Classroom of the elite: The G...

By raiko675

6.4K 167 141

This takes place on Year 2 vol 1 The whole 2nd year students have disappeared with no trace, they were telepo... More

Chapter 2: Infernal Embers
Chapter 3: The beginning after the end Part. 1

Chapter 1: Motivation

2K 52 62
By raiko675

Simynor statement caught their interest this was a lifetime offer.

"It seems like I caught your interest, then perhaps~ I should show you something to motivate you"

The lights dimmed the curtains falls revealing a large screen. A video played tension rosed as if they were at the scene.

"Horikita. I'll give ya one last chance."

"Huh? who is this?"


"It doesn't sound like Ryueen though"

"Last chance?"


"If you submit to me right here, right now, an' fork over the points─ I'll let Ayanokōji live."

"Ayanokouji's gonna die!?"


"He's bluffing"

'It won't happen right?' Ichinose, Hiyori, and Horikita thought

With that, Hōsen stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled something out. It had gotten fairly dark outside, so for a moment it was hard to tell what exactly it was, but once he unveiled its pointed edge, a silver shine glimmered in the moonlight.

"kukuku, Hosen huh?" Ryueen chuckled 

"Do you know him Ryueen-san?"

"No, I never met him but I've heard a lot about him. A guy named 'Hōsen' was a bit of a local celebrity back where I'm from. I certainly never thought he'd have such a retarded lookin' face, though."

"W-what are you, that...!?"

"Somethin' wrong with your eyes? It's a knife, plain an' simple!"

"oh no"

"He's gonna kill someone with people watching!"

"How cruel"

From the way the blade sparkled, it was clearly different from one of those retractable toy blades that were often used for party tricks and the like.

"If you turn me down again, I'll stab Ayanokōji with this."

"Stop fooling around!"

"I ain't fuckin' with you, tho? I'll gladly stab this punk if it means gettin' my hands on the points."

"Oh~ humans really have it rough," Simynor said enjoying the situation

Wielding the knife in his right hand, Hōsen slowly turned to face me.

"Still, even after all this I still can't wrap my damn head around it. What makes a punk like you so fuckin' special?"

"He's not"

'Kukuku even if you think you're strong I don't think you can defeat a monster like him'

'Fufufu, How foolish even knowing that you're still going in for your plan. but I wonder what he will do'

'Could it be that Ayanokouji is hiding something?'

With his eyes locked on mine, Hōsen spoke, his voice laced with exasperation.

"Fuck it, maybe I didn't even need to go an' do all this risky shit in the first place!"

From the way he was talking, it seemed like the ridiculous chain of events that he had orchestrated so far had all been done because he was wary of something. Expecting something.

He drew closer to me, one step at a time.

However, Nanase, his very own classmate, jammed herself in between the two of us, stopping him in his tracks.

"Please don't go any further! I can't approve of your methods after all... I can't!"

"A kawaii kohai"

"So she is one of our kohais huh"

She spread out her arms in an attempt to block his path.

"Outta the way, Nanase. Your ass is only here to keep 'em from escapin', so know your fuckin' place."

"I made the decision to lend you my strength until the very end, telling myself that it was for the good of the class. No matter how deplorable your strategy was, I thought I'd be willing to accept it. But I see now that I was mistaken."

With her feet firmly planted between Hōsen and I, she shifted her gaze over to Horikita.

"Horikita-senpai, working together with Hōsen-kun has been impossible from the very beginning. You were inspired to cooperate with us after hearing him mention Class 2-D back when we came to meet with you in front of the second-year classrooms, but... That was just a ploy to get things to progress to this point. Even if you pay the outrageous fee he's been asking of you, you'd still be subjected to this same fate."


"They are first years but the first years still haven't arrived yet"

"What is happening?" they looked at Simynor for answers

"It's simple isn't it?"

"I get it! is this the one you talked about knowing the future?" Kondo said 

Naturally, Horikita's distress compiled even further upon hearing Nanase lay out such a shocking revelation.

