Keep Your Coins, A Book Of Po...

By Erik_North

582 39 16

These are just some random poems that Ive written. I spend more time written the Fallen Angel poems, so these... More

Great Scapegoat
Lets Have A Rave
Pretty Girl, Ugly Girl
The Window
Standing In A Crowd Of Screaming Girls Listening To An Autotuned Stick
The Miners Do The Mining But The Fairies Get The Fairy Dust
Rate If You See Your Age Is As Bad As Rate If You See Your Color
Once Upon A Time
Id Love To Take A Walk Through The Cemetery But The Bodies Are Segregated
The Saddest Place on Earth: Sonnet #1
To Kill Is Not To Save

I Can't Believe Its Not Mashed Potatoes

24 3 0
By Erik_North

Hate the gun not the shooter.

Hate the shooter not the gun.

We're gonna start an argument.

It'll be a lot of fun.

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