The Fight For Freedom| newt f...

Par mynewttomytommy

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-SEQUEL TO THE PROMISE- An escape. A fight. A chase. They have had it all. Maybe they should have stayed in t... Plus

Before you start
~chapter 1: Two girls~
~Chapter 2: Freedom~
~Chapter 3: Freshen up with a side of Newt~
~Chapter 4: Leaving home~
~Chapter 5: pulled away~
~Chapter 6: Hallucinations~
~Chapter 7: Truth Unveiled~
~Chapter 8: How it all started~
~Chapter 9: It was all a lie~
~chapter 10: The fight for freedom~
~Chapter 11: Into the unknown~
~Chapter 12: The others~
~Chapter 13: Meet the Cranks~
~Chapter 14: The other maze~
~Chapter 15: Welcome to the Scorch~
~Chapter 16: The Three Boys~
~Chapter 17: Subject AB0~
~Chapter 18: The Start of a Change~
~Chapter 19: Secrets of the night~
~Chapter 20: Who she really was~
~Chapter 21: Together Again~
~Chapter 22: Family forever and always~
~Chapter 24: Pt1 the older sister~
~Chapter 25: Pt2 the younger sister~
~Chapter 26: Valuable~
~Chapter 27: Hanging~
~Chapter 28: Death scare~
~Chapter 29: Runaways~
~Chapter 30: Cranks everywhere~
~Chapter 31: The brightest star~
~Chapter 32: Torn Apart~
~Chapter 33: A party gone wrong~
~Chapter 34: The Gang is back together~
~Chapter 35: Missing pieces found~
~Chapter 36: The sources~
~Chapter 37: Future Plans~
~Chapter 38: No happy endings~
~Chapter 39: Parting of ways~
~Chapter 40: So Called Last Minutes~
~Chapter 41: End of the chase~
~Chapter 42: Is this the end?~
~Chapter 43: Man Down~
~Chapter 44: I'll see you again~
book three

~Chapter 23 : Did we make it?~

884 28 4
Par mynewttomytommy

~Did we make it?~

The good mood from the night before shortly disappeared when the day began. The heat was becoming unbearable as the group ventured further into the scorch. The ground beneath their feet was no longer soft, but now hard , making it even harder to carry on.

This new part of the scorch was worse than before. There were no fallen structures anywhere, just sand for miles. Robyn's feet ached and rubbed against her boots, causing a sting every time she took a step.

Sun rays shone down at their exposed skin, scolding and burning it a bright red colour. Every time Robyn's jacket brushed upon the areas, she winced with pain.

The two sisters linked arms as they trailed behind with Minho beside them. The three of them struggled to push themselves further as their muscles ached with every movement. Holding onto each other for support was the only option.

Robyn watched in the corner of her eye as Minho lifted his metal bottle to his lips, but much to his disappointment, not a single drop fell into his mouth. His eyes narrowed at the now useless bottle, his anger and frustration taking over as he launched it across the floor.

"Piece of klunk" his words came out bitter.

Robyn reached her hand over to the small pocket on the outside of her backpack. Her fingers wrapped around her own silver bottle, pulling it out of its holder, "Here take a sip"

Minho looked up at Robyn, who had the bottle held out towards him. With a quick nod, he gently took it out of her grasp and lifted it to his lips. Once the water slipped down his throat, the dryness immediately went away. He could drink the whole bottle with ease, but he knew he couldn't leave Robyn without water.

"Thank you" Minho gulped, wiping the water that fell down his chin with his sleeve.

"Don't worry about it" Robyn mumbled as she tightened the lid and placed it back into the pocket.

The lack of sleep and rest was clearly getting to them all. As robyn looked around, the bags and dark circles under everyone's eyes were getting worse. They were no longer discreet and the group looked drained of energy and motivation.

"Are you good?" Jess nudged her sister's arm.

Robyn looked at her with half open eyes, "I guess so, what about you?"

"I mean apart from the fact i don't feel stable on my feet anymore or the fact every time i swallow it burns. Oh and i can't forget the feeling of my eyes being scratched every time i blink. So overall i'm doing great" She said sarcastically

"Sounds about right" Robyn slumped her shoulders.

"This day has dragged" Jess moaned from beside Robyn.

"Tell me about it and it still feels like we are far away"

"Hey Thomas!" Minho shouted from near the sisters, using all of his energy to say two words.

"What's up Minho?" Thomas replied quietly.

"How much further, the suns setting?"

Robyn looked up at the sky, the bright light burning her eyes. Her arm lifted above her eyes for protection and surely enough it was. She hadn't really been paying much attention to it.

"Just a little further" Thomas stated.