No matter how hard she tried to negotiate, Hōsen never would've accepted anyway. And this wasn't her fault either. None of us could've predicted that things would turn out like this.

"Kukuku hearing you say those things make me think that he is better than me"

All things considered, this incomprehensible series of events probably came down to an imbalance of information. Hōsen and Nanase had been given intel that we hadn't. That being the case, there was no way we could've had a proper negotiation in the first place.

"All your yammering is pissin' me off. You're the one who asked me to deal with this shit to begin with. Our class'll rake in shitloads of money if we take out this Ayanokōji guy. Just think of the advantage it'd give us."


"Why bother with the gloomy guy"

"That is true. However, I just can't figure out the reason why we need to target him like this."

"That shit ain't got nothing to do with me. If you're gonna get in my way, then you can fuck off as well!"

Hōsen readied a wide swing and swept Nanase aside with the palm of his hand, just as he had done to Horikita earlier.

"That bastard!" Sudo growled hearing that he did the same thing to a woman was unforgivable, and doing it to the woman he loves is much more unforgivable.

As I stood alone, watching this scene play out in front of me, I arrived at one, single conclusion. And with it, everything fit into place.

'Fufufu it seems like you already knew'

Kamuro who was sitting next to Sakayanagi was bothered by the look that Sakayanagi was showing, she looked at other people 

"As expected of our King!" Hashimoto exclaimed eagerly watching the show as it unfolds

Kamuro turned to look at the others they weren't bothered by Sakayanagi's look

 'Am I the one who thinks you look creepy?' Kamuro thought but soon shrugged it off

"Prepare yourself, Ayanokōji!"

He came at me, lethal weapon in hand. Naturally, everybody present was fully expecting him to try and stab me with it.

Laughing, he raised the knife up above his head.

I could feel my mind begin to clear as I lowered my stance.


While most people would've tried to escape, I rushed at him instead.

And as I did, everyone watching must've thought that I'd gone mad.

"What the heck?"

"Why would you..."

After all, running head-first into an opponent with a knife wasn't really a mark of sanity.

Especially when said opponent was somebody as formidable as Hōsen. Hōsen's smile widened even further as I did so. He probably thought that I was a fool for jumping at him.

I wasn't trying to grab Hōsen's hand or avoid it, but instead let the blade pierce through my palm.


"He looks so cool!"

'Mou, now they will notice Kiyotaka more'

"Doesn't it hurt?"

As I drew closer, Hōsen swung his arm, bringing the knife down, slicing through the air.

The target of that knife, what its blade sought─ was not my body.

It was his very own.

I used my left hand to stop the descending blade from reaching its desired target.

I wasn't trying to grab Hōsen's hand or avoid it, but instead, let the blade pierce through my palm.


This was clearly not what Hōsen had expected of me. It would've been nearly impossible to predict my actions beforehand.

"No one would've expected you to do that"

"He must have gone crazy"

After all, who would've thought that someone would deliberately let themself be stabbed?

The arm driving the blade froze to a halt, and with it, Hōsen's smile vanished as well.

"You... Ayanokōji!"

He was confused. Anyone in their right mind would've been after seeing what I had done to myself.

In most cases, my actions here would be seen as hazardous, self-destructive even.

Fresh, bright blood soon began spurting out from the wound on my palm.

"That knife, or to be more accurate, that petty knife, it's the one I bought, isn't it?"


"I don't understand what is happening," Ike said

"The fuck are you on about...?"

"You were going to stab yourself in the thigh with my own knife. After that, you'd raise a fuss to the school about your injury, and use that as evidence to get me expelled. That was your plan, wasn't it?"

"I see then he would get expelled"

"This plan is well thought"

From the way he gripped the knife in his hand, it was obvious that it wasn't meant to stab an opponent. He had faced the blade upward to make it look like someone else had stabbed him. Furthermore, he had taken hold of the handle in reverse, so as to allow himself to drive the blade into his leg more effectively.

