Perfectly Normal

By Chrissyvellis

351K 19.9K 6.2K

Love is freefalling into some else's keeping. A surrender of your heart, body and soul. Trusting in Love is... More

Authors Note
Thanks and What's Next


9K 500 112
By Chrissyvellis

Driving home, Nathan's phone vibrated. Pulling it from his pocket, he swiped to read the message. "Our parents are inviting us over tonight. Apparently, they know that you're staying with us, Jaxon?"

Rayne adored Nathan and Jaxon's parents. "Oh, that will be lovely, yes?" she attested.  "It's been weeks since we last visited."

Jaxon groaned from the back seat. "Can't you make some excuse?"

Rayne shifted in her chair to speak to Jaxon. "Don't you want to see your parents?"

Quirking an eyebrow, his eyes twinkled with mirth. "Tonight I would much rather be stripping you out of your clothes and drowning in your succulent curves." He noted her mouth part and eyes darken; fully aware those stormy greys gave away her arousal. About to divulge what exactly he planned for her, his phone buzzed. No doubt his mother making or rather insisting he attend tonight.

"We won't be there all night and it will be nice having someone else cook for a change." Rayne had an ulterior motive for wanting to visit. Nathan's and Jaxon's mothers shared their father. Would they accept their son's arrangement—did they know about Nicole? She dared to ask. "Will—" She paused, biting her bottom lip, as she felt Nathan's gaze. "Will they accept this—us?"

Nathan was not at all surprised by her question and although in agreement with Jax, indulging himself in his Rayne-drop would be his given choice.  This would be a positive affirmation to sealing their relationship if his parents showed their approval. "Yes. We do not need to hide ourselves from our family."

Rayne relaxed somewhat, but tension sat between her shoulder-blades. "What time?"

Nathan re-read the message. "Seven sharp!"

It was almost three now. That left her...she quickly calculated, one hour and fifty-six minutes to scrub the floors, quickly shower and change. The timing was perfect. "I can do my chores and still be ready in time to leave."

Nathan reached for her hand, lifting to his lips, softly planting kisses across each finger. "Wouldn't you rather do something a little more exciting when we get home, sweetheart? I clearly remember you didn't come earlier, and I feel like I'm slipping in my duties as your fiancé," teased Nathan.

Rayne's brows lifted at his fiancé reference, knowing he had wanted to keep their engagement between themselves.

Nathan bit his tongue, cursing under his breath. Glimpsing at Jax's reflection in the rear-view mirror, he was scanning through his phone, not paying any attention. Perhaps he hadn't heard.

Rayne smiled, it squeezed her chest to hear Nathan say it out loud... and the idea of an orgasm forced her thighs to clench.  Although quickly shadowed by darkening thoughts, throwing a bucket of water, dousing her rising arousal.  The floors!  

"Although tempting as that sounds. I won't be able to relax until—" She hesitated, detesting the fact that her chores and routines could hold her to ransom when she had not one but two men offering to worship her in the best possible way.

Nathan sensed the increasing tension, and already she had shown such courage in surrendering herself to them, he would not push further today. "Okay, I will submit." He flipped her hand over and pressed a kiss to her palm. "You tend to your chores, sweetheart. Jax and I won't disturb you."

"Thank you."  His acceptance of her odd compulsions eased the remaining tension in her shoulders.

"But I won't promise when we get you home later that either of us will keep our hands from you."

Face hot, Rayne shivered and hoped that was a promise he intended on keeping.

~ ~

As Rayne set to her chores with a fervour only matched by her passion for her two men sat outside. She sang to the playlist in the background.  Alanis Morissette was todays selection as it echoed throughout the downstairs rooms.

Nathan and Jaxon relaxed, enjoying the rest of the day's sunshine.

Jaxon sat with his feet up on another chair drinking a beer, whilst Nathan sipped iced tea, having drawn the short straw as tonight's designated driver. Although he could easily get their father's chauffeur to drive them home if he drank whilst there. But he honestly didn't mind. Alcohol had hardly played a role in his life, anything that reduced his control in any way held little appeal.

Jaxon on the other extreme adored his fine whiskey's, enjoyed the odd beer and the occasional glass of wine.

Nathan observed Jaxon reply to messages on his phone. Rarely one to pry, one particular issue played in the back of his mind, aware that his brother did not transfer his affections easily as he had suggested. And although he didn't question or doubt his growing affection for Rayne, as he suspected anyone who spent an amount of time in her company would indubitably fall for her... even in some small way.

"Have you spoken with Nicole?"

Jaxon took a sip from his bottled beer. "She's in LA. Returns next week."

Nathan knew Jaxon was not a coward and would not end what he had with Nicole via some tacky text or email. He would do it face to face, or at the very least verbally. "I'm guessing she is unaware of the current situation, assuming you are still an item?"