The two girls and Minho looked between each other, all of them rolling their eyes. This meant it would be a long time before they slept.


Robyn instantly collapsed to the floor the minute the group had decided it was time to sleep. Her knees had buckled in as she rested her head on her bag, using it as a makeshift pillow. She lay close to Newt's body , feeling his warm breath against her face, blowing her hair slightly.

Despite her body needing sleep, she couldn't do it. The floor beneath her was solid and uncomfortable and the cold, harsh air bit at her ankles. She couldn't help but move around in annoyance causing Newt to make noises and grumble.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, not getting a reply.

The girl rolled her eyes, confused as to how sleeping wasn't a problem to anyone else. So she tried again.
Her eyes began to slowly shut and finally rest. But once again, her body wouldn't shut off.

Robyn sighed heavily. All she wanted was to sleep so she would have energy for the rest of the journey. However, it looked like she wasn't getting it her way.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Robyn expected to see nothing but darkness and miles and miles of nothing. But when her tired,weary eyes opened, something caught her attention. Lights. Surely not.

Robyn lifted herself away from Newt's arms, trying her best not to startle him or cause him to wake up. Her hands lifted to her eyes, rubbing them incase what she was seeing wasn't actually there. But surely enough, once her hands fell back down, the lights were still there. They'd made it.

"Robyn?" Thomas' voice muttered from behind her, causing her to quietly turn around and reply.


"Please tell me that you can see that too" The boy spoke with a croaky voice due to his throat being dry from the lack of water.

"If it's those lights you can see, i see them too"

"I think we've made it! Wake everyone up" Thomas ordered, pushing himself up from the ground, a sudden energy taking over him.

Not waiting for a split second, Robyn crawled over to Jess' and Minho's side after Thomas had chosen to wake Newt. Her hands shook the pair awake, both of them being annoyed and confused as she did, which Robyn completely understood.

"Why would you do that?" Jess groaned as she slouched back.

"Exactly!" Minho agreed, his hand running down his face.

"No questions. Just get up, we need to go" Robyn tapped them both hurriedly.

"What?" Minho asked, slowly lifting up.

"We need to go, get up!" Robyn raised her voice,grabbing the pairs bags and handing them over.

The two looked at one another before quickly jumping up and joining the others, who were just as confused.

"What's going on Tommy?" Newt grabbed his upper arm.

"You see that?" Thomas pointed towards the lights in the distance with a shaky hand.

"It's lights" Robyn added whilst panting.

"We made it" Minho spoke up from beside Robyn, his eyes widening.

The sudden crack of lightning startled the teenagers. They all spun around, noticing how the sky was now covered in thick,dark clouds, ripples of lightning flowing through them. Strong winds picked up grains of sand, whisking it from the floor and into the sky. They were in danger.

"We should go" Frypan stared at the storm that was closing in. More lightning struck the flat ground, edging closer and closer to them all.

"Lets move it" Thomas ushered them all away, pushing Newt ahead, "Come on!"

All the awoken teenagers scrambled for the bags and belongings, flinging them over their shoulders with no real care. Jess had already sprinted off with Newt and Thomas from the front, whilst Robyn waited for Minho.

"Go Robyn, i'll be right behind you!" Minho called out, making Robyn leave him behind.

Surely enough, Minho did catch up to Robyn, the pair running for their lives together, just like old times. Her feet used all the power she had, powering her through. Minho always glanced at the side, checking she hadn't fallen or disappeared somehow.

Her feet slammed against the solid floor with such power, pain shot up her leg muscles. But she couldn't stop now.

"Lets go everyone! Hurry!" Thomas screamed from the front, as more lightning struck. It was getting worse by the second.

"Go guys" Teresa yelled as she ran unsteadily.

Robyn and Minho had managed to reach her, and Rob pushed her slightly forward as she began to lack speed.

"Keep going Teresa" Robyn encouraged as she ran.

The lights seemed to be coming closer and Robyn could see the outlines of buildings and objects surrounding it. People had to be here. This had to be it.

"Run!" Minho yelled from the back.

Grunts escaped all of their lips as they sprinted closer to safety. Each time the noise of crackling could be heard, they all flinched and swerved away. The storm was hot on their heels and wasn't going down without a fight.

Robyn used her arms to help her along and keep up with the group. Her whole body ached and her legs were shaky as she ran along beside Teresa and Minho, but there wasn't an option to stop. She had to keep going.

Her brown locks flew across her face, blocking her vision for a few seconds. Once she pushed it away, it seemed that now she was a few metres away from Minho.

"Keep going Rob" He shouted over, his eyes fixated on her rather than ahead.