"How would you know that"

"It seems like I was right, Ichinose he is dangerous if you can please be cautious around him, after all, you're the one that keeps our class together," Kanzaki said worried for Ichinose

"I understand but please don't be mean to him, he is my friend after all"

"I see"

"Ha! So even though you managed to piece it all together, you still came an' got stabbed yourself? You outta your mind?"

"But a normal person wouldn't be able to do this"

"Could it be? Ayanokouji is--"

"Amazing! He's just like an Mc! It makes sense he sits where an Mc sits! then he must be pretending to be dumb to avoid suspicion." Sotomura said getting excited seeing an Mc which was straight out of a manga especially someone he was close to makes him feel a bit special.

"Oh~ your Sotomura right?"

Sotomura nodded his head in response

"I see, I see, others told me that they have been having a hard time with you, while some even favor you~"

The entire batch was shocked, although it would be normal if he was an honor student but he was an otaku who has average scores.

"But you know? I don't do such things as favorites, though it would be easy for you I'm not the type of person who does that, I do the opposite instead"

Hōsen looked a bit shaken as he let out a dry laugh.

"This was the best way to completely shut you down. Besides, I don't think we're that different. After all, you came here fully prepared to sustain a major wound as well."

Even if they knew that it was the correct course of action, most people wouldn't be willing to follow through with such a dangerous act of self-harm like this. This was the primary reason why he would've been able to stab himself and frame me for it.

"It seems like there's some sort of pseudo-special exam in effect that was only given to a limited number of you first-years. And based on your conversation with Nanase, it sounds like the premise of that exam is to have me expelled. So to that end, you began to spin up a plan. It'd start with you luring us out here and forcing us into a fight. Then, after smacking Sudō and Horikita around a bit, you'd say that I pulled out a knife that I carried with me in case of an emergency and stabbed you with it in a fit of rage, eventually leading to my expulsion. That's the absurd narrative you were trying to build this time."

"Truly absurd he is even more stupid than me"

"Fufufu, admitting your defeat so easily"

"Kukuku don't worry Sakayanagi I'll drag you down in that throne you've been sitting at then get my revenge match"

"Fufufu I'd like to see you try"

Even if the student council was going to be more tolerant, wielding a knife in a fight wouldn't be excused with just a suspension.

It would warrant an expulsion, or it could even end up resulting in criminal charges.

"His way of thinking could it be he is really holding back?"

"That is a possibility"

"Then does that mean that there are more things going on behind our backs?"

"I'd heard you were hot shit, but you seemed pretty fuckin' wimpy to me, so I didn't really think all that much of ya. To think you'd come an' let yourself get stabbed... How'd you know the knife was yours?"

'I thought of him that way before but I won't underestimate someone like him again'

'Man it's a shame that Ayanokouji didn't consider my idea'

"I've done some investigating of my own. As of yesterday, I was still the only one to have bought that model of Petty knife. So it's only natural that I'd put the pieces together upon seeing you pull out the exact same one."

"He owns the same knife?"

"But doesn't that knife costs a lot?"

I could've easily slipped past the knife and grabbed hold of Hōsen's arm. But doing that wouldn't have solved the fundamental issue at hand here. All he would've had to do is create some distance and start his plan all over again. In order to prevent him from doing that, I had no other choice but to get stabbed myself.

Hōsen tried to let go of the knife, but I used my own hand to lock his fist in place.

"...The hell...? Who the fuck are you...?"

Having witnessed my strength firsthand, the composure Hōsen had maintained so far was completely blown away.

"Now then, what's next? Even though I'm the owner of the knife, you're the one who stabbed me with it. Moreover, an investigation will reveal that you tried to buy the same model of knife before. If you can't find a way to talk your way out of this, you'll be expelled, Hōsen."

