Divine Serendipity • Stiles S...

By klaussupremacy

48.1K 1.1K 208

Arabella craved an adventure, she had always been one to throw herself in the deep end. She longed for her ow... More



1.4K 37 0
By klaussupremacy

Arabella's POV:

"Bye Sweetheart, stay safe." My dad finished as I hung up the phone, making my way into the video store.

"Can somebody help me find the notebook?" A voice asked as I turned the aisle to see the lacrosse captain stood with a look of impatience. I had originally come to rent a star wars movie, nerdy I know, but I was way too bored to care. "Hello? is anybody working here?"

"Jackson?" I called out to the boy, "Oh hey Ari, Do you know where the notebook is? Not my choice obviously, Lydia's making me watch it again." He rolled his eyes.

"Sure, its probably over by the romance" I responded as we began walking down the aisles. "Is that..someone's feet?"

"Oh my god." I muttered as we turned the corner to be greeted by the bloody corpse of a worker. His eyes sported a cold glare, his throat clearly ripped open. "What the fuck" The jock responded, backing up and bumping into a ladder.

Of course with my luck, the lights began flickering. I was not feeling this horror movie bullshit tonight.

We turned around investigating the sound of a low growl a few meters behind us, only to be greeted by a pair of glowing red eyes. I was right, there has to have been another werewolf, and he was staring right at us.

"Get down!" I warned before taking shelter crouched beside one of the aisles. I raised my finger to my lips as my 'friend' locked his franctic gaze with mine, alerting him to stay quiet.

Suddenly, the aisles began falling onto eachother, a domino effect. I tried to reach for Jackson's arm, but it was too late, the shelf had already fallen on top of his legs rendering him unable to escape.


Before I could move to help him, the beast made its way to the petrified boy, reaching for his collar pulling it back gently. What is it doing? I thought before backing away slightly.

Jackson's breathing grew heavier as I moved out of his line of sight. Now was not the time to be caught.

I raised my arm, determined as I popped the blood vessels in the beasts brain one by one. It screeched in pain before sprinting away, darting through the glass window by the entrance.

I took the oppertunity to pull the shelf up off of Jackson's legs, scrunching my face to avoid any suspicions of my supernatural strength. "Okay, we're okay. Are you hurt?" I asked, pulling him to his feet.

"Uh- fine. Thanks by the way. You handled that like it was normal." He replied before we walked out of the building, a traumatised Lydia in the passanger seat of Jackson's car.


Sat on the back of one of the ambulances, I watched the Sherrif's car approach the scene, my favourite sarcasitc brunette scanning the area as his dad got out of the car. The elder walked up to Jackson. "I hear ya, but the MT said you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion."

"What part of I'm fine are you having a problem grasping.." Jackson began ranting. I was sat only a few feet away, although I'd already been briefed on my check up before hand.

"Arabella?! Oh my god" A familiar voice called, I turned watching the Stilinski boy speed over to me. He immediately wrapped me in his embrace, his grip so tight anyone would think he was scared I was going to disappear. I coiled my hands around his neck, mirroring the strength of his grip. We stayed there for a minute, enjoying each other's company, thankful the other one was safe. And that's exactly how he made me feel, safe.

"Thank God you're okay" he muttered into my hair, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine Stiles" I chuckled as we pulled away, "you can't get rid of a Mikaelson that easily." I joked as a small, relieved grin etched his lips. Jackson was still shooting at the Sherriff.

"Wait woah is that a dead body?" Stiles asked from beside me staring at the white sheet draped over a stretcher. Although, my attention lingered else where - to the two boys on the roof as they gave me a knowing glance.

Noah insisted that I didn't drive alone after the night I had, offering me a lift to my apartment, to which I of course obliged.

"Hey Stiles, can I borrow you a minute?" I asked as we pulled up to our destination. "Uh- yeah sure" he replied, his father nodding as we stepped away from the car.

"Whats up?"

"okay so, the beast that attacked in that store? Not a mountain lion, but we're the only ones who know that, along with Derek, Scot, and probably the argents." Stiles watched me intensely as he waited for what I had to say.

"Stiles I was right, the other wolf? It was them. It had to have been the alpha, it's eyes were bright red, the same as the beast that bit Scott the day I arrived. I'm sure Derek's already telling Scott, but the weird part was it stopped when it got to Jackson."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the alpha. It trapped Jackson and made its way towards him, but stopped when it looked at the back if his neck. Whatever it saw stopped it from killing him, we need to keep an eye on Jackson okay?" Stiles nodded, his eyes wide before he turned to head back to the car. I waved the pair off before returning upstairs.

Tomorrow was Ally's birthday, we spent hours on facetime talking which was great, it felt like I hadn't seen much of her recently, I wanted that to change.


Jackson waltzed into chemistry, the whole class staring at the two fo us. Word must have got out about the attack, I thought before Mr Harris approached the two of us.

"Hey Arabella, Jackson. If you need to leave the early for any reason, you let me know" he reassured. Harris not being a total dick for once? God if I'd have known I had to get 'attacked' for this I would have done it a long time ago.

