Just in case || Draco Malfoy

By idkhehe879

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"𝙸 πš πš˜πšžπš•πš πš”πš’πš•πš• 𝚊 πšπš‘πš˜πšžπšœπšŠπš—d πš–πšŽπš— πš‹πšŽπšπš˜πš›πšŽ 𝙸 πš•πšŽπš πš˜πš—πšŽ πšŽπšŸπšŽπš› πš•πšŠπš’ 𝚊 πšπš’πš—πšπšŽ... More

One - More than Dislike
Two - I Wonder
Three - Definitely
Four - Jealousy
Five - Quiet and Cold
Six - Him
Seven - Dark Circles
Eight - Can't Say
Nine - Explainations
Ten - Secrets
Eleven - Christmas
Twelve - Never Mind That
Thirteen - In the Moonlight
Fourteen - That Summer
Fifteen - Strange Isn't it
Sixteen - She's Back
Seventeen - Not a Soul
Eighteen - Not This Time
Nineteen - One of Them
Twenty - So Thats Why
Twenty One - As You Wish
Twenty Two - The Final Push
Twenty Three - Parent Or Guardian
Twenty Four - Just JewelleryοΏΌ
Twenty Five - The Worst Part
Twenty Six - Never
Twenty Seven - Stories
Twenty Eight - I Guess You're Right
Twenty Nine - Liar
Thirty - Admit
Thirty One - Stop
Thirty Two - No one
Thirty Three - You Of Course
Thirty Four - What If
Thirty Five - Every Page
Thirty Six - Excuses
Thirty Seven - Runaways
Thirty Eight - Morning and Night
Forty - Tell Me
Forty One - Silent
Forty Two - Easy
Forty Three - Marks
Forty Four - Pinky Swear
Forty Five - Infatuated
Forty Six - A Mere Few Hours
Forty Seven - Metal Bars
Forty Eight - Just Us
Forty Nine - Welcome
Fifty - Poetry
Fifty One - Cellar
Fifty Two - No matter what
Fifty Three - Smaller And Smaller
Fifty Four - Alive
Fifty Five - Forever and longer
Fifty Six - Figures
Fifty Seven - Her Lot
Fifty Eight - Thought
Fifty Nine - Whisper
Sixty - Help
Sixty One - Run
Sixty Three - Filthy
Sixty Three - Join Me
Sixty Four - Forever Still
Sixty Five - Sides
Sixty Six - Blank
Sixty Seven - Wake Up
Sixty Eight - Just In Case
Sixty Nine - Everything Has Changed
Seventy - After all

Thirty Nine - Stay Safe

653 15 6
By idkhehe879

"We've got an infinite fucking number of places to go, the problem is where to stay"


"Draco 10th of March

I know that you only just left, but I miss you already. It feels wrong not having you knock on my door to come and see me. It's midnight and I wish so badly that you were still here with me. Even though it was only for a few hours each night and we couldn't see each other in the day, I would still kill to have you here now. God, I bet I sound so pathetic. It's only been a day. But still, I miss you already.

What happened? Is you know who already there? I pray he isn't yet. What's happening with Snape? You probably already know but he left the Carrows in charge.

Some first year managed to get another loaf of bread from the kitchen. I don't know how, he's a sneaky little bugger. I suspect the house elves gave him a hand - they seem to want to help us. But anyway, that'll put us on for the time being.

There isn't much else to write, I mean it's only been a few hours since I saw you. It's night now but I'll probably only get chance to go to the room of requirement tomorrow. I won't rush you but I hope you write to me as soon as you can.

Not to get cheesy, but I love you and I pray you stay safe. Don't forget that we will be able to see each other soon, I'm sure the month will fly by. Who am I kidding, I don't care if it's cheesy. I love you and miss you, stay safe

Love Helena xx"


"Helena 11th of March

Don't worry, I can assure you that I miss you just as much. You know who isn't here yet but he is due to arrive tomorrow night. As for Snape, he is going to be staying here for a few days. He won't be here all the time, he will come back to school in a few days and will come down here every Sunday to help us with the plans. You know who wants him to keep Hogwarts in check, I suspect he doesn't trust the Carrows.

I haven't been told what you know who wants to discuss yet, I'm not quite sure anyone knows. But one thing I do know is that they still don't know where Potter is. They have no clue, but they have indeed infiltrated the ministry and they are making every effort to find him, wanted posters, death eaters working there.

There is something else too. There isn't an easy way to say this so I'm just going to put it simply. The minister of magic has been killed. It happened a few weeks after Snape took over. He has been replaced with a death eater.

I know it's scary, all this that's happening. But promise me you won't worry. I promise you that you know who won't win. Potter is the only one who can defeat him, it's just a matter of figuring out where he is and what he is doing. I'm certain it won't be long.

I can't write much more, my dinner is being made and they will be expecting me. I'm sorry, I won't be able to write as much as I promised you. They have moved the cabinet into one of our spare rooms, the one that Snape is using. I will only be able to send my letters when he leaves the room to eat and even when he goes back to Hogwarts, they will grow suspicious if I go into the room to much. I will try the very best I can to write to you every single day.

I love and miss you too, so much. I promise I will see you soon.