Scraps of metal and old rusted cars surrounded her as they came closer. It looked as if people had once's lived here happily before the virus. Robyn just hoped they were still here and the right arm was real.

The storm was now right above them and Robyn began to pick up speed. The group had spaced out more ,due to the obstacles in their way and Teresa voice was muffled to Robyn ; the chaos above them was drowning out any other sound.

"Get inside" Thomas flung his arms around as they all neared the door, Robyn and Minho trailing slightly behind.

As Robyn looked to her right, she noticed how Minho's hair had began to stick up with static, and somehow she knew what was about to happen. He was going to get hit by lightning.

"Oh n-no" Minho looked up at the cloud covered sky making him wobble slightly. He had instant regret. He himself knew what was about to happen and he couldn't stop it.

Instinct took over Robyn, and without wasting another second she took off towards the boy. Her short legs ran as fast as they possibly could, reaching his side in just a few seconds.

"Minho!" Robyn cried as she knew it was too late.

She wasn't fast enough.

The lightening hit Minho, flinging not only his body back, but Robyn's too. The force of it made Robyn fly back and collapse a few metres away, her body colliding hard with the floor.

She groaned with pain as she tried to lift herself up, but the ringing in her ears was unbearable.She could see the mouths of her friends move and the panic on Newt's face as he saw her lying there, but nothing could be heard.

"Get Minho!" Robyn yelled, trying to get her friends to forget her and help the runner.

Her whole body ached as she moved her head to the side. All she could see was Minho lying on the floor with smoke coming off him and his clothes. The sight of her lifeless friend immediately made her forget about the pain and the possible blood trickling down her leg, all she could think about was if he was alive. It looked as if his chest was barely moving from where Robyn was lying, causing her to push herself up with great difficulty.

"M-minho?" Robyn limped over and shook his body. No response, "Help him!"

The others rushed back over, helping the girl to pull up her friend. With the strength and support from the boys, Robyn now had his arm wrapped around her shoulders as well as Thomas'.

"Take him in, let's go" Frypan called from the door of the building, which he held open with the help of Teresa.

Robyn grunted her way along, sweat dripping down her face. Her little energy had already been used up by running, never mind carrying her injured friend. She was physically and emotionally drained, but that didn't stop her.

"Minho you can do this buddy" Robyn spoke to the boy, "Please wake up"

"Move it guys!" Frypan screamed from the door as he watched the lightning close in on them all.

"Let's go Robyn" Thomas groaned as they neared, the other boys already running inside to join Teresa and Jess.

"Come on guys, faster!" Frypan yelled, ushering them in.

Just before the next strike, Robyn and Thomas managed to stumble through. Frypan slammed the door shut, leaving them all in darkness.

"Put him down" Newt ordered.

"Watch his head" Aris added.

Robyn couldn't see anything and her hearing was starting to return to normal, only a slight bit of ringing lingered. The girl slowly lowered to her knees, gently placing Minho on the floor, cushioning his head with her hand.

"Whose got a light?" Thomas asked as he helped Robyn place Minho down.

"I've got one" Jess quickly grabbed her torch, shining it down on Minho's face.

Robyn could now clearly see that she was sat in the middle, whilst the others surrounded the asian boy.
Everyone had panicked looks on their faces as they looked down at him.

"Minho" Robyn lifted to her knees, wincing slightly as her body still ached.

"Minho?" Newt crouched down, shaking his body lightly, "Wake up Minho"

"Come on ,come on" Thomas begged.

He lay completely still.

"No, no, no!" Robyn yelled, resting her hands on his face, "Don't you dare Minho, you can survive anything!"

All the teenagers were filled with panic. This couldn't be happening.

"Come on man, wake up" Newt moved to his other side, shaking his arm.

"Minho!" They all shouted together in a desperate attempt to wake him.

Robyn watched as his head rocked back, looking as if all life had been drained from him. But then a miracle happened, he groaned. With the sound of life coming from Minho, the group all sighed with relief.

"There he is" Aris cheered as the boy twitched.

"Oh my god, you're alive" Robyn slumped back, breathing heavily.

"Here you are, you okay Minho?" Thomas gently grabbed his coat, pulling his head up from the floor.

"What happened?" The boy asked, his voice croaky.

Robyn looked at the boys with a smile tugging at her lips. This boy amazed her all the time.

"I think you got struck by lightning and Robyn tried to help" Thomas answered the boy, smiling at the girl.

"Oh" Minho fell back slowly, a small smug smile showing, "Thanks for trying Rob" He spun his head to the right.

