The Burning Frost ~Stashi~

By laheyluvr_number14

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"Let's get something straight." Nashi spoke loudly to all the other demons. She turned and walked towards Miy... More

Fairy Tail Children: The Next Generation
Chapter One: A New Day
Chapter Two: Magnolia Madness
Chapter Three: The Team
Chapter Four: The Danger
Chapter Five: The Exchange
Chapter Six: The Battle For The Town
Chapter Seven: The Fire
Chapter Eight: Storm The Castle
Chapter Nine: The Demon Seed
Chapter Ten: The Takeover
Chapter Eleven: To Make A Move
Chapter Twelve: To Love A Demon
Chapter Thirteen: A Love That Burns
Chapter Fourteen: The Clashing Tides
Chapter Fifteen: Diverging Mind
Chapter Sixteen: The Versions
Chapter Seventeen: The She Beast
Chapter Eighteen: Rampaging Girl
Chapter Nineteen: The Lovers' Battle
Chapter Twenty: A Nightmare Never Told
Chapter Twenty-Two: The Big Confrontation
Chapter Twenty-Three: Demon Revival
Chapter Twenty-Four: Plans In Motion
Chapter Twenty-Five: Battle Approaches
Chapter Twenty-Six: Fullbusters United
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tipped Chances
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Burn With The Flames of My Passion
Chapter Twenty-Nine: We Are Fairy Tail
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-One: My One Wish

27 1 0
By laheyluvr_number14

~Third Person P.O.V~

"Fairy Tail is...,"

"Not disbanded."

The guild erupted into cheer and sighs of relief.

"But," Makarov calmed them. "The damages done still need to be healed and someone must pay for it."

"It won't be Nashi will it?" Lucy asked and Makarov shook his head.

"No, I informed the Mayor of what happened but Nashi is under house arrest. She cannot leave the guild until we bring the culprit to the Magic Council."

Storm sunk in his seat. "How we going to bring a demon cult to the Magic Council? That's... impossible."

"It'll be difficult but not impossible." Natsu spoke with a grin. "We beat Tartaros before. Sure, there are more demons but nothing Fairy Tail can't handle isn't that right Ice Pants?"

Gray laughed, punching his salmon haired friend lightly. "Of course it is, Flame Boy."

The guild was back in high spirits soon thanks to Natsu and Gray's banter. Storm's team assembled one by one in the infirmary to talk to their leader.

"So, was she hard to beat?" Reiki asked and Storm sighed leaning back.

"Of course she was. She's the daughter of Natsu Dragneel."

"Did you go easy on her?" Nova asked, sparing Nashi a worried glance.

"At first," Storm shifted, glancing at the pinkette.

"But then, I got my ass beat and then I had to get serious or she was going to murder me." He grunted, sitting back up. "Did I miss anything important?"

Rose nudged her brother.

"Something. But it's my brother's revelation not mine."

Reiki blushed red hot, glaring at his sister's grin.

"What? Reiki are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just...just found out I might have a crush on-,"

Totally have a crush actually-,"

"Shut up, Rose-,"


"Anyway," Reiki cleared his throat.

"I'm into Lucas Dragneel." Reiki looked away and Storm stared at him not exactly shocked.


"What do you mean 'oh'!?"

"Well, I could see some of your looks. I'm not stupid."

"I'm hurt Storm! I am not oblivious."

"Dude, literally everyone knew before you. Nashi told me once that she had a suspicion that you were gay but that's all that it was."

Reiki blushed harder.


A call silenced the room and Storm whirled to look over at Nashi's bed. She was awake and blinking.

Tears welled up in Storm's eyes.

"Oh my God...,"

Storm threw the covers off him and jumped into Nashi's bed, hugging her tightly. She grunted but it sounded like she was laughing.

"You're okay!"

Nashi pushed him away and smiled.

"Of course I am, Popsicle. Why wouldn't I be?"

Before Storm could answer Nashi leaned up and pressed their lips together. She licked along the seam of his lips before pulling away.

Her eyes flashed red.

"Just so you know that your feelings are mutual."

Storm stayed still before kissing her again. She gasped but wound her hands around his neck. They kissed for a few more seconds before parting.

"Can you please get off me now? I'm still sore from.... whatever happened."

Storm got back into his own bed but Rin pushed it closer so they touched.

"You mean you don't remember? Nashi it's been a days. You've basically been in a coma."

Nashi scratched her head.

"Yeah, um, I wasn't exactly in a coma...?"

She said it as a question.

"You wouldn't wake up though! No matter what healing was done to you."

Sylvia explained and Nashi sat up against the headboard.

"Okay the reason I went on a rampage in the first place is because I had two choices. Either become a demon or become a dragon. But I chose both of them and my body couldn't handle what was happening."

"The "coma" I was recently in just my body adjusting to this shared... consciousness so to speak."

Storm and Rin glanced at each other.

"Meaning I heard everything that had been said in this room. Meaning I heard Reiki's confession about my brother."

Nashi smirked at the flushed boy.

"Not to worry, I never tell anyone's secrets but I expect something."

Nashi said happily before turning to Rin.

"I heard that the mayor is thinking about disbanding Fairy Tail. Is it disbanded?"

"No, thankfully but you're on house rest in the guild. You can't go anywhere until we find the demons and bring them to the mayor."

"But they didn't do anything really! It was all Miyoko!" Nashi said throwing up her hands.

"Please tell me they're just talking about her."

Rin shrugged.

"I like to think we're just going after her since the others helped you but ultimately, it's up to the master about this."

"Hey Storm-,"

Lucy started, opening the door to the infirmary with a tray in her hands. Her eyes landed on Nashi.

She teared up, dropping the tray. She covered her mouth.


Nashi teared up as her mother stood shocked.


Then Lucy tore across the infirmary and threw herself onto her daughter's bed.

"My baby!"

She sobbed, holding Nashi's head to her chest. Natsu came in shortly after hearing the tray being dropped.

He stopped when he saw Nashi. After a small push from Nova, Natsu walked over and embraced them both.

"Nashi, my baby girl. You're safe. You're alive."

Nashi snorted and pulled away slighly.

"I'm Nashi Dragneel, Papa. Fiercest girl in the land. Nothing can stop me."

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