"I never knew him to be like this"

"Kiyotaka-kun really is cool"

"Maybe Kiyopon wanted to keep us in the dark to protect us you know like the things that happen in the movies."

"That makes sense"

While my fingerprints were on the knife's handle, Hōsen's were as well. And the fact that the knife was now pierced through my palm wasn't something that could be explained away very easily. His very own strategy had ended up backfiring on him.

"So you thought this far ahead...!?"

After glowering at me for a moment, Hōsen released his grip and took his distance, leaving the knife pierced through my palm.

And with that, the tables had completely turned on him.

"kuhahaha Omoshiroi to think that you almost think like me, unfortunately for you, I am perfection itself!"


Meanwhile, Horikita and Sudō had slowly gotten back on their feet and were now recovering their strength.

"A-are you okay, Ayanokōji-kun?"


"Don't worry about me."

It wasn't unreasonable for them to be concerned about my condition, but this wasn't the time to be worrying about that.

"You should be grateful that they do"

"So this will happened in the future huh"

"Now we'll be able to prevent this from happening! If this happens I'll smash that bastard's head" Sudo said showing his fist

"But Sudo you were beaten up by him, he is, even more, stronger than you"

"But Ayanokouji held him back"

"Maybe it's just a coincidence"

"It's not a coincidence," Horikita said confirming their suspicions

"He has been deliberately holding back since the beginning of the school year, and I'm not the one who led you to victory during the island exams"

"Horikita san..."

"But why would you lie?"


"Now that you watched the motivation video~ the real fun starts," Simynor said with a sly smile enraptured, thinking what might their reaction be like when he tells them the key.

"For your first quest, your goal is to clear the dungeon, remember you aren't the only ones in the dungeon otherworldly creatures like those you see on the games, elves, dwarfs, dragons, goblins and other more are in there especially humans, please keep it in mind that no one knows who you are and where you live, it's your choice to tell them about me or not keep in mind that there will always be consequences, Of course, I won't tell you everything that is in the tower because it would be considered cheating. One more thing rewards are only available after clearing the floor....and"


"Your enemy who is also the last boss Kiyotaka Ayanokouji"

"Kukuku you're saying this for all of us to cooperate to defeat that monster"

"So be it even if he uses his full strength at me I will not waver! for I won't let him have the light that is supposed to be mine" Koenji boasted 

"Are you kidding me? I admit that you are strong but I will have my rematch with that monster, but arent you getting far ahead of yourself?"

"My, my I can never get far ahead because I am perfection itself, Dragon boy-san"

"Don't call me that"

"Fufufu Its better not to underestimate him"

"My, little girl you're joining in?"

"I'd appreciate it if you stop calling me that," Sakayanagi said with poison tied in her words but Koenji didn't mind at all

"Although it's not my business I'd appreciate it if we stop fighting amongst ourselves since its Ayanokouji that we are fighting" Horikita intervened

"It seems like you are done with your little quarrel," Simynor said

"You can decide whether you will still wear your uniform or not, or if all classes are going to work together on where I will send you. Since you're all too pitiful I will give you one clue to pass this first quest." Simynor said raising his index finger

"Everything is not as it seems" Simynor whispered while the whole batch was gobbled up in a dark oozy slime.


Horikita Pov

Being swallowed up by the dark slime was infuriating, all of these seems like a dream, no more like a nightmare, a nightmare we are forced to face, our enemy is someone my brother acknowledged and someone who I am lacking information, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, someone who hides his abilities in exchange of a peaceful life, when we come back I don't think I will be trusted by him again since I ruined his peaceful life its also possible that he won't help the class anymore, I wish to avoid that but before I even think about the results we need to secure our escape from this world or so Simynor said the Tower.

But now that we are here I should think about our next course of action but before I finished thinking I was greeted by a bright light-emitting above me, the next I knew was we were in the middle of the city.

"The city of Blackmere was in-built the middle of an enormous forest and is really a modest sight. Its charm is matched by the backdrop of a smoldering volcano which has helped shape the town into what it's today.