"We don't have a fixed arrangement and we haven't discussed being exclusive, but let's face the truth. You and I both know she wouldn't have given me a second thought if it weren't for you—she wants you. She'll happily string me along, but her heart belongs to you. I was merely the tool to get you back." Jaxon hated the resentment that tainted each word.

"I have spoken to her."

Jaxon sat up, placing his bottle on the table. "When?"

"Recently. Did you provide her with my number?"

Jaxon shook his head, holding a hand up in surrender. "No man, honestly." But he wouldn't have put it past her to sneak a look at his phone.

Nathan believed him. "I told her straight. It's never going to happen. You need to make it clear Jax, I don't want any ideas in that head of hers. She has that whole fatal attraction vibe." Nathan mock shuddered.

Jaxon nodded at the reference. He would rather end whatever it was between them face to face, but that could be weeks before he could arrange such a meeting. Perhaps a telephone call would suffice on this occasion. "I'll get it done by the end of the week."

Nathan relaxed somewhat. "What are your plans now? I know before you headed to China you wanted a change, a break from Knight. Is that still the case?"

Jaxon's focus hadn't been at Knight for going on two years. An artist at heart, his first love—painting had been put on the back burner as his father had wanted both him and Nathan to follow in his footsteps and take over the reins at Knight. But Jaxon was quite aware Nate could easily handle the business without him. And his brother supported him taking a back seat.

"You need to speak with the old man. Perhaps tonight would be an excellent opportunity."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I will talk to him tonight. I know for sure I want to spend more time here with Rayne, and I will tell him I plan to extend my leave for the next two months whilst I decide."

"If your heart's not in it, then it's for the best."

Jaxon couldn't agree more.

Minutes past, having debated with himself to ask if Rayne and Nathan were engaged, having heard him in the car on their way home. "When were you going to tell me you and Rayne are engaged?" It had bothered him that neither had mentioned the fact, pulling at the strands of insecurities he hid from the outside world.

Fuck!  "Yes, I'm sorry, I should have mentioned it sooner." He sat back in his chair, looking past Jaxon out onto the open lake. "I proposed to Rayne only a few days before your return to the country, requesting she not to share the news with anyone until I'd spoken with you first."

"So that's why she doesn't wear a ring?"

Nathan nodded. "Yes. She has one. But this—us. It changes things somewhat."

It surprised Jaxon, his brother's raw honesty. "How?"

Nathan placed his glass on the table. "Listen Jax, I'm fully aware and you already mentioned the relationship with Nicole—feelings were one sided. But I proposed to Rayne when I thought there wasn't a chance for us to have this together. I love her and that will never change. But—"


"Well, if this works out between us. Then we need to decide who officially marries her."

"And you're willing to hold off?" Jaxon's day had been full of surprises.

"Yes." His tone was unwavering. "Until we can talk about it—together. It might be that we never get married, so there is no resentment between us, or one may want it more and the other happy with a blessing ceremony or something like that. I haven't had time to think through the details Jax." He sighed, running a hand over his chin. "You'll be surprised to learn this is all very new for me too." He refilled his glass with more iced-tea. "But I know one thing for sure. I want her to be a Knight."

"Why new?  You thought about a future with Nicole.  You bought this house."

"That was different. Only you loved that woman and because of our relationship. I would have gone along and played happy families. But gladly bestowed you the honour of marriage. I merely enjoyed the sex between us all, and Nicole was always keen to indulge my tastes... and The Club."

"Ah, The Club. Does Rayne know about the that? And how deep your kink goes?"

Nathan let his head roll back before lowering to face him. "No, but it is the last thing I need to share, explain."

"Do you think she will open to it?" Jaxon didn't mind either way. He enjoyed the club scene. In no way a dominant like Nate, he liked watching and being watched. And letting his brother take the lead, never failed to stir his arousal. He'd also seen Nate take quite a few subs to that place...sub-space, which was fucking hot in his books.  He wasn't however sure if Rayne would share his brother's tastes.

"I love Rayne too much to risk our relationship. I will tell her—but no pressure." He took another sip of his drink.  "I will say this, she's naturally a submissive, and finds joy in pleasing me. Therefore, it is not a stretch to assume she will enjoy this in a more formal setting."  His mind wandered over the change in Rayne since she had agreed to allow him control over their lovemaking.  "And only recently I discovered she likes some pain. But she doesn't understand what this can mean for her... yet."

Jaxon recalled their boat conversation. Aware pain distracted Rayne, and she had melted into his touch when he had complied to her request of handling her with firmness.

Jaxon raised his beer bottle, tipping it towards Nathan. "Take it slow."

Nathan agreed, lifting his glass. "Slow it is brother."

~ ~

Arriving at seven sharp, the car came to a stop in front of the enormous house, or mansion was perhaps more fitting. The front door opened and out flooded Nathans and Jaxon's parents.

"Rayne, you look simply divine. Doesn't she, Patricia?" remarked Katy.

