaking with rage, Rhys was looking like he was about to murder Tamlin on the spot.

Aelin suddenly stopped shaking and the whole room caught on fire, it wasn't burning me or my family though. There was a solid wall of flames in front of the door, trapping everyone inside. Aelin let go of my hand and walked forwards.

"The fact that you treat women with such disrespect disgusts me, but I need you alive to win this war, so I am not going to reduce you to ash, although it is tempting." She looked around the room, her eyes were ablaze. "I once did this to my Aunt Maeve because she tried to hurt my mate, she is now dead, I killed her. This is your warning."

The room extinguished itself and Aelin stepped back to my side.

"How dare you threaten me." Tamlin growled.

"How does it feel to no longer be the most powerful fire wielder in the world Beron?" Helion laughed.

"She is not more powerful than me." He snarled back.

Amren snorted "She single handily held back a tidal wave, I think she is."

I raised my eyebrow at her "It's true, it was supposed to be Maeve's killing blow, but I decided to save a city instead, poor Rowan almost had a heart attack when he saw me on the plain alone." She smirked at him over her shoulder.

"You didn't tell anyone what you were doing." He mumbled.

"There's also the time I surrounded an entire city in fire just to prove a point, or the time that Deanna took over my body and nearly wiped out an island, and I single handily held off three valg princes from attacking a fortress full of innocents, then I also broke an entire glass castle, melted the glass and re shaped it into a wall to cover the stone castle underneath because someone told me they killed my friend and they had no remorse for it, that person had it coming though. Am I forgetting anything Rowan?"

"Chaol told me that you once split another world in two to save Dorian, I have lost count of the amount of times you have sent pillars of fire into the sky, you merged your powers with Goldryn to fight Maeve, that thing still spews fire every now and then. Other than those nope, I think you covered every crazy thing you have done." He was grinning wickedly once he was done and Beron was dumb struck.

"Are you still the most powerful fire wielder Beron?" She smirked at him.

"Can we get back to the fact that Rhysand stole Feyre from me." Tamlin snapped.

"As Feyre is a person and not a possession, no we can't, she is free to make her own choices and I believe she has made them very clear." Aelin hissed, apparently as fed up with his nonsense as I was.

"How dare you, you know nothing of what is going on here." He snapped back at her.

"Don't forget Tamlin that I am as much of a ruler as you, if you ever meet my court you better shove all the sexist bullshit you spew up your ass or you are as good as dead."

He snorted "You can't bring them here."

She glanced at me and I nodded at her, giving her a dagger. Tamlin had the sense to look vaguely unnerved. She slit her wrist and began drawing symbols on the wall, they all stared at her shocked. Once the portal opened, she stepped through, glancing back at Rowan.

"I hope they have a better entrance than you buzzard." He rolled his eyes at her back.

About ten seconds later she reappeared, she wasn't alone. Behind her stood two Fae males, a human man and two human women.

"Meet my court." She gave Tamlin a sweet smile.

"Your court is half human." Beron snorted.

She began introducing each of them, pointing at everyone in turn. "Lorcan, Elide, Fenrys, Aedion and Lysandra."

"You must be the weakest court in your entire world." Tamlin snapped

"Did you just call us week?" Lysandra gave him a feline smile.

"You're a human woman, how dare you talk to me!" Tamlin looked like he was about to spontaneously combust.

"Aelin, can I please show him why he is wrong." Lysandra had a wicked glint in her eye.

Aelin simply nodded and in a flash of light a massive grey and white cat was stood in her place. She snarled at Tamlin and stalked towards him. He actually took a step back.

"Lys, you can't kill him." Aelin was trying not to laugh.

She shifted back, "Well that's no fun!"

Aelin shrugged, "Elide, anything to add?"

Elide drew a blade from Lorcan's back and took a step forwards, "Are you sure I can't kill him?"

"Yes, I'm very sure, as much as I would love to watch you completely destroy him, we need him alive."

"She's a human woman, we are High Lords, she wouldn't stand a chance." Beron snarled.

In a blink Elide was behind him, her blade to his neck "I dare you, say that again."

"Elide, we need him alive too."

She sighed, removing the blade from his neck and going to stand back with Aelin. "You are no fun sometimes Aelin."

"Anyone else want to insult my court?" she asked, looking at each High Lord, appart from Rhys, in turn. They all stayed silent.

"Aelin, why are we here, other than proving a point?" Fenrys asked.

"Orcus is here." She looked almost ashamed about it.

"You have got to be kidding!" Lorcan snapped.

Aelin sighed and turned to face her court.

"We just fort a valg war and are finally healing, I will not ask you to do so again, it is your choice whether you stay or not."

"Like hell are we leaving you again." Lysandra snapped.

In another flash of light Fenrys turned into a massive white wolf and stalked over to some of the cushions in the corner, flopping down and going to sleep. The High Lords were all sat staring at him in shock. Lysandra turned into a tiny bird and nested in Aedion's hair, he let out a low snarl but didn't take her off.

"Don't you dare shit on my hair again." He snapped.

She tweeted something that I knew was a string of curses and I laughed. Elide gave Lorcan his blade back and he gave her a small smile. Aelin turned back to the High Lords, shaking her head.

"You can all go now; I need to catch my friends up on what is going on here."

Most left quickly but Beron and Tamlin looked inclined to stay. "This isn't over Rhysand." He snarled at Rhys before leaving with Beron on his heals.

Aelin sighed and sat back down next to Rowan. We all sat back in our seats appart from me, I went over to Aelin, sat next to her and cried.

She pulled me into a massive hug and just held me. I had no words to express how thankful I was that she took over just as I was about to snap so I just sat there and cried.

A small bird landed on my shoulder and tucked her head into my neck. 

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