We nodded, the teacher returning to the front of the room "Everyone, start reading chapter 9"

I shot Stiles a glance, catching him already looking in my direction, I made a subtle gesture to Jackson's neck as he nodded.

"Mr Stilinski, try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs, its chemistry, not a colouring book."

As Jackson dipped his head, I peered at what looked to be deep scratch marks, taking a mental note before getting distracted by Stiles' voice. "One more question?" he asked the boy in front of him.

"What?!" Danny replied, clearly agitated.

"Do you find me attractive?" Stiles continued, only to be met by silence as I attempted to cover my laugh with a cough.


"Honey, theres a Stiles and Arabella here to see you" Mrs Martin introduced as we stood by the door frame. Stiles had convinced me to tag alomg to check on Lydia, of course I didn't mind, she's my friend after all.

"What the hell is a Stiles?"

"Hey Lyds, we're just making sure you're okay" I smiled, she tapped the side of the bed for the two of us to sit.

"I feel, fantastic" she said, clearly dazed on whatever medication she had been forced to take.

"Woah" Stiles said as she grabbed his arm. He reached for the pill bottle "Hey I bet you can't say I saw Suzie sittin' in a shoe shine shop ten times fast."

"I saw shoezie- I shaw-" She paused as her face dropped. "I saw.."

"Lydia, what did you see?" I asked cautiously "I saw something."

"Something like.. like a mountain lion?" the brunette boy prompted her move forward with her answer. "A mountain lion" she replied almost as if she was trying to convince herself, "right Ari?"

It was clear we weren't getting anywhere so I decided to get up, Stiles getting up to join me before Lydia's phone rang.

I picked up the phone, eying it suspiciously before a video played. "Stiles look!" I paused the video showing him the frame I stopped on. That crazy bitch caught the alpha on video, glowing eyes and all.

We left shortly after, sneaking the phone out with us as we made our way to Stiles' place.

"Scott, we found something, okay, so if you could turn your phone on that would be great or else I'll kill you, do you understand me? I'll-"

"Stiles!" I rose from my seat on the edge of his bed, grabbing both his hands in mine in an attempt to calm him from his flustered state. It worked, hanging up the phone as he turned to meet my gaze. "It's okay Stiles, it's okay, we'll figure this out." Our gaze stayed fixated on one and other. There was something so mesmerising about his mahogany eyes, I could get lost in them forever.

We were interupted when I turned to see the Sherrif stood by the door, "Hey Ari" he welcomed, Stiles and I jolting away from eachother imediately. "Hey Mr. Stilinski"

"Please. Noah" he smiled "I hope I didn't interupt anything-"

"No!" we both chimed, Noah's expression bared that of an amused child momentarily.

"Please tell me I'm gonna here good news at this parent-teacher thing tonight" the elder asked his son. "Depends on how you define good news."

"I define good news as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues?"

"Might wanna rethink that definition" the younger Stilinski recoiled as I nudged his arm.

"Enough said" Noah huffed, turning to me. "Are you going tonight Arabella?"

"Ah- no sir, my grades are quite high so I don't have to tag along, my parents are out of town at the minute anyway."

"I see. Are you alone then? you're more than welcome here if you need anything, you know that, right?" he offered a small smile to which I returned thankfully.

"Of course, thank you, Noah" I replied before he turned to walk out of the room.


I headed home not long after, kicking off my shoes before collapsing on the sofa. D sent me a text letting me know she had the conference covered earlier, what an Angel. When I first arrived here, I had informed school my 'guardian' was D, posing as a big sister. We painted the impression that we lived together, making her my emergency contact etc. Of course the apartment was in my name, but my aunt Bex had that covered, compelling the staff to think I'm 18 and changing the deed.

Of course later I had been informed of Argent's little show, shooting the mountain lion in the school parking lot with a gun. God what is this, a game of cluedo? Unfortunately, Sherriff Stilinski got hit by a car in the process, he's fine, but the fact Scott didn't jump in made for an angry Stiles to say the least.


4:52 am.

"Hope" It's 5 in the morning, what's wrong?" I groaned answeing the phone to my sister.

"Good morning to you too Belle" she sarcastically retorted before continuing, "Am I not allowed to check on my darling twin these days?"

"Not at 5 in the bloody morning you're not"

"Fine. I was just too excited to wait till later on" she admitted before carrying on. "I miss you. So much. And I have a week break soon so instead of going back staying here alone or going back to New Orleans, I thought maybe-"

"Yes!" I exclaimed cutting her off. "Yes yes yes absolutely! We can discuss the details later okay, I just wanna get a little more shut eye before school okay? I'll talk to you soon Hope" I finished, a grin beaming on my face.

She giggled, "yeah okay, thanks Belle, speal to you soon!" She hung up. Hope knew about Beacon Hills, I had told her not long after I told D, not wanting to keep my own twin in the dark as long as the rest of our overly-protective family.

The Mikaelson twins reunited so soon. I can't wait, I thought as I drifted back off to sleep.


A/N: Sooo random impulsive decison to bring Hope to Beacon Hills! I imagined them to have a strong bond so this could be quite fun to work with.

Word Count: 2114

Also, Arabella and Stiles aren't together right now, but the tension is starting to build..where's this gonna lead? Until next time...

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