"Don't worry about it" Robyn panted, "It didn't work anyways"

Minho patted her back weakly, "You did good"

"How are you Robyn, did you get hurt love?" Newt moved over to her side, making the others ask the same question.

"I think i'm fine, maybe just a small cut" Robyn lifted up her pants, revealing a deep but also large cut beneath her knee, "Maybe not"

"That's nasty" Frypan looked at it with disgust, causing the others to glare at him, "I'll try and find some cloth" The boy quickly changed his tone, rushing to open his bag.

Within a minute, Fry had found some and chucked a small piece of brown cloth to Newt's awaiting hands.

The blonde boy turned to his girlfriend, "This might sting a little because i ain't no Clint or Jeff"

"I trust you" Robyn giggled.

The boy leaned over, pressing the brown cloth against the blood soaked skin. It did cause Robyn to flinch slightly, making Newt stop straight away. But with an assuring nod from Robyn, he started again. The boy tied it around her leg with a good amount of pressure to stop the blood falling as much as before.

"You're all set" Newt kissed the girl on her forehead, pulling down her blood soaked pants.

"Thanks Newtie" She smiled as his lips touched her skin, "Now let's get you up Minho"

Robyn used her hands to push her up from the stone floor, moving to grab Minho from beneath his arm. With the help of the others, Minho was now onto his two feet, brushing off the dust and sand, but groaning as he did.

"Never do that to me again you shank!" Robyn wrapped her arms around him, a bit too tight for Minho's liking.

"I appreciate the hug Rob, but you're squeezing me  too tight" Minho strained his voice, patting Robyn on the back.

"Oh shit" Robyn quickly removed her arms and stepped away, "I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it sis" He ruffled the shorter girls hair, making it all stick up. Robyn couldn't care less as she smiled at the runner and her best friend. She was extremely thankful he was safe and not badly injured.

"Thanks guys" Minho looked around at his friends who had helped him up with a grateful smile.

"Hey" Teresa's voice echoed through the large building, pulling the attention away from Minho.

"What's up?" Jess walked to her side, her eyes following Teresa's.

"What's that smell?" Teresa scrunched up her face, her question making Robyn join the other girls.

The smell Teresa was questioning came more apparent to Robyn. She hadn't been paying attention to anything else but Minho and now it filled her nostrils, burning as it moved up.

"Oh god what is that?" Robyn coughed, covering her mouth and nose.

"Let's see shall we" Jess flipped the torch in her hand, pointing the light into the darkness of the building.

Without warning, from the shadows, a figure launched itself at the girls, snarling and snapping its jaw. All three of them screamed, falling back into one of the boys arms.

"Holy shit!" Jess screamed as Thomas stopped her from falling.

The light revealed the disfigured face of a crank being held back by a thick metal chain. Despite its efforts to attack the healthy teenagers, it stayed put but moved its body erratically. Robyn watched with fear as its jaw whirred and snapped at them all, it's eyes fixated on Teresa.

"Behind you!" Frypan yelled as another crank reached for them all, it's long nails slashing towards them. They had no chance to catch their breath as they backed up towards the door in fear.

More and more began to appear with the help of the light, each one screaming and screeching as they tried to get closer. The whole room was filled with cranks, all chained up with the same chains as the first.

"Oh my god" Thomas panted, his face drained of colour.

"What do we do?" Newt asked his voice full of fear.

"I suggest we mo-"

"Not so fast" An unknown voice came from a distant part of the building, "I see you've met our guard dogs"

A light flickered on in the distance, revealing the outline of a feminine figure.

"Whose that?" Robyn narrowed her eyes, trying to see their features.

The panic had calmed down slightly, their focus now on the strange person from the doorway. As if it was nothing, the figure walked through the cranks, not flinching or showing any type of fear. They were somehow not afraid, it was like it was the normal thing to do.

"Why didn't we just do that?" Jess rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Although they all snapped their teeth at the person, they continued to walk, stopping just in front of the group. As they got nearer, Robyn could see it was a girl with dark hair that was extremely short, and deep brown eyes. She was much smaller than Robyn, and her face was stern, with an eyebrow raised.

"Stay back, stay back" Minho warned.

The girl took a short sigh, "You guys look like shit"

The girls glared at the other, clearly offended at her comment.

"come on, follow me" she said twisting her body around, but no one moved, "Unless you want to stay here with them"

The teenagers looked at one another before Thomas confirmed the idea. They hesitated for a few seconds before Robyn led them all in pursuit. She set off first as her worry had now been thrown away and hope had finally started to appear. Could this really be the right arm?



That could mean updates might be slightly slower, but don't worry i will not give up on this book series, i have too much love for it guys. Just bare with me readers ❤️

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