Much love, Draco xx"


"Draco 12th of March

Don't worry if you can't write to me. Focus on keeping yourself safe and away from suspicion. I know you know who should be arriving today. Tell me everything he says, what his plans are. I know I'm not much use here, but you never know. I may be able to help. I'm praying to any gods there might be out there to keep you safe. Do not bother writing to me if it is going to put you in danger. All I need to know is that you are safe.

Love you, Helena xx"


"Helena 13th of March

He came today. He brought all of his death eaters. It was the same as the first time he came to talk about capturing potter.

He wanted to know if any of us had any information on him. Thank god, no one even had a rumour. He is really keeping himself hidden.

That night the minister of magic was killed, Harry Potter was at a wedding party for one of the Weasleys. He sent his death eaters to capture him but him, Weasley and Granger disappeared. He has an enchantment on his name. It's much like the one they have for underage wizardry, where they can detect if someone under 17 casts a spell outside school. If someone says his name, they can find them, he seems to believe that anyone who says his name is a threat to him. I guess he was right, they got an alert that someone in a little coffee shop had said it. He sent two of his death eaters there, but when he sent others to them after they didn't return, the shop was trashed and their memories were wiped. He is convinced it was Potter and I think it was too.

He didn't say much other than that and saying that we must continue searching for him. Our house is being used as sort of a safe house for the death eaters. A few of them drop in to eat or sleep for the night. Including people like Fenrir Greyback and Bellatrix.

But don't worry for me, as far as they know, I'm still with them. I wish there was something I could do but if I resisted, they wouldn't hesitate to kill me. I'm just a small cog in a big machine to them.

Say hi to Cass from me. I would say the others too but they don't know. I've decided, you can tell them. As long as you yourself are certain that they will not tell anyone. Tell nobody else, they can't be trusted. But I know the guys, they will be fine.

Of course, I still love and miss you. I'm longing to hug you now more than ever. Just think, it's only a few weeks. It will fly by.

All the love in the world, Draco x"


Draco 20th of March

Snape has been back for a few days, I haven't really seen him around the halls, he usually stays cooped up in his office letting his minions run the place. Nothing much has changed here. The guys want to say a few things.

Eddie - knew it. Of course I never doubted you mate, knew you were good the whole time. Ok Helena is slapping me telling me to tell the truth, fine I guess there was a small period of time where I thought you really where on their side, but if Helena still likes you, you must be good. Stay safe, when you come back we might be able to actually speak now. Say hi to Greyback for me!

Blaise - same as Eddie, we did think you were telling the truth though when you told Helena. I look forward to speaking to you again man, stay safe and tell us everything.

Zack - Eddie is being an ass, but we all know he is. But in all seriousness, make sure they don't know you are speaking to Helena, or us now I guess. You will be fine, I'm sure of it. As long as you aren't discovered. Do everything you can to stay safe, we all hope we can see you very soon.

Cass - you better stay safe Draco and don't get yourself into trouble, you think I want Helena moping around being sad all the time? Kidding, kidding. But she really misses you. And the rest of us do too, but you need to stay safe for her. I'll leave the cheesy stuff to her, love you (in the friend sense, don't kill me Helena) stay safe

They all want to speak to you but me most of all. Just think, just over two weeks before I can see you again. I apologise in advance if I knock you over when I run and hug you, but I miss you desperately.

All the love in the world, Helena xx"


"Helena 6th of April

I'm so sorry. I can't come back tomorrow. They want me to stay longer. I'm sobbing as I write this so I apologise for the wrinkled parchment. I would give anything in the world to be able to come back to you. I pleaded with my mother to be able to go back to school but she began to ask questions. I had to stop before I revealed anything.

I'm so sorry for everything. I miss you so much it physically hurts. There is nothing I can do or I promise you that I would.

Harry was in the ministry. He went in with poly juice potion and he only barely escaped, but he did. And they have no idea where he apparated to. He is saying that he stole something. He won't tell us what it is but he says the most important thing in the world is that he retrieves it from him. They want me at home in case I have to go on a mission for him.

I've said it three times already but I'm sorry. You deserve so much more than what you are getting - you deserve so much more than me. But I swear to you that I will come back to you the very second I can. I don't know when it will be and I'm so sorry for that. But please don't give up on me, I swear to you that I will do everything I can to get back to you. But the main thing is that you are safe.

I love you so much and I am so desperately sorry for this.

All the love in the world, Draco xxx


"Draco 29th of April

I'm sorry that I have nothing to tell you. But it's the same day over and over. Waking up, going through the classes, eating and then going to bed. And with a hell of a lot of missing you in between. The worst part is that I don't know when you are coming back. I would give anything to even get a glimpse of your face again. I miss you more than I can put into words, so I won't. I can tell you myself when I see you and I can show you when I finally get to kiss you again.

You said there is still no sight of Harry, and at this point I can't tell if that's good or bad. All my days are merging into one. They have started to feed us a little more, due to the fact that the students are withering away. I can't say I would of thought them to care, but they have increased our portions to a half piece of toast for breakfast and half a sandwich for lunch, the other half for dinner . It's not much but I'm grateful for it.

I tell you in every letter, but I just want you to know. I love you so much and I don't want you blaming yourself for what you know who is doing even for a second.

All the love in the world, Helena xx"


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