The climate these volcanoes brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs because the overwhelming majority of buildings are built with volcanic rocks and similar-looking materials.

The skyline is sprinkled with stylish skyscrapers and that they each represent the numerous different aspects of the town. Employment is tremendous in Blackmere and it's attracted plenty of attention. Countless cultures have left their mark not just on the city's development, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of little contrast has grown into an oversized melting pot and it's this that unites the 9 million people to the current day.

It's this multicultural identity that has truly left its mark. many restaurants, gastropubs, and take-outs offer a plethora of culinary choices and people who feel hungry for something else can enjoy the park, theaters, concerts, or one among the various other recreational venues. This city truly is wonderful! What's more is that the mysterious Tower that adventures challenge, which is stuffed with surprises. So i'm finally here huh" a person said with a giant smile together with his eyes closed,

'he was small with pointed ears, small horns, and glasses, he has blue greyish hair, has whiskers sort of a cat, his hair was messy, His very short-sleeved, silky jacket covers him to simply below his waist and is barely tied with string at the highest right side. The sleeves of his jacket are very wide and reach right down to well below his hands, they're decorated with several thread linings at the sleeve ends.

The jacket includes a rectangular neckline which reveals a part of the normal shirt worn below it and is worn with a tiny low cloth band, which is held together by an ornamental pin. the fabric band is slightly decorative, but mostly there to hold things from.

His pants are simple and quite wide and reach right down to his hide boots. The boots are made up of a fairly unusual hide but are otherwise a typical design.' i assumed analyzing true, i spotted that my classmates were missing, no, more like separated, the sole people here are Ike, Sotomura, Sudo, Sato, Ibuki, Akimura, and Kito.

"So this can be everyone huh?" I said 'I was disappointed considering there are 153 students within the whole year and during this area, there are 7 people here, it absolutely was truly disappointing.'

"What will we do now Suzune?" Sudo asked

"It's clear that we want to figure together to defeat Ayanokouji and get back, but it looks like he separated us to delay us"

"Who are you talking about? Ayanokouji?"

"No, Simynor, he's the sole one who has the flexibility to try to do that"

"It is sensible but if Ayanokouji-dono features a hidden power how op would that be?!" Sotomura said his imagination going wild

"Control yourself Sotomura, if that happens it might make it hard for us."

"It's true"

"But this place truly looks different from what I imagined"

"Horikita-san! It's real! it's real! I'm isekai'ed! into another world, where there are catgirls, elves hehe," Ike said (Neko galaxy :3)

"Ike you're wrong about that!"

"Professor, what does one mean?"

"You forgot the bunny girls," Sotomura said pushing his glasses back, a small light in his glasses

"As expected of the Professor! your knowledge is vast!" Ike said praising Sotomura

"This is why you call him the professor? how stupid" Ibuki who has been being attentive to their conversation finally decided to talk her own mind.

"Indeed I am unable to believe that you're wasting everyone's time speaking nonsense" I agreed with Ibuki

'They are rivals but when they work together they might exceed Ayanokouji-dono but that is a thought, if Ayanokouji-dono is an Mc there must be something that happened to him that made him an mc'

"Oi Ken come to safeguard us won't you?" Ike said making it clear that Sudo was on their side

'Horikita was annoyed earlier I need to consider them but Horikita might hate me'

"What does one mean I never said anything about that" Sudo replied

"I should have expected that you just will do this" Ike said as he slowly kneels on the ground

"If only Kikyo was here I might feel complete," Ike said completely making a scene

"Ike yamete, you make a scene, we are going to find Kushida later"


"Yes but first we want an area to remain in"

"I'll go find some" Kito said moving in another direction

"Mate," Horikita said as Kito was trying to depart

"We must change outfits first since wearing uniforms may attract attention"

"I see, then where does one suppose we go? weren't even sure that we've got money to buy"

"Oh look it looks as if he left us some money," Akimura said as she pointed to a little bag attached to her hand, although it seems small and only ten pieces of coins were inside it had been actually the alternative, it absolutely was a storage bag which may store items that are larger than the item and it absolutely was portable similarly.