Patrica's gaze flitted over Rayne with appreciation. "Yes, you're practically glowing." They both swarmed around Rayne, each kissing a cheek. Rayne could never tell either of them apart.

"Give the girl some breathing room, my darlings." James Knight shimmed between Patrica and Katy.   His gaze warm and welcoming. "You do my dear." He kissed her forehead. Rayne's cheeks heated as always when in his presence. James radiated the same air of dominance which Nathan had clearly inherited.

Katy and Patricia took turns in kissing and hugging their sons. Before returning their attention to her. "Come, let's head inside for some girly chat. The boys have business to discuss."

Rayne followed them into the house.  As always when Rayne visited, she felt a sense of belonging.   Theirs was a family home, full of love. Nothing like her childhood family home. Cold seeped through her chest as she shook away the threatening memories, having no business in being here.

"Can we get you a drink, darling?" asked Katy, as always, the gracious host.

"A glass of red would be lovely," replied Rayne.

A few moments later she sat with a glass of red listening to Katy and Patricia as they spoke a mile a minute, each often finishing the other's sentence. She honestly didn't know how their father kept up—she could barely keep up.

"You've made us the happiest women alive," chirped Patricia with Katy nodding her head in agreement.

Rayne's eyes widened. They knew... already?

"Don't be shy now, darling." Both offered Rayne a knowing look.

"We were getting worried. The boys hadn't talked for months, but you have brought them together."

The question flew from her mouth. "Are you okay with this?"

Katy reached for her hand. "Darling, of course, it's important that our sons are happy. We both love them equally. I love Nathan just as much as I love Jax, they are both my sons."

More questions popped up as her mind lined them up in order of importance. "Has it ever been a problem—sharing James?"

"In what way?" they asked in unison, smiling at each other.


"Ah... No. James has always loved us equally. He's a wonderful husband and father.

"Have others treated you differently?" Rayne cared little for what others thought of her, but she worried about Nathan and Jaxon and what impact it would have on them in a professional sense.

"Sadly, you will always come across small minded mentality, but for every negative reaction, we've had five positives."

"So, no regrets at all then?"

"Nope, none." They replied in unison.

"Do you love them Rayne?"   "Both of them?" finished Katy.

Rayne would not lie to avoid the question. "This is very new, and I've only known Jaxon for a short time."  She took a sip of her wine to ease the lump that had formed. "But I know he has a place in my heart."

Patricia and Katy sighed in relief.

Katy patted her hand. "Well, make sure you tell them... both.  Surrender yourself to their love and never be shy in sharing your feelings for them."

Rayne was concerned declaring her feelings would seem disingenuous to Jaxon, only having agreed to a relationship with him earlier that day. "You don't think it's too soon?"

"Love is love, Rayne. For the lucky few, they know the second they meet, it's the missing puzzle piece. For others, Love develops slowly. I think you know which category you fall into."

"And, we both know our boys and can clearly see they both have strong feelings for you. I've honestly never seen them so happy. Did you see Nathan's smile, Katy?"

Katy smiled, lighting up her entire face. "Yes, our boys looked very happy."

Rayne did know, without a doubt. She'd had the strange sensation twice.   Meeting Nathan and then Jaxon. Her heart and soul had decided before her head caught up.

~ ~

Following dinner,  Rayne sat lodged between Nathan and Jaxon, each had placed a hand on her upper thighs.  Her mind had slipped more than once to the events earlier in the day, as another flush swarmed her body, she needed to calm herself.  "Excuse me a moment, I need to freshen up." Both hands moved as Rayne pushed out her chair, stood and headed to the restroom.

Finishing drying her hands, she looked at her reflection; it was true what Katy and Patrica had stated—she practically glowed and the idea of them being together when they got home, sent a shock-wave of arousal through her body for the umpteenth time.

Calming her mind, she opened the door to find Jaxon stood on the other side. Without words, he moved forward, forcing her to walk backward until she was pressed up against the wall.

"Jaxon?" a breathy whisper left her lips

He didn't answer but ran his hands around her hips, over her ass and tugged her towards him, lifting her. Rayne wound her legs around his hips, settling against the hard ridge in his jeans. Jaxon crushed his lips to hers, tongue swooping in to tangle with hers.

Rayne relinquished control and let him lead. She was hot, so hot and thankful for panties as heat and moisture swelled in her sex, her clit throbbed with need.

Jaxon moaned and rubbed himself up against her, drawing a whimper from Rayne, her small hands gripped his huge biceps.

Separating, the pair heaved for breath. "I couldn't wait a second longer. I needed to taste you little one."

Rayne blinked, her tongue failing to form words.

Releasing his grip, he let her slide back to her own feet. "Damn, I want to drag you upstairs to my old room and fuck you till you scream my name."

Another rush of moisture over spilled in her already soaked panties. Finally, she swallowed, licking her lips. "Is it time to go home yet?"

Jaxon's slow, sexy grin sent another flow of arousal straight to her clit.  "Let's get Nate."

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