"How many go you've got Horikita-san?" Sato asked revealing her bag which contained 7487 coins, exactly like her private points

"Mine?" I asked ransacking through the bag where I counted 9640 coins (Idk her private points)

"Ano" the person who I saw earlier called bent on us

"What is it?"

"Are you perhaps new this city?"

"Yes but you're too aren't you?"

"How did you know? are you a medium or a sort?"

"No, you were talking out loud"

"hahaha" the person shrilly laughed "I guess I talked aloud by the way my name is Thavruli Anvilbraids, as you'll be able to see I'm a dwarf, I'm also new here and that i was thinking of joining a guild"

"A guild!?" Sotomura asked his eyes glowing

"Ah yes, you're new here but have you ever heard of this city before coming here?"

"No, we were just traveling"

"I see"

"There are three main guilds during this city: Templars of the Valiant, Infernal Embers, and lastly Shatterfield being in one among these guilds secures your safety but it's hard to induce in. but before we speak about the main points i assume it'd be better to seek out some room since we are attracting attention," Thavruli said watching the opposite people, since it had been a crowded area eavesdropping in our conversation wouldn't be a controversy, Thavruli signaled us to the proper leading us to an area named Marble Java Joint, it absolutely was just like the cafe back at school but the difference was its design besides that it's sort of a complete copy.

"Welcome to Marble Java Joint cafe nyan~" a lady with blonde hair and ears in the form of a cat, her ocean eyes deep and delicate.

"Can you please prepare us a table?"

"of course this manner please" the girl led us to a table with 8 chairs, the table cleanly wiped and shining slightly looking presentable. the lady presented us with the menu, which we ordered an inexpensive but suitable coffee and desserts.

"Let us return to the subject," Thavruli said because the waiter was out of hearing

"And where were you visiting enter?"

"What does one mean?" Thavruli asked with a small smile on his face

"The guild, which guild would you enter?"

"I would attend the Infernal Embers"

"Could you perhaps tell me the reason?"

"The Infernal Embers just like the other two guilds don't support the slave treaty instead fight against it, the slave treaty as you recognize the magical creatures which include elves, dwarves and other creatures are going to be human's slave......Oh sorry i used to be getting out of topic"

"No, it's understandable"

"How about you? does one support the treaty?" Travruli asked his mood got irritated, It looks like he doesn't just like the idea, nobody would on balance his kind would be slaves, forever oppressed.

"No I do not support that treaty, I feel it's foolish"

"Foolish? How so?"

"Making the magical creatures as a slave is solely a dream of a fool, it would last for a long time but someday the perfect are destroyed and therefore the counterattack is going to begin and if the opposing side wins the war the result is going to be the identical humans will be oppressed by the magical creatures it might become a cycle of bloodshed," I said sipping the coffee which was surprisingly excellent

"You've thought that far I'm lost in words"

"This is our Suzune" Sudo boasted

"I see your name is Suzune what a peculiar name, what about you?"

"It looks as if we forgot to introduce ourselves, My name is Horikita Suzune pleased to form your acquaintance Thavruli Anvilbraids," I said as I hold out my hands which Thavruli soon shook

"They are my company, this is often Ken Sudo, Sotomura Hideo, Ibuki Mio, Ike kanji, Sato Maya, Kito Hayato and Akimura Mako"

"Pleasure to satisfy you, Ken, Hideo, Mio, Ike, Maya, Hayato, Suzune, and Mako," Thavruli said with a smile

"I'm sorry but--"

"I deeply apologize Thavruli-dono but our tribe doesn't like being called by their forename once we aren't deeply connected, I apologize for not telling you earlier."

"Oh no it's ok, I never knew that so I call you by your last names right?"


"As I used to be visiting ask earlier Horikita since you said that it's foolish to try to so is there any thanks to preventing the choice to happen?"

"There is"

"Would you mind telling me the details?"

"If you determine a mutual relationship between two races and deepen it or if you perhaps create a hero which is there for both ensuring that they will not fight or a standard enemy with the 2 races will fight together? but that's just mere speculation, it isn't proven yet"

"Horikita-dono you're sounding more sort of a protagonist on a novel"

"Please stop with those idiotic remarks and please turn back to the way you were speaking before, your dialogue is confusing and irrelevant"

"I see but I'll change it if I ever need it"

"In exchange for giving me those speculations I will be able to answer anything you ask of me," Thavruli said expressing his gratitude by lending his knowledge.

"Do you mind continue explaining the explanation on why you picked Infernal Embers?"

"Of course, the explanation besides that's because they're called Infernal Embers because they signify fire, the warmth of the hearth and also as a guiding hope for lost people, I'd prefer to be one in all them to assist others also to find out more"

"How noble, are you perhaps thinking of intensifying the tower?"


"You said that to enter in one amongst the three main guilds you would like to be exceptional, exceptional has many meanings in what way does one prove that you just are exceptional within the guild?" I pressed for more answers.

"To enter you want to have a reason on why you wish to hitch the guild, for money? fame? or to assist the people? they hold an interview and testing your limits to work out if you're fit to be a member of their guild"

"How does one know all of those once you still haven't entered the guild?"

"I assure you that I--"

"You said that you simply only came here today, but you led us to the present store without even posing for help or staring at a map...... You're a member of the guild arent you? What does one want from us? Answer or this may end badly for you"

"Hahaha, I got caught, how did you know?" Thavruli smiled as he asked the atmosphere got heavy almost choking them but showing even the slightest hint of weakness would make them lose the whip hand, in order that they stood tall showing no fear,

"Something was off the way that we met, it sounded like you predicted us to be there and led us here to get more information, I need to say you're a decent actor but I do know someone better than you."

"Being bested by a child how humiliating"

"So why are you here?"

"A few days ago I got a word about human teenagers wearing the identical uniform appeared around this city, I used to be one in all the few people that were tasked to research the matter, they said something about an entity teleporting them here, you see a teleportation spell especially this high tier spell is complicated to use therefore a mere human cant possibly use it, we suspected a god from the tower was the one who did this, we took care of your friends but they always try and run removed from us, we only gave them food to eat even beds to sleep on but they ran away, I swear that we didn't do anything wrong, they didn't want us to require care of them so we allow them to go......since they didn't know of the skin world they died"

"How many were in your custody?"

"50 I guess"

"Did anyone stay?"

"No all of them ran away"

"Are you threatening me?" I asked

"Of course not!"

"Then tell me, Why are your men pointing their guns and blades at us?" I asked the most obvious thing, a gun pointed in my head and blades near their necks, Sudo was fighting the urge to beat them up he has grown but he needs to keep calm.



Lmao it's been long readers I did my best to keep up with my busy schedule but next week's update might take longer than expected especially because of the new restrictions parents gave us.

So how was the chapter? 

Did I leave you with a cliffhanger? ofc I will in my other fic I think my mistake there was that I always put the results afterward although it would be nice to understand everything it wouldn't make people curious and ask for more so I decided to give this a little cliffhanger and I think I'm going to rewrite the other fic since I did most of it on a whim and its a bit short so yeah see you next week!

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Let say that you are Tadaomi Karasuma daughter. No, you're not related but he took you in when you were 10, ever since then he has been a second fath...
40.2K 1.2K 7
This fic is simply about the characters from the original story COTE responding to Kiraishin's fic titled "Classroom of the Elite: The Unfamiliar Fam...
217K 6.8K 27
(Discontinued) Yes, another COTE fanfic, IDK why I do them but, that doesn't matter. Synopsis: A new special exam was announced for the second year...